Ilja |

So, I was wondering if anyone here would be interested in joining a game of Lords of Creation?
Lords of Creation Wiki with rules etc
EDIT: I pasted the wrong link in the OP, that leads to an outdated wiki for the game. Now it is fixed.
And these are the rules: Rules
It's a forum game / play by post RPG wherein players play gods. It's similar to Dawn of Worlds, but with more focus on the individual characters.
A summary of the rules is as follows:
Each player is a god with certain domains. Each week, the gods gain a certain number of action points, which can be spent to do awesome godly things such as create continents or planes, turn some flowers into a sentient species of flowerpeople etc.
Outside of that, each god can also act freely much like a very powerful mortal character, you know simply RP'ing a god.
Lords of Creation has a much more open "round" than many PF PbP's; it's basically "first come first serve" and the game-changing actions are limited per week rather than per round. This, in combination with a storyline created by all involved players rather than a precreated plot by a GM means that the game is much more open to varying amounts of dedication; it's okay to post once a week, or ten times a day, and players can come and go a bit as they please (not completely like that but not far from).
The game doesn't have a GM directly, but a few players take upon themselves to be referees/mods to reach a decision when there is a dispute (more than one player should be a referee since referees shouldn't mod themselves).
I've never played it before, but would be really interested in doing that; however, most games on GitP seems to be dead. This is mostly an interest check; I'm very willing to host and mod a game (if more people are interested) but first I want to know if there actually are other people interested.

Ilja |

This depends, can we be evil goods or even Lucifer?
Yes. However, the following will not be allowed:
- Sexual violence- Unnecessary explicit gore etc.
- Sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic etc slurs
Also, there will be some decided-upon etiquette rules, probably similar to these I copy-pasted from the wiki:
It is important to understand that this is not a 'God Campaign' but a form of collaborative storytelling and world-building. If your objective is to create a god simply to show off how great you are at other players’ expense, then this is not the game for you.
Gods are not omnipotent.
While you are playing a deity, you should not forget that you are still one of many. There are limits on what a god is capable of.
Gods are not omniscient.
A deity is limited to what information they can gather through observation or intelligence, just as any powerful being. They are generally assumed to be able to be able find and observe anything on the Material that they wish, but they can still be surprised or caught unawares by things they aren’t paying attention to. A special note here is that things related to a god's domain allow them a vague and general sense of that element but not enough to gather specific details.
Godmodding is to be avoided
For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, godmodding is, in short, assuming control of another player's characters or creations. In a game of this scale, sometimes it can be impossible to entirely avoid godmodding, but it should be kept to a minimum whenever possible. Remember, planning ahead with other players is the best way to avoid godmodding!
You are not ‘invulnerable’.
Although many actions in LoC are unable to be completely destroyed by another, simply smugly saying “they get better” is not a means of making you invulnerable. All it does is alienate you from your fellow players and make them inclined to ignore you.
Consider your fellow players.
You are not the only person trying to establish characters and write a story – everyone has their own plots and plans. Interaction between players is actively encouraged, but simply harassing them is not. Just as ignoring a player’s attacks on your own creations is frowned upon, repeatedly assaulting a player’s creations with no real purpose other than to keep them from playing is griefing, and will not be tolerated.
Time is flexible
Time to a god's eyes is not the same as that of a mortal's eyes. In essence, there is no “standardized” timeline. Rollovers do not necessarily represent any specific span of time. There have been some instances where mere hours pass IC in one RL week and others where centuries pass in a single post. Stay flexible.
Communication, communication, communication!
You cannot be too open. The more you plan with other players, the smoother the game gets. Surprising people can be fun, but people can’t work with you if they don’t know what you’re up to. Using the OOC thread or other communication helps a lot.
Respect the MODs
The MODs of this LoC are here to help the players, not bully them. We oversee all the details it takes to keep this game running from maintaining the roster and world map to rules arbitration and catching cheaters. If we ask for your cooperation as MODs, please give it to us.
Keep the OOC clean
If you have an issue with something or someone, do not go to the OOC to cry/whine or make a big issue out of it. That's the whole reason the MODs were picked. To keep conflicts out of the OOC. They make the atmosphere oppressive, they make things less fun, and generally unpleasant and maybe even make the arguments larger than they need be. So if you do have a complaint, either PM the offending party or ask a MOD to mediate on the issue. If you have a problem with a MOD, or have a reason to distrust a MOD, simply send the message to another MOD.
Spoiler your Quotes!
Sometimes you can't help but quote another player's post, in these situations, we ask that you spoiler the Quoted parts, to make it easier for everyone to read.
In other words, yes, you can be an evil god, but keep it classy.

Ilja |

Okay, since there now seems to be 5 interested, including me, here comes a proper recruitment post:
In the grand war of the gods, all of creation was destroyed. In the void after the world, a few survivors try to find meaning in the nothingness, creating a something; a newness; a second existence.
Anyone is free to apply for the game at all times - there is no deadline.
Apart from the etiquette rules mentioned at the wiki mentioned above, these are also hard rules:
- No sexual violence, even mutually agreed upon.
- No sexist/racist/homophobic/transphobic slurs or similar stuff, even mutually agreed upon.
- No unnecessarily graphic gore, descriptions of torture or similar, even if you're an evil god.
- Follow the forum rules.
Just copy-paste this and fill it out. Specific instructions on what each line means is on the wiki.
Played By:
Domains (Portfolios):
Mod?: Up until 19th march, also fill in here whether you'd be interested in moderating the game together with me and eventual other mods.
So, keep'em coming! :D
I'll put up an OOC thread tomorrow (monday 17th), and the actual IC thread on tuesday, so you have some time to apply.

Ilja |

I assume you have had problems with evil characters in the past after posting all that?
Not in this game; I've rarely played with evil characters in pathfinder etc, but the few times I've had there's been no real issues, at least not since I started playing in junior high. But I don't think 14-year old evil rogues count.
But the list was simply a copy-paste from the wiki as I noted.
Basically - you're free to play an evil character, and you're free to within reason mess with other characters if you have a reason to, but keep it classy and know the difference between messing with a character and messing with a player.

Oenar, the Winter |

So, here's my own application form.
Name: Oenar, the Winter, the Perfect Crystal, White Wolf
Played By: Ilja
Domains (Portfolios): Cold (Snow, Ice), Endurance (Survival)
Theme: Winter Goddess
Alignment: Neutral
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 2d6
HP: 40
Description: An old god by any measure, Oenar is known as the White Wolf. She is a being of snow crystals and frozen seas, creating solid order where the waves go high. She can take several shapes, but most often, she takes the shape of a muscular, broad humanoid with four arms, each ending in a wolves' head.
Much as the winter weather, she has a tempestuous mood, but she is kind at heart and rarely judgemental. She prefers things orderly, symmetrical and honest, and do not like being deceived. Oenar does not forgive easily, but neither is she vengeful; usually, she just stays away from those she feels has wronged her.
Oenar was never enthusiastic about the war, but as the forces of chaos stood upon the doorstep she nevertheless felt forced to act. As existance collapsed around her, she covered herself in a perfect ice crystal, so strong that it survived the end of the world. Now she is ready to awaken, and create something new...

Yidhra, Goddess of Paradoxes |

I don't think the rules have actually explained how to get stronger... XD;
Name: Yidhra
Played By: Rednal
Domains (Portfolios): Artifice, Chaos, Destruction, Knowledge, Law, Madness, Void
Theme: Lovecraftian Goddess of Paradoxes
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 3d6
HP: 30
Description: Yidhra is a perplexing deity, random and frequently doing things because they amuse her. Most of the things she does have a second side to them - gifts bring trouble, trouble brings fortune, mortals generally don't walk away from an encounter with her unchanged. Which is the point, really. She doesn't care if things are changing for the better or for worse; the point is that change is happening. Despite her madness, Yidhra is truly paradoxical - she's as orderly as she is chaotic, and a builder as much as a destroyer.
Intended Ability Gains: Inconceivable/Holy Benefactor/Grand Destroyer/Protean Lord (More-or-less in that order)
Mod? Yes - primarily as a neutral arbitrator when the other mods need one.

Melehan, The Final Arbiter |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Work in progress...
Name: Melehan, Warden of the Dead, The Final Arbiter, The Argent Sovereign
Played By: Archpaladin Zousha
Domains (Portfolios): Death?, Justice?
Theme: Paladin God of the Underworld
Alignment: Lawful Good
Attack: 3d6
Defense: 4d6
HP: 30
Description: A noble warrior thrust into the role of a king, Melehan appears as a tall and slim humanoid with wiry muscles and icy-blue eyes, clad in silvery armor and bearing a shining sword. He also may take the appearance of various birds and animals, especially bears and carrion birds, who are regarded as his heralds.
Melehan is a benevolent but firm deity, seeking to provide succor and comfort to the virtuous dead and strike fear into the souls of the wicked. While aware that death is dispassionate and plays no favorites, death is never the end, and that when a soul stands before him, regardless of what brought it to him, he can see its life entire, and thus knows what it deserves. All are equal before him, and he rewards and punishes as his laws command. Even the unquiet dead do not truly anger him, for he knows many of them seek justice they were denied in life, and thus does his best to ease their pain so they move on willingly. Those who refuse, however, and those who attempt to break the barrier between life and death, suffer the full force of his wrath.
Once, Melehan was a minor deity, tasked with guarding the souls of the dead and destroying the foul undead that would rise and torment the living. When the war came, his master, the god of death, was at the forefront of the battles, for death must always follow war, and none can stand against it...or so all believed. Melehan watched in horror as creation burned, the underworld was torn asunder, and even death died. Knowing that even as he barely escaped destruction himself and floated through the void, the souls of the dead, mortal and god alike, would need to go somewhere, he began preparations to take his master's place. For death may die...but never for long...

Ilja |

Oh, in case that wasn't clear - everyone starts as a fledgling deity.
Do you get ten hp for every d6 you assign to it?
Yes, that is correct.
I don't think the rules have actually explained how to get stronger... XD;
You're right, they don't really. They just list a minimum domain needed. Or rather, the rules do provide for a means to get domains and abilities, but not have a higher divine rank.
So I have a suggestion on a mechanic for this:
When you have enough domains needed, and there was at least six weeks since you gained a divine rank (including at least six weeks since you joined the game), rising a divine rank is a 5 AP action.
- Also, a god may lose a divine rank by choice at any time.
- If a god of at least lesser deity rank were going to die, she could spend 2 AP to instead lose a divine rank, and be gone for one week only to be reformed. (This would be the only fool-proof way to prevent death)
And one more rule we could implement if we wanted:
There can be only 3 greater+ deities and 6 intermediate+ deities total. If this number is already filled, a god vying for power would have to get rid of a more powerful god in some way.
I'm interested. How many domains are we allowed to have?
You start off with two domains, but can gain more as time passes; See the "gain domain" action.
Name: Yidhra
Played By: Rednal
Domains (Portfolios): Artifice, Chaos, Destruction, Knowledge, Law, Madness, Void
Theme: Lovecraftian Goddess of Paradoxes
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 3d6
HP: 30
Description: Yidhra is a perplexing deity, random and frequently doing things because they amuse her. Most of the things she does have a second side to them - gifts bring trouble, trouble brings fortune, mortals generally don't walk away from an encounter with her unchanged. Which is the point, really. She doesn't care if things are changing for the better or for worse; the point is that change is happening. Despite her madness, Yidhra is truly paradoxical - she's as orderly as she is chaotic, and a builder as much as a destroyer.
Intended Ability Gains: Inconceivable/Holy Benefactor/Grand Destroyer/Protean Lord (More-or-less in that order)
Mod? Yes - primarily as a neutral arbitrator when the other mods need one.
You have too many domains - you only start with two. If you drop it to two (and preferably add some more specialized portfolios) you're approved.
Work in progress...
Name: Melehan, Warden of the Dead, The Final Arbiter, The Argent Sovereign
Played By: Archpaladin Zousha
Domains (Portfolios): Death?, Justice?
Theme: Paladin God of the Underworld
Alignment: Lawful Good
Attack: 3d6
Defense: 4d6
HP: 30
Description: A noble warrior thrust into the role of a king, Melehan appears as a tall and slim humanoid with wiry muscles and icy-blue eyes, clad in silvery armor and bearing a shining sword. He also may take the appearance of various birds and animals, especially bears and carrion birds, who are regarded as his heralds.Melehan is a benevolent but firm deity, seeking to provide succor and comfort to the virtuous dead and strike fear into the souls of the wicked. While aware that death is dispassionate and plays no favorites, death is never the end, and that when a soul stands before him, regardless of what brought it to him, he can see its life entire, and thus knows what it deserves. All are equal before him, and he rewards and punishes as his laws command. Even the unquiet dead do not truly anger him, for he knows many of them seek justice they were denied in life, and thus does his best to ease their pain so they move on willingly. Those who refuse, however, and those who attempt to break the barrier between life and death, suffer the full force of his wrath.
Once, Melehan was a minor deity, tasked with guarding the souls of the dead and destroying the foul undead that would rise and torment the living. When the war came, his master, the god of death, was at the forefront of the battles, for death must always follow war, and none can stand against it...or so all believed. Melehan watched in horror as creation burned, the underworld was torn asunder, and even death died. Knowing that even as he barely escaped destruction himself and floated through the void, the souls of the dead, mortal and god alike, would need to go somewhere, he began preparations to take his...
Approved! You might want to add some more specialized portfolios; they are not mechanical limitations, but rather a more focused explanation of what of the domain that is most important to you.

rashly5 |

Here's my own application:
Name: Nihil (The Void, The Silent, The Less Than Nothing)
Played By: rashly5
Domains (Portfolios): Void (Nothing), Time (Absence)
Theme: Watcher God (The Abstract Nothing)
Alignment: Neutral
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 4d6
HP: 20
Description: They were infinite in their insignificance. When the war raged, The Silent did nothing. The Void let itself be known by not revealing itself, darting away from others and those that were to come, appearing only in its absence.
When the war ended, and existence collapsed, and the void came, there was nothing. The Less Than Nothing emerged from nowhere from the unnothing where he unwas.
But in the nothingness, there were others. Gods and fragments, survivors of the war.
All things come from nothing. Nihil still was as it was, and watches.
Mod?: Well, yeah. :P

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I'd like to throw my helmet into the ring.
Name: Azdan, the Lord at the End, the Harbinger of All
Played By: Steven T Helt
Domains: Death (Sub: Murder), Destruction (Sub: Catastrophe); PortfolioDaemons*, Darkness, Death, Destruction, Entropy, Evil*, Fear, Natural Disaster, Time, War
Theme: The Lord of Death and Destruction
Alignment: Neutral Evil*
Attack: 3d6
Defense: 3d6
HP: 40
Description:Though mortal cultures grow and pass into history, all of them have a name for the Lord at the End. The most ancient documents describing his worship hail him as Azdan. The primitive tribes of the Nutwani scrawled their own name for him on the walls of their caverns and stone ziggurats, roughly translated as "He who blows out the last torch."
In some cultures, Azdan represents the cold certainty of mortality. Mortal live and die. Nations rise and crumble. Eventually even the world itself will grow cold and nothing can stop it. Though gods and mortals struggle against the ravages of time, there will come and end to everything.
As cults and churches vie for influence, and as nations war and heroes of the outer planes take up cause against one another, Azdan secretly guards one awful secret: he knows the day and hour (and mechanism) of apocalypse, when the world dies and everything dies with it. Some may rush to accelerate these plans, some may rally to stave the day off as long as possible. But as the Lord of the Inevitable, it falls to him to pull the lever on the end of the world.
Still, he is rumored in the earliest texts to have no interest in moving the end-date forward. He remains impartial as to the timing and events that pinch out the last candles in the multiverse (the absolute last being his own). More recent worshipers do not afford mortality the same consideration. Reveling in the birthright of death, they seek to rebrand Azdan as a murderous god, unsatisfied except in the presence of death. They teach that he rewards those who provide the most unique, fitting or poetic deaths, and play games of murder and revenge as sacrament to his power over mortality.
Mod?: Yes. I can be fair and impartial dealing with my stuff or anyone else's. I think fairness to the player and edifying a great story work hand in hand.
*Note: I'd like to begin play as more a neutral force. The certainty of death and all of that. During roleplay, rivalry with other gods, or the constant accusation of evil might turn him into a lord of darker aspects of entropy. That's why his growth includes concepts like daemons and evil. Initially, he will be neutral and amiable, and if the game seems better with him as a non-evil entity, then we'll do that instead.

Melehan, The Final Arbiter |

Question, are the domains we choose actual D&D/Pathfinder domains, or are they just basic concepts of what our deity represents?
And Steven, if you want we could sort of share the position. In Greek myth (which I used as partial inspiration) Hades wasn't the god of death itself, but ruler of the underworld, while death itself was represented by Thanatos. Azdan and Melehan could have a similar relationship, Azdan representing the actual concept of death itself, the force that snuffs out lives, while Melehan's portfolio is more associated with the afterlife and what happens to the soul after Azdan has loosed it from the body. Just a thought.

Ilja |

If youre okay with Melehans solution steven, and you just add attack/defense/hp (therules are in the lin in the OP) then youre approved.
Melehan: nope, domains can be any fundamental concept you want, while portfolios represent more novhe specialities and/or your connection to the domain.
Sorry for typing badly, writing on phone.

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We could certainly try that for starters. : ) I'm certainly willing to play for or off of one another to define those roles. In a lot of ancient pantheons there is movement inside portfolios, so maybe one of us will force the other to redefine the specific domains, or to migrate to peripheral territory.
And that's the stuff of good pantheon creation, right there.
I will add the caveat that I freelance design work, so if I stumble upon an awesome idea here in the game, I reserve the right to drop it into something I'm asked to write. I'd never use anyone else's information that way, but one of my best sources of inspiration is the gaming I do myself. : )

rashly5 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

How do we battle that one out?
Oh, hey, Steven. I'm not sure if you mean Nihil or Melehan?
Anyway, multiple gods can have the same domains. Not a problem at all.
If it's Nihil, they can prefectly co-exist. Nihil isn't really Death or the End, just the concept of Nothing in itself.
Melehan is closer to you than Nihil. He has the underworld and jurisdiction over the dead, but it's more of afterlife. Like what he said. Just now.
In any case, Steven, the setting of the game is 'after the apocalypse' or 'after the end' where surviving gods have to rebuild the universe. Just want you to make sure that it meshes with your backstory, and whether or not he considers the previous apocalypse as the end he was talking about or if there's another final end or whatever.
Question, are the domains we choose actual D&D/Pathfinder domains, or are they just basic concepts of what our deity represents?
The latter. They can be anything you want, and are broad spheres of influence.
Personally, I'd define them inexhaustibly as Primary Natural Forces, Fundamental Concepts, and Alignments. Portfolios are more secondary forces, categories of knowledge or creatures, and specific concepts and actions in the greater domain.

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The statistic were updates already. Another solution would be to see if Rashly5 has another idea he'd like to play. There's plenty of creation left open, and I spent a bit of time on my entry.
If not, may the best neutral evil death guy win. : )
EDIT: I certinaly meant Rashly5, because nihilism and entropy go hand in hand. The good god of the underworld doesn't compete for death's space. He's got fair judgment and petitioners out on the planes to think about.
Nihilism. That's like a step brother showing up to read mom's will. : )

rashly5 |

You can have mom's stuff!
I suppose entropy does mean going to nothing so I suppose we're related. :P We can even partner up a bit!
There's a difference between Nihil and Azdan but I can't seem to articulate it. The main difference I can speak of is Nihil doesn't concern himself with mortality or death--he's simply Nothing, the absence of any concept or thing, and Less Than Nothing.
I can suppose Azdan is more of the entropy that brings about nothing, and Nihil is what nothing is.
For the meantime, just assume I'll go through with Nihil. I'll think about what other characters or concepts I want to play with.

Ilja |

Azdan, youre also approved as mod.
Now that there are three mods present, we can start using the "2 mod approvals required".
So far, we have 1 LG god of death, 2 gods (winter and nothing respectively), 1 NE god of death and 1 CN god of paradoxes.
For people looking to join, consider a character that deals a nit more with life and/or creation. Not a must, but right now its a bit lopsided. :3

Yidhra, Goddess of Paradoxes |

Played By: Rednal
Domains (Portfolios): Madness (Insanity, Nightmare), Void (Dark Tapestry, Stars)
Theme: Lovecraftian Goddess of Paradoxes
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 3d6
HP: 30
Description: Yidhra is a perplexing deity, random and frequently doing things because they amuse her. Most of the things she does have a second side to them - gifts bring trouble, trouble brings fortune, mortals generally don't walk away from an encounter with her unchanged. Which is the point, really. She doesn't care if things are changing for the better or for worse; the point is that change is happening. Despite her madness, Yidhra is truly paradoxical - she's as orderly as she is chaotic, and a builder as much as a destroyer.
Intended Ability Gains: Inconceivable/Holy Benefactor/Grand Destroyer/Protean Lord (More-or-less in that order)
Mod? Yes - primarily as a neutral arbitrator when the other mods need one.
Like so? I'm not too confident on the difference between Domain and Portfolio just yet. XD;

Yidhra, Goddess of Paradoxes |

He might be a fun companion at the start. ^^ I should note that this wouldn't exactly be an... active pantheon. Not a real council of the gods, and not constantly going to help each other - but more quietly agreeing to not bother the others too much in return for not being bothered in return (and the ability to group together against any major threats to their collective interests).
To put it another way, it's like a bunch of cultists pooling their money to buy a shady little building in a back alley somewhere and each getting one day a week to use the place, after which they politely clean up so that the next group can do their own blasphemous rituals without trouble.

Vrog Skyreaver |

okay, well, I just noticed this thread, but here's my submission:
Name: Erande
Played By: Vrog
Domains (Portfolios): Glory, Liberation (Hope, Heroes, Epics)
Theme: Writer of the first epic
Alignment: Neutral Good
Attack: 1d6
Defense: 1d6
HP: 80
Description: Erande tends to take the appearance of either a young boy who inspires other youngsters to pretend to be heroes and go on adventures, or an old man warming his bones by a fire who tells grand tales of heroes of old. Good-hearted, he despises tyrants and uses heroes to see them toppled.
intended abilities: Mortal Shepard, Kingmaker, Font of Vigor, Cloaked in wanderlust.
in terms of divine rank, I see him as a lesser deity to start with.
Erande is also the god of the legendary journey (journey to the west or the lords of the rings style epic).
If approved, I'll make him an avatar.

Ilja |

okay, well, I just noticed this thread, but here's my submission:
Name: Erande
Played By: Vrog
Domains (Portfolios): Glory, Liberation (Hope, Heroes, Epics)
Theme: Writer of the first epic
Alignment: Neutral Good
Attack: 1d6
Defense: 1d6
HP: 90
Description: Erande tends to take the appearance of either a young boy who inspires other youngsters to pretend to be heroes and go on adventures, or an old man warming his bones by a fire who tells grand tales of heroes of old. Good-hearted, he despises tyrants and uses heroes to see them toppled.Erande is also the god of the legendary journey (journey to the west or the lords of the rings style epic).
Seems like a good base concept, but would like to see a little more before approval. Also, note that your domains don't _have_ to be pathfinder domains; they just share the same term. Though of course they can be.

Vrog Skyreaver |

Seems like a good base concept, but would like to see a little more before approval. Also, note that your domains don't _have_ to be pathfinder domains; they just share the same term. Though of course they can be.
I just kept it pathfinder domains cause my masterwork tools app was handy.
Thoughts on the character/god:
Basically, he's my favorite kind of deity: the one who inspires hope in others. He isn't a hero (per se), but he believes that heroism is something that all mortals secretly strive for. He's really the god of the luke skywalkers of the world.
Of course, the downsides to Erande's portfolio include the tragic hero, the heroic last stand, as well as fallen heroes. Overall, I see him as more of a "young" god who is surprisingly powerful if his portfolio is used properly.

Bane88 |

Name: Vulcan, Scourge of Battle, The First Warrior, Iron One, The Titan.
Played By: Bane88
Domains (Portfolios): War(Battle, Soldiers) Strength( Victory, Martial Might)
Theme: God of War, Patron of Soldiers or destructive races.
Alignment: CN
Attack: 6d6
HP: 20
Description: Vulcan is a survivor of the final battle ground, a warrior of immense power. He is the God of warfare and battle, and walks among mortals in times of military strife, fighting for whatever side he deems the strongest or most worthy, sometimes he even fights for the weaker side to further test the strong. He believes strength is the ultimate virtue and to the victor go the spoils. He physically appears as a great armored titan with a many weapons and flame coated armor. His face is often hidden behind hideous masks meant to strike fear into his enemies.

Ilja |

Vrog: What was your actions before the end of existence?
Also, note that everyone starts as a fledgling deity.
Your hit points are 10 to high, they should be 80.
Bane88: You have one domain too many. Consider also your standing with Azdan - while you are distinctly different from each other you have some overlap, so you should talk to each other about that.

Vrog Skyreaver |

Vrog: What was your actions before the end of existence?
Also, note that everyone starts as a fledgling deity.
Your hit points are 10 to high, they should be 80.
apologies about the HP thing. Math be hard, yo.
before the end of existence, I would have been a bard who followed a great group of heroes who (though now extinct) I try to get others to emulate.

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Frankly, I feel like we are still too many competitors for the same space. Everyone wants to be a bad guy god, it seems.
Even one of the good gods is standing in Azdan's space. Though different enough that we don't immediately have to overlap, we'd have a god of the underworld, a god of the end of everything, a god of final apocalypse, and a god of eventual nothingness.
I'd say our next few candidates ought to explore other areas so the pantheon has some initial range. And we should get some writing samples since it will essentially be a strategy role play game with lots and lots of writing.
So, as far as I am concerned, the space for "end of the world" types should be considered full. And any new entrants ought to give us an investment in prose when they describe their physical appearance, portfolio, or worshipers.
We don't have gods of the elements, nobility, races, work, metal, love, etc. We have a lot of wide open space for some neutral and good gods, or for another evil one with a different point of view.

Ilja |

I see what you're saying, I just always want to go for the God of War aspect. If it would help I have other completly different concepts I can submit, that I will be equally enthused about playing.
If you have a concept that diverges more from what we already have here, that would be preferable :)