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Layla walks over to Camaenor and lifts him up.
"I'll carry him to the inn, where he can recover."
I don't have any healing items left, and Ayla can only cast healing spells for eidolons.

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As soon as the party's wrapped everything up Ayla walks to the inn with her sister.
"I'm definitely buying a wand of cure light wounds after this," Ayla says as they walk, "and one to heal you as well. Then I can use my spell slot for other stuff than healing spells."
No Day Job.

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Keelee nods in agreement, "I definitely agree with the wand and a few potions of healing. You would almost think the Pathfinders were trying to get us killed on this first mission."
search the warehouse for clues as to what was going on.
No day Job

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Craft(tattoo): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
Camaenor slowly recovers, and eventually designs a tattoo concept based on his encounter with his 'master'...

Shifty |

With the thieves guild members beating a hasty retreat, sounding the alarm as they went, it becomes an easy task to ensure they have all been flushed out.
Investigating the lair in full reveals a set of tunnels underneath, one of which leads to mistress Robellas Curiosity Shop next door - and even the most basic perusal of the back office reveals the 'apothecary' functions were doubling as a Shiver production facility.
It looks like Robella has hastily grabbed a few items and run, you suspect they were probably either the most incriminatng or the most valueable - probably boith.
Below, you locate a pair of dwarven captives being held for ransom, Barengar and Pietros Gearwright. The Gearwrights were passengers on a ship returning from Magnimar to Janderhoff when their vessel was attacked lake pirates. The Gearwright family specializes in clockwork engineering, a notoriously rare skill set and a fact the brothers used to make a case for being taken for ransom. The brothers are thin and unkempt, but otherwise in good condition, and very thankful to be free.
You also find the guild vault with a rather large selection of items stolen from the town, including a silver chalice set that clearly belongs to the local temple as well as valuable trade goods.
Sheriff Feldane suggests that you take the magic items and thieves' personal possessions, but leave the rest to be returned to their owners, and in return you are awarded a significant sum and the town rewards you with 8oogp.
Sheriff Feldane has enough evidence now to deal with Borvius, and reveals that Mistress Robella is actually Borvious' wife (and apparent co-conspirator!) and the frame up of the Umbral Circus becomes completely undone.
The crowds return to the carnival and performances sell out. The town seeks a replacement for the kindhearted Sister Woodmere, as well as guardians for the Braeton children. Chelaxians and Varisians set aside their differences in an annual memorial to the victims. A greater understanding is reached, and the community grows even stronger.
The Gearwright Brothers offer you all lucrative work acting as security for their engineering contracts throughout Varisia, including mysterious locales such as Kaer Maga. Potentially more enticing is a personal invitation from Ika and Almara Delisen to join the Umbra Carnival and travel all across Avistan as part of a new family... who knows what adventures that would lead to?
That's a wrap guys!
Final comments, one liners, and parting goodbyes!