Pass of Thaldor (Inactive)

Game Master OberonViking

The village of Cedarwood is isolated and unprotected. People have gone missing. What is happening on the Pass of Thaldor?

NOTE: the Campaign Info tab contains all the info relevant to the current encounter.

I'll be using this as a reference for all the info that is relevent for the current encounter.

Up a level.
Make a Climb check DC 0 to gain access to the upper level. You will be ready to combat the dogs HOWEVER, having just climbed you will have both hands empty.
The caves are much more luxurious for the kobolds here – the ceilings are 6’ above the ground! No squeezing for Medium characters here.
IF there is Light from below it will provide Dim Lighting for the 2 squares nearest the edge. There is a single torch burning mounted on the wall, as shown on the map. This provides Normal Light to 20’, Dim Light to 40’. Double these distances IF you have Low-Light Vision. Darkvision is pretty good to have when attacking kobolds in their lair.

The frantic barking [of the guard dogs] turns to low growls as they cautiously advance upon the intruders. The stench from their kennels reaches your nostrils now - faeces, urine, wet fur and rotting meat.

Inside the Lair.:

The Map[/b]

The caves have been excavated by the kobolds, to suit the kobolds. Kobolds are Small, and so the lair is only 4’ tall.

It is difficult to fit through the door way, being only 2’6” high, which will cost 2 squares of movement for All Medium creatures. There is very little light coming into the tunnel (Dim Light indicated on the map – doubling this distance from the entrance for Low-Light Vision), and even less light with someone partially covering the entrance. The space is all open here at the entrance, and there is nothing to hide behind. There are some barrels and crates stacked nearby, though they are Small barrels and Small crates, 1’ high at best. There are plenty of kobold footprints in the area, and the dust and dirt from frequent use.

Low-Light Vision and DarkVision enables you to see that there is a log on the ground ahead, and if you look really hard, you could make out that it must be a bridge as the ground disappears either side of the log.

All Medium sized creatures in this area are considered to be Squeezing:
This isn’t quite RAW, as I have been trying to adhere to, but I believe it makes a lot of sense.
In some cases, you may have to squeeze into or through an area that isn't as wide as the space you take up. You can squeeze through or into a space that is at least half as wide as your normal space. Each move into or through a narrow space counts as if it were 2 squares, and while squeezed in a narrow space, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to AC.
Dwarves in the Small tunnels take only the following penalties for Squeezing, due to their shorter stature and familiarity with living in tunnels: -2 AC, -2 attack.
Small sized characters do not have this problem.

Getting through the doorway, 2’6” high, and 2’ wide is the first of these squares that requires Squeezing. To make it easier, I’ve tried to include contrasting gridlines on all the squares which require Squeezing.

The Brown Stipe is a narrow log that the kobolds use to cross the pit, which is the Pale Blue beside it.
The log only has a very narrow usable area, though the kobold’s clawed feet aid them greatly. To cross the log, each square takes two squares of movement if you are Small, and three if you are Medium. It requires an Acrobatics DC 10 to not fall. This includes a +5 penalty for Medium creatures Squeezing, and a -5 modifier for Medium creatures being able to use the ceiling to aid their journey across.

Vision and Light is another BIG issue in here. Kobolds have no need of artificial lighting, and so they do not provide any for uninvited guests.

The Entrance.:

You can see a gap in the wall about 60’ ahead. It is barely 2’6” high, and 2’ wide.
Now that they are moving you can see that there are a pair of kobolds in the shadows of the opening. One is vigorously ringing a hand-bell in one hand, the other has a heavy crossbow.

The Rubble on The Pass of Thaldor:
All of you would have travelled the pass, probably several times, for some of you it would be routine. The Pass is a seires of switchbacks cut into a near vertical cliff-face. Rather than going miles and miles out of the way Thaldor cut this path, and it is a marvel of civil engineering. Each level is a gradual incline that makes it easy for horses to pull heavy wagons. Thaldor's genius comes in how he has been able to cut into the face to create large areas for a loaded wagon to turn.

Each level is about 200' long, and rises 40'. There are 7 levels to reach the summit almost 300' above.

You have a chance to rest, and after three hours even the weariest of you feels refreshed. You pack and begin the walk up the remaining six levels. This will be about 1200' to rise almost 300' to the top of the pass.

Each level is a meagre 8' wide, just enough for a large wagon to navigate. The road is a well made and maintained as ever. Soon enough you have a nice view back down the valley you have traversed through the night. 

Strangely, on the fourth level there is some rubble and dirt. Looking up, you see that the level above is blocked by a large pile of rubble - loose dirt and stones.

The most obvious path to take is to walk around and up to the rubble, but I know that as a player I wouldn't do that- I'd make life difficult for the GM. 
You could climb straight up to the fifth level, either side of the rubble, or in the middle of it if you like.
Climb Skill

Climb DC's:
* across the rubble – DC 17 (+15 adequate handholds and footholds, -3 easier due to slope, +5 surface is slippery due to loose rocks)
* Straight up 30' from one level to the next – DC 25 (a rough surface, such as a natural rock wall)

Additional Modifiers: 
* +1 from observing others who have succeeded on their climb up the same path, or from people calling advice from below (with an Aid Another Climb check DC 10)
* +2 from Aid Another (calling advice from above, climbing with you - with an Aid Another Climb check DC 10)
*these two can stack.                                                                   
Rope would help too, though there has been nothing along the way to tie off to.

Falling from the Rubble: 20’ down to the next level. 
Falling from Climb: Reflex Save DC 10 to land on this switchback rather than the next one dowwwwwwwn...

Conner happens to notice two or three kobolds sneaking a quick look at you as you walk up the levels from that perception check a day or two ago.

Trolls at the Bridge:

The Map
Eventually, in the soft light of false dawn everything beyond your light sources (or limit of darkvision) can be seen again, though it now looks soft, hazy, and black-and-white.
The trolls are about 5’ tall, though they are quite hunched over. Their hands end in terrible claws and its bestial face has gruesome teeth. One of them has a few crossbow bolts in its back, though this doesn’t seem to impair its movement at all. They move in at a rolling gait, eager to eat you, fearless and savage in their desperation.
[Know (Nature or Local) DC 10]These trolls are young, merely children by their species – pre-teen in parallel to humans. They should be accompanied by their tribe of mothers.
[Know (Nature or Local) or Heal DC 15]These trolls are starving. It seems that they haven’t eaten for several days, and they have injuries that have not healed.
The Bridge: There is a wooden bridge with a gentle arc crossing a slow running and shallow creek. The spring-melt will soon bring this creek to near bursting. The bridge is just wide enough for the largest wagons to pass. It is also well maintained and sturdy, though it has no hand railing. A fish jumps from the water just under the bridge.
[Bridge is 10’ above the water which is 2’ deep.]
The Creek and Camping Area:The banks on the creek are quite steep having been cut through from fast flowing snow-melt (Climb DC 8), except on eastern side of far shore where it has been dug out into a shallow beach. A small horse yard has been built there that extends into the water so that horses can be watered without running off. To the north-east is a camping area where small semi-permanent fireplaces have been built of stone. From here it is a full two days travel to Vigil, so many will camp here for the night, and travel to Cedarwood the next morning.
It is currently deserted.
The Monument:It is 20’ tall statue of a dwarf casually holding a war-axe over his shoulder and a shield on his other arm. He appears relaxed, walking it would seem, with his chin high and his brow furrowed as he peers into the distance. This dark-blue stone statue stands upon a plinth of a single piece of white marble which is 6’ tall. You know this is the monument to Thaldor who cleared the area of monsters and settled. He maintained the peace in this region for almost 300 years before he passed away.