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Harrow: I have this boon, which could be extremely handy for you.
Insights of the Iridian Fold: Although you are far from mastering the supernatural coordination demonstrated by the Iridian Fold, you are able to form a temporary link to a favored teammate. You can use this boon to perform a one-minute ritual with an ally whom you have assisted by using the aid another action in combat and who has done the same in return to you; you cannot select your animal companion, eidolon, familiar, or similar creature as your bonded ally. Once per day when you can see your bonded ally and he attempts an attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, you may add 1d3 to the ally’s roll as an immediate action before the result of the roll is determined. Whenever you begin a combat encounter adjacent to your bonded ally, you regain your daily use of this ability.
I propose that each day Harrow and Mareq perform this one minute ritual. And at the beginning of each combat, we should be adjacent to each other. The result will be that you can add a 1d3 to your attack, saving throw or skill checks, once during the combat encounter.

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So, we have Berosius, Harrow, Tan'ia, and Mareck. While we await the fifth player, does anyone wish to make any purchases?
Mareq purchased additional tanglefoot bags, as well as several scrolls. Final Sacrifice, Cat's Grace, and Bull's Strength.
His most important purchase, however, was the magical assistance of a azer swordsmith. Azers are notoriously hard to find on the Prime, Mareq has discovered. And they're even more difficult to find when you have an efreeti noble in tow.
Mareq banished Dung Face back to his dilapidated and dented lamp before seeking out the swordsmith. Being physically weak, the ifrit had a hard time carrying Husarq's giant efreet curved greatsword around. The azer really wanted nothing to do with a blade that so obviously reeked of the hated efreet, but the massive bag of gold Mareq offered softened his stance. Ten days later, it was done. The blade cast little embers, tiny sparks off of its edge when drawn.
"التحدث باسمها ونرى قوتها!" crowed the azer forgemaster proudly to Mareq.
"السيف!" intoned Mareq and the blade burst into terrible, deep crimson flame, like the blood of a thousand slaves, burning upon its edge.
Well, Husarq shall be even more effective, now, mused Mareq. But something deep down worried the ifrit. His face, despite his positive thoughts, remained troubled and marred with an unconscious frown.
Enhanced Husarq's greatsword with the Flaming quality.

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So, we have Berosius, Harrow, Tan'ia, and Mareck. While we await the fifth player, does anyone wish to make any purchases?
When you say "fifth player" do you mean my recommendation or another fifth that you have in mind?

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Ambush in Absalom briefing:
In his usual terse manner, Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin requested an audience in his office. He wasted no words once the last invitee had closed he door.
“Some of you may know a novice named Derris Jerval. Last night I gave him an important message to deliver to an associate of the Society, a Varisian businessman in the Docks named Guaril Karela. I received word this afternoon that the package never arrived. I need you to look into it.
“My initial inquiries lead me to believe Jerval entered the sewers mere yards from the Grand Lodge’s walls. I’m worried for his safety down there and annoyed that he wasn’t able to get the message to Karela. I need you to go after him. If he’s well, slap some sense into him and ensure he delivers the message. If he’s been injured or gotten himself killed, recover the message and make sure it gets to Guaril Karela at the Pickled Imp, a curiosity shop located in the Docks—and get it there soon. I’m counting on you, Pathfinders.”
This is for everyone except Quartz, who is locked into another scenario at the moment.

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Oh, no! I met Derris last week, we had dinner, and things, a few nights, I was showing him some ropes. I mean, the ropes. Showing him the ropes. Anyway, I hope he's alright! We have to go find him. I love him.

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"Venture Captain, do you have some sort of clothing or persnal effect of Jerval's?" asks Mareq politely. His efreeti compaion, Husarq, is nowhere to be seen. Perhaps this is why Mareq is all quiet and deft politeness.
"Or perhaps Tan'ia might have some piece of his clothing?" says Mareq with a sideways smile and glance at the Mwangi woman.
Mareq will summon a hound to track Jerval.

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Hey guys...SO sorry! I hadn't seen that we were starting this, and for some reason didn't get notifications of anything until our Goodly GM PMed me. I'm definitely in for all of this, and would have come running. Sorry for the delay. Also, Mareck, definitely in for some "bonding." Dot for now, will post more later :)

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A quick Harrow intro for the new guys!
A tall, strong, and absolutely hideous half-orc marches proudly at the front of the others. He wears full plate armor and a red cloak, so battered it is hardly wearable. Fastening his cloak at the neck is a shiny silver brooch of Ragathiel. He carries a finely crafted nodachi with a blade of solid adamantine. As he walks, he flexes and admires his massive muscles. He sees the new additions to their group...they are obviously admiring him, too.
"Harrow Tatterhood is name. Harrow now strongest enforcer of Ragathiel, and even learned how to say it...maybe spell it...still not sure. After Harrow defeat cult of Razin-mir guy, Harrow ask self what he believe, and he not know. Harrow search for what he really want, and Harrow want righteous vengeance. Some might think smarter than Harrow, but Harrow fight for right, and also fight to show Harrow better! Harrow will be in front-line kicking but, taking names, and also knows how to make people share things when not in fight...Harrow very persuasive."
For those who have been traveling with him, the arrogant half-orc indeed seems to be more solemn..perhaps even a bit more intimidating than before.
"Harrow have horse, too, but not get to use horse much in sewer or magic dark castle."

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It does appear Quartz has disable device...
Harrow looks at the trap warily.
"Maybe Jerval guy just fall in this pit and we already find him...maybe we all done," the half-orc muses as he looks into the gaping hole before them.
perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
If Quartz can disable it, let's try that. Otherwise, I have some rope and will venture to climb down into the pit.

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While the party discusses the pit, four hidden kobolds (on the far side of the pit) pop out and attack!
Sling: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22, Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Sling: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26Crit?: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13, Damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Sling: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9, Miss!
Sling: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13, Miss!
One hits Harrow, the other hits Husarq. Both party members take 3 HP of damage.
The party is up!

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If we don't quit, it occurs to me I'm not sure this is actually a legal spell for me, but Hero Lab had it listed as one so I picked it. If i can't use it'll do something else. Otherwise...
Tan'ia will cast Rovagug's Fury at the Kobolds.

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Having recently completed their previous adventure infiltrating the temple of Razmir and exposing its crimes and lies, the party's report is reviewed by Pathfinder Reginar. In the meantime, the city is awash in the news of the temple’s expulsion and many of its faithful are already languishing in squalid cells in Tamran’s prison. Reginar does some investigating and discovers that the elven eldritch knight Iramine, a contemporary and adventuring companion of the hero Kassen, embraced Razmir's fanaticism, believing him to be the one true god of Golarion.
Part 1: Crypt of the Everflame: Iramine sent Razmiri cultists to Kassen to pilfer the tombs of her former companions and recover the other two pieces of the amulet. In doing so, they freed the tomb’s bitter spirits and caused the deaths of many of the town’s citizens.
Part 2: Masks of the Living God: The cultists met Iramine in Tamran, the capital of Nirmathas, and once again she held the combined pieces of the amulet in her hands. Putting together a large party of Razmiri faithful, Iramine hired a boat and set sail for the Isle of Terror.
Part 3: City of Golden Death: Reginar asks to meet the party at Tamran's docks: "You have to pursue Iramine with all haste to the dreaded Isle of Terror. I have secured you passage once again with Captain Walren, the dwarven captain of the flat-bottomed barge Black Mist. Iramine now has all of the amulet fragments (hers, Asar’s, and Kassen’s) and with them she can create the key that will unlock the doors to the City of Golden Death, the fabled treasure city of Tar-Baphon, where the Whispering Tyrant hid his immense wealth. Sail across stormy Lake Encarthan to an ancient ruined settlement called Fort Landing. Track Iramine and recover her amulet before she can use it. Then you should seal the city behind you so that no one else can access the city’s treasures. Afterward, you should return the amulet fragments to the Crypt of the Everflame and finally put Kassen’s spirit to rest. The entire Lake Encarthan region’s future hinges on your success or failure."
Knowledge History to know more about Tar-Baphon.
You may also ask Reginar any questions.
A few of your friends from Kassen's Rest have made the trek to Tamran to bring you more pies. ;-P Including the young man who gave Tan'ia so many delicious confections. In addition to apple, blueberry, rhubarb, and pumpkin pies, Kassen's Rest has also started making hot buttered apple biscuits--at Sir Dydimus' urging. :-D You have several baskets full of each type of goodie.
Welton Grompus, your new baker friend in Tamran also gives you several baskets of assorted breads, pastries, scones, and sweet biscuits.
The children of Tamran still think that Harrow is a street performer and ask him to do "one last trick" before he leaves.
Lucian and Olya Groy visit you from Karpad. Sadly, Karpad is not exactly know for their stellar food. But they leave you with a bushel of fresh apples as they say their farewells. "Thanks, again for saving me!" Olya offers sincerely.
On a personal note, I really like the way that this party has made friends everywhere they adventure.

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"Hi everyone! I'm Quartz. This is Penelope." The little brightly dressed gnome says gesturing towards a donkey laden by what looks like an entire lab. "So, go to a city of golden death,scary, stop a crazy lady and dont die. Got it. Everyone ready?" He asks.
The most noticable feature of the little gnome is that he has no eyebrows, so his face has a constant look of suprise.