NG Medium Outsider
Init +1 (+1 Dex)
Unchained Summoner - Ayla, the "Moonlight Angel"
AC 17 (10 +2 Armor +4 Natural Armor +1 Dex); Touch 11 (10 +1 Dex); Flat-Footed 16 (10 +2 Armor +4 Natural Armor)
HP 19 (16.5 +3x1 Con)
Fort Save +4 (+3 Good Save +1 Con); Ref Save +2 (+1 Poor Save +1 Dex); Will Save +3 (+3 Good Save +0 Wis)
Resistance 5 to Acid and Cold
+4 on saving throws vs. poison
Speed: Medium (30 ft)
Melee: Masterwork Cold Iron Greatsword
Damage: 2d6 +6 [+3 PA]
Attack roll: +7 [-1 PA] (+2 Base Atk +4 Str +1 Enhancement)
Crit: 19–20/x2
Melee: Slam
Damage: 1d8 +6 [+3 PA]
Attack roll: +6 [-1 PA] (+2 Base Atk +4 Str)
Crit: x2
Str 19 (16 +2 Ability Increase +1 S/D bonus), Dex 13 (12 +1 S/D bonus), Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Base Atk +3; CMB +7 (+3 Base Atk +4 Str); CMD 18 (10 +3 Base Atk +4 Str +1 Dex)
Evolution Pool (3)
Ability Increase [Strength] (2 points)
Improved Natural Armor (1 point)
Limbs [Arms] (Free)
Limbs [Legs] (Free)
Slam (Free)
Martial Weapon Proficiency [Greatsword]
Power Attack
Special Abilities:
Darkvision 60 ft
Share Spells
Skills (Untrained):
Climb +4 (+4 Str)
Heal +0 (+0 Wis)
Intimidate +0 (+0 Cha)
Ride +1 (+1 Dex)
Stealth +1 (+1 Dex)
Survival +0 (+0 Wis)
Swim +4 (+4 Str)
Skills (Trained):
*Acrobatics +7 (3 +3 Class +1 Dex)
Bluff +4 (1 +3 Class +0 Cha)
*Diplomacy +4 (1 +3 Class +0 Cha)
*Escape Artist +5 (1 +3 Class +1 Dex)
Knowledge (Planes) +2 (1 +3 Class -2 Int)
Perception +4 (1 +3 Class +0 Wis)
Sense Motive +4 (1 +3 Class +0 Wis)
*Use Magic Device +6 (3 +3 Class +0 Cha)
* Chosen as extra class skills at level 1.
Languages: Celestial, Common
Combat gear
+++ Masterwork Cold Iron Greatsword (2PP, 8lbs.)
Encumbrance: 8lb.; Light Load, (Light Load up to 166lbs., Medium up to 233lbs., Heavy up to 350lbs.)