![]() Marra Ironbound wrote: Still trying to figure out an actual race for Marra but I'm here! I'm leaning a bit more towards my combined Warforged/Earth Elemental type being idea unless anyone has some other cool suggestion. and if taht does not work i'm cool with being an Oread. Otherwise I also need some help with a class I suppose since nothing really seems to fit the style I want with Marra. If you go for warforged be prepared to fend off tinkering attempts. ^.^ (Don't let that discourage you...more o a friendly heads up.) :D As for the class thing....I ended up using a mish mash. I went with monk as the base cause that had most of the right feel, but pared off some monk abilities and added in the rock stuff as spell-like abilities. The spell transmute rock to mud and vice versa and the psionic powers involving telekinesis make a good base to give you some idea of what you could expect to be transforming/ tossing around at what level. I don't think per day limits are really fitting with the earthbender theme, so don't worry about that. ![]()
![]() Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
"What's a phylactery?" ![]()
![]() Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
Hey, I thought I was human too for most of my life. Well, I wasn't, but I thought I was. You guys at least actually were....;) ![]()
![]() Razule Yrrum wrote:
"Morning sickness? But it's the middle of the night...that makes no sense. And thank you, Razule," she added, sipping the drink he handed her. "Actually this does seem to help. I'm feeling quite a bit better." "And if food is going to start bothering me, how am I supposed to know which kinds of food to avoid? Especially since I'm so hungry all the time." ![]()
![]() Tamrin Sunwake wrote:
The vomiting slows down as the medicine works its way into her system. It takes about ten minutes for it to stop completely, and Aananda looks pale and exhausted. ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote: "The truth?" He says confused, "Look, if you don't want to tell me I don't want to know, whatever it is it's deeper than I usually like to get." "Okay, right, don't tell the guy who doesn't like to get involved cause he can't take any more rejection. Got it." "Wow. That sounded harsh. I'm sorry. That did not come out the way I intended it." She sat down abruptly. "Something's wrong." She started vomiting. ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote:
"Oh, they won't hurt you, I promise." "Huh? No, it isn't the shapeshifter thing. Actually, that's a point in your favor. You might actually understand a little. And I don't think you're a bad guy. I just have to be really careful about who knows the truth." ![]()
![]() Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
"Hair color?" she asked confused. ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote:
She tilted her head as if considering that thought. "I'm not sure you could. An interesting conundrum. But possibly useful if we were ever trying to fool someone." "Anyways, you're kinda stuck with us now, since the guy we just fought probably just went to tattle everything he learned. You don't have any problems with the idea of nanites, do you? Teeny tiny robots you can't see with the naked eye? Cause I bet I can make you some self repairing fabric. The clothes would still get ripped up, but at least they'd put themselves back together too. It should at least do until we can get you something magical." She bit her lip. "I want to trust you, Kar. I really do. But it's not just my life I'm gambling with. And I'm not sure you wouldn't just freak out. I'll think about it some more. You'll probably find out the truth eventually anyways. Wow. That's got to be surreal for you. You're probably usually the person giving that speech. Well, except for the not just me part. Unless there are other shapeshifters like you that you need to protect. But it sounded before like you were pretty much alone." She rubbed her forehead. "Sorry. I get a little incoherent when I'm tired." ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote:
"Okay, don't do that again. That's...disconcerting. But the shapechanging thing is cool. I'm surprised your clothes don't transform with you. Mine always do." She shrugged. "Probably just different types of changing." "Anyways, we really do need to get you some better pants. Money's not really a problem. You could consider it a loan if you like. A....a friend of ours who isn't around anymore...he did that for me. Loaned me the money I needed to buy adventuring type equipment. It took a lot less time to pay it off than I expected." ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote:
"Ummm....I'm sure that we have more pants around here somewhere. You know there has got to be some way to enchant fabric so it won't rip up every time you do that." ![]()
![]() Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
Well, it is a great movie. :) Aananda nods. She steps forward into clear sight. "Please," she calls out, "just let the children go. They don't have anything to do with this." She can see something shimmer just outside the wards. ![]()
![]() Cardcaster Ryo wrote:
"Okay, so what can I do to help?" she whispered back. ![]()
![]() Aananda scrambled to get dressed as well, and raced down the stairs to go and see what was going on. Outside her eyes were surprisingly obscured by large patches of darkness, but the one thing that she could see clearly was a small female child struggling to free herself from creatures that looked like they were made from shadows. ![]()
![]() Tamrin Sunwake wrote:
That pulled her attention away from the holodisplay for a whole twenty seconds. She smiled at him. "Wonderful. That makes things a lot easier." And then she was back to trying to manipulate molecular structures. ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote:
This kind of tech is totally unheard of in Agartha. She brought back some tech from the Empire and modified it. Effectively it might as well be magic. :) "Hmmmm.....that won't work, but if I adjust it like this...yeah, that's it. Not there yet, but definitely on the right path..." "You're gonna need to build me at least a small lab for this project, Ryo. Even the prelim experiments are gonna require full biohazard protocols. But you've got time. It's gonna take me a while to finish going through all of this. Molecular Biochemistry isn't my strongest subject." It sounds like she's speaking a foreign language to Kar. Agartha tech is more at the steampunk level. Now, imagine dumping Tony Stark into that and you've got some idea of Aananda's technical abilities.:) ![]()
![]() Razule Yrrum wrote:
"The notes I asked for...Oh! Yes, thank you. I'll want to go over these right away." She sits down in a corner and starts paging through the notes. She hmms and frowns a lot. "Okay," she mutters, "so the virus mimics the bonds between the....hmmmmmm...." She sets down her datapad and hits a series of buttons. A holodisplay comes up and she starts manipulating the pieces of the molecules pictured, trying to see if she has the right idea. Her eyes take on their draconic appearance as she works. ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote:
"Well, you'll have to talk to Razzule about that. He's the one that usually cooks. And he seems to be a bit picky about who he lets in his kitchen. Or maybe it's just me he doesn't want nibbling on the food before it's ready.":) ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote: Kar winces at the realization of his mistake. "I'm sorry." Kar says, "It seems hard to understand, but sometimes these things happen." He says, "Trust me, I know about some of what you're going through." He says. "Then I'm sorry too. I wouldn't wish this kind of situation on anyone." ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote: "Well, being possessed by a demon tends to have those effects on people. Is there no way to get it out of him to get your brother back?" Kar asks "No. He...changed. Before the demon. The demon was reputedly so impressed by Chan's inherent evilness that he decided that he would make the ideal host. I wish I knew what happened, why my brother turned evil." ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote:
"Yeah, I guess that's one way to put it. I still remember what he used to be like. He liked to play tag, and we'd always race to see who could get to the waterfall pool first after lessons. He loved when he got to read the scrolls in the library. He had a lot more patience than I did. But now....it's like the brother I knew when we were kids never even existed." ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote:
"That pretty much sums it up. Except he doesn't know he wants to kill me yet. It's only a matter of time. He'll figure it out soon. He, uh, wants me for his...mate," she added wrinkling her nose in distaste. "When he finds out I already have a mate...he's gonna be pretty pissed. Er, yes, I do know how totally sick that is, that my brother would want...that." She shuddered. "I'm lucky I've been able to keep hidden from him." It's possible he traveled through that area before Chan controlled it, but not recently. It's not exactly a highly traveled area to start with. And after people stopped coming back when they went that way traffic pretty well dried up. ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote: "Hey, I'm not one for destroying folk, but if he gets his kicks killing everyone you've ever met I might just get the chance." Kar says, a cocky tone beneath his reason, "I'm no hero, but removing a little smudge of evil from the face of Agartha wouldn't be too much trouble." Kar says. She sighed and drew a quick map of Agartha, shading in the territory totally controlled by Chan. "This area and the surrounding cities are completely controlled by Chan. His influence extends even farther. Within his territory he is able to gain information from the ground, though he often doesn't bother. He isn't as in tune with earth as I am. He's spent his time and energy on mentally controlling all those around him, at the cost of some of his natural abilities. He has creatures that patrol the jungle and at least three powerful minions left. That we know about. And then there's Chan himself. If you're lucky he'd just kill you. If you're not lucky you'd end up being added to his minions. No, they're not undead, well, not all of them. He's very adept at twisting the minds of the living. And there's something else about him that I can't tell you without giving away things about myself. Let's just say that our kind has been hunted for a very long time, and it's dangerous to let others know the truth. Make no mistake, Kar, Chan is NOT a little smudge of evil. And yes, I did say demon. He is possessed by a powerful demon." "But this place is safe from his spying. Mom went to a lot of trouble to add protections to the wards. And since you haven't ever been seen with me in any place he could see, you should be fine." Dragons are extremely rare in Agartha. What little stories there are about them paint them as monsters that must be destroyed. Not that he would necessarily make that intuitive leap, but that's basic info that any resident of Agartha would know. ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote: "Sounds like a charmer, maybe we'll dance one day. I'd like to show him how I tango." Kar says, smiling a cocky smile. "Don't get too cocky," she says sadly. "He was pretty powerful all on his own. And since the demon possessed him....Destroying him is something that has to be done, but it won't be easy." ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote: Kar wheels about for and for a moment is shocked to see the mechanical arm, but he recovers quickly and raises from the table. Heading over and shaking his hand (the non-mechanical one) "Yes, Kar whitefall. I'm sorry about the circumstances of my arrival, it won't happen again." He says, "You must be Ryo?" He asks "I've heard alot about you, it takes a kind heart to take someone in from the streets." He says, referring to Adsila, "You must have a big heart." "Yeah, that he's got. Now if we can just get him to use his head a little more, that would be good," she said wryly. "No, don't look like that, Ryo. I'm not mad at you anymore. But we do need to find a way to resolve that um, issue soon. The way things stand it's hurting you both. I'll help however I can." "Sorry," she said apologetically to a confused Kar, "I'm not trying to be mysterious. We, uh, had a bit of an argument earlier today, that's all." ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote: "I guess you can never really be free or responsibility, but you can avoid alot of it." Kar says, "And don't worrry, I wasn't raised at all, so I missed out on quite a bit aswell. Had to learn alot for myself." He says, a twinge of sadness in the statement, "But I was better off a street urchin than at home." "It's sad when that happens. Most of the kids at the monastery were there because their parents didn't want them. I thought I was one of those, but I got to meet my mom recently. It turns out she wanted me, but had to leave me there to keep me safe. I'm sorry you didn't have a nice safe place like that to grow up. I just don't understand how anyone could not love their own child." "If there's one thing I did learn at the temple it's that family is what you make of it. Some families are all related, but some just sort of come together. So be forewarned, if you stick around you're likely to get drawn into this strange extended family." ^.^ ![]()
![]() "But that makes no sense. You can never be free from responsibility. Everyone is responsible. For themselves, for the world around them, for making it a better or worse place. It's like trying to get away from oxygen." She blushed. "Sorry. I did mention I was raised in a monastery right? I, uh, missed out on learning a lot of the er, social niceties." "It's okay if you don't know yet what you like to do. But you should definitely keep looking until you find something that does make you happy. That's important. That's something you can take with you no matter where you go." ![]()
![]() "You want to get away from everything? But....that's not possible. There's something everywhere....I don't get it. Is this one of those figures of speech things?" She shrugged. "And I told you, trust takes time. Don't worry about it. You don't have to tell us more than you're comfortable with. Although, as long as you're not some horribly evil person, we're not gonna judge you. All of us here have had to hide what we were for one reason or another." "But you still haven't answered my question. What do you like to do?" ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote:
"Hmmm. I don't think you're much of a thief. You seem pretty concerned with paying back kindnesses." "Don't worry, I'm not gonna pry into your past. We all have our own secrets here. It takes time to build trust." "So....other than wandering is there anything else you like to do? Me, I'm a mechanic. There's just something totally fascinating about machines. It's so much fun taking them apart and putting them back together in some way that's even more efficient." ^.^ ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote:
"Thanks. We're gonna need it. These little ones are gonna be a handful. It's a good thing we still have plenty of time to prepare." :) "I never really thought of it that way before, whether or not I like children. It's not like I ever imagined having children some day. I was raised in a monastery. All I ever wanted to do was become a monk, but then some stuff happened and I got kicked out. Which is when I met Tam and well, I guess a lot of things changed pretty quick. But I know that I'll love these children because they're ours." ![]()
![]() Kar Whitefall wrote:
"That would be Tam, my mate. It's, uh, a little strange to hear him referred to as an elf. I'm still getting used to the ears. There, uh, was a bit of a mishap. Thankfully he's better now, just a little bit different than he used to be."