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Hello, and welcome to my Rise of the Runelords-ish game!
We are just waiting for the last character to be built, then I'll give them a final look over, and we can get going.
One thing I would like (even if it's in your background already) is the reason for the character to be in Sandpoint for the Turandak Academy's Annual Inventors Parade.

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Ok, I can't think of anything to spend my gold on anymore, so I should be all set barring DM suggestions. My character is from Sandpoint. Does he need a reason to be that the parade, or does he just need a reason to be in town?
"From Sandpoint" is reason enough. This is a whole parade through town thing (as you'll see later ;) ) so no other reason needed.

Luc Dantés |

After his expedited departure from Magnimar, my character hears of the parade and heads north to his old stomping grounds of Sandpoint. After all, with his newfound funds, what better place to stop by and do some shopping for the latest gear than at an Inventors Expo?

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Well, I created my alias as Emanual, but I can't figure out how to post on the boards under that name. Any help? Anyway, I got his background up on his profile, but I don't have my character sheet handy, so I'll have to post his stats later. Everyone feel free to read his info is you wish. I must warn you though, I am not the best speller and an even worse writer, so please forgive the errors that you find. As for why Emanual is in Sandpoint, he has good things of restuarants in Sandpoint and has heard that the owners of the resturants will be serving their best dishes for the parade. He is very excited to taste the differnet dishes from each place and hopes to come away with some fresh ideas for his future menu.

Emanual Stokes |

I forgot his description. Emanual is a tall and well built man with spiky black hair and deep green eyes. He wears a long black trench coat over his chain armor, and a smiling silver mask to cover his badly scarred face. He carries a very large sword that looks to be almost too big for even a man his size, and a heavy crossbow holstered on his back. A belt of many small pouches is slung around his waist and shoulder like a bandolier, holding many common and exotic spices that cause a pleasnt, if unusual aroma to surround him. He also carries a leather duffel bag full of various adventuring gear, including an iron pot and cooking utensils. After all, you can't go adventuring on an empty stomache.

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Good good, looks like we have everyone.
I'll get started on the main thread tonight, there will be a general introduction, and then a post for each of you to bring you in.
Rapier friendly sounds good to me! Lots of nice dualing action to come I think.

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Reynard Varvanyuk wrote:This has got to be one of the most intersting array of character names I've seen.For me, you can thank a steampunk name generator using my two cats names for a base.
That leads to two questions, one is answered with a url, and the other is the two cat's names...

Dean Ninian Beard |

Dean Ninian Beard wrote:Reynard Varvanyuk wrote:This has got to be one of the most intersting array of character names I've seen.For me, you can thank a steampunk name generator using my two cats names for a base.LMAO!
That leads to two questions, one is answered with a url, and the other is the two cat's names...
The cats names are Harry and Weasley. My wife loves Harry Potter.

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The cats names are Harry and Weasley. My wife loves Harry Potter.
Sorry for the slight delay folks. Not quite sure what happened, but I slept for 13 hours yesterday....
Anyway...Initial posts will be coming shortly, and as soon as the first one's done I'll drop a link in this thread.
I have emails from Senmont, Luc, and Galv could I get one from Mark and James too? nevynxxx at yahoo dot co.uk

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Just a couple of things, I know these maps are stylistically all wrong..I'm going to try and work on that, I just need to work out what a Victorian version would look like ;)
For the moment, they are doing what I need, since we don't need to be too accurate with placement, at the moment.
But, how does everyone feel about maps going forward? Must have? Nice to have? Would rather not have? Hexes or Squares? line drawn, or fancied up?
As I've mentioned before, this is a bit of a hobby, but I don't want that to distract from the game.

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Sorry for the small delay folks. Started a new job yesterday, and it kinda wiped me out last night, and no firm PC at work until Monday....
Normal service will resume in the morning when I'm in a fit state!

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DM, you going to resurrect the OOC thread or create a new one, where we roll for hps, list 2nd level changes, etc. or should we just list it in this thread?
Will this do? ;)
When rolling hit points, any roll of less than half the dice value, gets rounded up to half.

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Just for fun. I'm starting to keep some notes on Obsidian portal I don't think you can add yourself as a player, but if you want to, just drop me an email and I'll "invite" you.
Once you are a player, you can edit the player views to keep your own notes, adventure log, or whatever. There's a bit of info in there about goblins up to now, that you've faced. It costs nothing, so it might be good to see where it leads....

Dean Ninian Beard |

Ninian is kind of annoying me. Any chance I can play Ninian out till we get the girl back to town, then he and the rest get in a big argument and go their separate ways? Maybe Ninian can still do occasional research and favors for the PC's as an NPC later on.
Anyway. If this is ok I still wouldn't mind continuing to play an Inquisitor (in order to keep another caster in the group), just a tougher more badass one. Maybe an investigator brought in by the Baron or something. Someone, more willing to shoot first and ask questions later. If I get the green light, I'll come up with something more specific.

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Ninian is kind of annoying me. Any chance I can play Ninian out till we get the girl back to town, then he and the rest get in a big argument and go their separate ways? Maybe Ninian can still do occasional research and favors for the PC's as an NPC later on.
Anyway. If this is ok I still wouldn't mind continuing to play an Inquisitor (in order to keep another caster in the group), just a tougher more badass one. Maybe an investigator brought in by the Baron or something. Someone, more willing to shoot first and ask questions later. If I get the green light, I'll come up with something more specific.
That's absolutely fine by me. I wouldn't ask you to play something you don't want to.
I will warn you though, this dungeon is the biggest in this Module, so it could take a while to play out like that...Especially in a PBP. It took my real life group about 9 to 12 hours. If you want to discuss options, we can do that either here, or email me at nevyn @ anferny.me.uk

Dean Ninian Beard |

Joana |

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Dean Ninian Beard wrote:I'm sorry. I have to drop out. My wife and I had a conversation that included my gaming. I need to cut back on it some.Bummer, dude, but wife wins every time!
Do feel free to drop us a line if you want to jump back in though!

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Casts Resurrect....
Hi Folks. I wanted to apologise properly for my disappearing act!. I spent the 4 days in London, then got back to the busiest week of the year at work, and haven't actually spent any time in my office in nearly two weeks. Who's have thought opening a retail outlet could get so complex!
I'm about to post in the main thread. We are out of combat, and this room is exhausted.
We are now down two Players, but we also have two volunteers to run their PCs. Probably this will work until you leave this dungeon, then the PCs will either retire, and be replaced, or keep on under the new players, at their discretion.
So, please welcome Joana and Javell!

Javell DeLeon |

Hey thanks Nevynxxx. Good running with you again. It's been a while. I'll get the character copied over ASAP.
Thanks again for giving me a shot in this!
Edit: I will ask one question though. Any chance I can change his pic? That's just a TERR-I-BULL picture. No big deal if you'd rather I keep it, I just figured I'd ask.

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Hey thanks Nevynxxx. Good running with you again. It's been a while. I'll get the character copied over ASAP.
Thanks again for giving me a shot in this!
Edit: I will ask one question though. Any chance I can change his pic? That's just a TERR-I-BULL picture. No big deal if you'd rather I keep it, I just figured I'd ask.
Glad to have you! Go for your life... I have to attachment to the icons ;)
Just to be clear though, if the original players want to return, that wont be a problem!

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Hey Nevynxxx, IT is third in intiative, do I need to go ahead and post like the others or should I wait until IT's acted?
Ah, yes, post your action pretty much as soon as you can, I'm not worried about actions being posted in order, I only post up the next init to jog pople if they haven't posted yet. It gets a bit complex at times, but keeps the flow going.

Javell DeLeon |

Well that makes no sense.
Apparently I've completely altered this character. Apologies for the drastic change. I've went and read through the original poster's post and it's obviously quite a difference.
Hoping I'm not ticking anyone off. Just thought it would be kind of fun. I've went with the whole "lack of self-confidence" bit, and to avoid dealing with it, went with the whole abrasive type attitude.
But will attempt at diverting back to the original character. (But I really don't see this guy as smarter than Dean. Wether it's me or somebody else running him. Mainly because of Dean's schooling background. But that's just my opinion.) :)
Again, apologies.
Oh, and one more thing. I ain't changing the avatar. That original one is just bad. I just flat don't like it. That's more of a 2 CHA, than a 7. :)