male half-orc barbarian 1 | HP 10/14, rage 1/7 | AC 19, T 13, FF 16 | F +6, R +5, W +2 | CMB +5, CMD 18 | Spd 30' | Perc +4 | Init +5
About Krudenk
male half-orc barbarian 2 (superstitious)
neutral good medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +4; Senses darkvision; Perception +6
XP 5 Fame 6 Prestige 4
PFS # 161871-8 Faction Grand Lodge
AC 1, touch 1, flat-footed 1 (+ armor, + dex)
HP 23 (2d12 +4 Con)
Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1
Special Defenses uncanny dodge, raging vitality, orc ferocity
Speed 30 ft
Melee mwk Lucerne hammer +6 (1d12+6, x2, B or P, brace, reach) or sap +5 (1d6+4, B, nonlethal)
Ranged light crossbow +4 (1d8, 19-20/×2, 80 ft, P)
Special Attacks rage 10/day, imbue with electricity 3/day
Str 18 (+4), Dex 14 (+2), Con 15 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 7 (-2)
BAB +2, CMB +6 CMD 18
Raging Vitality: Whenever you are raging, the morale bonus to your Constitution increases by +2. Your rage does not end if you become unconscious. While unconscious you must still expend rounds of rage per day each round.
Insider Knowledge: Venture-Captain Valsin likes to keep abreast of situations within the Pathfinder Society, and you do your best to emulate him. Choose either Diplomacy or Knowledge (local). You gain a +1 trait bonus on all checks with the chosen skill, and the chosen skill is a class skill for you.
Reactionary: You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks.
Racial Abilities
Rock Climber: Half-orcs from mountainous regions are excellent climbers, and sometimes ambush prey by leaping down from above. Half-orcs with this racial trait gain a +1 racial bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks. This racial trait replaces the intimidating trait.
Orc Ferocity: Once per day, when a half-orc is brought below 0 hit points but not killed, he can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. At the end of his next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, he immediately falls unconscious and begins dying.
City-Raised: Half-orcs with this trait know little of their orc ancestry and were raised among humans and other half-orcs in a large city. City-raised half-orcs are proficient with whips and longswords, and receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (local) checks. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.
Darkvision: Half-orcs can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Orc Blood: Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Favored Class Bonus: Add +2 to the barbarian’s total number of rage rounds per day.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A barbarian is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).
Fast Movement: A barbarian's land speed is faster than the norm for her race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian's speed because of any load carried or armor worn. This bonus stacks with any other bonuses to the barbarian's land speed.
Rage: A barbarian can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess. Starting at 1st level, a barbarian can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, she can rage for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from rage and spells like bear's endurance, do not increase the total number of rounds that a barbarian can rage per day. A barbarian can enter rage as a free action. The total number of rounds of rage per day is renewed after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive. While in rage, a barbarian gains a +4 morale bonus to her Strength and Constitution, as well as a +2 morale bonus on Will saves. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants the barbarian 2 hit points per Hit Dice, but these disappear when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. A barbarian can end her rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. A barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times during a single encounter or combat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death.
Rage Powers: As a barbarian gains levels, she learns to use her rage in new ways. Starting at 2nd level, a barbarian gains a rage power. She gains another rage power for every two levels of barbarian attained after 2nd level. A barbarian gains the benefits of rage powers only while raging, and some of these powers require the barbarian to take an action first. Unless otherwise noted, a barbarian cannot select an individual power more than once. Any barbarian who meets the powers’ prerequisites can select and use rage powers. Totem rage powers grant powers related to a theme. A barbarian cannot select from more than one group of totem rage powers; for example, a barbarian who selects a beast totem rage power cannot later choose to gain any of the dragon totem rage powers (any rage power with “dragon totem” in its title).
Uncanny Dodge: At 2nd level, a barbarian gains the ability to react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to armor class if immobilized. A barbarian with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to armor class if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against her.
Lesser Elemental Blood: Choose an energy type: acid, cold, fire, or electricity. While raging, as a swift action up to three times a day, the barbarian can imbue her melee attacks with elemental energy, dealing an additional 1d6 points of damage of the chosen energy type for 1 round.
Other Gear wand of cure light wounds (48 charges), explorer's outfit, barbarian's kit backpack, a belt pouch, a blanket, a flint and steel, an iron pot, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin)
Money 48 gp
Description Krudenk is very young for a Pathfinder. He appears even younger as he is naturally baby-faced and does not yet grow facial hair. He is particularly large and strong even for a half-Orc.
History Krudenk was raised by PFS parents and has been trained his whole life in the art of melee combat. He is eager to make his own name and do some good in the world but he has no knowledge of the ways of the world.
Age 15
Pathfinder Quests: Phantom Phenomena:
XP 1
Fame/Prestige 2
Gold 500
Day Job 0
Draw from the Deck: You have recovered a psychically charged harrow deck, commonly used for telling fortunes. You can expend its remaining energy to draw a card at random as a standard action, and you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to the ability score that matches the suit of the card drawn until the end of the adventure. If you do not have a harrow deck available, instead roll 1d6 to determine the suit (1 is Strength, 2 is Dexterity, 3 is Constitution, 4 is Intelligence, 5 is Wisdom, and 6 is Charisma). When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.
Impressive Find: A representative from the Pathfinder Society - an organization of archaeologists and explorers - has heard of your discoveries in Ustalav and invites you to join the Society as a field agent. Once you earn 12 or more fame, your superiors award you one additional Prestige Point (but not Fame) in recognition of your excellence. You cannot have more Prestige Points than Fame, and if you would exceed this maximum, the bonus Prestige Point must be spent immediately or lost.
Well-Earned Reward: Dr. Quolorum's principal mission in these missions was uncovering the secret behind the strange phenomena near Lantern Lake, and any treasure recovered was merely a pleasant surprise. Although a share of the treasure was not in the original contract, he subsidizes the cost as a favor to you. You may purchase any of the three treasures below at a reduced price: gloves of swimming and climbing (5000 gp), necklace of fireballs (300 gp), and robe of useful items (2500 gp).
Items Available for Purchase
gloves of swimming and climbing (6250 gp)
necklace of fireballs (type I) (one 3d6 bead remaining; 450 gp, limit 1)
robe of useful items (still has one of each of the following patches: dagger, lit bullseye lantern, steel mirror, 10-foot pole, 50-foot coil of hempen rope, sack, potion of cure serious wounds, 24-foot-long ladder, scroll of glitterdust, a bouquet of roses, 3 adamantine arrows, antitoxin, cauldron containing enough hot lamb stew to serve 8 Medium creatures; 3500 gp)
6-10 The Wounded Wisp:
XP Earned: 1
PP Earned: 0
Gold Earned: 150
Day Job: 0
Items Available for Purchase:
cloak of resistance +1 (1,000 gp)
potion of cure moderate wounds (300 gp)
scroll of shatter (150 gp)