Pezmerga's Reign of Winter 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Pezmerga

RainyDayNinja – Aksum (Human Spellslinger Wizard)
dunebugg - Winter Witch

W1d0w – Volker Valhalson (Human Cleric)
D-Kal – Larma (Boulderman Druid)
Jamie Noone - Anniksson Oracle (Maybe Oracle/Barbarian)
Big OM - Oracle

Aak – Gilthanis Silverbrow (Half-Elf Ranger)
Merkatz – Markus Burke (Human Huntmaster Cavalier)
Camris – Thorfinn Aelfson (Human Barbarian)
Azten - (Catfolk Barbarian or Psychic Warrior)
Reshar - Fighter
Calinthas Aldimay - Human Ranger
Big OM - Fighter
lordzack - Skivven the Bold (Ratfolk Paladin)
Pocsalypse - Gunslinger

Manzcar - Magnauk Hailstraum (Half-Orc Inquisitor)
Pocsalypse - Inquisitor

Didn't realize you were closing recruitment so early.. My bad haha.

Working on my very young Sylph Winter Witch, who escaped being used by the evil witches and fled to Heldren. Should be done soon.

Grudge keeper looks to fit with my character concept will look to update tonight when I get home.

dunebugg wrote:

Didn't realize you were closing recruitment so early.. My bad haha.

Working on my very young Sylph Winter Witch, who escaped being used by the evil witches and fled to Heldren. Should be done soon.

It's fine! I will wait a little bit if Sunday is too soon for everyone. I want the rest to have a fair shot. I chose the first group, because I am itching to start lol. Thus, why I decided to run two campaigns. Plus it isn't easy choosing!

Almost done

Here is what I have so far.

Volker Valhalson
Male Human Cleric 1
CN Medium
Init +1; Senses Perception +3

AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor, +1 Dex)
HP 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5
Resist cold 2

Speed: 30+10 ft.
Ranged: Light Crossbow (1d8+1/19-20/x2)

Str 9,Dex 12,Con 12,Int 14,Wis 17, Cha 14
Base Atk (Melee) -1; Base Atk (Ranged) +1; CMB -1; CMD 10
Feats: Selective Channel, Elemental Channel (Water)
Traits: World Traveler (Kno. (Local)), Friend of the Fey (+2 Diplomacy against Fey), Northern Ancestry (+1 to Fort saves and Cold Res. 2)
Skills Appraise +2, Diplomacy +6, Heal +3, Kno. (Arcana) +6, Kno. (History) +6, Kno. (Local) +7, Kno. (Nobility) +2, Kno. (planes) +2, Kno. (Religion) +2, Linguistics +6, Sense Motive +7, Spellcraft +2
Languages: Common, Hallit, Giant, Sylvan
Other Gear:
Special Abilities

Human +2 to Wis.
Favored Class: Cleric (Skill Point)
Spontaneous casting: Trade Prepared spells for curative spells.
Channel Positive Energy(Su): (1d6) (DC13) (5x/day)
Damage Resistance, Cold (2)

Travel Domain

Agile Feet (Su): As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. (6/day)

Water Domain

Icicle (Sp): As a standard action, you can fire an icicle from your finger, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. (6/day) (1d6)


0- [DC 13] Bleed, Create Water, Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic, Resistance, Spark, Stabilze, Virtue
1- [DC 14] Abundant Ammunition, Cause Fear, Command, Comprehend Languages, Dancing Lantern, Detect Charm, Endure Elements, Forbid Action, Inflict Light Wounds, Magic Weapon, Murderous Command, Ray of Sickening, Read Weather, Shield of Faith.

Just working on the equipment and my story. Hoping I will get picked for the second group :), being that I missed out on the first :(.

So, who made it to the first group?

Grand Lodge

I am still interested in group 2. I plan on going with archery for my combat style, and hopefully picking up a few feats for melee. Might try to make him a switch hitter. Not 100% sure yet.

The Exchange

Looking forward to selection. I think it'd be interesting to play this character in this world.

Yeah, I normally only play PFS, and all the gun-using non-gunslingers are banned, so I'm really interested in trying this guy out.

added grudge keeper flaw and dodge feat.

Reshar wrote:
So, who made it to the first group?

Group 1:

Edward Sobel - Kobad - Sorcerer
twilsemail - Kogar - Soulknife
jlighter - Nelosse - Bard
Javelle DeLeon - Droguk - Barbarian
Seranov - Doctor Gii - Cleric
Philip0614 - Darius Kaplan - Ranger

Group 2: Announced after the weekend. (Tentatively).

Just posting here to confirm my continued interest. Wasn't sure if you needed verification.

My oracle submission.

Hege Vargsdóttir


Female Human Oracle 1
NG Medium Human
Init +4; Senses Perception +1

AC, touch, flat-footed (+2 Dex)
hp 11(Favoured class 1hp)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2

Spd 20 ft.

Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Spell Focus (Conjuration), Spell Focus (Evocation)
Traits Highlander, Magical Lineage (Cone of cold), Northern Ancestry,
Skills Knowledge (Nature) +4, Perception +1, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +7, Survival +4
Languages Common
Combat Gear
Other Gear
Mystery Winter
Oracle’s curse Lame
Revalations Child of Winter

0th – Detect Magic, Light, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic
1st – Bless, Cure light wounds, Protection from Evil

Spells pr. day:
1st – 4


“Hege… Hege, you get back in here now,” the brown haired Taldan woman yelled. The little blond girl looked puzzled at her mother and then continued playing in the snow. “Let the girl play a little” a tall blond man rumbled, embracing the woman from behind and looking lovingly at his daughter.

However the looked was changed to one of concern as the man later watched over his little withering in pain from frostbites. He hadn’t been this scared since he arrived in the village after having left the mercenary service of the grand prince. He had never seen something like this; it was as if the cold had a preference for his little girl and would not let her go.


“Hege… Hege, come on keep up” one of the other children called out to the young girl limping after the crowd of kids playing with a ball. The cold had finally left her body but not before claiming the stride in her gait. Now she had learn to manage and moved fairly unhindered around abide at a slower pace.

To compensate for her slower speed her father had taught her how to hide when they moved around the hills of the countryside, a practice not condoned by her mother, who now worried over her every move.


“Hege… Hege, what happened? Are you all right?” As she gathered her self her betroth came in to focus. She was lying on the ground and he was standing above her. Just a moment she had performed a mock ceremony for a couple of their friends, who wanted badly to be married. “What happened?” she asked. “As you gave the blessing cold light flowed from you and everyone felt a chill,” he answered afraid of her.

That was the end of her relationship with not only him but the entire village, now they feared her, the unknown, only her parents still cared for her. She spend more and more time with her father, seeking refuge in his company and the surrounding nature. Felling more at home here she soon began to notice the little things living everywhere.


“Hege… Hege, you’ve got to come help us.” The man who approached her was visibly scared walking this close to the young woman sitting in the cold with out any warm clothing. She looked coldly at him, trying to guess his intentions. She had gotten good at this since they had shone her. “What is it this time?” she inquired. “It’s Iacobus. He slipped on the roof clearing snow. He broke his leg badly, the bone is sticking out,” the man rambled. She nodded thoughtfully as she rose and walked with the messenger. A single tear rolled from the corner of her eye “At least I can help them, even though they fear me” she thought.


Age: 19 (Adult)
Size: Medium, 5'5", 132 lbs
Type: Humanoid (Human)

A girl of two races Hege combines many traits of her mixed ancestry. From her Ulfen father she has a slight curl to her blond hair, blue eyes, long legs and an indomitable will. Her mother has gifted her with an average height; rounder, less marked features and warmth for others.

dunebugg's winter witch. Background being thrown up right away.

Ill be posting the 2nd group in an hour or two.

well good luck everyone

D-Kal - Larma - Druid
Big OM - Hege Vargsdóttir - Oracle
Dunebugg - Winter's Breath - Witch
RainyDayNinja - Aksum - Wizard
Manzcar - Magnauk Hailstraum - Inquisitor
jamie noone - Anniksson - Barbarian

This was tough actually, I flipped some coins. lol I hate choosing.

Anyway, thanks for applying everyone! Congrats to those who made it. Hope I didn't go too light on frontline characters! :D

Need a frontline replacement. Anyone interested? :D

Liberty's Edge

I might be interested.

Have room for a paladin?

This is Feral's ulfen paladin.

Paladin would be great!

Party is
D-Kal - Larma - Druid
Big OM - Hege Vargsdóttir - Oracle
Dunebugg - Winter's Breath - Witch
RainyDayNinja - Aksum - Wizard
Manzcar - Magnauk Hailstraum - Inquisitor

I am going to probably introduce you at the first encounter. So you probably need to have a reason to be traveling to Helgren from the south.

Or I have another backstory suggestion if you want to be from the northern lands.

Shouldn't be too hard either way. They are just now about to leave Heldren to investigate the missing Lady Argentea.


Sven's got a backstory that should work with the AP. It's in his profile. He was born in the north but was brought to Taldor when he was young. He's a big northern viking but out of touch with his heritage and sort of coming home for the first time.

Sven Bjornson wrote:


Sven's got a backstory that should work with the AP. It's in his profile. He was born in the north but was brought to Taldor when he was young. He's a big northern viking but out of touch with his heritage and sort of coming home for the first time.

sounds good! Pop in whenever you are ready I suppose! :) You are replacing another "Giant Man" lol.

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