[PFS/DMK] 5-03 The Hellknight's Feast (Inactive)

Game Master Kludde

Map and handouts

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| AbadarCorp Entertainment Official GM | How is my flying? | DICEBOT LOVES YOU |Starship combat cheat sheet | STEAL THIS TEMPLATE | Traveling until Jan 3, reduced posting frequency expected

Congratulations! You've defeated the succubus Samivashti and have thwared her evil plans. I'll move onto reporting. Please all give your pas details in the discussion thread, so I can report. Thank you all for playing!

Dark Archive

Male Tiefling Wizard 3/Cleric 3/Mystic Theurge 4 | AC: 15/11/14 (+bestow curse) | HP: 30/75 | Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +15 | CMB +6, CMD 17 | Initiative +1 | Perception +12 (darkvision) | Active conditions:


My first thought was "Wow, that was fast." Then I looked back and realized it's been almost a month since we started.

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