Priestess of Pharasma

Ayla, the "Moonlight Angel"'s page

89 posts. Organized Play character for StephNyan.

Full Name



(HP 24/24 | AC:17 | T:13 | FF:14 | CMB:6 | CMD:19 | Fort:+2 | Ref:+4 | Will:+1 | Init:+3 | Perc:+3 | Speed:30) PFS#: 115025-15


Lv1: 4/4 | Summon Monster II: 5/5 | Bond Senses: 2/2 | Alter Self: 1/1


F Aasimar (Angelkin) Unchained Summoner/3


Medium (5 ft. 7 in. / 170 cm)




Neutral Good


Celestial, Common

Strength 18
Dexterity 16
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 7
Charisma 14

About Ayla, the "Moonlight Angel"

Character Sheet:
NG Medium Outsider (Native)
Init +3 (+3 Dex)

Unchained Eidolon - Layla, the "Night Angel"

AC 17 (10 +4 Armor +3 Dex); Touch 13 (10 +3 Dex); Flat-Footed 14 (10 +4 Armor)
HP 24 (18 +3x1 Con +3x1HP Favored Class Bonus)
Fort Save +2 (+1 Class +1 Con); Ref Save +4 (+1 Class +3 Dex); Will Save +1 (+3 Class -2 Wis)

Resistance 5 to Acid, Cold and Electricity

Speed: Medium (30 ft)

Melee: Masterwork Cold Iron Spear
Damage: 1d8 +6 [+3 PA]
Attack roll: +8 [-1 PA] (+2 Base Atk +4 Str +1 Enhancement +1 Weapon Focus)
Crit: x3

Ranged: Masterwork Cold Iron Spear
Damage: 1d8 +4 [+3 PA]
Attack roll: +7 [-1 PA] (+2 Base Atk +3 Dex +1 Enhancement +1 Weapon Focus)
Crit & range: x3; 20 feet

Ranged: Javelin
Damage: 1d6 +4
Attack roll: +5 (+2 Base Atk +3 Dex)
Crit & range: x2; 30 feet

Str 18 (16 +2 Race), Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 14 (12 +2 Race)
Base Atk +2; CMB +6 (+2 Base Atk +4 Str); CMD 19 (10 +2 Base Atk +4 Str +3 Dex)

Cantrips (Class)
Eidolon (Class)
Life Link (Class)
Power Attack
Summon Monster I (Class)
Weapon Focus [Spear]

Racial Traits:
Celestial Resistance
Halo [Can create light centered on head at will as a spell-like ability. When using halo, gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Intimidate checks vs. evil creatures and on saving throws against becoming blinded or dazzled.]
Heavenborn [+2 on Knowledge (Planes) checks and cast spells with the good or light descriptor at +1CL.]

Greater Link [Your eidolon's current and maximum hit point totals are not reduced by 50% until you are separated by 110 feet or more. Your eidolon's current and maximum hit point totals are not reduced by 75% until you are separated by 1,100 feet or more. All other aspects of your life link class feature are unaffected.]
Unorthodox Strategy [+2 trait bonus on Acrobatics checks to move through an enemy’s threatened squares] (Bonus Faction Trait; New Recruits)

Skills (Untrained):
Bluff +2 (+2 Cha)
Climb +4 (+4 Str)
Diplomacy +2 (+2 Cha)
Heal -2 (-2 Wis)
Intimidate +2 [+2 vs evil with Halo active] (+2 Cha)
Ride +3 (+3 Dex)
Sense Motive -2 (-2 Wis)
Stealth +3 (+3 Dex)
Survival -2 (-2 Wis)
Swim +4 (+4 Str)

Skills (Trained):
Acrobatics +5 [+2 to move through enemy squares] (2 +3 Dex)
Knowledge (Planes) +6 (1 +2 Heavenborn +3 Class +0 Int)
Perception +3 (1 +1 Seeker +3 Class -2 Wis)
Spellcraft +4 (1 +3 Class +0 Int)
Use Magic Device +6 (1 +3 Class +2 Cha)

Languages: Celestial, Common

Combat gear
Javelin [x10] (each 1gp, 2lbs.)
--- Longspear (5gp, 9lbs.)
+++ Masterwork Cold Iron Spear (2PP, 6lbs.)
--- Spear (2gp, 6lbs.)
Spell Component Pouch (5gp, 2lbs.)
+++ Wand of CLW [50 charges] (2PP, -)
+++ Wand of Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon [50 charges] (2PP, -)

Wearing & otherwise equipped
Explorer's Outfit (10gp, 8lbs.)
+++ +1 Mithral Chain Shirt (2100gp, 12.5lbs.)
+++ Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath (5gp, 1lb.) holding Wand of CLW
+++ Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath (5gp, 1lb.) holding Wand of Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon

Backpack (2gp, 2lbs.)
Alchemist’s Fire (20gp, 1lb.)
Acid [x2] (each 10gp, 1lb.)
Bedroll (1sp, 5lbs.)
Chalk [x8] (each 1cp, -)
Flint and Steel (1gp, -)
Grappling Hook (1gp, 4lbs.)
Rope, Silk (50ft.) (10gp, 5lbs.)
Trail Rations [x4] (each 5sp, 1lb.)
Waterskin (1gp, 4lbs.)
Whetstone (2cp, 1lb.)

Encumbrance: 78.5lbs.; Light Load, (Light Load up to 100lbs., Medium up to 200lbs., Heavy up to 300lbs.)
Money: 703gp 6sp 9cp
Prestige points: 0/8

Class Info/Spells
Favored class: Summoner
Alternate favored class bonus: Add DR 1/evil to the summoner's eidolon. Each additional time the summoner selects this benefit, the DR/evil increases by +1/2 (maximum DR 10/evil).
Favored class bonus: 3x1HP

Spells level 0 (Unlimited uses): Acid Splash; Detect Magic; Guidance; Mage Hand; Mending; Read Magic
Spells level 1 (4 a day: 3 +1 for Cha): Grease; Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon; Obscuring Mist; Shield

Summon Monster II (Sp) (5 a day: 3 +2 Cha): At 1st level, a summoner can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. Drawing on this ability uses up the same power that the summoner uses to call his eidolon. As a result, he can use this ability only when his eidolon is not summoned. He can cast this spell as a standard action, and the creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of 1 round per level). At 3rd level, and every 2 levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by 1 spell level, allowing him to summon more powerful creatures (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level). At 19th level, this ability can be used as gate or summon monster IX . If used as gate, the summoner must pay any required material components. A summoner cannot have more than one summon monster or gate spell active in this way at one time. If this ability is used again, any existing summon monster or gate from this spell-like ability immediately ends. These summon spells are considered to be part of the summoner's spell list for the purposes of spell trigger and spell completion items. In addition, the summoner can expend uses of this ability to fulfill the construction requirements of any magic item he creates, so long as he can use this ability to cast the required spell.

Bond Senses (Su) (2 times a day): At 2nd level, a summoner can, as a standard action, share the senses of his eidolon, hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching everything the eidolon does. He can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to his summoner level. There is no maximum range to this effect, but the eidolon and the summoner must be on the same plane. The summoner can end this effect as a free action.

Chronicle Sheets:
* Heavenly-Blooded
* Bonus Faction Trait from Aryn's The Paths We Choose chronicle sheet
Murder's Mark
--- Level 2 ---
Edge of Anarchy [AP] - GM sheet
--- Level 3 ---

To be added.

To be added.

To be added.