FiddlersGreen |
A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3–7.
The legendary sorceress Hao Jin transferred many abandoned historical sites to her museum demiplane, though even her magic had limits, forcing her to transport only part of an architectural treasure. The half of a temple she left behind in the jungles of Dtang Ma has developed a haunted reputation in the centuries since. Now an unlikely ally has approached the Society with tales of unspoiled historical secrets and hidden treasure left within the shattered sanctuary of Yamatsumi, the mountain god.
This is a recruitment thread for The Sky Key Solution for the 5th PbP Gameday. The game will run from August 27th to October 11th.
I will need to impose a minimum of one post per day. Also to speed things up, I will roll all initiatives. Maps will be done via google drawings unless everyone at the table agrees to and prefers roll20.
To sign up, please post the following information:
Player Name:
Character name:
Any special tricks I should know about your character:
I will also need you to have in your profile either a link to your character sheet or have all your character details entered in your profile.
Laylana |
Player Name: FedoraFerret
Character name: Laylana
Race/Class/Level: Elf Bard (duettist) 4
PFS #: 139854-6
Faction: Silver Crusade
Special tricks: Her squirrel familiar Voltaire is significantly more active than most familiars tend to be, and is a whiz on the drums.
She may bump up to 5 by play time, but it'll all be via live games.
Pierre Viret |
If there's still a spot, I'll bring Pierre along.
Player Name: Zinou
Character name: Pierre Viret
Race/Class/Level: Human Cleric 4
PFS#: 93583-4
Faction: Silver Crusade
Any special tricks I should know about your character: He prefers to deal non-violently with people, solving troubles before a fight starts.
FiddlersGreen |
Aaand that's number six.
Roll call:
Sifvery Moon - Pal3/Sorc2 - a.k.a. Sailor Moon
Laylana - Bard 4(or5) - a.k.a. Squirrel Girl
Bom Skjold - Ranger 5 - a.k.a. Jon Snow
Wayne Jericho - Pistolero 5 - a.k.a. Clint Eastwood
Reavis Smoot - Grenadier 6 - a.k.a. The Hobgoblin
Pierre Viret - Human Cleric 4 - a.k.a. Gandhi
Mikko Kallio Contributor |
FiddlersGreen |
Hey everyone, I authored this scenario and just wanted to say that I hope you guys enjoy playing it (and don't die a lot), and I look forward to reading your gameplay thread!
Thanks Mikko! I'll try my best to do the scenario justice, but if I do misread or overlook anything, or you just have interesting ideas about how to run certain bits, I look forward to your (spoilered or privately-messaged) feedback. =)
Bom Skjold |
Just wondering if this party his the APL for 6-7,
I get 30/6 = 5. Would that automatically put us tier 6-7 because we have six? If so, we do play as a six person party or four person party in the upper tier?
Found it in the Guide
When the APL of a table is between two subtiers (like APL 3 for a Tier 1–5 scenario), a party of four characters must play the lower tier without any adjustments for party size. A party of five to seven characters whose APL is between two subtiers must play the higher tier with the four-character adjustment.
Hmmm.....I hope we are not in over our heads. Tier 6-7 is probably going to have some CR 9 or so creature in it.
FiddlersGreen |
Sorry to hear that. Everybody likes Squirrel Girl. But on the other hand, we now have...
Updated Roll call:
Sifvery Moon - Pal3/Sorc2 - a.k.a. Sailor Moon
Bom Skjold - Ranger 5 - a.k.a. Jon Snow
Wayne Jericho - Pistolero 5 - a.k.a. Clint Eastwood
Reavis Smoot - Grenadier 6 - a.k.a. The Hobgoblin
Pierre Viret - Human Cleric 4 - a.k.a. Gandhi
Fendel - Human Alligator3/Alchemist2/Fighter2 a.k.a. Greg Sandersen!
FiddlersGreen |
Updated Roll call:
Sifvery Moon - Pal3/Sorc2 - a.k.a. Sailor Moon
Bom Skjold - Ranger 5 - a.k.a. Jon Snow
Wayne Jericho - Pistolero 5 - a.k.a. Clint Eastwood
Reavis Smoot - Grenadier 6 - a.k.a. The Hobgoblin
Pierre Viret - Human Cleric 5 - a.k.a. Gandhi
Fendel - Human Alligator3/Alchemist2/Fighter2 a.k.a. Greg Sandersen!
APL: 33/6=5.5
Bom Skjold |
Updated Roll call:
Sifvery Moon - Pal3/Sorc2 - a.k.a. Sailor Moon
Bom Skjold - Ranger 5 - a.k.a. Jon Snow
Wayne Jericho - Pistolero 5 - a.k.a. Clint Eastwood
Reavis Smoot - Grenadier 6 - a.k.a. The Hobgoblin
Pierre Viret - Human Cleric 5 - a.k.a. Gandhi
Fendel - Human Alligator3/Alchemist2/Fighter2 a.k.a. Greg Sandersen!APL: 33/6=5.5
So does that mean we're fighting the scaled down four party version or the full six party version?
I am contemplating switching to a Barbarian 6 if we are going to be doing the six character version.
Bom Skjold |
Currently it looks like we'll be doing the full six-man sub-tier 6-7 version.
Let me know if you want to swap into a new character. =)
Divide the total number of character levels by the number of characters in the party, rounding to the nearest whole number. If the result of the average party level calculation ends with 0.5, the players should decide whether to round up or down.
That puts at 5 even if we decide to round down, and I think we clearly do considering only one person is actually above level 6
When the APL of a table is between two subtiers (like APL 3 for a Tier 1–5 scenario), a party of four characters must play the lower tier without any adjustments for party size. A party of five to seven characters whose APL falls between two subtiers must play the higher tier with the four-character adjustments found throughout the scenario.
Seems pretty clear we play the four-man 6-7. What am I missing?
Bom Skjold |
I can switch to a level 4 Investigator if that'll round us down to a more comfortable tier.
We'd have to drop 6 total levels to get down to the lower tier. So unless everyone can drop a level or a few people can drop two or three levels, it won't make a difference.
I do have a leve 3 Investigator, but I don't know if it makes sense for us both to play investigators to try and drop the tier. Personally, if I am getting out of tier gold, either way, I'd rather play low.
FiddlersGreen |
That's the kind of meta-game I only worry about if I think the GM is a sadistic freak who finds joy in killing PCs.
Lightning strikes in the background, briefly casting a dark, horned, bat-winged silhouette where the GM is standing.
Ahem. So you see, no need to worry at all.