PFS 3-11 Quest for Perfection Part II: On Hostile Waters (Inactive)

Game Master Warped

With an ancient Iroran relic in hand, the Pathfinders must make a long river voyage to the inland nation of Shokuro to return it to the only person who can reactivate the long-dormant artifact. Whether dangers take the form of goblinoid menaces on the shores of Kaoling to the north or the powerful armies of Lingshen to the south, the Pathfinders' journey will be anything but a pleasure cruise. Can the PCs survive hostile waters to safely reach their destination, or will they fall victim to the perils of river travel in Tian Xia?

Quest for Perfection Map

Initiative Rolls:
[dice]d20+4[/dice] Dagat
[dice]d20+0[/dice] Gorn
[dice]d20+2[/dice] Noorzad
[dice]d20+4[/dice] Hyeon-ae
[dice]d20+6[/dice] Zephri

Perception Rolls:
[dice]d20+6[/dice] Dagat
[dice]d20+3[/dice] Gorn
[dice]d20+4[/dice] Noorzad
[dice]d20+5[/dice] Hyeon-ae
[dice]d20+6[/dice] Zephri

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Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 | AC 21 T 11/12 unarmored FF 21 | Max HP 20 | F +5 R +2 W +2 | Init +0 | Perc +3

FYI: I will be away from the computer from Saturday through Tuesday afternoon/evening. I'll be back to posting on Wednesday like normal, possibly Tuesday night. I will be traveling as well, but I will have no computer handy (or smart enough phone).

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

No problem

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

Okay, as I said in the gameplay thread, the game was already reported, so nobody died. It's handwaved, so yay! It's a tough fight for six players, much less three.

I need to know now who all still plans to continue into part 3, and if you guys want to look for another to join, or if you want an iconic to join. It's up to you. Zephri's out, and I haven't heard from Hyeon-ae in a month, so she's out as well, unfortunately. It's up to you guys on how to proceed. That's even if we're still going forward with the third one. I'll wait until everyone weighs in.

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 | AC 21 T 11/12 unarmored FF 21 | Max HP 20 | F +5 R +2 W +2 | Init +0 | Perc +3

Honestly, I am pro-recruiting two pathfinders and continuing onto the third scenario. I'd love to have a cleric in the next stretch, and maybe some arcane talent?

Liberty's Edge

Female Tian-Sing Human Ranger 1
Quick Reference:
[ HP 12/12 | AC 17/14/13, CMD 16, Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +2 | Init +4; Perception +6 ]

Ahahaha. We were so screwed back there. XD

But it was all Just A Dream!

I'm cool with continuing if you're still up for it. :D Dagat isn't a bard so she doesn't have to worry about being skinned.

It does look like it will be tough with only the three of us so ideally I'd like for someone else to help even us out. If you think we can handle it with just the three of us though, I also don't see why not.

Thanks. =]

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

Okay, so 1 vote for two more, one vote for some sort of help. Also, do you guys want to stay in the lower tier? Another important question, I think.

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 | AC 21 T 11/12 unarmored FF 21 | Max HP 20 | F +5 R +2 W +2 | Init +0 | Perc +3

Umm... Yes, please? I think playing up tier could cause some serious issues with all our health!

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

Oh! Another question. Is anyone leveling up after this one? I think it's only aimed at Noorzad, since I believe Gorn leveled up between 1 and 2, and Dagat is only at 2 xp now.

Also, I believe I got everyone's chronicle sheets out earlier this month. If I derped and didn't, please let me know so I can resend.

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

3-13 Gameplay thread

3-13 Discussion thread

3-13 Recruitment thread

I've opened up recruiting for 1-3 more, looking to stay in the lower sub-tier (1-2), and hopefully divine and arcane types. Once everyone dots the gameplay thread I'll set this one to inactive.

The Exchange

Male Human (Kelish) Bard 2 :: 12/12 HP AC 15 (T 13, FF 12) :: Init +2 Percep +4 :: Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +4 ::

I'm pro-recruiting.

Noorzad would potentially level AFTER part 3.

Silver Crusade

HP 66/66; Channels 10/10 (7d6+1; Will DC22); Reroll @+4 1/1; Cleric-9. AC 21 (24 with SoF; DR 5/magic);Fort +8; Ref +4; Will +11; +4 vs pain); Resist fire/10; Init +0; Perc +15 sheet

If you need a cleric/healer... Chaul would be happy to join you.

Silver Mount Collection Map | Beacon Below Map

I'm a dummy. I need a day job roll for everyone who has a day job. Looking at the old chronicle sheets, that'd be Noorzad and Gorn. I'll send everyone else's out, since apparently I didn't do it earlier like I thought I did. Thanks!

Liberty's Edge

Male Dwarf Fighter 2 | AC 21 T 11/12 unarmored FF 21 | Max HP 20 | F +5 R +2 W +2 | Init +0 | Perc +3

Craft: Blacksmithing: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Grand Lodge

Male Half-Elf *DECEASED*

Hey all! I just need to arrange my sheet a little better to make it less... messy. Heavens oracle ready to rock!

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