GM Abraham |
@Ali, explain to me how you are flying over the cliff and down to the canyon floor below (which you could not see from where you started your turn) with your eyes closed? That seems like it should require some sort of a check, though I suspect the rules may not have much to say about it. Also, please confirm where you intend to wind up at the end of your turn: on the canyon floor? or somewhere still in the air?
Ali Salujah |
well the way I see it, I ,effectively due to posting order, made the decision to close my eyes and delayed for the spell, then she jumped down the cliff at which point I can open my eyes and I can go down around the cliff and reclose my eyes when I get back into her eyeline. I am on the ground.
GM Abraham |
well the way I see it, I ,effectively due to posting order, made the decision to close my eyes and delayed for the spell, then she jumped down the cliff at which point I can open my eyes and I can go down around the cliff and reclose my eyes when I get back into her eyeline. I am on the ground.
Ok, that works for me. You closed your eyes to avoid her gaze, then heard that she had jumped off the cliff, opened your eyes and followed her, landing on the ground beneath her? I'm not sure if that's exactly RAW but it seems workable to me. Especially if we are ever going to finish this scenario! :-)
Shel Whispertongue PFS |
So the caster is still 45’ up in the air? Is that in the range of needing a Fort save? I’ll roll one anyway.
Fort save 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28
Assuming she shakes off the gaze attack, Shel pulls her short bow and fires an arrow at the caster.
Smite Ranged attack 1d20 + 15 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 15 + 4 = 28
Smite Damage 1d6 + 1 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 11 = 17
GM Abraham |
Round 4 - the bold may post - Conditions: Pit A (exp. round 13); Pit B w/kukris (exp. round 14)
Air Elemental 57 dmg; whirlwind form (round 3)
Sajan 63 dmg (i.e. 4 below 0); mage armor; blind due to eyes closed; engulfed by the whirlwind (2d6+6 dmg at start of your turn, -4 to Dex, -2 to attacks, concentration check to cast); DELAY;; unconscious; dying;
Surma 66 dmg; flying;
Ali 10 dmg
(+5 temp); aid; unbreakable heart (exp. round 9); haste (exp. round 15); flying; smite vs Surma; Evil Eye -4 to saves (exp. round 6); Fort save vs gaze needed at start of your turn;Archimedes 46 dmg; nauseated (exp round 5); haste (exp. round 15); blind due to eyes closed; engulfed by the whirlwind (2d6+6 dmg at start of your turn, -4 to Dex, -2 to attacks, concentration check to cast); Fort save vs gaze needed at start of your turn;
Shel 17 dmg; 5 non-lethal dmg; longstrider; invisibility; haste (exp. round 15); smite vs Surma (exp. round 11); 2 kukris in Pit B; Fort save vs gaze needed at start of your turn;
Enora 38 dmg
(+10 temp); 5 mirror images; flying; mage armor; haste (exp. round 15); engulfed by the whirlwind (2d6+6 dmg at start of your turn, -4 to Dex, -2 to attacks, concentration check to cast); Fort save vs gaze needed at start of your turn;Sard 26 dmg
(+12 temp); flying; see invisibility; haste (exp. round 15); engulfed by the whirlwind (2d6+6 dmg at start of your turn, -4 to Dex, -2 to attacks, concentration check to cast); Fort save vs gaze needed at start of your turn;Chasik 42 dmg; 3 non-lethal dmg; DR 2/- due to fighting defensively; 2 CHA dmg; flying; blur; bless weapon; enlarged; haste (exp. round 15); smite vs Surma (exp. round 11); engulfed by the whirlwind (2d6+6 dmg at start of your turn, -4 to Dex, -2 to attacks, concentration check to cast); Fort save vs gaze needed at start of your turn;
Archimedes blindly struggles against the raging winds but without success and remains trapped.
His master Ali also closes his eyes to avoid Surma's gaze, but a moment later a shout from his companions alerts him to the fact that she has herself plunged over the cliffside, just as Shel had a few moments before. Opening his eyes, he flies after her, closing them again as soon as she comes into view, and flying blindly down to the ground. The more I think about it, the more this seems to fit the "avert your eyes" category rather than the "close them entirely for the round" category, but I'm ok with it this time just so we keep things moving. In future rounds, if a situation like this comes up again, you'll need to decide whether you are choosing to be blind for the entire round or not. You'll also need to make some kind of a Fly check if you want to fly blindly. Hope that all seems reasonable.
As Ali blindly flies past Surma, he exposes himself to an attack of opportunity from her and she lashes out at him with her claw.
Surma AoO vs Ali: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
... but she is clearly disoriented from her slow fall and even though he is functionally blind, she misses him.
@Shel, no save vs the gaze needed unless you are within 30' of her at the start of your turn.
@Shel, you cannot use ranged attacks while prone (except crossbows), and there's debate about whether or not you can draw a weapon while you stand up as a move action, but to keep things moving, let's just say that you can. So: move action to stand up and draw shortbow, standard action to fire, ok?
Shel awakens from her stunned reverie to find herself flat on her back on the canyon floor, with Ali beside her and her enemy slowly floating down in her direction. Quickly, she leaps to her feet, drawing her shortbow as she does, and lets loose a single deadly arrow at her nemesis, who cries out with pain.
Round 4 Begins
Meanwhile, the air elemental continues its rampage. With Surma in the air above Shel and Ali, it cannot try to vacuum them up without also running over its mistress (recall that it gets progressively wider as it goes up towards its top, so there's no way for it to target Shel or Ali with its small end that wouldn't also mean that its wide end was in the same area as Surma), so instead, following Surma's screeched command, it simply concentrates on Chasik and Enora.
Chasik Reflex vs slam dmg, haste, enlarged: 1d20 + 9 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 1 - 1 = 23 pass
slam dmg: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 3) + 6 = 14
Chasik Reflex vs engulfed, haste, enlarged: 1d20 + 9 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 1 - 1 = 15 fail
Enora Reflex vs slam dmg, haste: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 1 = 16 fail
slam dmg: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 5) + 6 = 12
Enora Reflex vs engulfed, haste: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 7 + 1 = 16 fail
Although Chasik avoids being harmed by the whirlwind this time, Enora is not so fortunate, taking a severe battering. And both of them are engulfed by the storm. Let me know if you have a reroll or boon that you wish to use here; I'll leave your icons where they are in case you do. Otherwise I'll move you into the whirlwind with the others.
In order to sweep up Chasik, the whirlwind had to descend almost to the canyon floor. In anticipation of seeking the remaining Pathfinders, who are also on the ground, it only slightly reascends. So its elevation is now 10' to 60'. After capturing Enora and Chasik, it returns to its previous position between the two columns.
@Sajan, you are still on delay. Did you want to attack the whirlwind before your next turn comes up? The slam dmg from the next turn may knock you unconscious - I'm going to roll it now - but if you want to post your attacks as if you came off delay just before its turn, I'll allow it (which will also have the effect of moving whatever damage you take to your new position in the initiative).
As Sajan's next turn arrives, he is once again buffeted mercilessly by the whirlwind.
Sajan, slam dmg: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 4) + 6 = 16
He is knocked unconscious and is now dying. Again. He has had better days. As noted just above, since you still haven't taken any action from your prior turn, I'm fine with you coming off delay just before the elemental and executing your attacks, which will move your initiative position to just before the elemental. This damage roll will still go into effect, with all the negative consequences, but not until that new spot in the initiative order. Just let me know.
Technically, it's now Surma's turn. Although Sajan may decide to come off delay to execute his attacks, I can't see any way that will affect Surma's turn, so I'll just go ahead and post for her so we can keep moving.
As Surma continues her slow descent, she gazes down at Shel and Ali and begins to laugh horribly Cackle to extend evil eye another round. Then, suddenly, she is no longer descending, but flying, 20' above the canyon floor, and with a clear view to all the Pathfinders.
As the Pathfinders' turn arrives, each of the party members in the whirlwind takes more damage from the terrible storm.
slam dmg, Sard: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 2) + 6 = 12
slam dmg, Enora: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 1) + 6 = 8
slam dmg, Archimedes: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 2) + 6 = 12
slam dmg, Chasik: 2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 6) + 6 = 14
@Everyone, please be sure to begin your post with whatever response you are taking to Surma's gaze. If you don't say that you are closing your eyes (blind) or averting your eyes (50% chance of avoiding the Fort save), I'll assume that you are risking her gaze, in which case please start your post with a Fort save. Thanks.
Pathfinders are up!
Chasik"Bash" |
gm star re roll to avoid getting sucked up: 1d20 + 9 + 1 - 1 ⇒ (16) + 9 + 1 - 1 = 25
am I okay to do that?
noral |
Enora cries out "Aaaaahhh"
Enora is truly bothered now!
Enora then gets a grip on herself.
(FREE ACTION) Prescience:At the beginning of her turn, Enora can roll a d20 and then use that dice result instead of rolling any time until her next turn.
Prescience 1/6 used: 1d20 ⇒ 11
Whirlwind: A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful.
Reflex save to escape whirlwind: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
REROLL 1/1 used: Reflex save to escape whirlwind: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
I hope I understood that right and Enora made the reflex save and is out of the whirlwind?! If that is the case I moved her icon and see action below:
Enora flies out of the whirlwind and casts a spell on herself.
(STANDARD ACTION) Enora uses her last 2nd level spell to cast false life on herself for to cast false life on herself for temp. HP: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Sard Osaam |
Do I need to make a check vs. the gaze? It seems to depend on where I am in the whirlwind. If I'm even halfway up, then I'm outside of 30ft from her.
GM Abraham |
[dice=gm star re roll to avoid getting sucked up]1d20+9+1-1
am I okay to do that?
Yep, and you succeed. Not engulfed. For now. :-)
GM Abraham |
Whirlwind: A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful.
[dice=Reflex save to escape whirlwind]d20+7
[dice=REROLL 1/1 used: Reflex save to escape whirlwind]d20+7
I hope I understood that right and Enora made the reflex save and is out of the whirlwind?! If that is the case I moved her icon and see action below:
Yes, that's correct, (only) if you are flying, after you take the automatic damage you can make a Reflex save to escape as a free action. Your modifiers to your save are slightly wrong though: besides your base Reflex save of +7, you add +1 for haste, and you subtract -2 because being engulfed gives you a -4 penalty on your Dex, so your total save bonus would be +6, not +7. But it doesn't matter in this case because you made the check with your reroll regardless.
@Enora, by the way, have you already used your arcane bond earlier in the scenario? If not, once/day it lets you cast any one spell in your spellbook. Also, I'm not sure how many points of your arcane reservoir you have left, but note that you can also use those for giving yourself temporary hp, among other things. Lastly, don't forget your Helpful ability: it's usually pretty easy to do (since you only need to hit a 10 to trigger it) and you can give one of your allies a +4 bonus.
GM Abraham |
Do I need to make a check vs. the gaze? It seems to depend on where I am in the whirlwind. If I'm even halfway up, then I'm outside of 30ft from her.
Yes, you do. This isn't really addressed in the whirlwind rules - being engulfed seems to be more like a condition than anything else, so I've been treating it that way - and in any case you are clearly being moved and jumbled all about throughout the entire area, rather than occupying any one particular square. The only reason I've made such a point of emphasizing things like rolling randomly to see what height Chasik was ejected from is that the Bestiary clearly calls it out as a possibility and it seemed particularly mean to have it throw him out from the very top (or, for that matter, fly way up high before ejecting him). So basically I'm treating it as if, while engulfed, you occupy the entire area of the whirlwind, which means that you are within 30' of Surma. Another way to look at it is that the whirlwind can actually choose to vary its size; since its her minion, if I were interpreting it the way you are suggesting, it would have just made itself smaller to avoid the issue in the first place.
But note that, especially if you are going to attack the Elemental, there's no reason not to avert your eyes from Surma. It gives you a 50% chance of avoiding the save vs the gaze, and no miss chance against the elemental at all because you aren't averting your gaze from it. I'll also point out that so far only one of you has failed the save against the gaze. The DC isn't that crazy. And, at least so far, it's really the whirlwind that is ripping you all to pieces. Surma is nasty, but like most witches, she's not going to be that difficult for you to deal with if you can get rid of the whirlwind, especially with those smites. Anyway, that's my friendly GM thought for the night...
Ali Salujah |
Ali decides to avert his gaze, not trusting himself in his cursed state to resist the stunning curse
Aversion: 1d100 ⇒ 76
Archimedes closes his eyes and attempts once more to fly to safety
Reflex: 1d20 + 5 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 1 - 2 = 16
If successful he attempts to fly to safety.
Ali then waits for Shel to fire her bow again so as not to obstruct her shot and then makes haste for his target flying twenty feet straight in the air, his smite still on his weapon.
Smite with Gamin and haste: 1d20 + 15 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 15 + 4 + 1 = 401d8 + 13 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 13 + 11 = 29
Miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 34
Smite with Gamin and haste confirmation: 1d20 + 15 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 15 + 4 + 1 = 351d8 + 13 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 13 + 11 = 28
As he reached this height he feels somewhere out of sight Sajan getting hurt and falling unconscious
I have no idea if I am within 30 feet of Sajan but if I am I would lay on hands burning my Phylactery of the Good shepherd I placed there at the beginning of the scenario to do a ranged lay on hands
Lay on Hands on Sajan via Phylactery of the Good Shepherd: 8d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2) = 18
Sard Osaam |
Fair enough. Sard averts his eyes from the div's gaze.
avert, high is good for me: 1d100 ⇒ 100
Then tries to escape from the whirlwind's grip.
Reflex, haste, whirlwind: 1d20 + 10 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (14) + 10 + 1 - 2 = 23
Finally free, he flies out of the whirlwind, away from Surma and up high enough to be more than 50ft above those on the ground. He spins around to fire two rays of burning fire at the whirlwind (using a 3rd level slot, since I'm out of 2nd level slots).
Scorching ray 1: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
fire damage: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 3) = 19
Scorching ray 2: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
fire damage: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 5, 4) = 15
GM Abraham |
@Ali, with the miss chances that you are rolling, should I assume that high is good for you? It's helpful if you can make a note when you roll, since different people do it differently.
Yes, you are considered within 30' of Sajan. As I indicated in my answer to Sard a few minutes ago, the simplest way to think of where the characters in the whirlwind are, is that they are occupying all of its squares. So you can heal Sajan for the same reason that Sard has to care about Surma's gaze.
GM Abraham |
Round 4 - the bold may post - Conditions: Pit A (exp. round 13); Pit B w/kukris (exp. round 14)
Air Elemental 76 dmg; whirlwind form (round 3)
Sajan 45 dmg; mage armor; blind due to eyes closed; engulfed by the whirlwind (2d6+6 dmg at start of your turn, -4 to Dex, -2 to attacks, concentration check to cast); DELAY;;
Surma 123 dmg; flying;
Ali 10 dmg
(+5 temp); aid; unbreakable heart (exp. round 9); haste (exp. round 15); flying; smite vs Surma; Evil Eye -4 to saves (exp. round 6);Archimedes 46 dmg; nauseated (exp round 5); haste (exp. round 15); blind due to eyes closed; engulfed by the whirlwind (2d6+6 dmg at start of your turn, -4 to Dex, -2 to attacks, concentration check to cast);
Shel 17 dmg; 5 non-lethal dmg; longstrider; invisibility; haste (exp. round 15); smite vs Surma (exp. round 11); 2 kukris in Pit B; Fort save vs gaze needed at start of your turn;
Enora 38 dmg (+17 temp)
(+10 temp); 5 mirror images; flying; mage armor; haste (exp. round 15);Sard 26 dmg
(+12 temp); flying; see invisibility; haste (exp. round 15);Chasik 30 dmg; 3 non-lethal dmg; DR 2/- due to fighting defensively; 2 CHA dmg; flying; blur; bless weapon; enlarged; haste (exp. round 15); smite vs Surma (exp. round 11); prone;
Chasik enjoys a miraculous escape from the whirlwind that had nearly grasped him in its clutches. This also means that I'm taking off the damage that it did at the start of your current turn. And you don't need to make a Fort save vs Surma's gaze since you are around a hard corner from her. You are, however, still prone (but flying).
Enora was captured by the whirlwind but somehow manages to immediately escape and flies some distance away, where she restores some of her health.
Archimedes attempts to escape the whirlwind, but to no avail.
Ali averts his gaze from the foul div and manages to avoid her eye for now. After waiting for Shel to shoot at Surma, Ali launches himself towards her as though Gamin were a very arrow of Shelyn! He deals her a grievous blow and she feels around to see where her gall bladder has gotten to. Not yet done, Ali magically reaches out through space to heal his dying friend, Sajan.
Sajan's eyes flutter open, as he realizes that his time in this world is not yet over, and that he may yet find his lost sister, before he realizes, with a groan, that he is still spinning wildly in the heart of a desert twister.
Sard successfully avoids Surma's gaze and equally successfully manages to elude the grasp of the whirlwind. Free again, he whirls and sends two blasts of fire towards the elemental creature. One of the beams hits, but the other misses.
Sajan, Chasik, and Shel are up!
Chasik"Bash" |
Presuming I can smack the AE from here since I have reach? I take a -4 for prone, but Chasik would think it has grab so provoking would be bad. I’m gonna instead just take three hacks at the AE
Chasik, huffs and puffs, it’s been awhile since he has had to work this hard, docks or not. He stays on the ground, and takes three mighty swings at the ferocious beast.
main, PA: 1d20 + 14 + 1 - 1 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 14 + 1 - 1 - 4 = 30
iterative: 1d20 + 9 + 1 - 3 - 4 ⇒ (1) + 9 + 1 - 3 - 4 = 4
haste: 1d20 + 14 + 1 - 3 - 4 ⇒ (20) + 14 + 1 - 3 - 4 = 28
damage for the 2 hits: 2d8 + 20 ⇒ (6, 3) + 20 = 29
So, ac is 29, I have no DR this round, if the AE drops can I stand as a move action still or not?
Shel Whispertongue PFS |
Shel uses her short bow and fires another arrow at the witch.
Fort save 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Smite Ranged attack 1d20 + 15 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 15 + 4 = 23
Smite Damage 1d6 + 1 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 1 + 11 = 16
Tafhat |
Sajan might as well flurry before he goes down, he opens his eyes to more accurately hit the windstorm.
Fort save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
+2 Sword: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
+2 Sword: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
+2 Sword: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Thanks for the healing again Ali!
Tafhat |
Sure just in case the GM would like it!
Fort save: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17
+2 sword: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17
damge: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
+2 sword: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
damge: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
+2 sword: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
damge: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
GM Abraham |
Round 4 - the bold may post - Conditions: Pit A (exp. round 13); Pit B w/kukris (exp. round 14)
Sajan 35 dmg; 1 non-lethal dmg; mage armor; prone;
Air Elemental102 dmg; whirlwind form (round 3)Surma 123 dmg; flying;
Ali 10 dmg
(+5 temp); aid; unbreakable heart (exp. round 9); haste (exp. round 15); flying; smite vs Surma; Evil Eye -4 to saves (exp. round 6);Archimedes 46 dmg; nauseated (exp round 5); haste (exp. round 15); blind due to eyes closed;
Shel 17 dmg; 5 non-lethal dmg; longstrider; invisibility; haste (exp. round 15); smite vs Surma (exp. round 11); 2 kukris in Pit B;
Enora 38 dmg (+17 temp)
(+10 temp); 5 mirror images; flying; mage armor; haste (exp. round 15);Sard 26 dmg
(+12 temp); flying; see invisibility; haste (exp. round 15);Chasik 30 dmg; 3 non-lethal dmg; 2 CHA dmg; flying; blur; bless weapon; enlarged; haste (exp. round 15); smite vs Surma (exp. round 11); prone;
Sajan comes off delay, manages not to succumb to Surma's gaze, and delivers a flurry of attacks to the whirlwind that has engulfed him. Only one of his attacks connects but it is a strong one. Resolving Sajan's first set of posted attacks as if he came off delay just before the Elemental's turn, which also moves him to just ahead of the elemental in the initiative order.
@Chasik, the elemental can't take AoO while in whirlwind form, but that's ok, I'll resolve the attacks as you posted them because it's definitely to your advantage!
Chasik executes a maneuver against the whirlwind that will undoubtedly long by studied in the training halls of the Grand Lodge. Lying flat on his back on the ground, but flying, the enlarged warrior executes three quick swings with his warhammer. One of the attacks couldn't be more off, and Chasik is lucky not to smash his own toe with the hammer. But the other two are stunning demonstrations of martial prowess. Even though the air elemental possesses a mystical ability to reduce the damage done to it, it is still a grievous blow. With the earlier damage done by Sajan, Enora, and Sard, the elemental is finally vanquished, as the spinning mass of furious air finally dissipates, carried off by an uncaring desert wind.
Since Chasik's turn now comes just before Sajan's new position in the initiative order, I'll rule that Sajan had not yet incurred the previously posted slam damage from being in the whirlwind, so I'm reducing his damage total by 16.
With the destruction of the whirlwind, Sajan and Archimedes are no longer engulfed. The poor thrush, wounded and flying blind, hopefully doesn't fly into the canyon wall. Sajan, however, now finds himself Height: 10 + 1d50 ⇒ 10 + (44) = 54 feet in the air, and falling! Fortunately, there are plenty of walls nearby, allowing Sajan to use his slow falling ability (which makes this a 24 foot fall) onto the sandy ground below. non-lethal falling dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 1 and lethal falling dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 6. He lands prone on the canyon floor.
Meanwhile, Shel also avoids succumbing to Surma's gaze and unleashes another arrow towards the aghash witch, which misses. Shel can still shoot two more arrows, I believe, one for haste and one for your iterative attack.
Sajan finds himself flat on his back on the canyon floor. He again avoids Surma's gaze and can now act normally. I'll disregard the second set of attacks you posted since the elemental no longer exists by the time you turn arrives. You have your full turn of actions available and you've already made your save vs. Surma's gaze. You will need to use a move action to stand up though.
Shel and Sajan are up!
Tafhat |
Sajan will close his eyes, stand up as a move action, and then move up to Surma.
"This challenge is not yet complete." he states.
Shel Whispertongue PFS |
Because Im an idiot, DM, and didn’t think about my extra attacks when I last posted. My bad everyone. If that gets us killed, I apologize.
Shel Whispertongue PFS |
Shel fires off two more arrows at the witch.
Haste Smite attack 1d20 + 4 + 15 ⇒ (11) + 4 + 15 = 30
Damage 1d6 + 1 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 1 + 11 = 14
Smite Iterative attack 1d20 + 10 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 10 + 4 = 32
Smite Damage 1d6 + 1 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 11 = 17
GM Abraham |
Round 5 - the bold may post - Conditions: Pit A (exp. round 13); Pit B w/kukris (exp. round 14)
Sajan 35 dmg; 1 non-lethal dmg; mage armor; prone;
Air Elemental102 dmg; whirlwind form (round 3)Surma 154 dmg; flying;
Ali 10 dmg
(+5 temp); aid; unbreakable heart (exp. round 9); haste (exp. round 15); flying; smite vs Surma; Evil Eye -4 to saves (exp. round 6);Archimedes 46 dmg; nauseated (exp round 5); haste (exp. round 15); blind due to eyes closed;
Shel 17 dmg; 5 non-lethal dmg; longstrider; invisibility; haste (exp. round 15); smite vs Surma (exp. round 11); 2 kukris in Pit B;
Enora 38 dmg (+17 temp)
(+10 temp); 5 mirror images; flying; mage armor; haste (exp. round 15);Sard 26 dmg
(+12 temp); flying; see invisibility; haste (exp. round 15);Chasik 30 dmg; 3 non-lethal dmg; 2 CHA dmg; flying; blur; bless weapon; enlarged; haste (exp. round 15); smite vs Surma (exp. round 11); prone;
Shel fires two more arrows at the witch, both to deadly effect.
Round 5 begins
Sajan stands up and hastens to join the fight against Surma.
However, Surma has seen which way the wind is blowing, so to speak. She howls at you all telepathically, "Well then, it seems that you have the better of me, at least for today! I'm sure you must feel so pretty, oh so pretty, with your fancy wayfinders and shiny swords, but I promise you, it shan't last. Look at me! I was pretty once, far prettier than any of you, and now look at me. And that Sinuhotep! He thought he was so smart coming to my temple to conduct his rites, but I made him pay, didn't I, for so many years he has paid the price for his immortality by being my captive. And I would have gotten away with it too, if not for you meddling kids Pathfinders! But even I must accept defeat today, my curse will bind him no longer, though I wonder if you will indeed be so pleased to have such a one as him as your boon companion? But that is no concern of mine. Know, however, that I have a long memory, and I shall recall each of you, in all your disgusting prettiness, each and every day, until I may repay your kindness... Until then..." Even speaking telepathically, her voice sounds hideous.
With that, she disappears in a twinkle. Both Sard and Enora feel confident that she has used dimension door to teleport away.
Unless any of you have some means of preventing her from teleporting away, Combat is Over and Pathfinders are Victorious! Well done! You had me worried there at a few points...
The scenario tactics specifically call out that she flees if she is reduced to 20 hp or less - she was at 9. But it doesn't really explain how she returns to Abaddon (or how she came from there in the first place). However, she can Dimension Door 640 feet at will, so unless one of you has Dimensional Anchor or something similar, there's really no way to keep her from escaping.
For your interest, that was a CR 15 encounter (or at least it's that without the 4 player adjustment). Without the 4 player adjustment she would have also had a Large CR 5 Earth Elemental running interference for her, she would have had 30 more hp, and she would have had more and better spells. But since she hardly had a chance to use most of her spells anyway, the only one that would have really made a difference is the very nasty Waves of Exhaustion which would have made you all -6 to Str and Dex and move at half speed, with no save. Ouch. I never really got a chance to use most of her spells because the DCs are mostly fairly low (her gaze DC was only 16), so my plan was to keep you busy with the elemental as long as I could while she softened some of you up with Evil Eye and Misfortune hexes, before she tried out her devastating (but low DC) phantasmal killer or lightning bolt spells. But you all were too strong, and the group smite was especially deadly since not only did it pile on loads of extra damage, but it also ignored her DR.
As the dust of the encounter settles, Sinuhotep steps out of the doorway. Unlike earlier, when he could barely stand outside the complex, now he seems invigorated, and he smiles, perhaps for the first time in thousands of years. If you've never seen a Lich smile before, it's a disturbing sight. "Well, Pathfinders, you have fulfilled your end of the bargain, now I shall fulfill mine. When you have rested and recovered, I will accompany you to meet the other Sages, and I pledge to do no wrong to you or any other, until my fellow Jeweled Sages have had a chance to hear my tale and judge me for themselves. Agreed?"
Meanwhile, the two scorpion warriors, Anahita and Ardashir, have watched the entire battle and aftermath with amazement. They are still tied up where you left them, but they have recovered sufficiently from their wounds that they hail you now. "Pathfinders, it seems that we judged you wrongly, for we see that you have battled most bravely against a being of great evil, and we see that now you are taking another being of questionable morality for judgment by the Sages. Forgive us for attempting to prevent you from your noble mission. If you will untie us we will thank you properly in the most honorable way we know: by using our stingers and the ink of a cactus flower to tattoo a scorpion upon you! Then will all scorpions everywhere truly know that you are a scorpion-friend."
Sard Osaam |
Sard bows to Sinuhotep, a victorious, if weary, smirk on his face. "Sounds good to me. Can you live with that for now, Ali?"
At the scorpion's words, the smirk becomes a grin. "Well, that's more like it!" He lifts up a sleeve to inspect a section of his forearm. "Yeah, I think a scorpion would look pretty great, right about there." (Unless a part member objects) Sard unties the scorpions.
Shel Whispertongue PFS |
Shel waited until the pit spell expired and retrieved her magical items. She agreed to the sage’s terms and nodded when presented with the chance to have a permanent souvenir from the scorpion folk.
Ali Salujah |
Aura of Justice: its good
Ali looks at Sinuhotep. He still had his theory that Surma was behind the state of the man. The great metaphor of his faith - the artist presented with the warped member of its clan. An opportunity was being presented to do as Shelyn attempted. An opportunity to save Zon-Kuthon. With Surma still on the loose Ali would have no choice but to stand sentinel anyhow.
Very well. You may come with us. Gamin says to trust even the most twisted remnant of humanity, knowing well that it can be redeemed.
Ali then moves - wonderfully embracing the scorpions as fellow artists Make mine purple if you will
Chasik"Bash" |
Chasik, gathers his thoughts as the Jeweled Sage is finally released from his tomb of captivity. At the notion of a tattoo, he accepts the offer, and puts it on his right shoulder blade.
GM Abraham |
In her haste to escape, Surma inadvertently left behind her gear. Besides a wand of lightning bolt (CL 9, 5 charges), you also find a vial of shaitan blood. Sinuhotep speculates that perhaps she kept it as a memento of her time before she was corrupted and became a div, when she possessed great beauty. I don't feel like crossing items off your Chronicle sheet just because she teleported away...
After the completion of the girtablilu's tattoo ritual, the journey back to Katapesh is uneventful. Sinuhotep is eager to learn all that has transpired in the thousands of years that he has been entombed and much of the journey is spent with him clapping his bony hands in delight at one morsel of news or another.
When you arrive, you are greeted by Tahonikepsu, who looks around for a moment with a puzzled frown. "Didn't you have another with you when you set out? I trust you didn't leave poor Yanndu out there in the desert, grappled in the embrace of some deadly creature? For I'm sure you agree that true Pathfinders never abandon one another!"
Spying Chasik, she adds, "And you, my friend, I don't know how you stumbled upon your comrades in the desert, but I've no doubt that it was fortunate you did. Well met!"
Turning to Sinuhotep, Tahonikepsu welcomes him with delight. She seems untroubled by his undead condition, or the choices he may have made along the way. “Pathfinders, thanks to your efforts, the amethyst sage jewel is now safe, and it fills my heart with joy to welcome Sinuhotep back to the order. I am eternally grateful to you, Pathfinders— you have made it possible for the Jeweled Sages to grow and prosper.” Sinuhotep seems equally pleased to meet Tahonikepsu; he wears a faint but confident smile the entire time.
When Badru sees his master he is overjoyed. Turning to the Pathfinders the construct says, "My gratitude is boundless. I hope that one day I can repay you by helping you to become immortal, just like me."
Tafhat |
"While not a sage myself, I agree with Enora. There are moral questions that demand judgement, or least discussion in order for your organization to proceed."
GM Abraham |
Tahonikepsu listens to the questions raised by Enora and Sajan, as well as the response offered by Sinuhotep, which is much as you heard from him earlier, namely that if evil deeds were done, they were done in the service of a greater cause: saving the knowledge preserved in the sage jewel. She sighs. "No doubt these are vexing moral questions, but fortunately, I am no philosopher of ethics, nor am I a judge in a courtroom. The amethyst sage jewel has survived, and this is a reason for much rejoicing. As for the question of the Amethyst Sage's guilt and repentance, I will let the future reveal itself to us in due course. Perhaps he is irredeemably evil and we will need to vanquish him if he shows that to be true. Or, perhaps, as our young Sage Ali believes and hopes, he can find a way to repent and restore his lost humanity. Indeed, as Ali has so wisely pointed out, it is this very hope that has motivated the great goddess Shelyn to persevere in her efforts to save her brother, even though he has become the foul and evil Zon-Kuthon. I will take solace from recalling this, and trust that by accepting Sinuhotep back into our order we have not sown the seeds of our own destruction..." The scenario boxtext puts it like this: "Back in Katapesh, Tahonikepsu debriefs the Pathfinders. Her neutral alignment reflects her forgiving moral compass and willingness to see the good in most difficult decisions. Whether the PCs destroyed Sinuhotep or recruited him, she honors their choice. Even so, she much prefers the jewel’s return."
Sinuhotep smiles his lich-y smile. You can see that his teeth have not been brushed in many thousands of years. "Well, then, I think perhaps I shall go for a stroll around the town. It will be most interesting to see all that has changed firsthand. What could possibly go wrong?"
---- FIN ----
Well done, Pathfinders! I look forward to seeing you all again on either side of the table for future PbP fun. Fyi, I'm thinking about doing a run through of all of Season 6, in order, and/or a run through of all of the Emerald Spire, most likely starting sometime in June.