[PFS][PBP][GD5]Phantom Phenomena Unchained! (Inactive)

Game Master Michael Hallet


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Grand Lodge

Male LN Human (Varisian) Magus (Mindblade) 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 16 (12 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +3, R: +2, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +2, SM: +1 | Speed30ft | Psychic Pool (+1) 3/4 | Spells: 1st 1/2| Active conditions: Mindblade summoned

Vol sees an opening and tries to take it. He moves up next to Krudenk and takes a swing with his summoned blade at the floating skull annoying the half-orc.

mindblade attack, inspired: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 5 + 1 = 16

mindblade damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

Liberty's Edge

The flaming skulls are smashed, causing the light in the room to dim.

20% miss chance currently if you do not have darkvision.

Blooming Flower
Krudenk (7+2/15+2 hp) <=== UP!
Dragos <=== UP!
Tarantio <=== UP!

Grand Lodge

male half-orc barbarian 1 | HP 10/14, rage 1/7 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 | F +6, R +5, W +2 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Spd 30' | Perc +4 | Init +5

Krudenk swings his mighty Lucerne hammer at the skull harassing Dragos.

attack+inspire courage+rage: 1d20 + 5 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 1 + 2 = 20
damage: 1d12 + 4 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 4 + 1 + 2 = 15

Liberty's Edge

Kurdenk smashes the final skull to bits and all that is left if the glowing harrow deck on the table. Surely this will be something worth studying.

Dr. Quolorum is eager to study the deck’s strange powers, but he advises the PCs to hold onto it until the mystery of the phantom phenomena is solved in case it proves useful.

You gain the following boon which can be used once per quest.

Draw from the Deck: You have recovered a psychically charged harrow deck, commonly used for telling fortunes. You can expend its remaining energy to draw a card at random as a standard action, and you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to the ability score that matches the suit of the card drawn until the end of the adventure. If you do not have a harrow deck available, instead roll 1d6 to determine the suit (1 is Strength, 2 is Dexterity, 3 is Constitution, 4 is Intelligence, 5 is Wisdom, and 6 is Charisma).


Liberty's Edge


You receive another package containing two boxes made of crystalline panels, each about 1-foot cube, a brass key and a letter from Dr. Quolorum.

Dr. Quorlorum's Letter wrote:

My studious aides, I have acquired permission to send a team into the haunted and abandoned Illirigarde manor. I hope you can gain insight into Lady Illirigarde’s research, as she too took an interest in the psychic phenomena plaguing this stretch of the Hungry Mountains. My findings suggest that she was close to a breakthrough when she mysteriously disappeared several decades ago. It is extremely important you recover any tools that will help as we pick up where she left off_especially something her writings call “etheric compasses.”

Also, my design for an ectoplasmic container is ready for field tests. These boxes will hold and preserve ethereal material and may be useful to you in this endeavor. I am almost certain they are risk-free.

-Dr. Quolorum

Gather Information or Knowledge (local) 10+:
Residents of nearby Dunhob believe the manor is haunted, and even the caretakers stopped maintaining its grounds long ago.

It’s said the lady’s mirrors never seemed to work quite right after she died; they always seemed to reflect the house as it once was, not as it is now.

It’s said that holy water or a cleric’s prayers can counteract hauntings before they become truly dangerous, but timing is critical.

Knowledge (history) 10+:
Lady Illirigarde commissioned this manor over 40 years ago, and it’s been bad luck ever since. She disappeared one stormy night, and nobody has used the building since.

The last person to enter the manor, 20 years ago, ran out screaming and for several hours afterward he acted oddly.

Scarab Sages

Male Ustalavic Undine - Draconic Druid/4 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 17[18] (13 Tch, 14[15] Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft / Swim 30ft | Re-roll (+2) 1/1 |Hydraulic Push1/1 | Dragon Shape 1/1 Active conditions: None.

Dragos pats the hulking half-orc on the shoulder with a smile as they search through the lucky lantern.

"Well swung sir! Remind me not to get on your bad side! Well that was a rather unpleasant diversion but I do hope it proves useful! Now a haunted Manor eh? What is the worst that could happen?"

harrow draw: 1d6 ⇒ 5 Wisdom! Spot on!

Gather info: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

History: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

"Hmm, it would seem I spoke too soon, it would appear the Manor, built some 40 years prior has been left abandoned since Lady Illrigarde went missing on a stormy night, much like this one! 20 years ago, a foolhardy adventurer entered the Manor and fled screaming! The sights too much for a fragile mind."

Dragos pauses in his lesson, the Undertaker tappin with the butt of his scythe as he speaks.

"Now, the locals tell us the Manor is haunted and that mirrors inside the place, at least some time ago, showed the house as it was, not how it is! Have we got any holy water? We may need it against further haunts."

Liberty's Edge

Male Kitsune Bard 2

harrow: 1d6 ⇒ 1 strength

knowledge: local: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

knowledge: history: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Grand Lodge

Male Human CG Cleric 5, HP 43/43, AC 21 T 13, FF 18, F +6, R +4, W +8, Initiative +1, Perception +6

harrow: 1d6 ⇒ 6


Grand Lodge

male half-orc barbarian 1 | HP 10/14, rage 1/7 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 | F +6, R +5, W +2 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Spd 30' | Perc +4 | Init +5

Krudenk is learning to be wary of haunted places. "Yes I bet there will be something terrible there."

harrow: 1d6 ⇒ 1 Strength perfect!

I can assume I get healed and everything in between right?

Liberty's Edge

You begin every session refreshed.

Grand Lodge

Male Human CG Cleric 5, HP 43/43, AC 21 T 13, FF 18, F +6, R +4, W +8, Initiative +1, Perception +6

Well, we should make haste and get there and see what we can do about it.

Grand Lodge

Male LN Human (Varisian) Magus (Mindblade) 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 16 (12 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +3, R: +2, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +2, SM: +1 | Speed30ft | Psychic Pool (+1) 3/4 | Spells: 1st 1/2| Active conditions: Mindblade summoned

"Tentacle creatures, floating skulls, magic Harrow cards, and now we have special boxes for holding ethereal energy! This has certainly been an interesting mission so far!"

Dark Archive

M Human Asmodeus Advocate 1, HP 12/12, Init +1, AC 16, T 11, F 15, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6, Perception +4, Attacks: +2 Heavy Mace (1d8+2)

harrow deck: 1d6 ⇒ 4 Intelligence
gather information: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

Dacius sighs after finishing reading Dr. Quorlorum's Letter - Another Haunt? - the priest thinks - How many more of these will we have to investigate and how the 9 Circles of Hell did this man survived all this time investigating this occurrences without us?!

Do we have time to go shopping? If so, I would like to buy a couple of holy water vials... I'm guessing Unholy water won't do the trick, will it?

Liberty's Edge

Yes, I suppose I will allow that.

The new map is available.

Grand Lodge

male half-orc barbarian 1 | HP 10/14, rage 1/7 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 | F +6, R +5, W +2 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Spd 30' | Perc +4 | Init +5

Krudenk cautiously approaches the door.

perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24

Grand Lodge

Male LN Human (Varisian) Magus (Mindblade) 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 16 (12 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +3, R: +2, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +2, SM: +1 | Speed30ft | Psychic Pool (+1) 3/4 | Spells: 1st 1/2| Active conditions: Mindblade summoned

"This place looks big and imposing. I'll check for enchantments near the entrance."

Vol focuses his senses as he steps forwards. With only a thought he detects if there is any magic in front of the building. Detect Magic.

Dark Archive

M Human Asmodeus Advocate 1, HP 12/12, Init +1, AC 16, T 11, F 15, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6, Perception +4, Attacks: +2 Heavy Mace (1d8+2)

While Krudenk and Vol take a look at the entrance, Dacius goes around the mansion, checking the windows to see if he can get a peek of any unusual activity in it.

Dark Archive

M Human Asmodeus Advocate 1, HP 12/12, Init +1, AC 16, T 11, F 15, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6, Perception +4, Attacks: +2 Heavy Mace (1d8+2)

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Scarab Sages

Male Ustalavic Undine - Draconic Druid/4 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 17[18] (13 Tch, 14[15] Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft / Swim 30ft | Re-roll (+2) 1/1 |Hydraulic Push1/1 | Dragon Shape 1/1 Active conditions: None.

Dragos leans on his scythe, watching the others hard at work as he absent mindedly scratches Tarantio behind a scaly ear. The druid calls out to the brutish Half orc.

"Find anything sir? It is frightfully grim around here no?"

Liberty's Edge

All is quiet. Most of the furniture inside is covered in dusty sheets, left as it was shortly after Lady Illirigarde's death. Around the back of the manor is a fenced courtyard.

Grand Lodge

male half-orc barbarian 1 | HP 10/14, rage 1/7 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 | F +6, R +5, W +2 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Spd 30' | Perc +4 | Init +5

"Seems deserted," Krudenk replies. He carefully pushes on the door, remembering the story about the last person who entered.

Liberty's Edge

The door is locked.

Grand Lodge

Male Human CG Cleric 5, HP 43/43, AC 21 T 13, FF 18, F +6, R +4, W +8, Initiative +1, Perception +6

Anyone have a key? Therin smirks as he looks at Krudenk.

Liberty's Edge

You were sent a bronze key in the package from Dr. Quorlorum.

Dark Archive

M Human Asmodeus Advocate 1, HP 12/12, Init +1, AC 16, T 11, F 15, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6, Perception +4, Attacks: +2 Heavy Mace (1d8+2)

Remembering about the key after Therin mentioned it, Dacius pulls out the key from his belt pouch and opens the main door, taking a look inside without stepping in

Scarab Sages

Male Ustalavic Undine - Draconic Druid/4 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 17[18] (13 Tch, 14[15] Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft / Swim 30ft | Re-roll (+2) 1/1 |Hydraulic Push1/1 | Dragon Shape 1/1 Active conditions: None.

Dragos lets out his held breath as Krudenk makes to push the locked door, the tension of the moment building up in the Undertaker and causing him to laugh a little.

"Well that sure was tense! Right, now with the key, take two! Hmm, can we get moving, the mountains here seem to be frightfully gloomy."

Liberty's Edge

As the doors are opened and you peer in, you see dusty sheets covering the furniture of the front hall—all save a large portrait flanked by unlit candelabras above the fireplace directly opposite the front door. The candles ignite one by one without anyone lighting them revealing that the portrait has been badly damaged by slashing. Below the painting is a plaque that reads "Lady Rena Illirigarde," over which the word HATE has been scratched into over and over. The room smells musty and old.

Survival 20+:
You spot footprints belonging to a small humanoid creature in the dust.

Perception 20+:
Something has chewed small holes in the baseboard along the east (bottom of the map) wall.

Scarab Sages

Male Ustalavic Undine - Draconic Druid/4 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 17[18] (13 Tch, 14[15] Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft / Swim 30ft | Re-roll (+2) 1/1 |Hydraulic Push1/1 | Dragon Shape 1/1 Active conditions: None.

perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

survival: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

Dragos steps into the dusty front hall and looks it over, his scythe held with the blade pointed to the floor. Stepping across the hall the Ustalavan man focuses his attention on the desecrated painting with a sigh.

"Well, that is just uncalled for, sure she caused hassle, but to come into her home and desecrate the place? I never!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Kitsune Bard 2

perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

survival: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13

Grand Lodge

male half-orc barbarian 1 | HP 10/14, rage 1/7 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 | F +6, R +5, W +2 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Spd 30' | Perc +4 | Init +5

The big half-orc grins sheepishly when Dacius produces the key. "Oh yeah. Oops."

Those are pretty high DCs for level 1. Dragos was close.

survival (aid another): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
perception (aid another): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Grand Lodge

Male Human CG Cleric 5, HP 43/43, AC 21 T 13, FF 18, F +6, R +4, W +8, Initiative +1, Perception +6

survival: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Dark Archive

M Human Asmodeus Advocate 1, HP 12/12, Init +1, AC 16, T 11, F 15, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6, Perception +4, Attacks: +2 Heavy Mace (1d8+2)

Carefully, with his weapon on hand, Dacius enters the manor and takes a good look at the room - That's intriguing - he says while pointing with his mace towards the east wall bottom of the map -Notice those chewed small holes along the baseboard? I wonder what kind of creature has done that.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

Grand Lodge

Male Human CG Cleric 5, HP 43/43, AC 21 T 13, FF 18, F +6, R +4, W +8, Initiative +1, Perception +6

There are also small footprints here also...see? as Therin points them out.

We should follow them first, come back for the creature later. Therin sets out following the footprints.

Grand Lodge

male half-orc barbarian 1 | HP 10/14, rage 1/7 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 | F +6, R +5, W +2 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Spd 30' | Perc +4 | Init +5

Krudenk follows Therin, unable to make out the footprints himself but eager to see where they lead.

Grand Lodge

Male LN Human (Varisian) Magus (Mindblade) 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 16 (12 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +3, R: +2, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +2, SM: +1 | Speed30ft | Psychic Pool (+1) 3/4 | Spells: 1st 1/2| Active conditions: Mindblade summoned

Vol sticks with Therin as he follows the tracks he found.

There could be danger here. It's better to be prepared than caught off guard like in the tavern.

Vol summons his mindblade but holds it low at his side.

Scarab Sages

Male Ustalavic Undine - Draconic Druid/4 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 17[18] (13 Tch, 14[15] Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft / Swim 30ft | Re-roll (+2) 1/1 |Hydraulic Push1/1 | Dragon Shape 1/1 Active conditions: None.

Dragos shrugs, turning from the painting but seeing little in the layers of dust, he smiles at the two priests.

"Sharp eyes there! After you fellows!"

Liberty's Edge

Male Kitsune Bard 2

Roy rubs his eyes with a free hand "Must have dust in my eyes" he mumbles as he follows the others, cradling his loaded crossbow he glances at the picture and mumbles "glad I'm not from her family"

Liberty's Edge

The group follows the footprints out into the hallway. While there are signs of these footprints everywhere, they are more concentrated in the eastern (bottom) part of the manor.

More tiny holes are seen in the baseboards leading into the two rooms marked by green on the map.

Dark Archive

M Human Asmodeus Advocate 1, HP 12/12, Init +1, AC 16, T 11, F 15, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6, Perception +4, Attacks: +2 Heavy Mace (1d8+2)

I believe we should visit one of these rooms, the ones these tiny holes lead to

Scarab Sages

Male Ustalavic Undine - Draconic Druid/4 | HP: 27/27 | AC: 17[18] (13 Tch, 14[15] Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 16 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +9 | Init: +2 | Perc: +11, SM: +4 | Speed 30ft / Swim 30ft | Re-roll (+2) 1/1 |Hydraulic Push1/1 | Dragon Shape 1/1 Active conditions: None.

Dragos follows out into the hallway, glancing curiously at the manor's interior, as if appreciating the drab decor of a true Ustalavic homestead. Running his hands against the solid furnishings he grimaces at the dust and disrepair evident.

"Such a shame for such a marvel to go to waste! I think I will aim to start up my own lodge here one day, what do you say?"the Undertaker asks excitedly, though you're not sure if he is talkig to the group or to Tarantio. "Yes, we should follow Dacius' eyes and into one of these rooms! Lead on good man"

Grand Lodge

Male LN Human (Varisian) Magus (Mindblade) 1 | HP: 10/10 | AC: 16 (12 Tch, 14 Fl) | CMB: +4, CMD: 16 | F: +3, R: +2, W: +3 | Init: +4 | Perc: +2, SM: +1 | Speed30ft | Psychic Pool (+1) 3/4 | Spells: 1st 1/2| Active conditions: Mindblade summoned

"What kind of creature could make such a mess in what was clearly once a rather nice manor?"

Vol says this out loud though to no-one in particular.

Grand Lodge

male half-orc barbarian 1 | HP 10/14, rage 1/7 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 | F +6, R +5, W +2 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Spd 30' | Perc +4 | Init +5

"It looks like rodents to me. My hammer is good at smashing them." With that, Krudenk starts twirling his Lucerne hammer recklessly to show off.

Grand Lodge

Male Human CG Cleric 5, HP 43/43, AC 21 T 13, FF 18, F +6, R +4, W +8, Initiative +1, Perception +6

Aye, let's find these rodents....

Liberty's Edge

So which room do you want to explore?

Grand Lodge

Male Human CG Cleric 5, HP 43/43, AC 21 T 13, FF 18, F +6, R +4, W +8, Initiative +1, Perception +6

let's start with the end room on the top of map...the curved one...would be left hand side of house

Liberty's Edge

The room is a large dining room or meeting room, several papers lay atop the dust-covered table, but it appears they have been shredded beyond all comprehension, the deep gashes extending into the surface.

Dark Archive

M Human Asmodeus Advocate 1, HP 12/12, Init +1, AC 16, T 11, F 15, Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6, Perception +4, Attacks: +2 Heavy Mace (1d8+2)

Dacius observes the room from the entrance, reluctant to inspect it any further without his fellow adventurers

Grand Lodge

male half-orc barbarian 1 | HP 10/14, rage 1/7 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 | F +6, R +5, W +2 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Spd 30' | Perc +4 | Init +5

Krudenk enters and looks around carefully.

perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Liberty's Edge

Krudenk sees very little of interest in here. It does not look like the room has been disturbed in a long time.

Grand Lodge

male half-orc barbarian 1 | HP 10/14, rage 1/7 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 | F +6, R +5, W +2 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Spd 30' | Perc +4 | Init +5

"No sign of the rodents in here."

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