Realms of Agartha PbP

Game Master Emperor7

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setting idea posted.

Female awww, but that would be telling unknown

Coolness. :)

Now to carve out my places in this place.

Male More Human than Human Rogue 10 / Fighter 6 / Shadowdancer 10 / Void Incarnate 4

Very nice writeup, sirrah ;)

Well done. Here I was planning on using Realms Of Agartha as a code for "This is secret, SHH!" you turned it into an actual place. Good job E7.

*wanders off to make alias*

I have a character idea, and may get around to writing up some intro/background tomorrow. Monday at the latest. Because apparently last night there was room in my head for one more. ;)

Aananda wrote:
I have a character idea, and may get around to writing up some intro/background tomorrow. Monday at the latest. Because apparently last night there was room in my head for one more. ;)

I love that site.

Let us hold to our ambition so we may have change!

Let us hope our dreams are not delusions...

Character background posted. :)

Male More Human than Human Rogue 10 / Fighter 6 / Shadowdancer 10 / Void Incarnate 4
Aananda wrote:
Character background posted. :)

Nice! Guess I'd better shelve my monk idea and think of another angle...this is harder than I thought it was going to be ;)

Aananda wrote:
Character background posted. :)


I have a background for Ryo written, but would like to know exactly how much like a real game we want this to be.

BTW, nice story Lynora.

Jerrie wrote:

I have a background for Ryo written, but would like to know exactly how much like a real game we want this to be.

BTW, nice story Lynora.

Thanks. :)

Here is my attempt at a backstory.

Possible Back story:
Cardcasters. Relatively new to Agartha, they are the result of conjuration magic mixing with the slight psychic ability of certain people. Regarded with suspicion and fear by some, they are usually loners, choosing to practice the 'Art' in secret. Able to seal energies, items, and willing creatures into the cards the wield, Cardcasters are able to call upon them at will. This ability develops at random, so you could be a normal psychic of some skill one day, and calling fire and lightning from a seemingly ordinary card the next. Not much more is known, and that is part of the reason they are not trusted by many.

”Why me?” Ryo says to himself. “Why did this happen to me?” Just a few days ago Ryo, a young man in his early twenties with potential as a Seer, had picked up his divining cards and watched as energy flowed through him. The Fire card(representing new growth after hardship) had burst into flames that lept around the room to light the candles he had set up. But that wasn't to worrying, plenty of people could light candles with their minds. No, what was terrifying had happened next. He had just picked up the Gate card(representing leaving something behind or giving something up) when his younger brother walked in. Energies surged around them, and they found themselves in a strange new world. The giant light crystal they had known all their life was gone, replaced by a huge pale white disk. Air moved freely about them on it's own, sounds of strange creatures echoed around them, huge plants seemed to reach for the tiny gems in the black ceiling that held the ivory disk. A snapping sound from behind alerted them to the presence of a stranger. Black hair hid most of his pale face, and his dark clothing was unknown to them. Ryo didn't feel the man's evil until it was too late. The man lunged forward, mouth open and filled with fangs, and bit into his brother's neck.

Without thinking, Ryo drew a card from his divining deck, drawing the Guardian(representing protection from an unknown source). A suit of armor appeared, wielding a blazing sword. With a single slice, the fanged man lost his arm and fled. Ryo rushed over to his brother, staring in horror at the large bite wound on his neck. When he finally managed to stop the bleeding, his brother was barely alive. It took even longer for the Gate card to work again, and days for his brother to have the strength to get out of bed. The bite mark vanished, not even leaving a scar. But his brother started acting strange, craving uncooked meat and hissing when the light crystal's glow was let into the house. Then his brother was gone. Ryo didn't know how, why, or when he had left. And he worried that he may hurt someone. The only thing his divinations could tell him was that Keaton was in a dark place. People started disappearing, strange creatures with long fangs were seen in packs around the city, while other, smaller ones that looked more like winged rodents swooped down on unsuspecting passerby.

Ryo stared at his cards, cursing them for causing so much trouble. But he would need them if he was going to find Keaton and end the evil he was spreading. Picking them up and putting them in the inside pocket of his cloak, he stood and went to look for his brother again. The cards had said he was somewhere in the north, and that's exactly where he was heading...

Cardcaster Ryo wrote:

Here is my attempt at a backstory.

** spoiler omitted **...

Sounds cool. I like the cards mechanic. Kinda Yu-gi-oh, but with a twist. I like your version better. :)

Aananda wrote:
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:

Here is my attempt at a backstory.

** spoiler omitted **...

Sounds cool. I like the cards mechanic. Kinda Yu-gi-oh, but with a twist. I like your version better. :)

Actually, I was watching the Card Captor Sakura when I got the idea.

Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
Aananda wrote:
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:

Here is my attempt at a backstory.

** spoiler omitted **...

Sounds cool. I like the cards mechanic. Kinda Yu-gi-oh, but with a twist. I like your version better. :)
Actually, I was watching the Card Captor Sakura when I got the idea.

Haven't seen Sakura yet. Any good?

Aananda wrote:
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
Aananda wrote:
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:

Here is my attempt at a backstory.

** spoiler omitted **...

Sounds cool. I like the cards mechanic. Kinda Yu-gi-oh, but with a twist. I like your version better. :)
Actually, I was watching the Card Captor Sakura when I got the idea.
Haven't seen Sakura yet. Any good?

The 2 movies are good, it's been so long since I've seen the show I can only remember that I liked it. The show has been off the are for years now, so you may have to go to youtube to watch it.

Male More Human than Human Rogue 10 / Fighter 6 / Shadowdancer 10 / Void Incarnate 4

Shadow Post

didn't think of this b4 but pls try to avoid previous aliases when posting. that radar thing. :)


Agartha wrote:

didn't think of this b4 but pls try to avoid previous aliases when posting. that radar thing. :)


One of the reasons I posted under 'Jerrie', I have never used that where one of the Unnameable could see it.

Trying to determine if I should save Tamrin or not. His intro seems to have him on the surface, but if it's cold he could be in the north, in which I or Aananda might be able to keep him from serious injury.

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
Trying to determine if I should save Tamrin or not. His intro seems to have him on the surface, but if it's cold he could be in the north, in which I or Aananda might be able to keep him from serious injury.

I was actually working on that before the boards went south on me. I'll try to post something in a few minutes... ;)

But yes - my idea was a 'hot' (or in this case 'cold') entry into the north of Agartha. I'm guessing that there are still clouds and weather here (and if not, I'll just make the fog/cloud a byproduct of the portal that sent him here).

Tamrin Sunwake wrote:
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
Trying to determine if I should save Tamrin or not. His intro seems to have him on the surface, but if it's cold he could be in the north, in which I or Aananda might be able to keep him from serious injury.

I was actually working on that before the boards went south on me. I'll try to post something in a few minutes... ;)

But yes - my idea was a 'hot' (or in this case 'cold') entry into the north of Agartha. I'm guessing that there are still clouds and weather here (and if not, I'll just make the fog/cloud a byproduct of the portal that sent him here).

Yes, we have weather here. The Weather Consortium provides a balanced environment to all the regions. Providing, of course, that they pay their dues on time. If not, then well.......

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6
Agartha wrote:
Yes, we have weather here. The Weather Consortium provides a balanced environment to all the regions. Providing, of course, that they pay their dues on time. If not, then well.......

Nice. An 'Arcane Arcology' run by a Weather Consortium - I can dig it ;)

Agartha wrote:
The Weather Consortium provides a balanced environment to all the regions. Providing, of course, that they pay their dues on time. If not, then well.......

I'm sure the druids are happy this...[/sarcasm]

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
Agartha wrote:
The Weather Consortium provides a balanced environment to all the regions. Providing, of course, that they pay their dues on time. If not, then well.......
I'm sure the druids are happy this...[/sarcasm]

Hmmm...does that mean we need to worry about druidic 'eco-terrorists' then? ;P


I don't see any he-, wait! Theres a squirrel! Get before it can tell it's druid!

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:



I don't see any he-, wait! Theres a squirrel! Get before it can tell it's druid!

Wait! What if it is the druid?


Man, I hate it when I'm right.....[thud]


Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
Agartha wrote:
The Weather Consortium provides a balanced environment to all the regions. Providing, of course, that they pay their dues on time. If not, then well.......
I'm sure the druids are happy this...[/sarcasm]

Maybe the Druids run the Consortium? MWAHAHAHA!

Enforced by their Legions of Dire Squirrels. Cover your nuts!

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6
Agartha wrote:
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
Agartha wrote:
The Weather Consortium provides a balanced environment to all the regions. Providing, of course, that they pay their dues on time. If not, then well.......
I'm sure the druids are happy this...[/sarcasm]

Maybe the Druids run the Consortium? MWAHAHAHA!

Enforced by their Legions of Dire Squirrels. Cover your nuts!


Shields up. Bridge to feet - Warp 9....

Way to throw a new character into the realm, Tamrin. :)

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6
Agartha wrote:
Way to throw a new character into the realm, Tamrin. :)

Was that over the top? I can never tell.... ;D

Agartha wrote:
Way to throw a new character into the realm, Tamrin. :)

Seems he was more than willing to jump right into the game!

Has anyone else noticed Aanada is the most 'normal' of the characters so far? Kinda sad when the normal one is a monk riding around on a hoverbike...

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6

I'm perfectly normal, thank you very much. Plain Jane human right here... :)

And I have a feeling that Aananda will be anything but ordinary. Have some faith ;)

I have to say, traveling to another city introduces one to such strange people...

Working on a character, apologies on my tardiness ... :)

I'm the late one. Ideas, but little time or motivation. Tense in these parts come year end.

Nice intro. :)

M Dwarf Rogue 9/Ranger 3

Ho! What you foreigners doing in my home?

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6

Oh ye gods - we are not slipping into the old 'you meet in a tavern' thing, are we?

ARE WE?!?!?! [dramatic convulsions ensue] ;D

Tamrin Sunwake wrote:

Oh ye gods - we are not slipping into the old 'you meet in a tavern' thing, are we?

ARE WE?!?!?! [dramatic convulsions ensue] ;D

lol. Well, some things are cliche for a reason. ;)

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6
Aananda wrote:
Tamrin Sunwake wrote:

Oh ye gods - we are not slipping into the old 'you meet in a tavern' thing, are we?

ARE WE?!?!?! [dramatic convulsions ensue] ;D

lol. Well, some things are cliche for a reason. ;)

Truer words were never typed :)

Alrighty - guess I'l mosey on in...

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6

Commute time for me - I may be able to hop back on when I get home, so I shall try ;)

If I have made this part of the game all about me, I apoligize, though I really shouldn't since everyone decided to hop on the VAMPIRE EXPRESS!!!

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
If I have made this part of the game all about me, I apoligize, though I really shouldn't since everyone decided to hop on the VAMPIRE EXPRESS!!!

Well c'mon - who in their right mind would let anyone traipse off to deal with vampires all by themselves? Haven't you watched any horror movies!? ;)

Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
If I have made this part of the game all about me, I apoligize, though I really shouldn't since everyone decided to hop on the VAMPIRE EXPRESS!!!

huh? No way, it's all good. We needed some reason for the team to stick together and you had the quest ready to go. It's not like we won't all have a turn eventually. :)

M Dwarf Rogue 9/Ranger 3
Tamrin Sunwake wrote:
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
If I have made this part of the game all about me, I apoligize, though I really shouldn't since everyone decided to hop on the VAMPIRE EXPRESS!!!

Well c'mon - who in their right mind would let anyone traipse off to deal with vampires all by themselves? Haven't you watched any horror movies!? ;)

Too bad we only have one girl. Looks like Aananda has to do the customary shower scene before the monster shows up. :)

Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6
Kannic Orefinder wrote:
Tamrin Sunwake wrote:
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
If I have made this part of the game all about me, I apoligize, though I really shouldn't since everyone decided to hop on the VAMPIRE EXPRESS!!!

Well c'mon - who in their right mind would let anyone traipse off to deal with vampires all by themselves? Haven't you watched any horror movies!? ;)

Too bad we only have one girl. Looks like Aananda has to do the customary shower scene before the monster shows up. :)

Cold man - just cold.... ;P

Tamrin Sunwake wrote:
Cold water man - use cold water.... ;P


Male Elf (reincarnated - originally Human) Fighter 5 / Wizard 6 / Arcane Gunslinger 6
Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
Tamrin Sunwake wrote:
Cold water man - use cold water.... ;P

Hey now.... :)

Now she's buying leather to wear in the cold, cold north!

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