Mists of War - DM Downrightamazed

Game Master downrightamazed

Three groups of gaijin approach the Son of the Heavens, ruler of the Empire of Mists, in his palace in far Lanzhu. A great war is underway in the west, this is known, but what could these strangers want?

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Whoever wishes, may follow her. I'm moving ahead with the assumption that Azami and Kyras are heading to the palace.

Azami and Kyras: The journey to the palace is uneventful, save for the fact that the rain has gotten even harder and picked up even more hail. The wind blows bitter, bitter cold. You pass a couple streets where construction is going on; rebuilding after yesterday's events. Some of the laborers are natives, but there is a cadre of big, broad-shouldered westerners in there, too; men in good leathers and with quality gloves and tools, working quickly and accurately.

When you arrive at the palace, there is the usual matter of identity and passphrases, but it's all a bit listless and pro forma; the guards know you two by now so it's not really necessary aside from verifying you aren't someone else hiding under a glamer. You walk to the main doors and into the receiving parlor where servants point you over to a fire and a marvelous wind lantern devised by air sorcerers that dries you off almost instantly. The fire smells faintly of pine and is extremely soothing. The room, though grand and large and airy, is blessedly dry.

A functionary approaches as you bask in the heat for a moment and bows deeply. "Honorable guard, honored guest, you are both welcome here. Is there someone you seek, or do you pursue your own agendas this day?" It's clear from his tone that he's not being duplicitous, he's just trying to figure out if he needs to help you, or if he can go on to other duties. From down the hall, you hear people bustling about, preparing for the last of the three state dinners. A white-clad servant girl rushes past with a giant silver ribbon.

Male Half-elf Dragon Disciple 11

Kyras grins at the girl wearing white, a dazzling how do you do that should send her into a fit of giggles if she's anything like Tokine's assistants. "Lovely girl, lovely ribbon." He waits for Azami to give the answer to the man's question. She's likely to glare at him if he breaches palace protocol.

Male Oni-Spawn Tiefling Inquisitor 8

Morgrym. Now there was a name he hadn't heard for a while. Truth be told, Davor was always a little embarrased when he picked up a new title, but he never let that show. If people wanted to hang honorifics off him like so much decoration, more power to them. He would use them to his advantage, just like he did every other tool he got his hands on.

"It seems you know who I am, friend, but I don't know you. And you haven't answered my question. And if you really know who I am, then you know I dislike it when people fail to do that." Even when offering a veiled threat, Davor's tone managed to be pleasant.

Davor had noted the flinty look thrown at his apprentice. He'd ask her about it later - she was too new at this to have earned any enemies yet.

"Vaelaer." He said in a language older than most civilisations, accompanied by a few swift gestures with his free left hand, summoning the magic that would reveal any magical presence in the room.

"And you don't live to be this well-known without being a little paranoid." He said to the stranger, his eyes softly glowing in the dim light.

Davor is useing the Sense Magic word to examine the scroll case the message came in, but also to take a look at our messenger...

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

@Davor: Darik smiles. "The sword." he says, turning a little so you can see it better. "The sword and the armor. I've nothing else magical on me." He pauses briefly. "As for the sender of the message, I am not liberty to divulge that particular piece of information. Though if the young man wishes to tell you, that is certainly his business."

He appears to be telling the truth; only his sword and armor give off any aura of magic, both possessed of strong arcane emanations. The scroll case is mundane.

DC25 Sense Motive:
He is not lying to you about anything, but he is being evasive.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

"Thank you, but no--we pursue our own agenda. My business lies with Captain Takagami. Thank you." Overly cautious with her formality (causing the double thank yous), Azami begins to turn away. However, the silver ribbon distracts her, causing her to reconsider and turn back to ask the functionary a question.

"Do you know what gaijin are this evening's guests? If it wouldn't be so rude, she would give Kyras a look.

Male Oni-Spawn Tiefling Inquisitor 8

SM: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30

Davor snorted when Darik just fessed up to his magical gear, and waved Batta over. "No doubt he can." He replied, leaving his suspicions alone for now. "As honest as our friend Darik here seems, I don't know if I like this. Remember what I said earlier Batta. Would you mind if I opened the case? I only want to ensure oyu don't come to harm."

Davor missed the days when things were simple. When a messenger was just a messenger, and a case was just a case. Sometimes he hated himself for his paranoia. But it had kept him alive more than once. So he'd stick with it.

@Kyras and @Azami: The servant girl pauses briefly as she is rushing by, her attention caught by Kyras. Her eyes get big at his compliment and then she hurries away, giggling madly.

The functionary bows deeply to Azami. "The captain. Of course. You wish to pay your respects. Please follow me." He motions for you both to follow and begins walking down the hall. "Tonight's guests are from the cities of Izmir and Lesotho, led by a warrior-general named Illuminada Vittoria. She has been quite a favorite here amongst the guards and soldiers, and has taken part in many exercises and sparring matches. Her skills in combat are...extraordinary, though some of her philosophies are questionable by some."

Shadow Lodge

Chu bows his head in appreciation to Shoto-Imuri, gracefully accepting the gift with a few quiet words before they were escorted out.

Once again he found himself out in the rain and watching everyone speaking, he placed the items he had received inside his sleeves and watched quietly for a moment. He was curious about what they were about to 'face' in the underbelly of the city but since he had not been asked he would politely stay out of their business. He gives them all a respectful nod. "Honor be with you in all your endeavors."

Curator Tokine:

{If you believe they moved against San Pen, then I am inclined to agree. If you wish, I would like to assist you any way I can. Forgive me if I have been too blunt this day Curator, but time is of the essence. I hope you will consider the offer and I will see you again tonight at the palace, if you have come to a decision then please let me know however you see fit. The decision is yours.}

Don't mean to place everything on you and if it gets annoying let me know. ;)

He nods again to Curator Tokine and moves off towards the poorer districts of the city.

@Davor: Batta looks from Darik to you. The big westerner shrugs, finishes putting up his hood and says "The message is for you, Batta, and as such you are certainly permitted to share it with whomever you wish. Now. It was a pleasure meeting you all, but I must be going." With that, Darik heads back out into the rain.

Batta seems to think for a moment, then he twists off the cap to the scroll case, breaking the wax seal in the process. he pulls out the message, checks the case for anything else, then shrugs. He unrolls the scroll and begins to read.

"Dearest Nephew,

I have found a group of adventurers to accompany us into the mountain. They, too, have use of the snow bud, and we have agreed to split whatever bounty we find. They have special knowledge of the mountain, I do not know how they got it, but it is amazing what they know. I feel confident that with your plant-tracking skills and their knowledge of the mountain, we will find this elusive plant.

Please join us at the Inn of the Fox, in the warehouse district, as soon as you are able.

Uncle Hiro"

Batta hands the letter and the case over to you, then looks back at his sullen friend. "I guess we may as well go now, it will give us something to do at least."

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

This...is a turn of events that seems odd to Azami: why is she following this functionary to Captain Takagami? And what does he mean by 'paying respects'? Her brow furrows, but when the man mentions Illuminada Vittoria her eyes go wide with no warning - wider than Kyras has likely ever seen them. She immediately scans the area, hoping she might catch a glipse of the general as they walk. Quickly, though, she schools herself to only glancing with her eyes.

"Paying respects?" Azami asks, wondering what has happened since they spoke last night--is he...dead? Did she leave him to face the rest of the demons alone? While not a stranger to dying comrades, the thought that Captain Takagami could be gone causes her chest to tighten-- despite her stoic nature.

"Yes. His seppuku is at midday today, so just another hour and he will begin his walk into the gardens. All preparations are complete."

Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15

Fresh from the hasty gift ceremony, Shoto Imuri disappears to his quarters in the Gossamer Palace. He overhears a courtier beseech his mother for assistance in rebuilding the defenses of a smaller family's holdings after yesterday's attack. The sound of little flies buzzing in his clan's webbing brightens his spirits. He considers for the first time in hours that the Empire is simply enduring a storm, and that, once passed, the sun will shine on the Shoto, as strong as ever.

After cleaning his hands and changing to more intimidating clothes, he heads toward a shrine and bows slightly as he requests a favor from one of the ranking shugenja there.

I have very little time, but I must travel to Black Silk Castle in person. Can you send me there, and who there can return me before afternoon rice?

Tokine returns to her temple compound. She sees that workers have brought back last night's art selection and her staff is busy unpacking those items and packing the selection for tonight. She mentally kicks herself that Kyras is still carrying her dragon statue. Will have to remember to get that back at Dinner tonight.

With the preparations safely under way, she changes into a training robe. She makes her way to the training yard to practice...something she has been lax in of late.

After a furious workout that had some members of her staff raise an eyebrow, she finds a quiet place next to a fountain and meditates while rubbing a stone along the edge of her glaive.

@Azami and @Kyras: you are led to a plain large chamber in a side wing of the palace. The room is perhaps 60' on a side, wide enough that the 9' ceiling looks low, though it is in fact of normal height. A single bamboo plants sits in its urn on one side of the room, a tapestry listing the tenets of imperial bushido, the samurai code, is hung on the opposite side. In the center of the room is the Captain. He is sitting lotus-style and meditating. He is alone.

The only sound is the crushing rain and hail outside, rattling and splashing against the stones and tiles of the palace.

@Imuri: The sorcerer, an aged and wise man, bows to you in kind. "We can send you there, Imuri-san, and there will be wizards of the air and the planes to return you to the city when your business is complete. You have but to ask. Allow me to procure a wand, and I will place you there."

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Imuri sends for a retinue of yojimbo and orders a page to deliver a message to his parents.

"Attending my special guest at Black Silk Castle. I should like for magic or for one of our butei to impersonate me wandering the castle on business.I will return before afternoon rice."

He gathers his robes and attendants and nods to the air shugenja.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

The functionary may well have slapped Azami --his seppuku is at midday today. Where her chest had tightened with emotion before now becomes a dense knot of anger and regret, her jaw rigid in the face of this knowledge. They weaken the Palace with this. She cannot bring herself to look at Kyras, at anything around her--just staring straight ahead as they walk through the halls.

It is not unfamiliar to her --Azami is a foreigner, true, but she has taken on the code of the Samurai, knowing that her Master could call for her life, that the dishonor of failing could demand it. But in the minor household of the Kagawa, this seemed a distant possibility, something more for dire circumstances than a matter of course or politics. The lines blended in this household, Juro having served the Master for many years and had become practically a part of the family. Azami had been included in that family, and so when the attack came and she failed to protect everything she loved, she had been more than ready to take her life.

Now, she has a new Master, its influence far beyond the confines of this Palace. Azami has no doubt that her life will be called for, at her journey's end. But now her charge is to live to see her goal completed.

In light of this, of the greater dangers roiling in the Empire, the Captains' seppuku seems a waste, a move to save face than true dishonor. No one person could have forestalled the events of last night.

Yet, many nobles had been harmed in the attacks- how else was the Palace to respond? Tradition, code and politics calls for a sacrifice, and the Captain knows this as well as any of them. Before now, Azami might not be so conflicted; the coming war reframes this seppuku as the throwing away of a wise leader of men, who could let his blood more usefully on the battlefield instead of some marble floor.

The enemy wins by creating a circumstance by which the Palace destroys its own defenses.

Azami closes her eyes as they enter the room where the Captain meditates, imagining the rhythmic movement of the spools in kumihimo, the tightening of many threads that make the bonds of the armor plates she wears even now. When she reopens them, she knows that likely the Captain would accept no other end but this. He is an honorable man.

"Takagami-sama" Azami intones, using the -sama honorific to show her ultimate regard for him; the wide room makes it a hollow thing. She steps forward. "I have come to report at a later time, as ordered." Too late, she thinks to herself.

@Imuri: Your message delivered, the sorcerer transports you to the Black Silk Castle. There is the usual jarring lurch as you are slid between, then you are standing in the foyer of your ancestral estate, where the roofs and rocks and trees and brooks are arranged such that even a driving rain like the one currently coming down sounds an attractive pattern, its melody and rhythm stirring the soul to wakefulness and watchfulness, helping the senses be not dulled like the gray world outside.

A functionary is immediately at your call, prostrating himself at your feet, at your service.

@Tokine: As you sit in contemplation by the edge of the fountain, watching the koi swim and bump around in the depths, you feel yourself relaxing into a state of advanced watchfulness; the extension of the senses that deep meditation tends always to facilitate. Your eyes become unfocused yet all-seeing, your ears begin to pick up sound beyond what they normally would. Everything is alive with output.

It is in this state that something catches your eye, and something catches your ear.

DC15 Perception, sight-based:
You notice three koi with a strange pattern. The three fish have the exact same serpentine wash of glistening orange-gold scales on their back, but these three are different from all the others. That is to say, these three have the same pattern, as if they were triplets, but none of the other fish have a pattern even vaguely similar.

DC20 Perception, sound-based, separate roll:
From the room where the secret door appeared, you hear a *[i]tink-tink...tink-tink-tink...tink-tink...tink-tink...[/1]* sound of metal on stone.

@Azami and @Kyras: Slowly, the Captain opens his eyes. "Ahhh...Azami-san. I am glad you have come. Kyras-san, you as well. It is good to speak to you both one last time." He smiles faintly. He seems to be at peace, honestly and truly. "I must apologize to you, Azami-san, for my shame is not solely mine; it is to be spread out and shared by many. My failure to protect our guests last night was so complete that not just I, but all traces of me, are to be erased. It is good you removed your effects yesterday as it will save you the trouble of doing so today, but you must also report to the new guard Captain to be stripped of your rank and commission. All of my favorites who were here in the palace have already done so and been...set loose...in the empire, no longer permitted to enjoy the priveleges of service. You are the last one who must do so."

DC17 Perception:
Amongst the Captain's effects there appears to be a magic scroll of some sort.

DC20 Spellcraft or DC15 K(Religion):
Amongst the Captain's effects is a scroll with some writing on it that is clearly religious magic; you can only see a small bit of the end of the spell, but it has something to do with the ethereal plane.

@Azami and @Kyras only:
The captain is sending you a subtle hidden message; he and all his favorites are being released from the bonds of service to better defend the empire. Essentially Azami is being freed to be a rogue agent, permitted and expected to destroy any she sees as an enemy of the empire, without the hindrances of due process, or having to work nicely with the police, or stay within city boundaries, etc.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

Perception:1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Knowledge Religion:1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14

As Captain Takagami speaks, the rigid line of her clenched teeth relaxes somewhat, although her posture remains stiff. Realizing what he is saying, she offers a clipped bow.

"It is as it must be, Takagami-Sama. I shall meet with the new Captain to accept that discharge.

She wants to ask about the ring, about other events of the palace last night, but now she dares not. There is a long, hesitant pause before Azami speaks again, wracking her brain for a way to say what she wants to say.

"Where might I offer incense and prayers to honor your dedicated service to the Emperor?"

@DM DRA and @Kyras only:
Azami is trying to suggest a place to meet at a later time, thinking the Captain will also be leaving the Palace, somehow escaping this ritual sacrifice.

Male Half-elf Dragon Disciple 11

Perception 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Spellcraft 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30

Kyras quietly places his hand on Azami's shoulder. It is not his place to speak, but simply to be there in support of her. He notes the scroll, but dares not cast a spell to learn more about it. Still, he steams at the backwards savagery of this place aping as the epitome of culture and honor, where a good and decent man doing his duty is sacrificed. In Warbane, a loss in battle is just that: a loss, something to recover from if you survive it. 'Such a sickening waste,' he thinks to himself.

Too subtle for Kyras, too subtle by half.

Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15

Shoto Imuri wastes no time, immediately affecting a merciless, businesslike aire. His hands gesture grandly from within his voluminous sleeves as he summons yojimbo and walks past the functionary.

I will see last night's prisoner now. Yojimbo will be outside with Shoto poison. If I command it, she dies. If she cooperates, she will be returning to Gossamer Palace with me. Prepare healers and good clothes for her. And get me rice and sweet cakes.

While he walks, his face does not betray his thoughts - the Sera are looking for Aki-Kirei. They will not be required to find her.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

At Kyras' hand on her shoulder, she breaks her posture and glances back at him, holding his gaze for a moment.

"This means I will not be part of the guard at the dinner tonight. A shame - I would be honored to be present to hear General Vittoria. I fear another assault."

Bluff (Secret Message) 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

Her words are truthful--she is disappointed that she will not have the honor of guarding the General, or hearing her speak. But it is her gaze and general demeanor that shows Azami is uncertain and wary, yet also excited with renewed confidence she is trying not to show. Just moments before she was shocked and angry upon hearing about the seppuku.

There is obviously something more to what is being said here by both the Captain and herself, and Azami is trying to see if Kyras realizes it, and if not, alert him to it.

Also, his support is welcomed and appreciated, rather than thrown off--his hand on her shoulder did not elicit the usual tensing or discomfort.

Azami turns back to the Captain, waiting for his reply; her expression has schooled itself to a blank military stare, but her grey eyes are focused and bright.

@DRA & @Kyras only:
I suppose the earlier statement to Takagami about arranging a place to meet should have had a bluff-secret message check. Here. DC 15
1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 Woo! Now, will the Captain pass out seeing Azami use subtlety?

Perception -> 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14
Perception -> 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Tokine's trance is deep. So many questions, so many pieces to the mosaic seem to be missing. She knows she fought more in the past two days than she had since becoming Head Curator. It is still strange that one so young should carry the mantle passed down to her, but it felt right. That she continues to receive Shelyn's blessings confirms that....she will need all of those blessings tonight.

Tokine is veeerrryyyy good at meditating. She does a good job at blocking out external distractions, like the spider that's probably about to drop on her head.

Shadow Lodge

Chu visiting friends in the slums, spoilered to shorten post:
Chu made his way into the slum districts of the Imperial city, it was his usual trip to Kogane no hebi In. Burosama would be furious if he showed up any later then he already was.

Japanese Translation: 黄金の蛇]
Golden Serpent Inn Burosama's personal joke with Chu

He didn't bother with changing his scales or features as he strode through the streets. Some would say that he was being reckless for how rich he appeared, and the fact he was inviting trouble on purpose, but street thugs wouldn't make a move on him as his reputation proceeded him wherever he went.

As he eventually made his way into the center of the district, to where a gold flecked building stood alone and taller then the rest of the smaller more squalid dwellings around it. The Golden Serpent looked so out of place, yet it somehow belonged as the people who frequented the Inn's bars were mainly locals as the Inn was no where near the main roads or a place frequented by merchants or people of influence.

It was home only to the lower class and the few middle class that enjoyed getting away from the hustle and bustle of the upper city. As Chu entered through the open front door he was greeted by the warmth of the large fire burning near the center of the room and the homely decor that hung in the central room. It filled him with a longing for simpler times, as old memories reminded him of when he had first bought this place for his apprentice and her growing family.

The Inn wasn't setup in the traditional style of Imperial living, it had a western flavor to it as most of the places to sit were setup with a simple picnic table style where four could sit in relative comfort on bench seats. Buro's cooking was influenced by western culture as well, although she knew how to make traditional Imperial dishes for those wanting something simple after a hard days labor. She had become skilled in her old age, able to easily out work someone half her age, especially since she had grown up on the streets. She never took for granted her easy life.

As he stepped through the doorway, his robes dripping water after being drenched by the storm, he saw only a few of the Inn's usual customers. Some were eating quietly, others were conversing while they enjoyed their drinks near the fire and another was dozing quietly on a bench in the corner. Simple, quiet and comforting without the need of minding ones manners or the endless droning of political schemes.

All conversation stopped when the patrons noticed him, some even stopped to bow deeply at his sudden presence. It wasn't often that one of the Advisers of the Emperor showed themselves in the lower district but because of his reputation the patrons tended to give him a wide berth. A serving girl approached him as he forced the water from his robes with a simple cantrip, she remained quiet until his golden gaze fell on her.

The girl quivered momentarily, seeming to wilt under his gaze. "I wish to speak with Barusama-San, please let her know."

The girl swallowed quietly as she bowed low to Chu. "My apologies Honorable Adviser, Barusama-sama is performing her healing ar upstairs. I will let her know of your wish."

"You have my thanks, bring me two glasses of Rising Sun or whatever is available. Let her know I await her in the smithy."

The girls eyebrows rose up as she looked at his fine attire and then glanced at the closed doors to the adjoining smithy. After a moment she nodded and quickly did as he had asked her. When she had disappeared into the kitchen Chu moved to the smithy doors and opened them enough so he could slip through. As he closed the doors h found himself refreshed by the smell of the hot forge, it didn't take him long to become acclimated once more to the heat and he watched the lone smithy, Manzo, hammer out a new set of horseshoes. He waited quietly and by the time the serving girl, Xiania, returned with the drinks he asked for Manzo had noticed him.

Manzo is the youngest of three brothers and was sort of an apprentice of Chu's, ever since he was a boy he had asked Chu many questions and it was from those questions that he had found his calling. Manzo has spent most of his life using the family forge and when as he grew into adulthood he had started to make a decent living making or repairing things for the poorer locals. He was unlike most smithies as he refused to join the guild and sold his services for cheaper then other smiths would dare. His cheaper services though kept him in constant demand and, unlike his brothers, he had never wanted to become a soldier. Preferring to create and build, rather then fight or destroy. It had also made him quite unpopular with the guild and, when they tried to muscle what dues he owed them one day, they discovered that Chu's Ire was both terrible and long lived. He knows that it is only because of his influence and link to Barusama's family that the guild has remained at arms length with Manzo and left him to do his small work in the lesser districts.

As Manzo doused the new horseshoe in water, Chu set the extra drink aside and sipped at his drink as Manzo approached. Manzo stopped a few feet from Chu before pulling off his gloves and bowing deeply. "Kage-sama, it is good to see you. Thank you for the drink, you are too kind." Chu nodded to him and Manzo picked up the extra cup, as they drank quietly with the hum and heat of the forge surrounding them Chu couldn't help but ask.

"How is Barusama, Manzo?"

Manzo smiled slightly seeing easily through Chu's question. "Mother was annoyed Kage-sama, but she is too busy to stay that way for long. There has been a lot of injured people as of late, the attack has been good for our family but our supplies are running low and not many merchants have restocked since the attack. It is difficult times but we will make due, we always have."

Chu nodded, the attack had taxed everyone's resources but everything would be back to normal in the coming weeks. "I had engagements that I could not miss." He looked around the forge room, there were more tools compared to the last time he had been there. Many of the tools were already well used but were in working condition, Manzo had indeed been busy while he was away. "It is good to see The Serpent is surviving well, perhaps Barusama will paint the outside once again."

Manzo shrugged as he looked out the smithy doors that were wide open to the street of the smithy and watched the rain run off the rough and pound the cobblestone. "Since father passed she has come to prefer the Inn as it is, the walls are strong and the roof doesn't leak which makes her happy. Our patrons are slow but constant so life is easy. Besides with this storm it will be sometime before we could paint again..."

Chu looked at his drink as he swished it around idly while reflecting on his thoughts. "I see..."

They stood there drinking quietly until the common room doors were suddenly flung open and standing in the opening was Barusama herself. She was a tall woman and her hair had turned a silvery grey with age, but her brown eyes missed very little despite her entering her mid-stages of her life. She glared at Chu's backside and stepped into the smithy, followed shortly by the common room doors slamming shut by unseen hands behind her. As she walked past Chu she snatched the cup from his hand and drank down what little remained. Manzo drank down the last gulp of his drink and quietly set the glass down and returned to smithing once more. Before he got to his hammer though Barusama fixed Chu with an icy glare with both fists on her hips. "Your late Snake. What kept you? You better not tell me it was a book, Again."

Chu calmly stared back at his former apprentice. "I am glad you could join us Baru-chan, I had been in fact enjoying a good book and some tea when I noticed the time." Using Chan caused Barusama's icy glare to become almost glacial as the pair continue to stare each other down.

Manzo continued to hammer away at some fresh iron and beganmaking yet another Horseshoe as he pointedly ignored the pair taking up precious space in his smithy. Finally after a long moment Chu tilted his head and looked questioningly at Barusama. "Is my old study comfortable?"

Baru's glacial stare soften and she chuckled at Chu. "Its noisy because of the storm but the feather bed is very pleasant. Besides its not like your sleeping up there much these days, so someone had to use it." With the last words her face broke into a small smile. "I am surprised you are even here. Shouldn't you be at the palace?"

Chu tilted his head more, arching one golden eyebrow at her questioningly. "I wasn't summoned, what reason would I have to return early?"

Barusama looked at her old master and crossed her arms underneath her breasts as she grimaced. "You didn't know?"

After speaking with Barusama and Manzo for a short time, Chu made his way to the palace with his usual confident stride. He had no other leads to go on and his day was rapidly coming to a close, the others had allowed him to join them on their journey to the underbelly of the city and he was looking forward to what they found down there. Other then readying his potions for travel, he would be able to move quickly and hopefully provide them with adequate assistance against what they found down there.


Whether or not Barusama knows about Takagami's Seppuku or not is upto you, she could just as easily be talking about the state dinner. Didn't want to be too Metagamey here. Please correct anything you don't like, I sent an email and I can flesh them out more if you want, I chose levels of adept for Baru so she wasnt too heroic for being among the supporting caast. Same with Manzo, the other two sons are samurai but I don't think they will be anything significant other then fluff during a fight or something. Hopefully I didn't make more work for you, it was just a side note for Chu or a place he could crash at in lieu of the Palace.

@Imuri: Your orders are carried out immediately, and by the time you arrive at the prisoner's cell door all is ready; four warriors await with poisoned blades, two servants are prepared with clothes, and two healers stand ready. There is no sound from behind the door.

@Azami and @Kyras: The Captain raises one eyebrow. "Yes! The general. She is an extraordinary person. You should both still come to the dinner tonight. Though not a guard, Azami, you are still a citizen of the empire, and Kyras-san has a standing invitation to all three state dinners. I feel...confident...that were to arrive tonight, you would not be barred entry."

Takagami takes a deep breath. "I cannot say for certain if there will be another assault. The Emperor himself has seen to tonight's security detail, though, so it is quite unlikely."

@Tokine: Izumi pads lightly up to you, seeming to fear you just a bit at this moment. "Er...Madame Curator? Nagano-sama? There is...er, a visitor. He is at the door. The...new...door."

WHAT! Tokine's eyes flash open, she springs to her feet in clash of bells as she brings the glaive to guard.

But then she sees the subdued Izumi, the fear and uncertainty on her face, and she mentally wills herself to calm. Obviously they are not under attack. And he is asking to enter?

She bows and then takes Izumi's hand. "Thank you, Izumi. I will see to it. But perhaps you can retrieve two guards from the front of the temple to join me. Seems we need to post watch on our new entrance as well."

Alone in the corridor, Tokine has the silly thought that her father has come to see her, but it just lasts a moment. She knows where that door leads, and how dangerous her guest might be. She walks slowly to give Izumi some time, but she will press ahead, knowing the guards will arrive if there is trouble. The room is still screened off with one open doorway. As she approaches, she wishes herself luck and steps in to greet her guest.

Bit of Luck 2/8 used for next dice roll

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

Does the Captain appear to understand Azami's message about meeting elsewhere? Question? Or at least, can she tell that he understood? That affects how she will continue to respond.

[ooc]Additionally, would Azami have to attend the dinner without armor/weapons? Just for my knowledge/awareness of what this sort of event would demand.

Those words had been for Kyras, but when the Captain answers, she gives him her full attention. The mention of the Emperor seeing to the security causes a brief narrowing of her gaze, as though the idea is surprising and requires consideration. His words are almost amusing to her. That she is a citizen of the Empire is just as questionnable as whether she would be allowed to enter a diplomatic event - and Azami is wroth to enter without her armor or weaponry. Kyras has an invitation, true, but...

...still. The Captain seems to think she would be not be barred from entry. And it was the Emperor that directed her to guard Kyras.

It seems somehow odd to speak of palace business to a man facing his own death, but she is not yet decommissioned, and he is not yet paid his price - now is the only time she may learn some of these things. Besides, it is easier to treat with him professionally in this moment. "Was the nature of the beast that attacked last night ever determined?" Azami hopes he remembers of what they spoke the other evening; the stone and the ring feel inordinately heavy in her pouch under her armor right now.

@Tokine: you move cautiously into the room, and standing there by the open door in the floor is a most extraordinary creature; whether it is a tiny man in metal, or a construct, or some other such thing, you are not immediately sure, but whoever -- or whatever -- it is, their metal is made in the most fantastic, baroque, ornamented style you have ever seen in your life. It is roughly six feet tall, and the main body appears to be mithral, or something near-as-damnit, but gold trim and filigrees abound, winding and twisting off the body proper in elegant little turns and circllets, wave-like designs that tease and distract the eye. It does not appear to have any weapons on it, but is clothed in spectacular an ancient garments that would astonish any of the seamstresses and gossips and fashionistas in the shops around your temple; a tri-corner hat with an enormous white feather sits atop the metal head (or helmet), a gilt choker is around the neck. The jacket is cut long, fully down mid-thigh, and is a rich dark blue color. The vest is crimson, the shirt blazing white. There is a gold sash of some sort over the vest but under the jacket. The pants are short, a type of breech, really, and supplemented with long hose. The shoes appear to be solid if unspectacular leather get-abouts.

This...being turns with alarming quickness to face you and speaks in a strange, strangled, gargling sort-of voice. Its bearing and manner alike are quite brusque. "Are you, then, the one the young lady spoke of? The owner of this vestibule? Or am I doomed to suffer the dimwitted protestations of an ever-lengthening chain of servants and lackeys, never to reach a point of actual authority, and forced to put down my report based purely on what I can surmise from these spare surroundings?"

Tokine eyes the creature warily, It is not a man surely, with that voice and clothes. But what? Something discovered in a dusty corner, under the city?

She feels slightly silly and definitely self-conscious as she bows to the metal figure, "I am Madame Nagano. Your business is with me while we treat within this vestibule. But who are you and where do you think you are?"

The metal man makes a terrible gurgling noise and steps back, clearly alarmed. "N-Nagano?! Oh my. I...that is...my apologies." His apology is sincere, and he bows politely, but his voice and manner are still quite hateful, as if existence itself has made him furious. "I, Nagano-san, am Envoy Six. I am entrusted with mapping new portals as they open, as this one just has. What do you call this place, so I may properly note it on the maps?"

DC10 Perception:
His voice seems to be coming from somewhere in his chest.

Perception -> 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Perception -> 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

In an innocent voice, "Well, Envoy Six, I hate to delay your mission as you might see my silly questions as merely dim-witted protestations. But who is this map for? And while it seems you have me at a disadvantage, as you seem to know who I am, yet I am no closer to understanding you. What are you?"

She says while walking up to the opening, then turns back to look at him...it, "A portal, you say. Where were you before you came through to here....which I will tell you in a moment, have no fear. But I need to know these things before I can reveal that very private information."

She adds questioningly, "I can have tea brought..or perhaps some other form of beverage or refreshment while we talk?" The longer she talked, the more she found herself focusing in the figure's chest. Was someone in there? This seems very elaborate for a golem.

Male Half-elf Dragon Disciple 11

Kyras looks between the two of them oddly. Slowly, it dawns on him that they must be up to something. For someone so skilled at weaving half-truths together, Kyras is remarkably poor at understanding their subtle conversation. It must be lost in the cultural translation. "Yes, while I did promise Shoto Imuri's delightful servant girl a spot, I don't think the Emperor would begrudge me the company of another beautiful woman on my other arm. I certainly won't complain." He gives Azami a bit of a wink, wildly inappropriate by the circumstances, but seemingly natural for Kyras.

@Tokine: The Envoy either doesn't catch or chooses to ignore your subtle jab. "For the emperor, of course. Who else?" It gurgles tersely. The thing regards you both unkindly and curiously as you walk by. "'What am I'? You mean you don't know? Preposterous. What are you playing at? And I have no fear one way or the other. You will tell me or I will make something up. It's all one to me. The City Under changes so damn much I expect this door will be gone by the time anyone gets here to verify what I wrote anyway." It flails one arm at the maw of the door in the floor. It occurs to you to wonder where the things went that were pursuing Gwen and Naradil. Surely they must be down there someplace, how long before they note this door is open again?

"I've no use for tea or any other beverages. Just the information I seek. Oh, er, and...I...I don't suppose...you don't happen to have a certain kind of human around here, do you? Small, male, slender, very dark and shadowy...graceful...sticks to the dark corners a lot, tendency to vanish. You, uh, you know anyone like that?" This last query seems strangely tacked-on and sort of desperate.

@Azami and @Kyras: Takagami smiles faintly, but genuinely. He is clearly exhausted. "You should both be receiving summons sooner rather than later, to appear before the emperor. He will inform you of the state of things after last night. You almost may as well stay here for a bit, it will make things easier. Tell me; did they find who killed Inspector Cho?" It occurs to you both that the Captain is a bit chatty for someone due to fall on his sword in the driving rain in just a short while.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

An eyebrow quirks in response to the wink. "I knew you were foolish, but now I suspect you are also blind," she retorts to Kyras' teasing, though she can't blame him entirely for falling to humor in this heavy moment.

The Captain's interjection stops her from thinking more on it, and Azami shakes her head. "If there is more evidence on that attack, I am not aware of it. But as you know, the constabulary do not work well with the palace guard. I believe the Curator may be more informed to that end, and Sifu San Pen, though we have not seen him since yesterday." She glances about the room - something just feels off, and if there is more to this odd line of questioning from Takagami, Azami is unable to discern it.

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15

Looking over the preparations, Imuri brandishes the items he brought to discuss with his prisoner and secures them in the folds of his kimono sleeves. He nods wordlessly to the yojimbo standing left of the shoji screen.

@Imuri: The guards open the door, the yojimbo enter, ready. The woman is seated in a western fashion, i.e., with her back against the wall and her long legs stretched out in front of her. She is in a corner of the room and leaning her head against the wall. She is awake and turns to regard you. "Ah, Shoto." she says, her voice a bit raspy. "I figured I was in a House, but couldn't tell which one. So. You have me at a clear disadvantage. How shall we proceed, Lord...?" She looks questioningly at you.

@Azami only:
Looking around more closely, you see there are spell scrolls and magic potions in the captain's bag, as well as some sort of alchemical compound. All the bottles are stoppered, but a metallic smell leads you to think one of them must have been used recently.

@Azami and @Kyras: The Captain frowns. "Yes. The Sifu's disappearance is troubling. The emperor has sicced the Loyal Shadow on that particular problem, I do believe. I wonder if he's having any luck. Somehow I doubt it." He pauses. "The amulets that the demons had...they were powerful magic, and they were probably not from the city. The craftsmanship was not local, but from the west, from Maho. The metalwork is unmistakable, as are the remains of gems from the mines of the dwarves in that place, and in Dambulla. It would be most unfortunate if Dwarves were in league with enemies of the Empire..." The captain trails off, then suddenly reaches behind him. "Do either of you play go? Would you indulge me in a final game? Before my last walk and poem?" Without waiting for a reply, he has begun setting up the board.

"Well, that is an unusual request. One that I can answer more openly. Yes, perhaps I do know of such an individual, although he might not characterize himself that way you just did."

She uses this to further delay this unusual servant of the Emperor.

"Where dos this portal lead? I mean, were you just under the city, or did you come from the palace? Does the Emperor have you doing this often?" She steps a bit closer. "I enjoy the art that goes into crafting maps, combined with the impressive technical skills. Might I look at your map? It might help me place this location into the context of what you hav already mapped."

Male Human, samurai caste Ninja 7, Samurai (Broken Promise) 4 (HP 32/77 AC 22, T 17, Flat 17* - F+10 R+13 W+8; Init +9; Senses:Per +15

Imuri wastes no time on pleasantries.

You are the criminal known as Scarecrow. A woman masquerading as amna, plying the underworld for profit and connections. If I offered your disembodied head to the Emperor, I would be hailed as a hero.

Female Human Samurai 11, HP: 84/128, 3/4 Resolve, 1/4 challenges

Go. She looks at the board, then Captain Takagami, letting what he said about the Sifu and the dwarves roll over in her mind - none of it connects to anything else she can think of.

Azami glances back to Kyras a moment questioningly-does he know how to play? Turning back to the Captain, she bows,"This soldier is only familiar with the basics and may not challenge you; Kyras may provide a more enjoyable game. But I would be honored to sit across the table from you and learn once again."

@Imuri: The woman's eyes bug out. "I'm the...WHAT?! You think I'm...oh...oh goodness...by her songs and stars, this isn't good. Okay, listen. I am most definitively NOT the Scarecrow. I don't...I don't know how I can prove this to you, um...

DC10 Sense Motive:
She is actually honestly terrified.

@Tokine: The Envoy recoils when you get close, though it doesn't seem to be trying to hide the map. It just doesn't want you close. "Gah! I...I can show you the map," it gurgles "j-just stay away! Here." It sets the map on the floor, then swivels its metal head up at you then shakes a finger at the map, indicating you can pick it up. It takes a couple steps back.

"Look at it all you want, for all the good it'll do you. I know why I'm here. This is hell. This is punishment for my crimes. I understand and will accept it. It doesn't mean I have to like it, though. This portal goes to the City Under, the Place of Mists, the Living City, Hel, Dis, or any of a hundred other names it goes by. Your kind...really shouldn't go there."

DC18 Perception:
You notice a fair amount of what looks like dried blood around carefully-stitched openings in the Envoy's sleeves. The openings are long and thin, and run the length of the arm.

DC23 K(Arcana):
Now you've had a chance to interact more closely with it, you realize this is a construct known as a Nimblewright, a creature famous for its powers of deception and agility. It has a pair of Keen rapiers that fold out of its forearms at a moment's notice, and is a lethal warrior. Nimblewrights are built for espionage and bodyguard duties, mostly, and are animated by a captured water elemental that lives in the chest cavity.

@Chu: You are on your way back to the palace when you hear a dopplering scream; "aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" and then a lowly thug, a pick-pocket, comes sailing over a building and lands with a horrendous crash not three feet in front of you. The crunch he makes when he lands lets you know he is most likely dead.

You hear shouting and the sounds of a fight coming from down an alley, in the direction this poor fellow came from.

@Azami: The captain nods and finishes setting up the board, then indicates for you to sit. Not being a go expert yourself, he starts essentially cleaning up the board with you, but you notice he goes about it in a strange way. "This, Ito-san, is known as the "three ninjas" defense. Traditionally the vampire attack is two prongs to the assault, and this is three." He gives you a significant look. "They can be combined if one is sufficiently skilled, or if one is playing an insufficiently skilled opponent."

You continue to play. Footsteps can be heard, and the Captain's escorts arrive. He stops. "Ah. It appears here we must stop, Ito-san, though it pains me to leave a game incomplete. I am reminded again of our late friend the inspector, of the state of his final game, left incomplete, left much like this perhaps, even. Oh! Can you do me a favor, the two of you?" The captain has gathered up his things and is about to go. "When this is done, I would have you visit the art shop that had its paintings stolen two nights ago. They are at 216 Market st. Tell them of our last game, tell them I sent you to deliver my last message. They will understand. They are...old friends of mine." The captain smiles and sweeps the go pieces into their bag and sets the bag on the floor.

"Will you attend the ceremony?" he asks, "I would be honored."

@Kyras only:
Something is going on. You can hear the Hounds baying, ferociously and ceaselessly, their calls and cries echoing through your head. The racket is terrible.

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