Pass of Thaldor (Inactive)

Game Master OberonViking

The village of Cedarwood is isolated and unprotected. People have gone missing. What is happening on the Pass of Thaldor?

NOTE: the Campaign Info tab contains all the info relevant to the current encounter.

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In order of Initiative

Grobnar (22) casts a little spell utilising some fine sand and his odd, little gnome voice. You see the kobolds scurrying about, lining up small boulders on the edge of the Pass. Suddenly they slow down. Some lay gently down on the ground, some lay across the boulders. Some fight the compulsion and slowly drop to their knees before falling on their faces. 

One pair of kobolds that was struggling with a carrying a boulder between them stand right at the edge. The left one falls asleep and drops rapidly to the ground. The other, who suddenly finds himself with the full weight of the boulder staggers, trips, and dives like a swimmer over the edge. Still holding the boulder, as he was ordered to do, he screams. The high-pitched wail of fear is short-lived as he lands on his back, the boulder upon his chest, on the level two below him, just in front of Drakr's grappling hook.

Kobolds (19) 
There is now a commotion of harsh yapping from the summit. A few kobolds did not succumb to Grobnar's spell. These three or four are running about yelling at their comrades, kicking them to wake them. 

Conner (12) moves against the wall into Total Cover, waiting to climb next.

Drakr climbs the remaining 10' 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 without a worry.

Jobo (9) moves into Total Cover whilst holding a safety line for Drakr.

Lorelei (8) worries about her horse, moving it and herself against the cliff face into Total Cover. It takes her some time (a full round action) to get the horse to shimmy sideways against the wall without knocking anyone off.

Bertholdt (? = 1+4) runs up the levels, hoping to beat the dwarf for fun. Three double moves (no need to think you're in danger for that part) takes you to the start of the rubble. You've beaten him up, though he is climbing up the other side of the rubble, 15' in front of you.  DC 17 to climb across the loose stones of the rubble. From here he has a better view of the kobolds. He can see that that 4 of them are still running about trying to wake the others, and that those that are woken scurry away from the edge, out of sight. One of those standing is wearing a crimson fez. They are all wearing leather armour.

Pedro (? = 1+2) waits in Partial Cover, unsure what to do.

[Jobo and Lorelei have not yet had a chance to use that wand. Post again if you want to do that.]

Female Undine Cleric / 4 || Init: +1 / HP: 23/23 // AC: 14 / FF: 13 / Touch:11 / Saves: F: +4, R: +2, W: +8

I'll wait to post my action after Jobo decides to get big or not.

Male Human Barbarian 3

"Lorelei, why don't we follow Berholdt quickly with your horse. Drakr did it, the little honeybadger. I don't want them kobolds tossing boulders on me; that is not how I want to be remembered."
Jobo lets the line go and acts with Lorelei. Armored but with barbarian speed he is her equal in speed.

Female Undine Cleric / 4 || Init: +1 / HP: 23/23 // AC: 14 / FF: 13 / Touch:11 / Saves: F: +4, R: +2, W: +8

What do I roll for the horse going over the rubble and do I take a positive or negative modifier for holding onto her as we cross?

Lorelei, you look at the rubble and think to yourself,
Oh man, I'm gonna need a DC 25 Handle Animal check to Push this horse to Climb across the rubble, and even then there's about 50% chance he will fall. I would think his Climb bonus is +6.
I wonder how long it would take that manly-man who is doting over me like a bottle-fed lamb to clear a path for the horse? I wonder if he has a shovel?

I think that there is about 8 hours worth of work for one man to clear a sufficient pathway for a horse about 2' wide. Having a shovel would halve that time.

Clarification: Jobo still only counts as one man. :-p

EDIT: I've misinterpreted Sleep. I applied the 4 HD of creatures effected to the CR of kobolds rather than their HD.

Only four have fallen asleep, including the one that was carrying the boulder with the one who then fell. This doesn't change the outcome (much), as written for Bertholdt:

He can see that that 4 (now eight or nine) of them are still running about trying to wake the others, and that those that are woken scurry away from the edge, out of sight. One of those standing is wearing a crimson fez. They are all wearing leather armour.

They cannot be seen near the edge anymore, and there is no noise from them.

Male Human Barbarian 3

"Lorelei, let us tie your horse just before the rubble and we can come back for it after we pound the kobolds."

AC: 18 | HP: 19/19 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 (PP: 13) | HD: 2/2d8 | Spell Slots: 1st: 3/3 | Inspiration: [_] | Saves: S: +2, D: -1, Co: +2, I: +1, W: +5, Ch: +2 | War Preist: 3/3 | Channel Divinity: 1/1

Drakr stands pulls his rope up and listens and looks for the kobolds 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 Hmm not a peep, must of been scared off by the spell. looking at the boulder he thinks well that was lucky then he looks down to see if any one is waiting to use the rope. He will call down instructions for foot holds as well to help other climbers. I'm thinking Conner seemed to want to use the rope to right?

Climb check to assist others 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Male Human Druid 3

1d20 - 2 ⇒ (15) - 2 = 13

Once the way is clear and it seem as if stones aren't raining down, the Druid will begin to climb the rope.

It will take Conner two rounds to climb the wall at the safe speed of 15ft per round. Could you make another climb check Conner ?

Female Undine Cleric / 4 || Init: +1 / HP: 23/23 // AC: 14 / FF: 13 / Touch:11 / Saves: F: +4, R: +2, W: +8

Lorelei nods in agreement and bends over to wrap the reins around a small outcropping of rock. "Let's go take care of those little creatures then."

1d20 ⇒ 3
1d20 ⇒ 2

Oh geez....Lorelei done fell head over heels.....I should just make Jobo carry my little ass over the damn rubble...

AC: 18 | HP: 19/19 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 (PP: 13) | HD: 2/2d8 | Spell Slots: 1st: 3/3 | Inspiration: [_] | Saves: S: +2, D: -1, Co: +2, I: +1, W: +5, Ch: +2 | War Preist: 3/3 | Channel Divinity: 1/1

Drakr again attempts to help Conner. "No, not your left... My left. Yes that's it there a good lot of footholds there."

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Male Human Barbarian 3

"If I can borrow your rope Lorelei, I'll hold it at the top. and we can secure it at both sides of the rubble."
Climb 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 151d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22

Don't forget to factor in your -5 armor check penalty from your chain mail Jobo.

+5 Str +2 ranks, +3 class skill, -5 ACP. gives you a +5 right? Unless I missed a bonus?

Though it makes little difference as your 2nd roll would still make the DC.

Male Human Barbarian 3

Correct. let me try to get the rest of the way up in chainmail. CLIMB 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Male Human Druid 3

Conner climb 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (10) - 2 = 8

Conner tries to follow the dwarf's advice as he clumsily climbs up the rope.

I'm really sorry guys, but I can't keep up your fantastic posting rate. I'll have to step down from this game. Best of luck.

Grobnar’s spell really effected the Kobolds. They haven’t been seen near the edge since then.

Jobo worries about his image, and Lorelei worries about her horse.

Drakr tries to help others as they Climb his rope. Conner manages to do this.

Jobo scrambles across the rubble with some skill, trailing Lorelei’s rope behind him, meeting up with his Drakr on the other side of the rubble. He holds this tightly as…
Lorelei leaves her horse to fend for its self. She tethers it and pulls out some food to keep it placated as Jobo moves across the rubble. Then she starts to cross the rubble with the aid of her rope and her Jobo. She makes slow progress (even though the DC would only be DC 5 thanks to the rope, and Aid Another yields +2). At least she didn’t fall (it would be impossible to fall with the DC only 5).

Pedro and Bertholdt also use the ropes to climb up or across the rubble.

All in all it takes four rounds to get everyone across safely. In all that time there has been no rocks thrown over the edge, nor any kobolds seen.

Perception DC 15:
You can’t hear the kobolds up there.

Perception DC 18:
You can’t hear the kobolds up there.

Perception DC 23:
You can’t hear the kobolds up there.

Perception DC 25:
You can’t hear the kobolds up there.

Perception DC 30:
You can’t hear the kobolds up there.

You are on the fifth level of 7. That makes about 500’ of walking along the levels or 60’ of climbing if you want to go the slow and more difficult way. [Let’s not bog down in climbing up.] You walk together to the top to find…

The top of the pass is a relatively large, flat area with a 15’ pathway heading north in a gap between the enormous stone cliffs. The path is further public work of Thaldor. What was an extremely narrow channel caused by erosion has been carved out to accommodate wagons, AND the water has been redirected and now runs into a basin carved into stone to be collected as drinking water.

There are a few dozen small boulders piled up near the edge, though no sign of the kobolds.

Tracking DC 11:
The footprints of the kobolds are clear enough to your eyes. You can point them out and follow them to the north easily enough. The lead on for about 100’ before the GM describes the next detail.

It is roughly 7:30 am.

Male Human Barbarian 3

"Where did they go?"
Survival 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Per 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

AC: 18 | HP: 19/19 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 (PP: 13) | HD: 2/2d8 | Spell Slots: 1st: 3/3 | Inspiration: [_] | Saves: S: +2, D: -1, Co: +2, I: +1, W: +5, Ch: +2 | War Preist: 3/3 | Channel Divinity: 1/1

Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16

"Good job." Drakr rumbles grudgingly, nodding at Grobnar.

Grand Lodge

Perception:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

"Looks like I scarred them off oh well perhaps we will meet them along the road yet."

Female Undine Cleric / 4 || Init: +1 / HP: 23/23 // AC: 14 / FF: 13 / Touch:11 / Saves: F: +4, R: +2, W: +8

"Disgusting little creatures are probably setting an ambush for us somewhere."

Lorelei stays close behind Jobo, ready to zap him with the wand if trouble pops up. She rather doubts that he minds her close proximity.

Male Dwarven Ranger

sorry about the delays guys. Should be back least the rest of the year :-)

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13 perception

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 survival

"Look there go the tracks".Pedro seems to shake himself out of some funk, and points out the tracks to anyone interested.

AC: 18 | HP: 19/19 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 (PP: 13) | HD: 2/2d8 | Spell Slots: 1st: 3/3 | Inspiration: [_] | Saves: S: +2, D: -1, Co: +2, I: +1, W: +5, Ch: +2 | War Preist: 3/3 | Channel Divinity: 1/1

"Lead on Pedro" Drakr will follow Pedro, eyes scanning the cliff tops that the path is cut through. "Don't want anymore boulder surprises." he rumbles quietly as they walk.

Perception:1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

He also readies his shield and pulls out his axe.

Grobnar sneaks off to the flank of Pedro following from a distance and keeping an eye out bow at hand.

Sneak:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Perception:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Pedro leads the group further along the pass. To the surprise of some, Pedro turns off the main pathway and scrambles up a steep sleep (Climb DC 0). This opens into another natural chasm. After thirty feet or so the kobolds have carelessly stepped into puddle and these are now clear to all. The footprints veer to the wall and disappear. There a few footprints that show only the back half of the footprint flush with the wall.

Pedro and Drakr can add +2, Bertholdt +1, to these Perception checks.

Perception DC 5:
There must be a secret door here, hidden in the rock.
Perception DC 18:
You can see the outline of a handle in the stone.
Perception DC 20:
The door is trapped!
Perception DC 27:
The set up is a trap within a trap. The footprints are fake.

Survival DC 18:
These footprints are fake, and the puddle is artifical - dug by hand rather than through erosion.
Tracking DC 17:
You can see the trail of kobold footprints further on, leading deeper into the chasm.

Bertholdt's Perception 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 6 + 1 = 23

I don't intend to continue with Bertholdt as an NPC, nor do I want a player to take over. I'm hoping Dreaming Warforged changes his mind.

Bertholdt points out the outline of a handle hidden in the stonework, then says, "It's trapped...

Bertholdt retrieves his tools of trade. He looks about and begins to fiddle.
Disable Device 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32

I will reveal the result of this check after some more interaction from the rest of you.

Male Human Druid 3

Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
Survival 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21
Tracking 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (7) + 11 = 18

"Wait, this is another trap, friend. The the footprint and puddle appear to have been made by the kobolds, if I had to guess. Their footprints continue deeper into the chasm."

AC: 18 | HP: 19/19 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 (PP: 13) | HD: 2/2d8 | Spell Slots: 1st: 3/3 | Inspiration: [_] | Saves: S: +2, D: -1, Co: +2, I: +1, W: +5, Ch: +2 | War Preist: 3/3 | Channel Divinity: 1/1

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

Drakr stands poised, axe stretching toward the rock about to poke it when Betholdt announces that it's trapped. He instantly pauses and let's out a huge breath he wasn't even aware he was holding in. "Glad your with us lad, I probably almost did myself in!"

Grand Lodge

Do I have to roll again or can I use one from earlier?

Survival:1d20 - 1 ⇒ (9) - 1 = 8

Grobnar Spinfoodle wrote:

Do I have to roll again or can I use one from earlier?


Yes, it's a new situation, so a new roll is needed.

Male Dwarven Ranger

Pedro reviews the area, as the others make their points.

1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 2 = 23 Perception
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 Survival
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21 Tracking

Nodding his head in agreement at Conners comments, Pedro steps closer to the chasm, and points. "Indeed". "I can see their prints further down the chasm".

Male Human Barbarian 3

"Them sneaky bastages."
PER 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
suvival 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8

Conner and Pedro both point out that there are more kobold footprints further along the chasm.

Bertholdt pokes his tongue out the corner of his mouth as he concentrates and says, ”Here, this was an easy one.” He gives a twisting motion and CLICK – a Scythe slashes out from the wall. Bertholdt’s body slumps slowly to the ground as his head bounces on to the ground and rolls away.

EDIT: We will move on to that other stuff I have just deleted when we deal with the body of Bertholdt.

Male Human Barbarian 3

Before Berthold's head stops rolling, Jobo has Berthold's body stripped like a piece of carrion. "Never know when we'll need some spare gear. Anybody want any of this?"

AC: 18 | HP: 19/19 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 (PP: 13) | HD: 2/2d8 | Spell Slots: 1st: 3/3 | Inspiration: [_] | Saves: S: +2, D: -1, Co: +2, I: +1, W: +5, Ch: +2 | War Preist: 3/3 | Channel Divinity: 1/1

Drakr looks fairly shocked first at Bertholdt's sudden death and then at Jobo's reaction. "Oh gods! Have some respect Jobo." Drakr will look around for some stones or something to cover the body.

Female Undine Cleric / 4 || Init: +1 / HP: 23/23 // AC: 14 / FF: 13 / Touch:11 / Saves: F: +4, R: +2, W: +8

Lorelei pales and gives a small squeal while jumping back to avoid the rolling head.

Male Human Barbarian 3

"Sorry Drakr, in my tribe we by necessity use every possible resource. I forgot myself for a second."

Jobo kneels in front of Bertholdts's body and deposits a honeybadger totem tucked in his hands.

"Drakr, we have a pagan holiday coming up where we wait for a large man to bring gifts. I think I can play his part well now with this spare gear."

AC: 18 | HP: 19/19 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 (PP: 13) | HD: 2/2d8 | Spell Slots: 1st: 3/3 | Inspiration: [_] | Saves: S: +2, D: -1, Co: +2, I: +1, W: +5, Ch: +2 | War Preist: 3/3 | Channel Divinity: 1/1

Drakr nods "I guess it's necessary. Let's at least bury him with his swords and his tools. Every warrior deserves at least that." Finding loose stones and gravel Drakr will move the body away from the trapped wall and bury it. He carves "Here lies Bertholdt, a brave companion." into the wall in Dwarven runes using his crowbar. "Ok let's move on." He says solemnly.

You plunder (for want of a better word… steal might be better) from your friend’s body the following:
Signal whistle (8 SP, -)
Caltrops (1 GP, 2 lbs)
Caltrops (1 GP, 2 lbs)
Cash = 15 GP and 2 SP
Waterskin (1 GP, 4 lbs)
Sunrod (2 GP, -)
Silk Rope (50 ft) (10 GP, 5 lbs)
Grappling Hook (1 GP, 4 lbs)
Flint and Steel (1 GP, -)
Trail Rations (4 days) (2 GP, 4 lbs)
Potion of Protection from Evil (50 GP)
Tanglefoot bag (50 GP)

The earth rumbles slightly beneath your feet as you gather these items from Bertholdt's body.
There are plenty of large rocks to be found. With everyone helping it is a quick affair to bury Bertholdt here.

Male Human Barbarian 3

"Drakr, I do not wish to offend, but those nice swortswords could help Lorelei and Grobnar defend themselves in close quarters. Leaving them here does no good that I can see."

Jobo is fascinated with the sunrod. Wow, I never need to get ripped off buying torches again. And the fancy rope made out of the material city boys make their clothes out of, but it seems so strong.

AC: 18 | HP: 19/19 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 (PP: 13) | HD: 2/2d8 | Spell Slots: 1st: 3/3 | Inspiration: [_] | Saves: S: +2, D: -1, Co: +2, I: +1, W: +5, Ch: +2 | War Preist: 3/3 | Channel Divinity: 1/1

"Ya don't bury a man without his weapons! It's just not right!" says Drakr stomping his foot.

Male Human Barbarian 3

"Drakr, I respect your wishes. If I fall, take anything I have--I will get issued better weapons in Valhalla. But, I hold you to make sure if I fall, one I hold dear will have your axe as protection and not regret the lack of a well-made sword."

Jobo bows to Drakr and makes ready to leave.

"This potion and whistle are probably best in your care, Drakr. This magical light and rope with hook fascinate me.

Male Human Druid 3

Conner feels his bile coming up as the scythe swings out and neatly turns what was a talking, walking person into so much meat.

There must have been more to the trap than Berthold could see.

The druid helps the others bury the body and does a simple ceremony honoring the fickle Gozreh, god of nature, and asking for his protection for the rest of the group to balance out the loss of their companion.

Once that is done, he hears the others commenting on their fallen friend's gear.

"Nature will take our friend's body and use it to nourish the land. Anything else will simply be plundered by the kobolds later as a prize. We should leave them nothing that helps them do something like this to another."

Female Undine Cleric / 4 || Init: +1 / HP: 23/23 // AC: 14 / FF: 13 / Touch:11 / Saves: F: +4, R: +2, W: +8

"Uhm, Jobo, I don't know how to use a sword of any kind. I'd probably end up hurting myself if I tried. I do agree though that we shouldn't leave anything that the kobolds can come back and steal."

AC: 18 | HP: 19/19 | Init: -1 | Perc: +3 (PP: 13) | HD: 2/2d8 | Spell Slots: 1st: 3/3 | Inspiration: [_] | Saves: S: +2, D: -1, Co: +2, I: +1, W: +5, Ch: +2 | War Preist: 3/3 | Channel Divinity: 1/1

"My axe will always be ready to protect those that need it" Drakr gruffly answers Jobo.

At Conner's comments about the gear Drakr's face screws up but he thinks through what Conner says and replies "Ok, let's take his weapons and put them to whatever use we can against his foes... Just when we get back to Cedarwood we'll make him a memorial stone and place them there"

Male Human Druid 3

"Well reasoned, friend dwarf."

He bows his head a moment as the supplies are distributed, declining any of the gear for himself. Once that is done, he is ready to move on.

"Now, it's time to repay these kobolds for their wicked deeds."

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