Full Name |
Jonas Bonner |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Barbarian 3 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
6' 5" 225# |
Age |
20 |
Alignment |
CG |
Deity |
Corum |
Location |
The Pass |
Languages |
Common |
Occupation |
Blacksmith |
Strength |
20 |
Dexterity |
12 |
Constitution |
14 |
Intelligence |
13 |
Wisdom |
12 |
Charisma |
7 |
About Jobo
Jonas Bonner 'Jobo' Human Barbarian 3
HP = 12 + 11 + 11 + 6 + 3 = 43 43/43
AC = 17 (breastplate + DEX) Touch - 11 / Flat = 16
BAB= +3/ CMB = +8/ CMD = 19
FORT=+5 REF=+2 WILL=+2
Feats: Power Attack/Cleave/TBD
Rage Power: Quick Reflexes (+1 AOA / rnd while raging)
[10 of 10 rage rounds remaining]
Skills: Swim (3) Climb (3) STR based
Perception (3) Survival (3) WIS based
Acrobatics (3) DEX based
Knowledge Nature (3) INT based
Wand of Enlarge Person
2 oils of magic weapon
Potion Beastshape 2
Stack of Mwork Spears (as much as can carry)
Greatsword (2d6 - 19-20 x2) +7 (+6 PA)
Glaive (1d10 reach)
Mwork Ranseur (2d4 reach/disarm 20 x3)
Great Flail
cold weather clothes
8 light hammers (d4 B)
Flint and Steel
bedroll and winter blanket
5 torches
4 days trail rations
2 liter waterskins
6 SP and 5CP
Shortbow (30 GP, 2 lbs)
20 Arrows (1 GP, 3 lbs)
2x MWK Shortswords (620 GP, 4 lbs)
Dagger (hidden along the forearm) (2 GP, 1 lbs)
Mwk breastplate (30 lbs)
Mwk studded leather (???GP, 20lbs)
Background: Jobo is actually a social barbarian. Having spent much of his life in isolation, he is somewhat overcompensating for a hermit-like existence. He has been exposed to such violence and war that he has adopted a sense of humor and attempts to look at the humorous side of everything. He has a biting wit and often tries to hit with his wit as much as his glaive.
Jobo also has an instinctive grasp of close order, small formation battle tactics. He has been in so many fights, he is somewhat desensitized to violence. He has taken to admire the honeybadger as his animal spirit and carries a few wooden totems of the honeybadger around.