Nohwear |
Numenera is a game about discovery and exploration. It is set about a billion or so years into the future. It is a medieval world built on the backs of eight other words that have come and gone. Weird Discoveries is a set of ten instant adventures. This game will attempt to run through all of them. There will be one change to the rules that I feel is necessary for this format. I will roll your defense for you, just to speed things up. There will be little attempt to tie the adventures together. All material from the Numenera line from Monte Cook Games will be available. Recruitment is set for two weeks. I will be taking six players. You do not need to make a profile unless chosen. Please feel free to ask any questions.
Tanya Barnett |
Here is my character, an Exiled Jack Who Siphons Power. She was a normal human who became a treasure hunter and delved into Numenera ruins for Cyphers and Artefacts. At the age of 20 she breached a Numenera Ruin where her team was wiped out by robotic guardians and she was Gravely Wounded and would have died. A science robot in the facility found her dying and injected her with some nanite syrum that now keeps her alive but requires her to feed off of energy to maintain her bodily functions. The upside is that she is now does not age and has lived for 80 years since the event but has the body of a 20 year old. She has kept her in the treasure hunting game as she now does need Numenera to keep her alive. She is also loner as everyone she knew in her youth is dead. She also has an odd appearance now, her skin is very pale and her hair has gone white as while she does not age physically there was a gradual loss of pigmentation in her skin and hair over time. When she needs to pass as a normal person she has an endless makeup kit she can use to give herself a bit of colour.
spinningdice |
Might: 12
Speed: 12 Edge: 1
Intel: 12
Effort: 1
Practiced with Light & Medium Weapons
Trained in (one choice)
Trained in Speed Defence
Trained in any task where money would be advantageous
Trained in Searching, Listening, Climbing, balancing and jumping tasks
Skill with Defence (Speed)
Pierce (1 Speed) make attack and inflick +1 dmg with a sharp pointy weapon
Flex Skill: traind in one task selected at start of each day
Connected: When spend an hour or more in a community of at least 1000 find comfortable accomodations for group as long as we stay there. The accomodations also provide us with food and 50 shins.
Cyphers (2)
2 Cyphers
1 Oddity
Shins 58
Spear [Medium 4dmg]
Bow (12 Arrows) [Long Range;Medium 4dmg]
Leather Jerkin (1 armour)
Explorer's Pack
+50ft rope
+2 days Rations
2 minor glowglobes.
Vynirsia, or Vyn was born into privelege, her family had built its wealth up with various trade interests through the region, but over the last couple of decades had retreated from trade and exists on old wealth. Vyn finds the life terribly tedious and seeks out adventure, surviving by blade, bow and wits.
Vyn has raven black hair and pale blue eyes and pale skin, stands a few fingers short of 6 feet and has a filled out figure, that appears to have never suffered the missed meals or hard labours of the lower classes.
Nohwear |
Nasir of the Kiln - Rugged Glaive who Hunts with Great Skill
Tanya Barnett - Exiled Jack who Siphons Power
Vynirsia Ynir - Wealthy Jack who Explores Dark Places
Title Only:
Tenro - Mechanical Nano who Fuses Flesh and Steel
Tiaburn - Graceful Glaive who Rides the Lightning
Expressed Interest:
Let me know if I missed anyone.
Tenro |
Below is Stey Ell, my submission. A poor man, having once received significant modifications to his body at the hands of a cult that believes mechanization is the only way to survive the journey from ninth to tenth world. He has moved out into the world, making the most of the hand he was dealt.
Ports and Plugs
You have a connection with machines for one clear reason:
you’re practically a machine yourself. Your nervous system
is laced with circuitry, and your body has implanted
jacks and ports where you plug in modules and other
technological bits that provide your capabilities. When you
produce effects or manipulate nanites, you do so through
your body’s direct mechanical interface. Your force blasts
might come from a device implanted in your palm or
fingertip. Your ability to tap into the datasphere might come
from the receiver plugged into a port you built in the back
of your neck.
Obviously, to become a nano, you have undergone
numerous surgeries and procedures (either willingly or
unwillingly). You are forever changed. Some people treat
you with disdain or derision, but perhaps most of your
modifications can be hidden by a hooded cloak or similar
Advancement: Do you want to gain more abilities? Just
find new hardware and plug it in. Although talent and
practice are still involved, physical upgrades are your primary
means of picking up new tricks. Adding points to your stat
Pools might mean undergoing new procedures. Adding a
new esotery might require putting an implant in your head,
although changing one esotery to another could be as simple
as unplugging one module and jacking in a replacement.
Might: 14
Speed: 12
Intellect: 16 Edge: 1
First-tier nanos have the following abilities:
Genius: You have an Intellect Edge of 1, a Might Edge of
0, and a Speed Edge of 0.
Expert Cypher Use: You can bear three cyphers at a time.
Practiced With Light Weapons: You can use light
weapons without penalty. If you wield a medium weapon,
increase the difficulty of the attack by one step. If you wield
a heavy weapon, increase it by two steps.
Numenera Training: You are trained in the numenera and
can attempt to understand and identify its properties.
Starting Equipment: You start with clothing, one weapon,
a book about the numenera, three cyphers (chosen for you
by the GM), one oddity (chosen for you by the GM), and 4
shins (coins). Before selecting your weapons, armor, and
other gear, you might want to wait until after you’ve chosen
your esoteries, descriptor, and focus.
Esoteries: You can tap into the numenera to reshape the
world around you. Similar in appearance to the way a fabled
wizard might seem to cast spells, these expressions of your
knowledge are called esoteries. People who are not nanos
sometimes call them spells or charms.
Most esoteries must be activated, which requires that
you have a free hand and spend 1 or more Intellect points.
If no Intellect point cost is given for an esotery, it functions
continuously without needing to be activated. Some
esoteries specify a duration, but you can always end one of
your own esoteries anytime you wish.
Choose two of the esoteries described below. You
can’t choose the same esotery more than once unless its
description says otherwise.
Ward: You have a shield of energy around you at all times
that helps deflect attacks. You gain +1 to Armor. Enabler.
Onslaught (1 Intellect point): You attack a foe using
energies that assail either his physical form or his mind.
In either case, you must be able to see your target. If the
attack is physical, you emit a short-range ray of force
that inflicts 4 points of damage. If the attack is mental,
you focus your mental energy to blast the thought
processes of another creature within short range. This
mindslice inflicts 2 points of Intellect damage (and thus
ignores Armor). Some creatures without minds (such as
automatons) might be immune to mindslice. Action.
Smart: +2 to your Intellect Pool.
Skill: You’re trained in all actions involving identifying or
understanding the numenera.
Sense “magic”: You can sense whether the numenera is
active in situations where its presence is not obvious. You
must study an object or location closely for a minute to get
a feel for whether the touch of the ancients is at work.
Esotery: You can perform the esotery known as Hedge
Magic when you have a free hand and can pay the Intellect
point cost.
Hedge Magic (1 Intellect point): You can perform small
tricks: temporarily change the color or basic appearance
of a small object, cause small objects to float through
the air, clean a small area, mend a broken object, prepare
(but not create) food, and so on. You can’t use hedge
magic to harm another creature or object. Action.
Inability: You have a manner or an aura that others find
a bit unnerving. The difficulty of any task involving charm,
persuasion, or deception is increased by one step.
Additional Equipment: You have an extra oddity,
determined by the GM.
Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the following
list of options, choose how you became involved in the first
You need money to fund your studies.
Connection: Pick one other PC. This character knows
your true nature, even if no one else does. If your
components are not particularly hidden, she knows a
different secret of yours, such as a preprogrammed word
that will shut you down for ten minutes.
Additional Equipment: You have a bag of light tools and a
variety of parts to repair yourself.
Minor Effect Suggestions: Your servos learn from your
successful actions. You gain a +1 bonus to similar actions
involving the same task (such as making attacks against
the same foe or operating the same device).
Major Effect Suggestions: You discharge a small pulse of
power into your foe. Make an immediate attack against that
foe (using the same stat as the action that caused the major
effect). If the attack succeeds, it deals 4 points of electrical
Tier 1: Enhanced Body. You gain +1 to Armor, +3
to your Might Pool, and +3 to your Speed Pool.
Special Healing. Traditional healing skills,
medicines, and techniques work only half as well
for you. Each time you start at full health, the first
5 points of damage you take can never be healed
in these ways or recovered normally. Instead, you
must use repairing skills and abilities to restore
those points. For example, if you start with a full
Might Pool of 10 and take 8 points of damage,
you can use recovery rolls to restore 3 points,
but the remaining 5 points must be restored
using repairing methods.
Bag of Light Tools
Book (numenera)
Light Bladed Weapon:
Oddity: (× 2)
Spare parts (for repairing self)
Cypher: Buff: Attachment (Level 4)
An extremely heavy pyramid. When attached and activated, adds 4 points to intellect pool for one day.
Cypher: Buff: Consumable (Level 7)
A very light flask of oil. When ingested, adds 7 points to might pool for one day.
Cypher: Weapon: Placed (Level 4)
A very heavy canister. When set and triggered, causes a blast at short range on a small area, causing sleep for ten minutes.
You learned nano-sorcery (or gained your modifications) in the temple of an obscure god. Its priests and
worshippers, although small in number, respect and admire your talents and potential.
Tiaburn |
Gvido is strong guy, who wears dark synth pants and yellow-orange synth jacket. He has an armor, made of a horn carapace of big waterborn creature. Usually he has a strong-glass spear in his hand, but he is known to be sharp shooter - for several years he has been hunting with a cassete crossbow, tinkered by an old friend of his.
Gvido was born on small coast island in a fisherman salary. He learned to swim and fish, while he was young. There was a group of kids, they stuck together. Sometimes, they took small boats and raided nearby islands. Uninhabitant, those had a more fish and better game. Once they found a cave, were cut by the raising tide and went deep inside to find another exit. While inside the cave, they found a place, where the "hard-carapaced metal cucumbers" rested. When they started ascending those to get out of the water, yellow flashing light appeared and something strange started to happen. Probably, Numenera came alive and started to protect the perimeter. Lightning discharges flew through the air and one of them hit him. To hide, Gvido felt into open hole on one of the "silent" "cucumbers". He hit his head hard and lost conscientiousness, but as he returned he saw that he was only one in the room. His hand was surrounded with lightning like glove and strange symbols were appearing on that. He moved and everything dissapeared.
Later he discovered that he become stronger. Sometimes, symbols appeared visible to his sight to help him with aiming; other days he was able to transfer his power into the blow. Learning how to control that took several years. He didn't wanted to know, what happened with his friends in that cave. He went rogue and traveled since trying never look back, but deep inside he still felt that he betrayed his mates.
spinningdice |
No strong opinions on Cyphers, so let's roll.
1: 1d100 ⇒ 100 X-Ray Extractor
2: 1d100 ⇒ 352a: 1d100 ⇒ 84 Stim
Oddity: 1d100 ⇒ 26 Core: 1d100 ⇒ 8 Remote controlled Dragonfly, with a tiny handheld controller
X-Ray Extractor Level: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9: A glass panel with selection of dials, this allows the user to see through up to 2 feet of material. the dials allow to discriminate between various objects within the material. A difficulty 4 Intellect roll vaporizes a visualized discrete object. An unsuccessful roll disintegrates a random chunk of material. Device operates for 1 minute and only cypher level is higher than materials level.
Stim Level: 1d6 ⇒ 3 type: 1d3 ⇒ 3Injector; Decreases difficulty of next action taken by 3 steps.
Nohwear |
Since there is no new interest I am going to close recruitment now. If I am not mistaken, there are exactly enough entries. If everyone would please dot in the game play thread before entering the discussion, I could appreciate that. Also, if you have not already, please create an alias for your character. I your tag line I would like you current and max stats, your edge for each stat, and your armor, if any.
Recruitment Is Closed.