Reynard was born to deal with monsters. At the age of 10 Reynard was struck with the oddity of the woman whose hut stood next to his father’s. Why did no one else see the dark things that crept over her house? Why did she look old occasionally, but only for a second?
Still no one believed him, so determined and courageous, the boy crept into the sweat lodge one feasting night and stood up, asking why a witch was allowed to live in the village. Was she good then?
That night young Reynard was on the receiving end of a merciless beating from his father, for causing such embarrassment. It was only a few days later, when one of the tribe’s Bards followed up on the boy’s claim, more out of thoroughness than an actual belief of the child, did it become clear that the boy had a gift for seeing through veils. A Hag had manipulated the minds of those living near, hiding in plain sight.
From that day began Reynard’s training in the arts of hunting and tracking, monsters.
Recent rumors of monstrous humanoid activity have drawn him to Sandpoint where he has decided to attend an inventor's convention, intent on upgrading his weapons.