MiniGM's Unlikely Heroes Campaign

Game Master Vuvu

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Thorin slices open the pouch of manlybits, and the orc screams in a high pitched squeal. Thorin grins for a moment, but then the manlybits plunk off his forehead.

The orc falls unconscience

Half-Orc Bard 1 / Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 / AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex) hp 10 / Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4

Reknar stands up with a grunt - "Well done Thorin, I think I kind lost it there for a second" - he grins - "Thanks Nic, this was you right?" - he opens his arms to show some of the healed wounds.

Perception (anyone else spying on us?): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Will check around to see if any of them is still alive. If yes, try to stabilize him/her. After that will cast Detect Magic, search the corpses and the premises :P

AC: 16
HP: 8/32
Inspire Courage: 3/9
Effects: None
Spells spent: 1x lvl1

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

Nic nods at Reknar then exhales deeply. "That was close." His eyes shift around the scene, "My the holy power of the sun then it's helaing power for the sake of goodness." He channels positive energy to his comrades.

healing: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9

Sovereign Court

Male Human rogue 3-- HP- 15/15 (sub) 14/15 AC 15 T- 13 FF-12 Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +3

He wiped his face off making an 'eww gross' face. Then he noticed the half orcs jibblybits in the dirt and started to chuckle.

"Guys... guys, look fresh made Sour orc balls"

He began pointing while reaching into his pocket and pulling out one of the sour green hard candies that he sold as 'sour orc balls'.

"Mine sure do taste better."

While the others look for trouble or try to save lives, the candymaker quietly begans to check their pockets for coins, loot, and gear.

If I could would take 20 on seraching all the guys in the place for loot, it would be a 29.

perception if a roll is required: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22


Nic? Are you gonna heal\stabalize the big orc?

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

Get the big guy tied up. I'm gonna give his heart a restart. See what he knows and will give up to us." Nic will wait a bit until the gib orc is restrained then he will heal him.

healing channel to include everyone: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5


The Orc comes to, and immediately starts to struggle against the bonds

1d20 ⇒ 1

There is not even a creak on the ropes

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

"Now you jus' stop an listen." Nic lights his cigar then exhales a big puff into the orc's face. Be still, they've got some questions for you to answer." He uses a thumb to point over to Reknar and Thorin.

Sovereign Court

Male Human rogue 3-- HP- 15/15 (sub) 14/15 AC 15 T- 13 FF-12 Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +3

intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
"Whats your favorite kind of candy toughguy?"

Yes i rolled the intimidate first saw it was well average to bad and went with that as my opening line.

"Cause im thinking maybe I should make my sour orc balls with real orc balls you get me? Now who do you work for? The Syndicate? I bet its the syndicate."

He began, whipping out his dagger and doign his best 'intimidating' gesturing with it.

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

"Chop'em off, then let's hear him talk." The dwarf tries to play off of Thorin's tough guy stance.

bluff: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11


. Well they already fell out...

Despite being in pain...the orc laughs at the opening threat by Thorin.

If you know why are you asking?

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human rogue 3-- HP- 15/15 (sub) 14/15 AC 15 T- 13 FF-12 Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +3

"I said whats your favorite candy!"

He growled out ineffectually.

"And we ask the questions here mister!"

He added picking up the real orc balls and tossing them one at a time into the orcs face.

Half-Orc Bard 1 / Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 / AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex) hp 10 / Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4

Reknar looms over the interrogation, saying nothing, his arms crossed over his chest and waiting for the replies.


AC: 16
HP: 17/32
Inspire Courage: 3/9
Effects: None
Spells spent: 1x lvl1


Fine. Praline brittle.


Set ya up there Thorin!

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

I'm still here.


Anyone can jump in and press on w questions clearly he is avoiding talking about the syndecate

Sovereign Court

Male Human rogue 3-- HP- 15/15 (sub) 14/15 AC 15 T- 13 FF-12 Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +3

Sorry guys I accidently must have clicked on the dont notify me about posts in this game or soemthing

"HA! Pralines! I knew . . actually Praline Brittle is pretty good. Can't fault that. Look. I get it, the Syndicate is kinda scary. No doubt maybe they have something over you, over your family... well if you have family. Me and my friends here, we arent fans... Now... I know what you are thinking. Its just three dudes, what can they do against the Syndicate. You are right... not much if we are three dudes. Theres the rub see, we arent three dudes. We are just the advance team of a large group with a lot of coin who wants the syndicate gone.If you help us, I can put in a good word for higher up the chain. Get you a real job, that you dont have to worry about some crazed coming in here and lopping your nuggets off eh? "

bluff cause uh we are working the the illoomehnaughteh or something: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

bluff assistance: 1d10 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

Half-Orc Bard 1 / Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 / AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex) hp 10 / Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4

"With some healing, you can probably get back to your old self" - Reknar adds, nodding at the half-orc's groin.

Bluff Aid: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15


. If I talk they'll kill me!

Sovereign Court

Male Human rogue 3-- HP- 15/15 (sub) 14/15 AC 15 T- 13 FF-12 Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +3

He rolled his eyes.

"What do you think we will do to you if you don't talk? Make you candy? Actually that's not a bad idea. Making Candy always calms me. I can get something set up while you give us the information we need, we get you set up with a sweet gig to our organization What do ya say?"


. Deal. I don't know all that much. I'm just the muscle. Well. Not THE muscle. That would be Fritz. He scary. There is a small cell here, just an offshoot really. Trying to expand to the entire region.

Sovereign Court

Male Human rogue 3-- HP- 15/15 (sub) 14/15 AC 15 T- 13 FF-12 Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +3

"Fritz? There is a name to strike fear into anyone. Tell us about Fritz. What is he? Whats he like? Where does he hang out around here?"

He began almost feeling sorry for cutting the fellows jelly cubes.

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

"Let's make this simple bud. Why don't you tell [i]us[i] where this Fritz is located and how many mooks he has with him.


. Fritz? He doesn't need mooks. Look. If he shows up you run. I've seen him kill 2 dozen goblins, I've seen him kill wyverns, supposedly he has killed a dragon by himself! Where he is, I'm not sure. But we have three bases around the city, ya know cliche like. Cellars and basements. Fritz is usuly in one of he isn't out for drinks

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

Nic nudges the guy with his boot. "Yeah...yeah...I eat cigars and it makes me glow like the sun." To prove his bravado he swallows his cigar. "Bahhhhhhh, gotcha! Jus tell us where these bases are and 'is waterin' hole."


. Meat trick. But I am serious. If Fritz shows you run. He will kill all of you. I'm not trying to scare you. Look you said I can have a job. I don't get it if youre dead. The hideouts are under the Busy Bee Bookstore, the cider house, and the apothecary. He drinks at the Humpy Camel.

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)
MiniGM wrote:
. Meat trick. But I am serious. If Fritz shows you run. He will kill all of you. I'm not trying to scare you. Look you said I can have a job. I don't get it if youre dead. The hideouts are under the Busy Bee Bookstore, the cider house, and the apothecary. He drinks at the Humpy Camel.

"Now was that so hard?" He pauses for a moment. "Where were you suppose to go after this job." Nic waves his hand around the room to the dead cohorts.


Job? The syndicate owns this place. You are the ones doing the job technically. Anyhow. No where. We just were dropping off some crates. Then we were off for the night.

Half-Orc Bard 1 / Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 / AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex) hp 10 / Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4

"Seems you have found a new friend Nic" - Reknar chuckles - "He's been cooperative enough. We should let him go" - he adds - "He may just run to this Fritz though..."


. I thought you said you had a job for me?

Half-Orc Bard 1 / Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 / AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex) hp 10 / Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4

"Hmmmmm…." - Reknar looks the half-orc over again - "We could use some muscle - you willing to fight beside us lad?" - he adds, looking at Nic and Thorin - "What do you think?"

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

"Seriously?" The dwarf looks at the bard. "You trust 'im to cover our backs?" Nic looks at the half-orc suspiciously. "If you double cross us, I will kill you then raise you as an undead just to destroy you all over again." Making sure the pint is driven home.


. Sure. Why not. Unless it's Fritz. If it is Fritz I'm running.

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

"Fair 'nough." He pulls out a flasks and takes a long gulp then hands it over to the half-orc. "Guess if we you run, we found our man." He looks over to bard and candyman, "You ready to git this movin'."

Half-Orc Bard 1 / Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 / AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex) hp 10 / Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4

"Good to go" - Reknar grunts at Nic - "You got a name?" - he asks the half-orc.



Half-Orc Bard 1 / Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 / AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex) hp 10 / Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4

"Then lets get going Festulax"

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

Nic nods approvingly. "Lets get moving."


Book store, apothecary or cider house? Or the tavern?

Sovereign Court

Male Human rogue 3-- HP- 15/15 (sub) 14/15 AC 15 T- 13 FF-12 Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +3

He glanced to his coworkers to the ballless orc they captured to his coworkers and licked his lips,

"Let's start at the cider house. Im a bit parched here, and we can figure out where to go next afterwards."

He said peppily gathering his things like they didnt just have the strange little fracas they did.

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

"Cider house, I could use a few pints of spirit. Thorin did you check their pockets, I'm sure they would want to pay fer the first few rounds." Nic motions at the dead. Nic takes a quick look at the deceased gear to see if there is anything worth taking.

Any loot?


Just basic weapons and coin which add up to about 100 gold when sold

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

Nic grabs the items and stores them, "lets git goin'. I'm thirsty." With that he waves to half-orc, "Lead the for one of yer buddies weapons? The dwarf offers.

Half-Orc Bard 1 / Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 / AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex) hp 10 / Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4

Reknar grabs a bow and some arrows (I assume a Longbow?), and moves out - "Seems not - lets get going Nic"


Yes Comp longbow +1 STR


You make your way to the Cider House.

Festulax stops you

Here is the deal. All ya gotta do is order this combo of drinks. 2 Apple, a Blackberry, and a lingenberry cider. Then tell them that the Blackberry is flat and they will let you through to the back room. Though I dunno what your expecting to find.

Half-Orc Bard 1 / Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4 / AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex) hp 10 / Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +4

"He's got a point" - Reknar nods - "We can't just go barging in the front door - we should scout their turf further, maybe for a few days"

M Dwarf 3 Cleric, HP 29/29, AC 18 T 11, FF 17, Int 1, P 6, F 5 R 2 W 8, CMB 5 CMD 16 (20)

"2 Apple, a Blackberry, and a lingenberry cider. Then tell them that the Blackberry is it." The dwarf repeats the instructions. he looks over at Reknar. "Nah, lets jus git on with it. Git a few rounds of tankards first, then after we finish those we can ask fer the sissy drinks." The dwarf looks intent.

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