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He pointed to the flying figure, as he nods to the Telestari. {Is that the Candaru, Deilaavenaada?} He didn't translate the name as well as he hoped but it was the best he could manage for his first time. {I will try and catch the one they dropped, meet you on the other side.}
He dashes his way along the streets, jumping up ontop of a building if he must, with his inhuman agility he was able to move far quicker then most could with out the aid of magic. The rain still pelted off his invisible armor and his shield was still intact, whatever came next. He was ready.

Tokine Nagano |

"Today. But I suspect you know that. It seems everyone knows of this door but me."
Tokine takes a moment to look the official up and down. He seems a bit forward and presumptuous to have allowed himself into the back rooms of the Temple. Surprising for a civil servant of the Emperor.
Sense Motive -> 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29
"Do you work with Envoy-Five? It seems this door draws all the moths to it's flame."
A bit more of luck (6/8) on switching Envoy-Six's name:
Bluff -> 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Bluff -> 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Kyras Erodal |

Perception 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29
SA: cast message
For a moment, Kyras's senses are sharply alive. He can feel the raindrops striking his skin and steaming off, hear the city's movements, and make out the individual drops of rain as they pelt the stones of the street. He hears the assassin's steady, measured breathing as he or she runs towards Azami's position, as well as the other pair of footsteps behind her. He draws his magic up to his lips and breathes out a warning straight to her ears. "Azami! The assassin is almost at your position, but be careful! There are two more people approaching behind you! They aren't there yet, but they will be soon. I'll cut the assassin off if he tries to escape."

Shoto Imuri |

If the kitsune remains useful to us, then we will do what we can to spare her. But I fear she has come to some abuse given the contents of this bag, given me by an old man adorned in Plum Blossom colors early this morning. THe added complication is that I belive he intends to trade a daughter of a great hosue for your safe return. She is samurai, prepared to sacrifice herself for the Empire. But she is from a powerful house that my family could use a favor from, and who will be sorely needed to defend the EMpire from any threats. Therefore, Vu must be saved, she must be saved, and I cannot lose control over your location and activities. Not until I trust you more fully, and not until I have opportunity to reunite you with your brother, now that I understand you are not the Scarecrow.
Imuri cocks his head slightly, conveying that many facts are still to be weighed, and thus his opinion of things. That is, at least not the Scarecrow as I understood him to exist.

Azami Ito |

Attack: Grapple 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21
Perception 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Initiative 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Azami readies herself for the assassin, intending to grapple him- she needs his information before she will kill him.
Then, Kyras' message reaches her and she briefly glances back, not seeing anything; adjusting her position, Azami moves to grapple the assassin and pulls backward towards a side alley to remove both of them from the street --and hopefully avoid the two coming up behind her, or at least get into a better position to attend to them.

DM Downrightamazed |

He pointed to the flying figure, as he nods to the Telestari. {Is that the Candaru, Deilaavenaada?}
The blue-clad Telestari shakes its head, but says nothing. It continues on its course, splitting off from you.
Azami Stealth: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (8) - 3 = 5
Chu Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31
You run pell-mell through the alley, pausing when you get close. Peering around a corner and through the rain and sleet, you catch the briefest glimpse of an armored warrior slipping into an alley. You're fairly certain it was Azami Ito. The sound of running footsteps reaches your ears next, and you see a shadowy figure sprinting across the street. On its current trajectory, this person will move right in front of Azami's position. You see Deilaavenaada hustle out of an alley further up, ignoring the running figure, its eyes fixed on the sky where you can only assume it is Kyras Erodal flying through the sky.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Kyras: As you float through the rain, you catch a glimpse of one of the shadowy figures in the alley; by the profile, you'd guess its the advisor you encountered earlier, named Chu. What's he doing out here?
That thought is driven quickly from your mind as you watch the shadowy assassin dart across Market Street, heading for the safety of the alleys in the restaurant district, and right for Azami. You are about to lower yourself down to get into flanking position when you see an extremely tall, thin, unnaturally graceful humanoid glide out of a different alley, coming right towards you. You have never encountered anything like this before in the flesh, but it sure likes like the living painting that Tokine showed earlier; it looks just like the Telestari, the blue ones.
The ones that killed.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Tokine: Elven envoy Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
This new envoy gives an irritated and irritating little sniff. "Oh is that its name? I didn't know anyone bothered to give them names." He glares icily at you. "Now don't be a pillock. The eyes of the palace know generally when these doors open but we must be precise. The longer it is open the stronger it gets and we can only spare so much power towards keeping these things closed. Bad enough the portals that exist cannot now be closed and this one is rather large and most inconveniently situated, wouldn't you agree?" Again the withering look aimed at you. "I do hope Envoy Four or Five or whatever didn't touch anything in this place, or heavens forfend anyone."
This elf, you notice, seems to have two shadows. One of them is quite animate, the other is stone still and seems to pulse, slowly, like a heartbeat. It is vaguely obscene.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: Bethany eats a single choke cherry, seeming to savor the exquisite dryness of the ill-favored fruit. "It has taken me many months to penetrate the Scarecrow's organization, and I know as little now about him -- or her, or them -- as when I started, as that was not my primary concern. I did find it amusing that I rose high enough many underlings began to think I was the Scarecrow." She shakes her head lightly. "They were fools. It was my intent to use my access to the Scarecrow to gain favor and, eventually, entry into the Plum Blossom. That plan is now obviously failed. The plum blossom have a weapon I require, and which can only be won by conquering six unholy warriors who guard it in an underground arena, where fights occur for the pleasure of the Syndicate's viewers. My champion had defeated two before being destroyed. My brother, if alive, and if certain…other events were to take place, could destroy all six. But I suppose that is neither here nor there…" She looks thoughtful.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Azami: The assassin comes hustling past and you dart out from the alley to grapple him or her or it. You see a flash of rain-slick black feathers and yellow beak, hear a startled squawk, but the assassin ducks your grab and sidesteps, heading for an alley further down. Your jaw literally drops for just a moment as the realization of who that was hits you.
It is Yohei, sprinting through the streets, bow in hand.

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Chu held his ground and pulled his hands out of his robe as he advanced, he wanted whoever it was that was escaping Azami to see that the rain never hit his clothing and that they were running straight at the Emperor's Adviser. Before they got more then a few feet from Azami though Chu took a hold of his robes and quickly summoned up a wall of stone to block the alley the tengu had been running for.
Cast Major Image Make it look as though Chu had blocked off the alley with a wall of stone.
"Halt in the Emperor's name or be burned where you stand!" Chu's reptilian voice hissed above the sounds of the falling rain and sleet.
Intimidate - dunno if he has time for that but~ 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

Dare Mo |

Lo-An Tso was a cutthroat and a thief of some ill repute in Lanzhu, known in the underworld for occasionally undertaking a bold scheme to make a quick profit, and for having the great luck to have those schemes bear fruit. Apart from gold, his vices included gambling, drink, and the occasional woman of the night.
Today he sat in a dim hall, hazy with a fog of opium and tobacco imported from the West, overlooking a gaggle of petty rogues gambling at dice.
Lo-An Tso did not exist.
One of the players had passed out at the table. Whether from drink, opium, or subtle poisoning from an opponent did not matter. Dare Mo pushed him aside, collecting his chair and seating himself, and placed several silver pieces on the table.
In his guise as Lo-An Tso, Dare Mo wore gaudy, ostentatious clothes. The tasteless attire of one who has acquired trifling wealth without earning it, and accentuated his features with a thin mustache, pointed beard, and thick eyebrows.
After losing several rounds of dice, Dare Mo dropped a gold piece on the table, dropping another on top of it. "Enough of these games, gentlemen. I need information. A thief made off with priceless treasures from the imperial court last night. I need to know who could have achieved such a feat, for only this person can help me in a task I am set upon. The reward for one who can assist me will be... considerable."
Bluff 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31

Shoto Imuri |

The Shoto puts on his most thoughtful expression. If you entered the Empire the way your brother did, with arrogance and a belief that the world parts around him like air around the mountains, I would understnad your failure. But you are skilled at some level of subtlety. If the Uniter has goals inimical to the continued existence of the very Empire you came to infiltrate, why have you not reached out to the Spider? Instead of foiling the attempt to kidnap your brother and gain this guarded weapon, we might have orchestrated it for you.
He continues. Tell me more. What changes are necessary? Is this why the Black Dragonflight seeks him? How might I deliver you to the Plum Blossom without sacrifising you or losing track of you? The problem that seems to present itself is that neither you nor Sera-san are expendable. Tell me what you need.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Chu: As he gets closer, you swear you recognize this tengu; he looks like one of Captain Takagami's lieutenants, the leader of an elite band of tengu archers. He isn't fazed at all by your shouts and switches direction, heading further up the alley. Deilaavenaada does not seem even remotely interested in the fleeing archer.
Yohei DC15 Acrobatics: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
Yohei easily vaults off the wall, using a simple flip to change direction without risking a fall on the slippery cobblestones. He continues to sprint down the alley, putting a lot of distance between you.
Yohei's base speed is 50.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: "The Uniter...what I fear is what he will do if he gets his empire back. What I fear is what he may have become. I came here...for...personal reasons, primarily. Infiltration and other "work" came after." Bethany folds her hands in her lap "I am wary of the Great Clans. It is a wariness born of respect, I hasten to add, but wariness nonetheless. I observed, for example, the backwash caused by the ascendancy of the Motomo. This was not a good time."
She sighs softly. "My brother...I have theories as to why they want him, but nothing I can prove. Not yet. I personally have no allegiance to Clan Sera, but respect your position. The best thing for all involved may simply be to trade me to the Plum Blossom, after you have your House sorcerers ensorcel me in a way you deem sufficient for the tracking of my position. I will readily confess I am not certain what a Plum Blossom elder wishes from me, and I fear to find out, but find out I must if I am to gain what I seek."

DM Downrightamazed |

@Dare Mo: None of them can beat your Bluff check.
The remaining players all look at each other briefly, then over at you. One of them speaks in a chittery and hissing voice, sounding for all the world like a rat. "Hn. Ever'one talkin' about that today. Sez it was out-of-town talent what did it. Hn. Been run to ground, though, can't leave the city. Hn. Guards on high alert. Can't be that good if they can't leave. Hn."
A second player looks at the speaker in disgust. "Ain't that. Heard they ain't done. Gonna go back for more. They're doing magic's what I heard, in league with Enhathlad. Need pieces for their magic."
The third one eyes your gold pieces hungrily. "Shut up, you two asses. He's serious." This one looks suspiciously at you. "I'll find out for you. I got connections. Meet me at noon at Lo's Noodle House. I'll take this gold now, as a deposit, yes?"
Handwaving that this is occurring in the early morning, so we can use the time when the others were at the Shoto tea ceremony, etc. to advance this story line.

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Chu moves to just in range of the alley and focused his Chi as he lobbed a set of scorching rays down the alley. Purposfully missing the Tengu by the merest fraction and setting the wall and floor on fire despite the wet conditions. There was no way though that Chu could ever catch upto him, so it was no longer his concern. He turned then back towards who he had thought was Azami and started moving down the alley in the direction of his Telestari companion.

Tokine Nagano |

@Tokine: Elven envoy Sense Motive: 1d20+8
This new envoy gives an irritated and irritating little sniff. "Oh is that its name? I didn't know anyone bothered to give them names." He glares icily at you. "Now don't be a pillock. The eyes of the palace know generally when these doors open but we must be precise. The longer it is open the stronger it gets and we can only spare so much power towards keeping these things closed. Bad enough the portals that exist cannot now be closed and this one is rather large and most inconveniently situated, wouldn't you agree?" Again the withering look aimed at you. "I do hope Envoy Four or Five or whatever didn't touch anything in this place, or heavens forfend anyone."
This elf, you notice, seems to have two shadows. One of them is quite animate, the other is stone still and seems to pulse, slowly, like a heartbeat. It is vaguely obscene.
Tokine walks from the door up to the official and does not give him one of her traditional smiles. "One could say that the Envoy lacked certain courtly graces, but I blamed his rudeness on his tortured condition.......others? I can not speak for their reasons."
"What am I calling you? You seem to have burst upon the scene unannounced. I can but assume you know who I am, but I am at a loss for your branch of service to our Emperor....But for this door? Why, it arrived just after mourning tea." As she talks she gently taps her glaive in mild irritation, the fact that this tapping is on the pulsing shadow is not lost on her.

Dare Mo |

K(local) 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27
Lo-An Tso pushes the gold pieces toward the last man to speak, then leans back in his chair, stroking his goatee. "I will see you then."
He stands, nodding to the others. "Gentlemen. Enjoy the silver. May fate continue to smile upon you."
With that, Dare Mo leaves the others to their games and departs.

Dare Mo |

Azami Ito |

Azami's eyes widen. Yohei? She is actually stunned enough to let him get a significant lead before even considering following. By that time, he has changed direction, and even the stubborn samurai knows it is futile for her to give chase. When a lizard-man nearly bumps into her as he runs past, she shakes her head, as though to somehow tell him it is no use to try and keep up. It takes a second for it to dawn on her that that is the Advisor, and by then, he has realized the same truth.
Instead, she turns around and scans the sky for Kyras.

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With his pair of scorching rays smoldering in the street, Chi watched the Tengu until it disappears from sight. Seeing Azami he nods to her shaking what little rain had pooled on his head on to her armored feet, he didn't mind being soaked but it was starting to weigh him down. He was still digesting what he had seen and deemed it nescessary to speak with the tengu's commander over what exactly was going on. "I will speak to the Captain about this affront. We need to head this way though, please tell me what is going Azami?"
Chu hides his confusion well, he hadn't expected to run into Azami, nor be flinging bolts of fire at one of the Captains subordinates. He had merely done it to make a point and the next time he wouldn't be so kind. There was too much chaos for him to make heads or tails of the events as of late and all he had been really able to do was prepare battle spells in preparation for the worst. He walked alongside Azami as the headed towards the Telestari and the flying figure.

Azami Ito |

"The Captain is dead."
It is the truth, although it may not be. Azami cannot know whether Yohei's involvement tips the possibility more in one direction or another. Slogging through the streets, drenched to the bone, she lifts a hand to shield her eyes from the rain, picking up to a jog down the alleyway.
"Why are you here? Were you following the Tengu?"

Kyras Erodal |

Kyras prepares to follow the assassin through the sky, but he pauses when Azami does. When the tengu leaps free of the Emperor's snake advisor, he knows that he won't be able to catch him. Had Azami followed, he would have as well. She must have her reasons for hesitating.
And then there is the Telestari.
Kyras keeps his eyes on the being warily as he floats down to the cobblestones, his feet gingerly testing the ground before giving into gravity. As Azami and Chujitsuna approach him, he simply stares at the strange creature motioning towards him.
The Dragon stirs in his mind, whispering to him. "This may be what we need to seize control of the Hounds. Speak to it, boy." Kyras simply stands, waiting for the other two to join them or for the Telestari to speak.

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Azami's words catch Chu by surprise, he had an inkling that something was going on but to hear it with such certainty caused him to stagger. For a moment his features faltered, twisting into an ugly grimace, it would be hard for anyone to tell whether he was angry or sad. He stopped looking straight ahead as he mastered himself once more, the Captain's loss would be a great and the Empire would mourn such a passing. But now he needed to keep moving forward, no time to mourn, the fallen were dust in the wind.
"He had a good death then, befitting one of such strength and grace. In answer to your question; No, I wasn't following the Tengu I was following the Telestari..." He pointed to the blue clad being ahead of them, who was waving to the flying figure to descend. [smaller]"Why were you after the Tengu? What else has happened?"[/smaller}

Azami Ito |

It isn't hard to note the Advisor's surprise, so when he follows it with the suggestion that the Captain's death was good, Azami's features tighten--what did he know all along that he wasn't sharing?
"The...what?" Her attention is taken up by the figure in blue, and the descent of Kyras to the cobbles. "The Tengu knows something about the commotion at the palace. There is an attack going on at the walls, interrupting the ceremony for the Captain."

DM Downrightamazed |

@Imuri: Bethany Erodal is not making any effort to conceal from you the fact that she is leaving out parts of her story. From her body language, you are able to infer that her omissions are done in the interest of time, rather than deception. You, too, remember the ascension of the Motomo from a simple merchant clan to one of the Great Houses, and the tumult that followed in the wake of that event, and the number of allegiances that were forged and forgotten by the upstart Clan as they sought too soon to make their mark.
While you don't doubt that Bethany has reasons to lie to you or misdirect you, that does not appear to be what she is doing at this time.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Dare Mo: You are en route back to the Sanctum when you overhear three gaijin talking as you walk past them. They speak openly and in clear voices, but also in Elven.
"...so she failed, then?"
"Seems so, yes."
"And the plant? The Bud?"
"Still no one has it. Personally I have begun to doubt it exists."
"Frostbane would not lie about it. If it comes to it, we can approach Her. But it should not come to that."
"The boy will lead us there, you watch."
"You have too much faith in the brat. He's just some farmer's kid."
"You are a fool, Brannen. The boy has a Talent. The fox spirit can rot in the arms of the syndicates. The boy will lead us there, we will retrieve the plant and hold the Chan hostage, and when Kalaroth comes..."
They laugh. You pass by them as they enter a tavern; their talk turning to more mundane matters of trade and commerce, probably false.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Tokine: This new envoy smiles humorlessly and flicks an errant strand of his long, silken hair over his shoulder. "I am D'arsenne. I am chief Envoy-in-Extraordinaire to his Majesty The Son of the Heavens, the Jade Dragon. Do you know when the last time was a door of this size and prominence of locale opened, Madame Curator? Of course you don't. It was 180 years ago, before the Ascension of our current emperor's house and the beginning of the Dragon Regency. A time, you will no doubt recall from your studies of history, that was tumultuous to say the least. This door, I hasten to point out, is rather larger and even less conveniently situated than the one that opened then. I hope the correlation is not lost on you."
He saunters over to the spot where the stones have been...changed. The pulsing shadow suddenly detaches and slips between the cracks in the stone and vanishes down into the tunnels. D'arsenne looks thoughtful, but says nothing.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Izumi trying to get your attention, trying to beckon you over.

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Chu was looking at Azami and didn't understand why she stiffened at his words, however he listened patiently to what she had to say before speaking in a quiet even tone. "I don't care what others think of me, snake, vermin, traitor all empty words when compared to times like these. Understand this. I have the utmost respect for the Captain and the Empire will be weaker with his loss..." He barely stopped himself from saying more, he didn't agree with some traditions of the Empire, especially in times like these. "You are also the second person I have spoken with about the Captain. And the first was unsure of the information they were giving me."
He stands tall once more, the Telestari's strong thoughts pushing aside his moment of misunderstanding. Shaking his head he continued speaking to Azami. His tone wasn't as hard as before, inn fact it was respectful. "There is a commotion interrupting it you say? Perhaps we should deal with that then, you are the Captains loyal guardsmen after all and such a dishonor cannot stand."
He watches curiously for a few more moments, obviously interested in what is going on with Kyras and the Telestari.

Tokine Nagano |

Knowledge Nobility -> 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 Just to see if any of this rings true to her.
Taking the moment while D'arsenne seems preoccupied with the door, Tokine moves over to Izumi and raises an eyebrow in question. She escorts her a ways back out through the door with an administrative voice, "Yes thank you Izumi for showing him in. Are the preparations still underway for tonight?" "But then leans in close for an intended, whispered response.

Dare Mo |

What's this?!
These gaijin could be speaking of none other than his prey.
She sought a plant and not retrieve it... or perhaps a symbol of one? No. A plant. She did not intrude in the sacred Imperial garden to steal a metaphor.
Lo-An Tso paused in the street, stopping to inspect the fruit of a local merchant. He lifted a plum, taking in its scent as he collected his thoughts.
You fool! Dare Mo admonished himself. It could be, likely is, the Queen they speak of in the tongue of the Elves. Remember your training! Make no assumptions!
Dare Mo committed to memory the new facts that had been revealed.
Frostbane, a leader of men, likely affiliated with with the Black Dragonflight.
A boy, of humble birth, with a certain... talent, likely magical, who could lead these men to a bud they sought, and failed to retrieve, from the Emperor's private garden.
These men were not idle travelers, and they were not speaking the Elven tongue because it was all they knew. They were speaking in secret, knowing that language was rare in the isolated Empire of Mists.
The Clan must know of them and of their intentions.
Lo-An Tso took a bite of a peach, savoring its sweet flavor as the juices burst beneath his teeth. While he did so, his eyes wandered, scanning the crowd for pursuers. Anyone following would be the enemy of Lo-An Tso, and no match for Dare Mo, but wariness had never harmed him in the past.
Bluff, to hide that I'm watching the crowd 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20
Perception 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25

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Chu was shocked as Azami rushed up towards the Telestari, he rubbed his scaled face with his hand. He was weary these last two days were far too long and he spent more time running in circles or speaking until his scales were pale. He wouldn't have time to respond to this before this strange scene played out...
I will wait for Kyras to have a chance to respond. Is psy fox still with us? >.>;

Dare Mo |

Herp dee derp. I must have accidentally deleted the paragraph where I mentioned paying the vendor for plums, and then I referred to one as a peach.
Dare Mo finishes his plum, tossing the seed into the street, and casually strolls into the tavern after the Elven conspirators, wiping the remains of plum juice on his gold embroidered pants.

Kyras Erodal |

Kyras did respond, back here, where he simply waited for everybody to come to him. He usually isn't cautious like that, but it's not every day that an extinct race pops up to say hello.

DM Downrightamazed |

Kyras did respond, back here, where he simply waited for everybody to come to him. He usually isn't cautious like that, but it's not every day that an extinct race pops up to say hello.
Right, but then the Telestari replied:
@Azami, @Kyras, @Chu: Deilaavenaada approaches Kyras slowly, and you all can hear its thoughts, even though they are directed at the Warbanian. ::...yes...Gate of the West...please...the Candaru, do you have it? The swimmer? The food? ...as the books say...::

Shoto Imuri |

Imuri pushes the little plate of fruit another inch toward Bethany Erodel, indicating the rest is for her, now that she has seen him eat from it.
I understand there is more to discuss than time will permit. At lunch today, I must offer you in exchange for the Sera woman. I will attempt to negotiate for Vu as well, even if it is merely her corpse. There are decrepit bloodspeakers who deal in such tasteless things. Having Vu in my possession gives me a certain value to you. When I bring your brother to rescue you, he will understand the Shoto's commitment to its allies.
He pushes his teacup aside, prepared only to speak of business until the conversation has run out. What more should we know about one another, Bethany Erodel? It is uncommon for the spider to give you a tour of the web. But I need your trust, such as it may be for the time being. When we have the most information, the spiders deal in intrigue and the shadows. When we require information, it is preferable for you that we simply become allies and merchants. Is this fair to say?

Kyras Erodal |

Bluff 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30
Kyras stares blankly at the tall being before offering an inexplicable grin. "Can we use our speaking voices? It's already crowded enough up here." He taps the side of his head with a finger before continuing. "So, you're looking pretty good for being extinct. Here's the seal: I have been riddled at and talked to in haiku and metaphor for the last few days, and it's driving me nuts. Can you just speak inthe regular words? Not all of us are fluent in Cryptic." Despite his unorthodox approach to communication with a being if unparalleled age and wisdom, Kyras appears totally at ease. It would take a very skilled eye to see how truly uncomfortable and uneasy he is.

Azami Ito |

Azami is rather certain that, one of these days, Kyras' disrespectful mouth will cost one or both of them a limb. It takes everything she has not to turn around and say It would make my job of guarding your skin much easier if you could you tone down the attitude. But that would require her to take her eyes off the large blue armored person that is supposedly from an ancient and powerful... dead... race.

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine whispers to her assistant, "Keep an eye on our guest."
She then turns to the Elf by the gate. "D'arsenne. I must excuse myself for a moment. Izumi here, will be available if you require anything. I will return quickly to get your assessment of the situation.
She then makes her way rapidly to the pool and see exactly how big the koi might have gotten.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Tokine: Izumi bows and moves into the room to keep an eye on the second envoy you've had to deal with today while you repair to the fountain. Once there, it takes but a glance to notice the change; each of the koi is now the length and girth of a medium-sized dog, and is having some difficulty getting around. The water is deep enough that they live, but they cannot be comfortable. As you watch, one of them rolls its eyes to look at you, as if it can actually see you. Hideously, its mouth elongates, revealing growing teeth. Its scales, too, are thickening. It is happening to all of them, and the fountain is getting quite crowded. All of the poor fish(?) are just sitting there in one spot, doing their best to keep their lengthening snouts (since when to fish have snouts) under water.