Numenera: Weird Discoveries

Game Master Nohwear

Just dot for now please.


Yuan-ti Warlock 4 | HP 27/27 | AC15 (13) | Init +2 | 2/2x2nd | Saves: S-1; D+2;C+1;I+1;W+3;Ch+5


Graceful Glaive who Rides the Lightning


Dark Archive

Female Human Adept | Might: 8/8 | Speed: 10/10 | Intellect: 18/18 | Armor: 0

Dot Here! Sorry for the delay, I was busy saturday/sunday.

So, um are people still interested in this? Not everyone has dotted here, and no one else joined the discussion.

i still am

Graceful Glaive who Rides the Lightning

I'm in.. Do we need big team for an adventure?

Dark Archive

Female Human Adept | Might: 8/8 | Speed: 10/10 | Intellect: 18/18 | Armor: 0

I am still here also, I was waiting on an introduction.

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