
Game Master Starlit

Sometimes, you need to just get away from it all. Call it a backup plan, a last resort... or call it stupid. In any case, I soon found myself on the I-94 driving out to the other edge of the continent.

When life goes south, head west I guess...


You are a young man or woman who is currently moving out. Fresh out of college in New Jersey, you decide to move out to the Pacific Northwest when one of your college friends offers you a full time job helping out at her father's hotel for the year. You were planning to spend the year traveling but the promised pay is amazing and you reckon you'll be able to enjoy the outdoors.


Northwest is a non-pathfinder, roleplaying adventure for a single player. It begins in the Fall of the 2014/2015 year. You will need to create your own protagonist including the following information:

  • Age (between 22-25)
  • Gender
  • Physical Appearance
  • Personality, quirks and mannerisms
  • College degree (that could have been completed in a 4-5 year stint)
  • Aspirations, likes, dislikes, fears
  • Contents of your car (what are you moving out with, can include up to one non-canine companion. I love dogs don't worry, it's just harder when you theoretically will need to virtually walk the poor guy.)
  • By the way, see the below link for your car.

Your Vehicle

This adventure is very RP heavy and is meant for someone with the patience to develop their character and explore and virtually live in a town out in the Pacific Northwest... along with the secrets this town may have to offer.

Post below for any questions. I know this is quite experimental.

I will make my selection by Friday.

Thanks to anyone who shows interest.

(PS, for those wondering what influences this adventure, look no further than media such as Twin Peaks, Silent Hill, Alan Wake, Life is Strange, etc.)

Maybe this idea`s just a bit too out there for here...

Games like this usually require a more personal connection to your player than is typically available through online recruitment.

Johnnycat93 wrote:
Games like this usually require a more personal connection to your player than is typically available through online recruitment.

I figured as such, the idea just came to mind and I figured it was always worth a shot.

Grand Lodge

Actually, this sounds like something I could sink my teeth into (might have something to do with the Silent Hill: Shattered Memories playthrough I'm watching, but still). I definitely enjoy a good mystery, and a horror-ish background is something I always have a love for.

Gimme a little bit and I'll see what I can conjure up.

As a fan of such games, and a long time player of Call of Cthulhu, I would definitely be interested in this.

Although I am quite interested, is this game hard set on being a single person adventure? Although I understand the pros of focusing in on a single character and developing them (like a main character out of any book) there is also something to be said of party interactions and the developing of a small group of friends - and the like.

I was just curious.

GenThunderfist wrote:

Although I am quite interested, is this game hard set on being a single person adventure? Although I understand the pros of focusing in on a single character and developing them (like a main character out of any book) there is also something to be said of party interactions and the developing of a small group of friends - and the like.

I was just curious.

If there was one other person -perhaps a sibling or cousin- that could also be an interesting dynamic. Also curious ^_^

I am fine with more than a single player, albeit perhaps no more than 3. All would have to be outsiders much as described above, but would all be moving together.

Actually, if all three of you were fine with joining together as college roomates all moving out to the Northwest, that'd work amazingly.

I adore this idea, but I'm a bit curious about what the actual game system would be like, since you described it as non-pathfinder. I'm certainly not opposed to other systems, just curious if you have one in mind or if you're making one up and what it would be like.

If that is the case, would someone like to PM me so we could work out a story together?

YoricksRequiem wrote:
I adore this idea, but I'm a bit curious about what the actual game system would be like, since you described it as non-pathfinder. I'm certainly not opposed to other systems, just curious if you have one in mind or if you're making one up and what it would be like.

It'll be using a very simple system. There will be a method to track Health and Conditions as well as a simplified skill system for skill checks.

This is pretty much a roleplay centric game and will be all about character development rather than combat.

In retrospect, I believe that I could actually use the normal Pathfinder Rules, with a few modifications. If there any takers, I'd be very happy to discuss preferences.

I'm not picky on the rules, I'm interested either way. Assuming that it's not a one-person game anymore, I'm leaning to being "not the person who is working at the hotel", and being someone who is going along for the ride. Essentially I'd be a pre-med student who had spent some time out west as a kid. The death of my remaining parent has me going back home.

Whether they died in Jersey (IE: We had all moved together) and I'm going back to where I spent my childhood to "think about my life" or whether they still lived out there (IE: I had moved to Jersey alone) and I'm going to deal with funeral stuff is fine with me. I figure the childhood experience could work for vaguely surreal memories, and if we wanted it to be a death that brought me back there could be interesting things there.

Thinking of being more of a skeptic / science-y character, loner, probably have a cat along. Still working on some quirks / mannerisms, but figured I'd see if the overview fits before I get too into it.

Sounds good! So how about this, make a character using the ordinary Pathfinder rules as a 2nd level Expert. This should give a good measure of skills. However, choose your skills from the list on The Modern Path, so they're modern skills.

And no more solo. I just wish I could update the recruitment name...

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I made a few assumptions (20 point buy, 2 Traits, Traits and Feats from The Modern Path also being acceptable) rather than asking a bunch of questions, but obviously I can tweak things as needed.

I still have more to write up with Background / Personality / Etc, but I want to see what other people are doing before I go too far in depth - Since our characters would know each other, I'd like to flesh it out with anyone else who's hoping to join. Which seems a bit sparse at the moment. :-/ But I think the idea of a 2 or 3 person game super appealing, so, you know. "Bump".

At any rate, here's what I crunched up so far.


Human Expert 2
Alignment: Neutral Good

STR 10
DEX 14
CON 14
INT 14 (+2 Human)
WIS 10
CHA 14

HP: 2d8 + 4
BAB: +1
AC: 10 + x (Armor) + 2 (Dex)
Initiative: +2 Dex

Fort +2 (+0 Base +2 Con)
Ref +2 (+0 Base +2 Dex)
Will +3 (+3 Base +0 Wis)

11 Per Level (6 Base + 3 Int + 1 Human + 1 Favoured Class)

Craft Pharmaceutical +8
Diplomacy +6
Handle Animal +7
Heal +6
Perception +5
Profession Driving +4
Sense Motive +5
Stealth +6

Local +7
Nature +7
Behavioural Sciences +7
Earth and Life Sciences +9
Physical Sciences +7
Technology +7

Medic (+1 Heal, becomes Class Skill)
Academic (+1 any Knowledge, becomes Class Skill)

Surgery (Use the Heal skill to perform Surgery)
Educated (+2 to 2 knowledge skills)

Special Abilities
Weapons and Armour Proficiency: The expert is proficient in the use of all simple weapons and with light armour, but not with any type of shield.

Sounds good! You managed to really make the character fit the background so that's great!

Do you think a second recruitment post with a less leading title would be a good idea? Or do you have anyone in your other games who might be interested?

I'm working on my character. I ran into uh... midterms so I put this on hold.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Northwest Silence wrote:

Sounds good! You managed to really make the character fit the background so that's great!

Do you think a second recruitment post with a less leading title would be a good idea? Or do you have anyone in your other games who might be interested?

Oh thanks!

As far as recruitment - I think it depends on how many people you want to run. I definitely strongly prefer the idea of a smaller group (2-3 people?), and a game that (at least seems) like it'll be more focused on roleplay than combat.

If you're doing a smaller game, you've already had interest from 4 of us, so perhaps Rod Benteft and GenThunderfist are worth a quick Private Message before opening it up to more people, since they expressed interest already?

Doombringer actually sent me a PM a little bit ago about working our backstories together, so I'm going to head in that direction in the meanwhile.

Great ideas! I'll PM the others, but if you are both working on a combined background, perhaps just 2 is fine

Yeah like I said, I'd totally be up for a third, it could add some interesting dynamics for sure. Did you end up hearing back from anyone?

I haven't been able to PM them. Is the option gone for some reason?

In any case, how are your two characters coming along?

Northwest Silence wrote:

I haven't been able to PM them. Is the option gone for some reason?

In any case, how are your two characters coming along?

I was going to say that it won't show up if both of them have it disabled, but I can see that they both have it enabled. GenThunderfist and RodBenteft - The link is just to the right of their Avatars. If it's not working for you, let me know and I'll take care of it! Happy to help.

On characters, I still have some more personality stuff to work out with mine, which I'm hoping to have done tomorrow. A large number of things blew up at work this week, so I haven't had as much time as I was hoping to. But I ought to be ready to start soon!

Midterms are finally over! Crunch is done and a revised version of my fluff should be done today. I'll br PMing you Yorrick.

Well, here is my character. Some thing might change depending on Yorrick and I speak about, but this should be the general idea.

And GM, I can't seem to be able to PM you.

Doombringer the DM wrote:
And GM, I can't seem to be able to PM you.

That might explain why he wasn't able to PM the others - if he has it disabled, it shouldn't allow him to send PMs either.

I'm working on my character now in reference to Doombringer's latest PM. I should have some things worth sharing later on this afternoon.

Indeed, it appears that my PM was disabled. Which is odd since I was sure I enabled it.

In any case Yoricks, I will take you up on your offer. I'm currently in transit this weekend. If you would be so kind as to PM our two other potentials, that'd take a load off my hands.


No problem. :) PMs have been sent, and I'm putting some more touches on my character now.

Thanks much Yoricks, I'm really hoping this campaign will work out!

I love both your characters as well, they're both quite different. Will they begin knowing each other or not? Are you driving up in Michael's car, or will both of you have one?

Let me know. I had planned for only one person to own a vehicle.

I think it was planned that we both somewhat know each other -at least well enough that we could travel together- but not so much that we are the best of friends.. We could talk about which of us owns the car, but we should definitely be in the same one.

Yeah, we're going with kind of a "loose acquaintances" kind of thing. It'll give enough room for us to have some trust issues with each other, though I imagine we would have gotten to know each other somewhat on the drive. NJ to the Pacific Northwest is quite the trip.

And I had assumed Michael owning the car, so that works for me.

This loose 'friendship' will also allow us to learn more about each other naturally. As time goes on, we could find more secrets to share... through honest means or possibly even snooping. This ontop of everything else that I assume might go on will make for an interesting dynamic.

Annnd here's the first draft of my character's background. Feedback encouraged.

No word back from either of the guys that I PM'd so far.

(Also, thread bump.)

My apologies, I was waiting for our friends to drop in (hopefully). Both characters look great, and I'm fine with getting this on the road. Any objections?

Both of your characters really work out well together I feel and hopefully this will be as fun as I hope it will be.

Sovereign Court

I think it is unfortunate, but as the saying goes, the show must go on. And besides, I do like the two participant that are here currently.

Checks IRL alignment

Yup, still lawful evil!

Sounds good to me! We could always bring someone in later if we do want a third.

Campaign's been started!

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