Mists of War - DM Downrightamazed

Game Master downrightamazed

Three groups of gaijin approach the Son of the Heavens, ruler of the Empire of Mists, in his palace in far Lanzhu. A great war is underway in the west, this is known, but what could these strangers want?

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Azami is up in the fight on Market street.

@Wei: After preparing supplies and gathering equipment, you get your new "patient" on a litter and make your way down the road. The journey is wet, cold, and miserable but otherwise totally uneventful. You pass a couple patrols; soldiers from the city, keeping the roadway safe, and they nod hello as they go by, but otherwise things are quiet.

The healer, whose name is Lifen and with whom you have worked before, greets you warmly and lets you in. Her husband makes you some tea and soup, and both are warming and delicious. You suspect some minor healing magics are involved in the recipe, perhaps a spell of Shelyn's. After a few minutes, the Lifen comes out from her healing room to share in soup and tea, give you an update, and ask after your health and spiritual well-being. "Your new friend will be fine, Master Khangzhi, though I am rather troubled by some of his wounds. Tell me, how are things at your home? How are the animals?"

@Tokine: You round the corner and have your suspicions confirmed as you nearly bump straight into the massive head of a Sovereign Imperial Dragon. His long, sinewy body trails out behind him and is curled up and over itself, tangled amongst the other two, each squirming around trying to find a way out. His giant head is roughly 8 feet long and over four feet high, and his eyes are each nearly as big as your head. His scales shimmer and shine even in the gloomy light of a rainy day coming down through the skylight, seeming to give off their own internal light. His eyes glow gold, as does the wreath of scales around his noble head. Under one of his great, clawed forefeet is the formerly-haughty-but-now-suddenly-rather-contrite D'arsenne. His sword is shattered in pieces, but he seems unhurt, though his pride is perhaps bruised.

The dragon looks at you and immediately brings its head terrifyingly close to yours. Even as wild and frightening and potentially dangerous as it is, this dragon is still one of the most glorious things you have ever seen in your life.

Its nostrils flare as it gets your scent, then it speaks with a voice as golden and mellifluous as the rippling river of gold that is its scaly body; "mmmmmMortalllllll... Whhhhooo are you? What place is this? I have slumbered long, but now heed the calls..."

Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15

Imuri looks at Bethany for a long second. Very well. I see that I must compromise. I will deliver you to the Syndicate in exchange for my ally. But I have also made a commitment to your brother. Honor means many things here in Lanzhu, but I must still keep my word once given. I will tell your brother I discovered your identity and that you requested return. If he is to come after you, that is his decision. A journey into the Undercity to rescue a few of the Curator's friends is already being planned. If you can offer help in that regard, they will welcome it. If you warn the Syndicate, you will have revealed your character to me. I came for you once, I am fully capable of doing it again.

He grimaces briefly, committing himself to the hard decisions of the young day. If you are a servant of the Emperor, kindly tell him the Spider are at work. If I should see him and something happens to you, what might I say to him so he knows of our understanding?

AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12

Khangzhi gratefully accepts tea, allowing it to warm him from the cold damp rains he had just traveled through. The soup he takes in with courtesy, so as to not give offense, but sparingly. The taste is fine, but with his reptilian nature, Khangzhi rarely eats anything besides raw meat. Fish for preference. At least it is not rice, he muses to himself, never having been able gain an appreciation for the staple food of the region.

When Lifen returns and asks after Khangzhi, he pauses thoughtfully for a moment, and says, "My meditations have been troubled as of late, and my dreams even more so. As for the animals, the koi appear stressed and the snapping turtles remain as inscrutable as ever. I have not seen any yow lung for days, but this is not unusual. The ducks act like ducks, adorable, hungry and stupid." Khangzhi chuckles lightly to himself, then becomes more serious.

"Lately I suspect some less welcome tenants have made their home in the marshes. I found an injured swift the other day, and hope to help it, though neither birds nor healing are my areas of expertise. Perhaps you have some advice? Ah, but I babble about my own concerns when there is a more important matter at hand. You said the nature of his wounds concerned you. I have something might aid you in your diagnosis." Khangzhi reaches into his bag and produces the clay jar.

Tokine gives a great bow and then arises to look the magnificent creature in the eye, "Great One, I am Tokine Naginao, Curator and Head Priestess in this, the Temple to Shelyn in the City of Mists. You have awakened in a sacred pool here in the center of the Temple."

She looks down at the fallen D'arsenne spayed beneath his claws,and continues with a slight smile perhaps lost on the great dragon as she bows again, "Please do not overly hurt him. He is an official of the palace. He acted out of ignorance and fear, but his death will mean much shame on me and this temple for allowing his death."

But then in a more serious tone, "What signs have called you? For I have news that may be relevant, AND you may have enemies currently in the city that I need to inform you about."

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

Perception DC22 Check 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Round 3, Initiative 13
AC20/10T/20FF; hp 71/88

SA:attack against P-6, intimidate.
On P-6 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (4) + 13 = 17
Intimidate(demoralize) on the ninja 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

At Chu's words, Azami glances over towards Lu. Her strike, consequently, is not as true, the ninja dexterously avoiding her slice. Face contorting with frustrated rage, Azami bellows furiously at her slippery opponent.

AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12

Khangzhi pulls out the latest issue of Shonen Jump and begins to read. Ah, Ichigo-san, your slow paced but beautifully drawn adventures continue to entertain me.

Shadow Lodge

Lol righteous!

Shadow Lodge


@Wei: Lifen smiles at your comments, then takes the proffered clay jar. She lifts the lid and frowns curiously at its frankly disgusting contents. Leaning in to examine it more closely, she waves her right hand over the jar, casting some kind of minor magic on what's inside. She lets out a gasp then and drops the jar, which lands with a thud on the wood floor of her parlor. The blood and sputum spills out, as does a beautiful pink-and-lavender flower. A plum blossom.

"Oh no! Master Khangzhi, you must go! We have to report this to the police immediately. If this man is to stay here, we will need protection."

DC16 K(Local):
The flower is a symbol of the Plum Blossom Syndicate, deadliest and most powerful of all the syndicates in the Empire.

DC10 Heal:
If the flower burst out like this, then it must have been packed back in the man's throat, perhaps to suffocate him, perhaps for...ornamentation.

@Tokine: The dragon rumbles low in its throat, like a giant cat purring. It chortles, then, and the sound is tremendously, strangely inspiring. "Ah...palace officials. It is good to know some things never change. If I am in a holy place, then there is still time, and there is still hope, and that is good. We come because the stones have moved. We come because the Deathless Ones have called. We come because our cousins in the west will need us. The Corrupt King seeks to return, and the bravest dragon there is has sacrificed all she is to call us, and we have come. What news have you, Nagano-San, Beloved of Shelyn and Daughter of Kings?"

@Imuri: Bethany nods. "If I see him -- which is unlikely -- I will tell him. In turn, if you see him, tell him that "the ouroboros closes". He will take your meaning instantly, and if he does not, then he is an imposter."

Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15

Yeah..you're not gonna float in from the void and just take advantage of my trust like that.

Shoto Imuri absorbs the importance of the last statement from the gaijin woman. His traiing prompts his to immediately observe the direction of her eyes, search for slight finger movements. The truth of that statement might mean glory or enduring shame for his family.

Sense Motive 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12

Knowledge(Local): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Heal: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20 Feeling smart today...

Khangzhi frowns at the flower from the jar, though it is difficult to make out any expression on his reptilian features. The Plum Blossom Syndicate? How dare they disturb my sanctuary with this attempted murder! Who is this man, and why do they want him dead?

Turning to Lifen, Khangzhi speaks earnestly. "This is serious indeed. I have tried these past twenty-five years to not involve myself in the cities intrigues, but this must be addressed. I will seek out someone we can trust for help. First, however, I think I should bring him back to my sanctuary, where he will be safer."

"Oh my ...where to begin. The most immediate problem for you is there is a flight of black dragons in the city. They claim to have come to offer a treaty, but they have launched secretive attacks and likely seek to conquer the city. There is an equal contingent of silver dragons and their allies, but I do not know how they fared in the recent attacks. There have been attacks in the Palace by the Black Dragon allies including their Elven priestess. She murdered Chu, the palace gardener, although I suspect you may have known of him. And demons have appeared here and in the Palace as well, as a connection to a being called Khoda has been noted"

"And let's see...You mention the Deathless Ones...would they be the Telestari? Because there seems to be some activity related to them and then the Corrupt King. You must mean the Chan. If you move against them, you can count me as an ally. In fact I hope to move against them tonight as they have captured the soul of a friend. The Stones moved here, in this temple, to allow his allies to escape. This portal is what has brought this attendant from the Palace. Oh and the Chan or the Telestari, the message was not clear, but some incident is ongoing in the city at this moment." She almost pants with getting that out.

Tokine's head is almost swimming. The presence of the dragons and all the details of the past two days is overwhelming.

"I don't have much time as other friends are involved in this incident I mentioned. But I want to aid you in any way possible, as I feel aiding you will the greatest benefit for the City. But if you seek the Telestari or the Chan, I have a guide that can take us to see one. Or I can fill you in with any details, as I dropped a lot of information....whatever is your wish, Great One."

Shadow Lodge

I've been Murdered!? o.O; j/k I know who you mean ;)

Sorry! That should have been Rhuu. Unflappable Tokine is trying to sum up 2600 posts in a paragraph while attending Three Great Gold Dragons while her friends have requested her aid.....and unfortunately relying on my memory

She is flapped

Although clearly she was not referring to you as she has yet to refer to you as Chu. You are always the Honorable Adviser Chijitsuna...despite the pain typing that. :-)

Shadow Lodge

Lol. xD Your doing a fantastic job! Next time I will choose a shorter name. ;)


Male Half-elf Dragon Disciple 11

Bump. Azami, it's up to you to find Dan and drag him to his screen. Tie him up if you have to.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

I put the case before him last week. He apologizes profusely, having been reassigned to an even more difficult project. He swears he's coming back, though, once he can get enough time to wrap his brain around where we are here.

We had our first table top in four months. I think he will be back soooooon. *brings rope to next rehearsal*

Shadow Lodge

The son of the heavens should not be rushed, he will grace the Empire with His will and once more we shall carry it forth.

It is good to have an update though ;)

I wish him luck in all of his endeavors! And look forward to his return!

Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15

Did you mention we were levelling our characters? I say we each level up to pass time, and we each write one flashback to get ourselves on character and ready to resume. : b

@Imuri: As far as you can tell, Bethany Erodal is not lying. It is clear to you she is thinking ahead, planning how her arrival back in the underworld will go, but she is currently not engaged in any attempt at deceiving you.

@Wei: Lifen the healer opens her mouth to answer you but before she can speak her door bursts open and two children run in. Both are filthy with mud, their hair matted to their heads, and their eyes are bloodshot, apparently from crying. The older of the two is a girl of 8 or 9, the younger a boy of maybe 6. Both begin babbling at once, begging for Lifen's attention.

"PLEASEYOUHAVETOCOMEACOPPERSNAKEBITMAMA!PLEASEHEALERPLEASESHEISPOISONED!" they yell at once, tugging on her sleeve. Lifen's eyes go wide at the mention of the deadly local viper, known to lurk in the furrows of tilled soil, waiting for something meaty to walk by.

"Oh no, not again! Not another bite! I thought Sen had talked with the snakes and they were off to better hunting grounds. I must go." She gathers her healer's kit while speaking to you and her doddering husband. "Khangzhi-san, please, be careful if you seek to take this man back to your sanctuary. I fear it may not remain sanctuary for long. You should bring him to the police in town, they can transport him back to Langzhu. I fear for your safety should you attempt the journey alone."

Her husband, Sajobi-san, nods sagely, then kisses his wife goodbye as she dashes out into the rain, following the two farm children. He stares at the door for a moment then turns to you. "Would you like assistance, friend monk? I can at least aid in you checking the patient's bandages and hoisting him off the bed..."

DC 30 Perception:
There is someone outside, possibly multiple someones.

@Tokine: The dragon is silent as you give your briefing. At the end, it nods its enormous head and rolls its eyes wildly. The other formerly-koi-now-dragons give low, rumbling roars seemingly in response to this action and wriggle restlessly against the walls that contain them ever more tightly as their growth continues.

The creature speaks to you again; "Nagano-san, I would have words with the Deathless Ones, those you call Telestari, if indeed this guide of yours can take us to them. From there we must travel north to the borders of the First Land to visit our cousin, who I expect will have much to tell us." The dragon makes a strange dipping motion with its head then levels one of its dinner-plate-sized eyes with your head. It speaks quietly. "Your assistance in the fight against the return of the Corrupt King will be most welcome, though I fear it will be costly. Lead us to the outside, we will fly you where you need to go. You and your guide."

@Kyras, @Azami, @Chu: There is a whistling noise, audible even over the rain, and a small hail of arrows is briefly mixed in with the rain before hammering home into the bodies of the remaining ninja, who all fall with thuds to the cold, wet cobbles. Looking up the street, you see the approaching police all have crossbows in their hands -- one in each hand -- and all have fired. They approach quickly, and hail you.

"Citizens!" Says their noncom leader as they cover the last 20 feet or so separating you. "What's happening here?" All of the men are brought up short at the site of Chu, whom they all know as an imperial advisor, and Azami, whom as far as they are all concerned is still a member of the palace guard. They immediately bow to you all, deeper to Chu and more shallowly to Azami. They look up at the still-airborne Kyras, not as sure what to do about him.

Deilaavenaada steps forward and speaks quietly to Chu and Azami: "fffrrriendssss...we cannnnot tarry...mmmmmmake themmmm go, or I wwwwill..."

Shadow Lodge

Chu relaxes his pose and keeps his arcane shields up, he watched the approach of the policemen with all the patience he could muster. Today had proven fruitful in some respects and bothersome in others. He looks at the Noncom Commander of the police squad and gave them the smallest of nods, these men had helped them, he then fixed him with his serpentine gaze which was cold and penetrating. "You and your men have my thanks but today in your report you will file this as nothing more then thugs attacking citizens within the city, they resisted violently and you were forced to put them down. I witnessed the event and all questions will be sent to me per my authority, report any who continue to pry you or your men and I will see to it they are dealt with. You will also not speak a word as to who or what you have seen here, this goes for your men as well. Discretion is key commander and I hope you don't disappoint me, as there are forces at play here that could threaten you and your families. Right now I need for you and your men to continue with your patrol and return here in an hours time to deal with these remains."

Diplomacy 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Male Half-elf Dragon Disciple 11

Bluff 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (8) + 16 = 24

Kyras throws his voice behind Chujitsuna's command to the guards. He continues floating in the air as he speaks, comfortable as if his feet were firmly on the ground. "This is a matter having to do with Captain Nakagami's murder. Return to your post and tell no one of seeing us." He looks to Azami to see her reaction to her now-former comrades.

@Chu, @Kyras, @Azami: The police sergeant's eyes go wide at Chu's words, and he looks bewildered as Kyras adds to the conceit. He looks unsure, but only for the briefest moment, then they all bow. "I...yes, yes of course, exalted Advisor." For their parts, the other policemen immediately bow, seeming to fear both Chu AND Kyras. "Men, search these bodies and then gather them for disposal." As the gendarmes set to work, Deilaavenaada gives a small nod, perhaps in satisfaction.

"Friends, come with me. There is much to discuss, but first I must re-acquire my weapons." Without waiting to see if you're following, the towering creature from another time turns and strides down a side street.

Tokine bows to the great eye before her, "You do me a great honor...and this should be interesting. Please follow me and we will gather our guide."

She turns to her attendants by the door, "See that D'arsenne, the palace official, is given everything he needs to recover. I will be departing with our Imperial guests. See that Imuri brings the injured citizen to the front steps and we will depart from there."

@Tokine: There is an indignant sniff as D'arsenne stands up, his natural elven grace allowing him a large measure of dignity even under such awkward circumstances. "I require no further assistance, Madame Curator; the new portal has been documented and I will get word back to the palace and continue on to the three others that have opened up this morning." The official finishes straightening his uniform and looks pointedly at the dragon, then at you. "I have a very busy morning. Thank you for your time." He then glides hurriedly out the door, close behind Izumi, who is herding the poor confused citizen along towards the front door, and the rain.

Any special preparations you wish to make? If not, I'll just move you along to the front door.

As the official leaves with as much dignity as he can muster, a small smile escapes her...more than just the situation, He has no idea of a busy morning. He should run a temple some time.

Bowing again to the dragons, "Our guide is this way. He is a city citizen, so there may be some shock involved in your presence before him.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

She shouldn't wince--she's no longer a member of the guard, so it shouldn't matter to her that the gulf of disdain between the police and the Imperial guard likely just widened by several miles. Not that she could have handled it any more diplomatically. She glances upward at Kyras, wondering why he would bring the Captain's name into this--now the whole city will be speaking of it.

Kicking the body in front of her out of her way, a sarcastic comment hovers on her tongue, to remind Kyras that she was right about Lu two days ago. Instead, Azami sets her teeth, mouth pressing to a firm line as she follows this strange being instead of the Tengu assassin they've lost. So far, of strange beings yet encountered in these last three days, this tall blue one at least does something she understands--kill.

"We still must attend the palace tonight, remember, she mutters as she strides past Kyras' floating form.

AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12

Khangzhi frowns at Lifen's warning, and shifts uneasily from the lotus position to his feet as she leaves.

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30 Nice!!

Watching her exit through the door, he frowns again and turns to her husband. "Sanjobi-san, I fear your wife has just walked into danger. Watch this man for a moment and I will ensure her safety." He fluidly enters into the dragon stance and watches the door intently.

Where approximately is the unknown person outside? And is there any way for me to view the outside without being easily observed? Perhaps a window?

@Wei: Listening closely, you are now certain there multiple "someones" outside. At least six. You are surrounded.

Sajobi looks alarmed. "Master Khangzhi, what is happening?" He has helped the patient to his feet, but the man seems oddly well-recovered from his injuries, and quickly steps away from the proffered hand and stands on his own, testing his legs and arms with stretches and jumps. You knew Lifen was a master healer, but this is amazing.

The Patient addresses you: "Khangzhi, if that is your name, you brought me to Master Lifen and have thus saved my life, and for that I owe you a great debt. If there is a threat outside, I will aid you in eliminating it."

DC12 K(Local):
From his stance, you can tell he is well-versed in Crane Dojo-style Wushu; an effective -- if inelegant -- fighting style made popular by a series of cheap dojos in the city. He is probably a worthy fighter when at full capacity, though you have no idea what kind of condition he's in at the moment.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@Tokine: The Imperial dragons glide carefully through the airy halls of your temple, a couple of them making low growling sounds as they pass certain objets d'art and other masterworks which their leader, the dragon with whom you've been speaking, clarifies are "purrs of appreciation."

When you get to the main door, the four dragons gather around and peer suspiciously at the rain. The leader snorts derisively, causing the cowering citizen by Izumi to jump a foot in the air and hide behind her.

"This will not do for our return." He says haughtily. Poking his snout out into the vestibule, he calls up mightily into the sky; "Rensuke! Where are you? Fix this!" There is an unintelligible answering bellow from the sky, then nothing. The dragons are still, waiting. Izumi looks curiously up at the sky while the poor citizen peeks nervously over her shoulder.

Suddenly Izumi gives a small gasp. "Madam Curator! Look!" High, high up in the sky, the clouds are beginning to swirl and twist. The rain slows and the thunder scatters. From the west, near the palace, a mighty roar goes up. Something glimmers on the near horizon, something very very large, and flying.

Meanwhile, right above the city, the clouds continue to get spun and swirled around. At first they remain dense, impenetrable, and are simply re-shaped. Then they scatter a bit, the wind dies down, the rain lightens further. The clouds break, then, and sun dogs are visible shining down through gaps in the cloud cover. Long, elegant silhouettes become visible, circling and gliding and dancing in the sky, arcs of divine energy trailing in their wake. Another roar goes up from the west, and four shimmering draconic forms blast up into the sky and hang there, flapping their wings gently as they wait for the form on the horizon to join them.

In the minutes of their approach, the rain stops.

Some clouds remain, but the sun is shining clear, illuminating the mists and causing the cobbled streets to gleam and shine with glorious silvery light, much like the scales of the Sky dragons above who have used their weather magic to dismiss the soaking rains, and much like the scales of the western dragons approaching from the palace; you recognize them now as the dragons that came with the third deputation; the zealots and holy warriors of Lesotho and Izmir. Three silver dragons and a copper, they are powerful-looking but clumsy compared to the serpentine grace of the Imperial dragons. The lead two bear riders.

As they approach, the final dragon comes soaring in from the west, and this one is as large as an entire wing of the palace, and gleaming purest gold, like autumn sun.

The sky dragons remain above, twisting and cavorting on the zephyrs and breezes of the upper altitudes, but the imperial dragons tarry a moment longer, waiting to see what the newcomers seek. The silver and copper dragons from the palace pull up and land in the streets, their large frames barely fitting in the boulevards of this district. The lead rider gets down and strides over to you, the second rider close behind.

"With hair like the river and beauty divine, with a coterie of Great Ones around you, in the vestibule of a glorious temple to the Lady of Beauty, and Art, and Love, you must be Curator Tokine Nagano. It is a pleasure. I am General Illuminata Vittoria, of Lesotho, and this is my second, Captain Lilitine Citanu." Both bow deeply. The general is a slim but strong-looking woman, perhaps 5'9", with obsidian eyes and golden hair and ornate armor. Her voice is silvery and clarion, a voice bred of royalty and meant to command.

The Captain is a bit taller, about 5'11"; a whip-thin half-elf with reddish hair and regal features.

The final dragon, whose head is the size of a small cathedral and whose body covers most of the block, hovers magically above you, his wings held respectfully still so as not to disturb anyone on the ground. When he speaks, his voice booms gently from back across the millenia of his long life. "Greetings to you, Great and Noble Cousins, Beloved of Shelyn, citizens of the Empire. I am Na-Calanon, of Izmir, eldest of the gold dragons of this age. We come with tidings, and to join our cause to yours, as the prophecies tell, as the calls command..."

All of the westerners seem well-versed in the manners of the empire, as they politely await acknowledgment before speaking further.

Male Half-elf Dragon Disciple 11

Kyras hits the ground with some disappointment, walking beside Azami as they follow their bizarre host. "Yes, I long for the opportunity to have people make veiled threats at a polite dinner party. I prefer my threats clear and unmistakable." He shuffles along behind the Telestari, each step now a burden after knowing the joy of flight.

AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12

"Sanjobi-san, do not be alarmed as of yet. I believe neither you or your wife are in immediate danger, or they would not have used this ruse to divert her."

K(local): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Khangzhi examines the man in his stance skeptically, and says "While no doubt you are a capable fighter, and seem to have recovered exceptionally quickly, perhaps you should wait behind me for the moment. Although, any knowledge you have of those that seek you harm would be most helpful."

He pauses for a moment and says, "And yes, Khangzhi is my name, and has been for longer you have had one, I should guess. One moment though..."

Combat map? or at least, how close is the nearest enemy from the door? Need to know before I try and do my thang...

@Wei: Listening furiously, you try to gauge direction and positioning of whoever is outside...

Wei Survival check: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

You are able to pinpoint outside the east window, and one outside the door, but the rain is still noisy enough to be obscuring other sounds. Their positioning would place them about 15' apart.

I'll get a map up tomorrow, this should do for now.

@Chu, @Azami, @Kyras: The towering blue Telestari stalks through the streets for a short while before coming to a very old building that has had many purposes over the years. It places its head up against the wall and begins knocking lightly in various spots. Presently, it pops off a secret door, revealing an ancient and dusty passageway within.

"...inssside, friends, we must--what?!" This last expression of surprise comes as the rain sputters, slows, and then lets up. Long, graceful, ribbon-like dragons cavort through the sky high above dispersing the clouds; Chu recognizes them immediately as Sky dragons, the likes of which have not been seen in the empire in centuries.

There is a huge roar from by the palace and four dragons -- three silvers and a copper, the front two silvers bearing riders -- go rocketing by, followed shortly by the most massive, powerful, ancient gold dragon any of you has ever seen.

DC20 K(Local):
The gold dragon, you guess, is Na-Calanon; greatest and oldest of the gold dragons of this age. It could be no other. You have heard tales and spoken to paladins of Izmir and other warriors who have seen him, but never imagined you would see him so close.

Azami Only:
I'll let you decide if you recognize Illuminata riding the lead dragon. On the one hand, she's kinda far away, but on the other hand, her appearance is very distinctive and it wouldn't be too big of a leap of logic to figure it out...

Shadow Lodge

Chu was pleased with how quickly the CO of the police force responded to his suggestion and made not of the mens faces to ensure that if he needed to follow up on them he could easily track them down. Once they were cleaning up the fallen Ninja he nodded ever so slightly to them and continued on behind the Telestari.


K-Local 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Comically Chu stands completely agape and when the gold dragon passes overhead every frill on his head snaps open as the sight of the ancient gold rocked him to his core. For several moments he just stood there slack jawed with amazement. When he slowly started to recover he spoke aloud totally unaware that he was doing so. "Na-Calanon, I never thought i'd live to see this day... The tales served him no justice, none at all. He is greater then I could ever imagine."

Shaking his head he then stares at the Sky Dragons, yet another site for his old eyes. "What does this mean? What does this sign portend." At the odd looks he received he gestures to the Sky Dragons as if it were something obvious. "They have not been seen in the Empire for centuries, its obvious that there sudden appearance means something of great importance. But we shall learn that soon enough, lead on Deilaavenaada."

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

She can't disagree with Kyras' viewpoint; she nods absently as she follows their strange guide.

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19

At the cessation of rain, and the gasp of the Telestari (resulting in the surprising and expansive display of strange parts of Chu's head she didn't know moved) Azami's visage angles upward, a hand reaching to sweep away the red hair plastered to her face.

Her features slacken with amazement: slender dragon-beings ripple through the sky, clouds dissipating like smoke wisps blown away by a sudden breeze. What are they?

No sooner the thought enters her mind that a roar rattles through the air; the passing of Western dragons into view causes the corners of her mouth to draw gently upward. One of those riders must be Illuminata Vittoria-- even though Azami cannot be certain from this distance, how else would the General arrive? She will be at the Palace this evening.

Then the gold dragon slices through her view; Na-Calanon, Chu named him. He is there, and then he is gone, as though the molten sun had seared through the sky to its evening rest.

It occurs to her that such ancient dragons must be like unto gods in this mortal world, their power and majesty unfathomable--especially to one such as herself, with no magic running her veins.

When her steel gaze falls from the clearing sky, it rests on Kyras - within whom the magical blood of dragons flows - with a curious light.

Tokine makes brief eye contact and a short bow to her new arrivals to acknowledge their arrival and suggest I will be with you shortly.

She takes a few paces down the steps to the plaza and starts to bow, but then stops thinking on a silliness of such a gesture to a creature flying well above her. Instead she straightens, leans back and throws her arms wide. A sublime smile on her face. She calls out, "You do us Great Honor, and please allow me to welcome you back to the Great City Na-Calanon. Your timing is impeccable and your presence inspiring. I have just made the acquaintance of your cousins, and look forward to providing you any assistance you may require."

She turns and walks back to her officer guests. She does give them a large bow. "General Vittoria. Captain Citanu. You and your guests from Lesotho are also most welcome. I was looking forward to meeting you tonight, but now our meeting is that much more memorable. I am glad to see you well, as I feared harm may have befell you within our city walls yesterday...but that is talk for a later occasion. Come let us see what has precipitated such a conclave as we have here."

She knows in her mind, what has brought the Imperial Dragons...what the call may have been, but is not ready to blurt that out in front of unknown guests.

Chu had called to her, but looking up at the majestic creature above her.......or did I just summon him? She calls out while smiling, "Great Na-Calanon, will you join us to share your wisdom? There are matters to discuss that are best when not shouted about the city's roofs. Or shall I join you up there?" She does finish with a bow. She catches herself too late and shrugs at the difficulty of breaking habit. Straightening again, she can't help but smile with Shelyn's Pride at the great and beautiful arrangement of guests that have graced her temple.

AC: 28 (T:28/FF:24) - Hp: 58/114 - Ki: 4/9 - F:11/R:11/W:12

The man's comment slightly annoys Khangzhi while he starins to discern the locations of the men outside. "I believe by custom in the kingdom, it would be considered respectful and appropriate for you to address me as Wei-hoshi, although Wei-san would certainly suffice. I admit, it took me many years to grasp these many honorifics fully." Truly, the incredibly complex system of titles of the empire took Khangzhi two mildly embarrassing decades to master fully, and while he never really cared for it, he found it quite distracting when someone forgot to use it with him.

"Of course, I am being silly. There is a most likely hostile person outside this door, and also one by the east window. I suggest you find a good place to ambush anyone who chooses to come through it, while I deal with the one in front. And Sanjobi-san, please find a safe place to hide."

Watching the door intently while waiting for the man to position himself, he adds, "By the way, my full name is Wei Khangzhi-Lung. It occurs to me that I do not know yours, nor why you came to my sanctuary or even why the Plum Blossom's sought to harm you. But you can tell me all this later. Are you positioned satisfactorily yet?" Khangzhi cracks his neck and flexes his fists in anticipation, the old warrior in him hoping for some small retribution against those that violated his sanctuary.

Male Half-elf Dragon Disciple 11

Knowledge: Arcana 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

"What exactly surprises a million year old interdimensional traveler?" Kyras speaks as much to himself (an unhealthy habit when one actually has a voice inside their head) as to Azami. He turns to look, just in time to see the dragons soar past and hear Chujitsuna's explanation. He immediately identifies the dragon's age and might, some forgotten lecture of his father or sister coming to mind complete with the unbelievable strength and power of the great dragons methodically chronicled.

Will save 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

At the name and sight of the great dragon, Kyras's own Dragon rips free and seizes control. Kyras feels his own body begin to pass over to the control of the Dragon and tries to stop it, but the Dragon is too strong. Before he can stop it, his body is hostage and his consciousness is pushed to the edge of his mind.

The Dragon leaves behind the allies of his host without so much as a second glance. They probably saw his scales emerge as he gathered the magic to take flight. His wings would be better, as he hates having to use magic to fly as much as he hates everything else about his weak human cage. He rockets away from the guard woman, inwardly laughing at the consternation she must feel as her idiot ward leaves her grasp, as well as the snake and the Telestari. The Dragon flies straight towards Na-Calanon for a meeting that has been delayed for many years.

@Wei: The man smiles sardonically. "I am known by many names, Khanzhi-san, but that is not important right this moment, as you say. For now, you may call me Swift. And yes, I am most ready."

DC17 K(Local):
Swift is the name of a local folk hero, a Robin Hood-type of character. Most people are fairly certain no such person exists.

There is a clacking sound, and three small vials roll into the doorway a few feet away from you. "Smoke bombs!" Yells Swift.

Give me a DC18 Reflex save. If you make it by five or less, you have one Standard Action in which to do something. If you make it by six or more, you have a Standard and a Move. Both Swift and the old man are five feet away from you. So is the door, which is still open.

@Tokine: The great gold dragon laughs, and it is an avuncular, friendly chortle, like that of a favorite grandfather. General Vittoria smiles up at him, and you realize why so many warriors would follow this woman into any battle, to the ends of the Land, and across the planes; hers is a most winning presence.

"Nagano-San" speaks the most powerful of the gold dragons, "Your words are as beautiful as yourself, both a credit to the goddess you serve. I have indeed come in the hopes that what wisdom I may possess can be of use at this council, in this time. Despite the newly-shown light from my cousins above, the days grow darker. There is much to do, much to find and decide. I am here for the same reason as those Great Ones next to you, but only they know the next step. We will follow them. You are free to ride with them, or with me. It is your choice."

The Imperial Dragon next to you nods its massive leonine head in agreement with Na-Calanon, the golden fur of its eyebrows rippling a bit in the chilly breeze. It says nothing. Lilitine and Illuminata both watch you closely. It is clear that your decision will be...important.

I need to let Tokine make this decision before I deal with Kyras Dragonborn. I also want to see how Chu and Azami react to what he's done.

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