Shoto Imuri |

Imuri recognizes there are a lot of strange things going on, and that the involvement of ancient gods and other powers means no statement is impossible. However, he finds the enormity of the gaijin's claim worthy of evidence. He sets down his tea cup, covering it with his hand before Lin Ming can move to refill it.
The first Emperor was your enemy in life. Are you telling us that you are older than the Empire of Lanzhu, and that you are of an ilk that remembers the world when it was so old? Perhaps we would require an explanation as to how that is possible. That claim is important to our plans.
The Spider regards him cooly, but fully prepared to accept that he is either an ancient dragon or a powerful immortal or a worthless charlatan or Plum Blossom spy. Or anything in between.
Sense Motive. +2 if warrior classes but no courtier classes.1d20 + 12 ⇒ (8) + 12 = 20

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It isn't shock that grips him when Baslav reveals some startlingfacts about himself and his mission. No, for the first time since he entered the Tea Shop Chu was engaged, Baslav presented an interesting opportunity and he would not allow shock, surprise or awe to deaden the weight of his thoughts. Chu ignored Azami's new coloring, merely making a mental of note of it for later thought, as he watched the Curator curiously for a moment. He placed his hands in his lap and looked at Baslav with slitted golden eye as he sized the man up before him, he wouldn't use magic and if the Curator thought him so blessed he didn't feel that the man was an enemy. Yet. "As much as an explanation would be beneficial, I will say that if the Curator trusts you then I too shall place faith in what you are saying Baslav-San. As such let it be known that I too seek the Uniter, but for reasons different from your own, I believe he or his followers took someone precious to the Empire and I want them back. Whether that ends in blood will be their choice.
His words hang in the air before Chu adds. "Forgive me but I am curious, you spoke of the Great Confluence so I am naturally curious if you know of the 'Seven handed clock' as well?" Chu's watched Baslav then with the intensity akin to only his kind, he was very engaged now and the greatest gift the day could bring sat before them.
K: History: What does Chu possibly know of the name Baslav Meriko? 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23
Sense Motive 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

DM Downrightamazed |

Baslav chuckles and holds his hands up in a placating gesture. "Whoa! Sorry, sorry. Maybe that was a lot. I, ah, I assumed you already knew most of this, I guess. Hm. Let me see if I can answer your questions in order. Okay, I've already said who I am, but I guess I did leave some bits out; I am Baslav Meriko, last of the Bard Kings of Iridian. Perhaps you've heard of me? 'Twas I who incurred Pharasma's wrath and caused that land to be cast down. 'Twas I who failed Shelyn. My goddess, my light. Ach." The old man looks honestly chagrined, but one could be forgiven for thinking it bizarre to hear someone like him speak with such ease about betraying and being cast down by goddesses.
"I am dead. Sort of. This is me, so it's my body and I'm alive, but my time is long past. My time ended 200 years ago when I was cursed not to touch land until the day came I could redeem myself. With the Confluence approaching, that day has come. I put into port in the far south and left my ship, the Westergale, and the sea-spirits that piloted her, and journeyed here to your city."
"The Uniter was indeed my enemy, but now we have a common enemy; his own son. He's not dead, you know, or at least I don't think he is. Being that I myself have existed so long on Pharasma's sufferance I'm perhaps not the best judge of that sort of thing. But the conflict was not between countries, but men; we warred over the love of a woman, an elven woman. A warrior. Ah, Luaera, what you did to our hearts. Anyway, I'm sure we can put our differences aside and work to destroy his son." He smiles winningly.
"Hmm...Tokine, dear, if possible, I should like to seek out some of these followers. Perhaps you can tell me where last you saw them. I find myself certain that I and those gentlemen would have much to discuss."
"The clock! Yes. Built by Kalaroth to foretell his return. A return that is coming nigh unless someone stops it. I fear I may not be up to the task. They say there is only one true seven-handed clock, and it exists in Mamban, or it did, anyway, until the Sunderer came and cut it down, and it fell and burrowed into the earth, never to be seen again. Yet, some have made duplicates of it, I hear, so perhaps it was not buried so far as people think? Hmmm..."

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Chu sits back, content to think on Baslav's answer momentarrily. He found it difficult to get a read on the man and that was difficult for him to accept at first. A lot of what the man spoke of could be found in most historical text but he had a feeling the man wasn't lying, as much as he performed for their benefit Chu wanted to believe Baslav.
"Duplicates of the seven handed clock..." Chu buried his forehead into his scaled palm momentarily as he hissed at the absolute stupidity of cultists and those who tampered with powers beyond there ken. "If it was sundered near Mamban then it may still exist somewhere near there, perhaps... Intriguing..." Chu muses quietly to himself before looking back to Baslav and nodding to him thoughtfully.
"In answer to your earlier questions, I wish I had seen the Chan. But all I have are reports and stories from various sources, nothing solid and for every answer I find more questions. Which for the most part I have no time to follow up on them." Despite the fact I have barely slept in a century... "Kalaroth, Khoda, The Sunderer... You have given me much to think about Baslav-San, you have my thanks. How else can I help you?"

Azami Ito |

Azami listens to the further explanation, finding a number of her questions answered. But her mind is reeling on something he'd first said, understanding clicking into place. Khoda...the Lightning God The small pouch under her clothing seemed to weigh heavier around her neck. She'd not made the connection before, but now...Azami would roll her eyes at herself if she weren't certain someone would take it personally among this crowd.
"The blood of the Dragonborn is required to crack the Tears of the Deathless that encase the last words of the Lightning God," she murmurs low, as if talking to her tea cup. She'd been repeating this phrase to herself since the Emperor had said it, reminding herself.
Putting the teacup down, Azami asks the question that seems most direct. "Who is the Uniter's son? Do you know where to find him?"

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Perception: Just in Case~ ;) 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26
Azami's words catch Chu's interest, which pleasantly surprises him, and he watches her intensely for a moment as his suspicions start to become confirmed. There was more to this woman then he previously thought. For a brief moment his frill extends as he realized he had made the right decision today. He didn't try and hide his sudden interest, he merely set his scaled muzzle in his palm and scratched his scales thoughtfully as he listened to Azami speak through half open eyes.

DM Downrightamazed |

Baslav gives Azami a somewhat abashed look. "Heh. Nope. Haven't the foggiest. Far as I know the kid's been dead for almost five thousand years, which certainly isn't going to help matters any. But Pharasma says he walks the material plane, so he must be here somewhere..."
Baslav gives an expansive shrug and then nods politely to Chu. "I appreciate the offer sir, most definitely. I guess...well...I'm looking for someone in particular who was supposed to know where the tomb of the Chan was, or is. I've never met her, but I've heard she's a real devil of a girl, lots of spirit, lots of fire. Name is...uh..." The Bard King is digging around in a pocket. At length he pulls out a piece of paper with a lot of indecipherable writing on it. "Bethany Erodal!" He announces triumphantly, giving everyone a big smile that causes his eyes to crinkle up in happy crows' feet.
"So." He sips his tea. "Seen her?"

Davor Akorian |

Oh man. DRA, that is priceless!
Rain. Most men hate, or at least dislike rain. But Davor was not most men. Some would even question his ability to call himself a man, such was heritage. But even today was unpleasant for the hunter. The driving sleet dulled his normally sharp senses, limiting his awareness in a way that didn't make him comfortable. It was an unauspicious arrival in Lanzhu. Perhaps the city was upset by his prolonged absence. Even the city guards seemed especially grumpy today.
With his grey hood pulled up over his face, his only distinguishing features were his signature pair of swords, and the twin embers of his burning eyes winking in the gloom of the day. But even surliness could not dampen his spirits. Amongst all the places of the world, Lanzhu was probably the one where he felt most at home. In Lanzhu it was a open secret as to the full breadth of Davor's particular skill set.
And his arrival after being so long away had an addedd pleasure. For the first time since he'd actually met her in Warbane over three years ago, Davor was bringing his apprentice to Lanzhu, after making sure she wouldn't embarass him. And he was sure she wouldn't.
Once inside the city proper, Davor and Lia made their way through the sodden streets, heading towards the inn that Davor first stumbled into on his very first night in the city all those years ago, The Golden Sparrow.

Lia Corlas |

Lia hated the rain. Unlike her mentor, she preferred much more temperate climates. But Davor would never hear that from her. Like him, she was wrapped securely in a plain grey robe of excellent make. Even with the rain rolling off her cloak nicely, she was still pretty wet. And that was an unpleasant experience It reminded her of their last job before reaching the Empire. Fighting a river beast on its home turf was not her idea of a good time.
But here she was, Lanzhu. The place where people called Davor by the name Iron Hawk. The reason for which her mentor had never been exactly clear. But she was looking forward to this new adventure in a new land. If Davor's words were anything to go by (and they usually were), Lanzhu would be exciting.
Lia had been told about this fabled inn, and she was looking forward to seeing some of her master's past...

DM Downrightamazed |

@Davor: The years have not been kind to the Golden Sparrow.
The inn that you recall as a bustling nerve center of activity, home to thick shadows and thicker drinks, where any deal could be struck in the welcome dark far from the prying eyes of both palace guards and city gendarmes, is now a den of cobwebs, and the clientele are all but nonexistent. Used to be that members of all the Great Houses would come here to find skilled "workers" like yourself to perform strange and incredible deeds; retrieval of storied treasures, hunting of sacred artifacts and, yes, occasionally -- only occasionally, of course -- the odd assassination.
You push in through the doors and instead of the twin former geishas Mara and Tanha singing in the corner, there is a fat city cop making out with one of the waitresses. The birdcages that housed the famed birds from which the inn got its name are all gone. A drunk old hobo is passed out in the middle of the floor. The other waitress is sitting at one of the tables playing karuta with the two cooks. Much of the furniture is broken, things are dusty, and tapestries are stained. The owner, Hiro, is nowhere to be seen. The only other actual customers are a pair of terrified-looking young men with broad shoulders and bright eyes, probably youths from one of the nearby towns, come to the capitol for some reason or other.
No one even looks up as you and Lia enter.

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Chu's eyes snap back over to Baslav as he mentions Bethany Erodel, Kyras missing sister. He keeps his face relaxed and his frill down as he responds to Baslav's question respectfully, he does however look towards Kyras as he finishes speaking. "Sadly I have not, but she was a topic of extensive conversation just before your arrival." Chu scratches his chin thoughtfully as he realizes this topic of conversation wasn't going to end well.
How bothersome...

Kyras Erodal |

Kyras is quiet for a moment, his eyes trained on Shoto Imuri. He grimaces, then turns to the stranger. "Bethany Erodal is my sister. Half-sister, at least. I lost track of her during a rather unfortunate period of time in a magical stasis, something I'm sure that you can relate to. As it is, I've been rather desperate to find her, and I unfortunately have acted rashly as a result. However, for both our sakes, I believe that our host may be able to help. He has resources that we do not, and he shares our motives." He turns to Imuri and swallows before continuing. "Esteemed host, I beg your forgiveness for my rude, unconscionable behavior. You were absolutely right, and I apologize that it has taken me this long to understand it. I have a rash temper and a fool's tongue. I beg both your forgiveness and your aid. You are a man of unquestioned honor and incomparable skills and resources. For Baslav's sake, for my own, and for the Empire, I beg of you to use these resources and bring her into our fold, where she can assist us in our shared need."
Kyras still believes that Imuri has or had something to do with Bethany's disappearance, but is looking to offer him a way to save face and come out ahead with honor and with Kyras owing him.

Davor Akorian |

Davor is pretty paranoid, and he relies on his instincts. I'll probably do Sense Motive checks every so often as his paranoid nature makes him especially alert.
As Davor stepped into what remained of The Golden Sparrow, his senses warred with his memories of the inn. He had spent years here. Cultivating contacts. Doing jobs. Building a reputation. A career. And it was all gone. Damn. Hiro had always prided himself on running a clean, ordered establishment. And given the state of the Sparrow, that either meant that Hiro was dead, or had moved on. A sad thing, to be sure. He missed his matches of go with the old man.
Davor was pulled from his reverie by the acrid stench of unwashed bodies and unclean living. An overweight lawman ravaging a waitress? Cooks playing at karuta? A drunken hobo and scared pair of young men. And the silence. The birds were gone.
All these things made Davor ache for times past.
He took a seat at one of the few undamaged tables, making sure he could see both the door, and everyone in the room, dropping his hood as he sat, letting his cold blue eyes sweep over the room, catching the attention of the presently ravaged waitress. "Miss? Firewine, if you have it. A bottle and two glasses."
Lia said nothing until they were both seated, her eyes scanning the room just as her mentor's did. But once they were seated, she made her feelings known. "This? This is the place you said I'd make my name? This place is a dump."
"It's certainly not the place I remember." He replied, flashing her a slight smile. "But we'll find you work, don't worry."
Unconsciously, they both shifted in their chairs, making sure they had clear weapon draws. For Davor, it came from over a decade of justified paranoia. For Lia, years of having Davor's paranoia drilled into her.

Shoto Imuri |

No one who witnessed the dalogue between the two could guess that Imuri trusts Kyras, but in the least Kyras make the gesture of expected behavior. Imuri tilts his head contemplatively, as if he were considering Kyras' word carefully.
I am grateful you have come to this conclusion, Kyras-san. Indeed, the Shoto family will work dilligently to uncover the secrets of the Plum Blossom, the nature of your sister's relation to them, if any, and her whereabouts if possible. It sems many lives are at stake. Though I will not promise to assume she is on the side of these matters that the Shoto will take, we will do what we can to answer the riddles and find her.

Kyras Erodal |

Kyras gives a little bow in a show of deference. "I am eager to put my poor behavior behind us. I put my trust in your skill and knowledge, eager to know the day that I see my sister. I will be in your debt, Imuri-san, as will the whole of the Lanzhau when you find her."

Azami Ito |

There is a pregnant pause; when the truce appears to stick, the soldier rolls a shoulder to force herself to relax a bit.
Azami then gestures to Baslav. "Bethany appears to be a person of interest to many people beyond her brother and yourself." She pauses, considering, before she continues in a factual tone - as if she were reading an edict or tax-law instead of conversing. "The Emperor himself told us to find her and dissuade her from some action. Vu, her foxspirit assistant - and a pesh-addict, or worse - told us that Bethany was in a lot of trouble, deeply enmeshed in the underworld of Lanzhu. There's trouble with something she found in her dig, it seems. Vu insisted that Bethany was taken yesterday by someone."
Her brow furrows, as if remembering. "And Daisuke, a mercenary from the Hoshi clan, wanted to take us to Bethany's dig last evening. He mentioned it several times while we were at the Palace, but there was no time then given all that happened." Her voice takes on a note of frustration, "He wanted to speak to me about Bethany around the time of the Wong Tsai situation and the Curator's troubles in the gardens, in the middle of a salon of hungry courtiers, while I was on guard." That, and I hadn't had the chance to speak to Imuri yet.
Azami sighs. "Later, while we were at the temple, Daisuke did not bring it up while we were seated together, and I--I admit, I forgot about it amidst my weariness."
She glances around the table. "Seeing as he did not come back this morning, perhaps we should seek him at the Hoshi. He seemed to know where the dig was and that it would help us get to Bethany. If not him, then perhaps Professor Yeo."

DM Downrightamazed |

@Davor: The waitress reluctantly tears herself away from her paramour and stands up. She gives you and Lia an appraising look and saunters unhurriedly over to the bar. She grabs a bottle and a couple glasses and brings them over to your table, setting them down with a thunk. "That'll be three silver." she says.

Davor Akorian |

Davor nods and smiles as she requests her coin, and Lia hands three to her mentor. When the waitress reaches for them, Davor's hand twists, catching her wrist in a vice-like grip. "There's a possible fourth in it for you if you tell me where Hiro is." He said, his blue reptilian eyes boring into her. His other hand twitched on the tabletop. To any onlooker, it would look like a nervous twitch. In truth, he was communicating with his apprentice. -Keep that bottle handy. This could go badly.-
"So, my friend." He gave her a cold smile. "Care to enlighten me?"
Lia followed instructions, and began slowly pouring two cups of firewine. Very slowly.
He's letting his inhuman eyes and strong grip do a lot of the talking here.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Davor: Davor DC12 CMB check to Grapple waitress: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18
The waitress gasps in surprise and pain and twists to break free. "Hey! Hey, let me go! Ow!" Her boyfriend, the police officer, stands up from his seat in the corner. "Sir! Excuse me, but could you let the lady go, please? Whatever your misunderstanding is with her, I'm sure we can solve it without resorting to violence." The officer doesn't seem particularly agitated just yet, but nor does he seem the type to back down any time soon. The two youngsters' eyes get even wider and they exchange blinkered looks with each other. The other waitress and the cooks give you shocked looks of distaste.

Davor Akorian |

Davor Sense Motive: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (2) + 15 = 17
Hearing the tone in the lawman's voice, Davor let go quickly and without fuss. "Of course, friend." He replied, a laugh in his voice. "I mean no harm. I was simply inquiring about an old accquaintance." He stood, and bowed deeply to the waitress and the officer.
"I meant no disrespect. But please, friend, would you answer my question?"
His fingers twitched as he spoke to the room, sending a message to Lia. -Throw the bottle if this goes sideways. Be ready.-
For her part, Lia nodded and smiled at the room, looking innocent.
Davor is trying to defuse this.

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Chu nods as Azami's finishes speaking, yet more of his suspicions were confirmed this day. It was not his place nor duty to question the Emperor's decisions, his only duty was to serve. He continued to scratch his scaled chin as he spoke. "There was a building collapse at the university today, the building was where Professor Yeo office was and thankfully she was unharmed. I am still quite vague as to what happened, she may still be trying to clean up what happened there so she may be quite busy. That was where I had been before coming here. I am also unsure as to how injured there were but Major Niro and his men were searching for survivors and rescuing the injured. The Major is a good man..." Finding himself getting distracted he reached down and picked up his empty teacup then, content to trace the rim with is finger as he nodded to Azami. "Just so you know..."

Erudima del Fana del Solarian |

Eru raised her fan a little higher the moment Baslav walked in, and has kept it up in a secretive, 'shy maiko' position the entire time. Her elven eyes, already larger than human eyes, are positively huge viewed over the edge of the fan.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Davor: The cop gives a respectful bow. "Thank you, sir. I will answer your question, actually; the honorable proprietor of this establishment disappeared over a year ago. The staff has attempted to keep it open, even going so far as to sell certain things to pay rent, such as the noble birds that once sang here, but things are not going well. Hiro, as you must know, always had a certain touch with his customers, a touch and level of attention that is very difficult to duplicate, if not impossible. I come here, in my spare time after a day's work, to see my dear Aika, but also to help keep a certain...element from coming and taking over. It is not much, perhaps, but I am a policeman, not a restaurateur, and it is what I can do to help."
The waitress, whom you now know to be Aika, steps back from you, rubbing her wrist. She is looking at you suspiciously, but as her boyfriend explains things her body language softens and she walks over to stand by him.

Kyras Erodal |

Sense Motive 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Kyras watches Erudima's face from his seat, suddenly considerably more perceptive to small nuances than he was before. Perhaps all this verbal sparring with Shoto Imuri has helped teach him a little something about reading people.
How did you get that green text, Davor?

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Sense Motive - Kyras 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14
Sense Motive - Erudima1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24
Chu was surprised at what he was hearing and as usual he couldn't read Kyras, he was better off trying to gauge what a stone was thinking. As the conversation turned to what appeared to be more polite and civil affairs he continued to watch everyone in the room silently.
As Baslav was speaking he couldn't help but notice Erudima's sudden discomfort, she normally seemed quite skilled with using her fan to avoid detection but her eyes were giving her completely away. Seeing an opportunity he rose gracefully and bowed to his esteemed host Shoto Imuri. "Esteemed Host, please excuse me as I find I must get some fresh air." He moves around the table with a serpentine grace, pausing momentarily near Princess Erudima as he bends over to quietly speak to her.
"Would you mind accompanying me Princess, you look as though you could use some fresh air as well." He nods respectfully to her attendant, Shoto Asago, indicating that the invitation was open to her as well. He proffers his hand momentarily to the Princess.
If the Princess declines Chu will bow his head politely and continue to leave the room to stand in the entry way of the tea house so he can watch the clouds.

Azami Ito |

Sense Motive on Erudima 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (3) + 13 = 16 Rats!
"Criminal underworld, not of the dead." Azami adds to Baslav. Listening to Chu's information about the university, her head tilts in thought. "Professor Yeo seemed to believe it was delvers, and not uncommon. But I believe that Gwen and Naradil also indicated they went through some passageway there into the catacombs beneath the palace where the Plum Blossom were? Could the two be connected? Am I remembering that correctly? Her tone is openly uncertain - this morning has been odd all around, and she felt like closing up and remaining on the periphery.
After Chu leaves - with the Princess or no - Azami presses her lips together (a sure sign she's saying something she does not like or is unhappy to have to say). "It is difficult to tell who one can trust when even the highest authority's interests may be questionnable."

Shoto Imuri |

Imuri regards the Advisor as he excuses himself. He would like to think the Loyal Shadow would be more subtle about requesting the Princess' attention, but there was nothing he could do to help the serpent-man now. His gaze withdraws from Eru and once again sweeps the entire table.
I believe one missing puzzle piece we must address is the nature of the Telestari themselves. There were three distinct factions. Do they all work together? Are some of them more sensitive to our way of life than others? Are there rogue ancients we might contact somewhere for greater insight? Baslav-san, can you advise us more specifically in this regard?

Azami Ito |

Despite not caring why the Telestari really matter in any of this except perhaps setting up the gates, Azami reminds Imuri of what she said earlier, "Or find Bethany, since the Emperor seemed to think she was connected with a Telestari. Or wait...Professor Yeo said Vu knew a Telestari. That was before we found the cacodemon." She was getting confused with all the information now - was it the Emperor too, or was it just the Professor?
Perhaps she should just remain quiet.
The matter seemed rather straightforward a moment ago: Get Rhon from the Plum Blossom Syndicate and kill them all. Find her father on a far away island and save him and get what artifact he has. Find the Uniter (an ancient dead-but-still-living ruler with his own cult faction) for Baslav Meriko (an ancient dead-but-still-living-and-having-tea-with-them-right-now cursed Iridian bard-king who failed a goddess, and had fought with the Uniter for the love of a Elven queen) so together they can stop the Uniter's son (a long-dead-but-still-living man who is threatening to wake a dead?-banished-but-still-powerful dragon god with a lightning god which will end the world as they know it), all of which hinged on Kyras' sister Bethany who may be anywhere, but was at a noodle shop they attacked yesterday with Vu and someone named Scurcrow.
Ok, so perhaps it wasn't straightforward at all; Azami does her best not to show her confusion and just keeps listening.

Tokine Nagano |

Tokine of course had heard of Professor Yeo, but the good professor never seemed to come to any public functions, so she has yet to ever meet her. But she is glad to hear that no harm has come to her.
Sense Motive -> 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17
But word that people were possibly hurt of lost troubles her thoughts. From these thoughts she sees that specter from the Palace halls and the vision of the skull in the ring. She gives a shiver and comes back to the conversation at the table.
"There are still Telestari? Possibly even in the city?" Tokine's mind started to flutter with possibilities.

Tokine Nagano |

...the Gardener...Ryuu?
"There is something else we must seek. The Blackflight Queen, she was interested in these paintings, but was directly seeking something else...The Snow Bud. It is somehow tied into all this. The Elf Queen threatened to kill me last night, lest the Emperor's Gardener Ryuu give her the Snow Bud. Well she said a few other things too...but Ryuu refused."
"Exactly how these two know each other is lost, or how Ryuu came to possess such powers he displayed in my defense, but Ryuu said he knows who would know, 'and that She would be glad to see the Queen again'. But he said it in a sarcastic manner, that suggests the reunion would not go well....Could this be a reference to the Professor? Does she seem the type to have crossed paths with an Evil Elf Queen and a mystically powerful Gardener? If she were attacked, it might have been for this reason."
She turns and looks at Baslav, "200 years and from the West...It is possible you know of this Elven Queen, Llirrianna, and why she has come here?

Azami Ito |

"And just what is meant by 'It has begun'?"
Inexplicably, returning to the vision of the bloody letters across the barren dirt blends into older memories of blood washing over floormats like too-watered down calligraphy ink leaking from overturned, mangled inkpots of human bodies...
Azami blinks hard for a moment to banish those images from her mind and try to refocus on what is being discussed.

Davor Akorian |

Davor bowed in response to the officer, and gestured for Lia to do the same. -Danger has passed. You can put the bottle down now.- He signed to her as he listened to the officer's story.
"So Hiro has been missing for a year?" He asked, his tone surprised. "I assume by the fact you say 'missing' that this was a rather sudden turn of events? He left no word? Were there any leads?"
Davor knew he should stay on-task to hunt the lich down that he'd been tracking, but to no longer have the Sparrow as a base of operations was a disturbing thought.
"How much debt is the Sparrow in for? I'm guessing missed payments might have has something to do with Hiro's disappearance."
To answer your questions Kyras, I use Dice=<Text> inside square brackets.

DM Downrightamazed |

Baslav gives a helpless grimace when Imuri mentions the Telestari. He looks ready to throw his hands up in frustration but remembers at the last second he is still holding a tea cup. "Telestari, Telestari, Telestari! Those damn people! Or things! Or whatever they are! Ach, if I had a copper for every time they came up in conversation on the boat...Shelyn preserve me. Heh. Well, and that's silly because she already has. Hah! " Baslav sets his tea cup down with great care, his skilled musician's hands never shaking once as he does so. He then rubs his temples with his index fingers, but just as he starts, a Shoto geisha comes out from behind a paper door no one even knew was there and gently replaces his hands with her own. The old midlander sighs wearily, but then looks honestly relieved. "By all I hold dear, Lord Imuri, where do you find such people? I've never felt hands so skilled." He pauses and makes a face. "Ah, I beg your pardon if that sounded a bit improprietous, m'lord. Heh. Ah-heh." He coughs. The nameless servant returns from whence she came, only a rustle of silk indicating her movement.
"I don't know much more about the Telestari than you fine folks do, I wager, except this little chestnut I picked up in Stormfare, years ago; you're right about the three factions, but there's also a fourth -- the white Telestari. Lessee, what did Lynx say? Red ones are deception, blue ones are destruction, green ones are protection, and the white ones are "pure", they govern knowledge or some fiddle-faddle. Anyway, despite all evidence to the contrary, I've heard rumors there are still a few of these creatures left here and there, and they didn't all die out in the first Dragonflight war all those years ago. I never met one, never knew one. They were supposed to have been extinct for millennia, you see, when I was a king, so I didn't much care about them. Still don't, really, except as they suddenly, conveniently seem to be getting referenced more and more as the Confluence approaches, like so many other long-forgotten legends. Everyone's coming a-calling for the last dance..." The bard makes a face like he tasted something bad.
Baslav then turns to Tokine. "Well, 200 years, my dear, yes, but remember that both those centuries have been spent on a boat, so while I've seen plenty of the ports and the oceans and the damned Floating Kingdom, I've not been inland once in that time. So I'm afraid I've no word of this elf-queen." He brightens up at her mention of the 'snow bud', though; "...the Snow Bud! Madame Daiyu! That was a tea she was seeking, we just talked about it this morning! She said she'd found its location, that it was a very rare and hardy plant that only grew high, high in the mountains and that conditions this winter were right for it to bloom so she could harvest it. She had a book, she said, she seemed quite happy."
Baslav trails off, though it's obvious he isn't thinking of tea, but rather the great beauty Daiyu's other still quite-considerable "assets" as he gets a dreamy, twitterpated look in his eyes.

Erudima del Fana del Solarian |

@Chu: Eru looks pained, but Asago whispers something to her and she nods. Rising gracefully but leaving her fan in front of her face, she nods to you and steps outside, making sure to stay under cover and out of the rain. Asago, you note, remains inside.
"Lord Kage, how may I assist you?" the princess bows.

DM Downrightamazed |

@Davor: The policeman looks thoughtful. "Debt? Hmmm...I had not thought of that. The mortgage on this building is steep enough, given its excellent location, but it is perfectly possible he had other debts that we do not know about." He rubs his chin. "The only lead we had was that at the time of his disappearance -- which was indeed sudden, as you surmise -- he had been speaking frequently with our own Inspector Cho, who has since been murdered, and an advisor from the palace, the great Sifu San Pen, who has since disappeared. It is my understanding the palace has mounted an investigation seeking San Pen's whereabouts, but these investigations have no doubt been complicated by the appearance in the city this week of three groups of gaijin, all of whom are having state dinners thrown in their honor. It has been...an extraordinary time, here in Lanzhu."
It is obvious the policeman is not entirely thrilled about the "extraordinariness" of the times.

![]() |

@Chu: Eru looks pained, but Asago whispers something to her and she nods. Rising gracefully but leaving her fan in front of her face, she nods to you and steps outside, making sure to stay under cover and out of the rain. Asago, you note, remains inside.
"Lord Kage, how may I assist you?" the princess bows.
Chu takes note of any courtiers watching or listening and if he notices one he makes sure they find something better to do...
His previous intensity fades, replaced by his usual relaxed expression as he looks to the sky. As the rain pelts down on him he says quietly. "We may return whenever you see fit, I thought I would merely warn you and allow you time to compose yourself lest someone take advantage of you. Forgive me if I have wasted your time."
Before he returns to the table he banishes away the water using a simple cantrip and follows her back, albeit a pace or so behind her.

Davor Akorian |

Davor nodded as the officer spoke. "Aye. I know all about 'extraordinary' times. And they usually don't end well." He mused for a moment, his brow forrowing as he sorted out the story. "So Hiro was seen speaking with San Pen, and Inspector Cho before he vanished. But both of them have also been removed from the picture. We're missing something, I'm sure."
Davor was still in thought when he realised that he was being horribly rude. "But I have forgotten myself. I'm Davor Akorian. People in these parts call me Iron Hawk. I know Hiro from some years ago." He said, bowing in the fashion of the region. "This is Lia, my apprentice." He gestured to the young half-elf at his side.
"I think I'll investigate this odd business. Is there someone who can tell me more about Hiro's disappearance?"

Tokine Nagano |

Understanding washes across Tokine's face. "A tea? Oh...I have seen this mountain...or at least a vision of it. The tea tree standing on the mountain...So then the gardener Ryuu was perhaps referencing Madame Daiyu, if she does know where this mountain is. But what would the significance be of this tea?...that people kill for it?"

DM Downrightamazed |

@Davor: the policeman blanches when you mention your name. "Ah...the, ah, the Iron Hawk, you say? I am familiar with your...work. *cough* My name is Katsuo Hiroto. Um...there was a case file open on The Proprietor's disappearance, but it was remanded to the palace guard almost immediately. I am afraid you will have to seek an audience at the palace, or find someone with connections there. I...I am sorry but I can help you with neither."
At this point one of the youngsters suddenly speaks up, though his friend is shushing him all the while. "I-I can help, sir." The kid can't be more than 17, and is obviously quite uneasy around you. "Hiro was my uncle. I came to help him find something, something he said he found that was going to vault him to the top of the heap and make the Golden Sparrow the best restaurant in the city, or even the empire. He said he found the Snow Bud."
At this last his friend smacks him upside the head. "Batta will you be QUIET!" He then turns to you and the cop. "Please ignore my idiot friend, here; he has no idea what he's talking about. Carry on. Ignore us." He grins hopefully, but it's plain as day he's lying.

Erudima del Fana del Solarian |

Davor Akorian |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25
Davor looks a little embarrased when Katsuo's attitude changes at the mention of his acquired name. He felt that he could trust this man, which was a genuine relief to his well-founded paranoia. "Looks like I'll be making a trip to the palace then. I'm sure I'll be able to gain myself an audience."
When the lads speak up, the pair suffer the full brunt of his haunting gaze. The glow of his eyes increases slightly as the first one speaks, and a small smile crosses his features when the other outright lies.
"We're all friends here, lad." He said, his as voice pleasant as his voice wasn't. "Tell me more about this search. Where exactly did Hiro have you looking for the Snow Bud?"