MiniGM's Council of Thieves

Game Master Vuvu

Council of Thieves Map

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Diplo please miro

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15 add +3 to avoid getting punted through the window

M Human Adept 1/Expert 4 Init +1, Per +10 HP 27/27, AC 15/11/15, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +9

"I'll make sure he complies Lucca. Its been a tough day. We'd really appreciate it if you could cut us a break."
Diplomacy to assist: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (10) + 18 = 28


He grunts and groans but finally agrees

So where to?

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

To the hideout!


Tram are you trying to avoid Tarvi? Or just playing it cool

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

Miro decides to Troll TRam.

That was a heck of a show, wasn't it Tram?

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

It was, right up until he cheated... Lets get this thing set up and lets find Hippa, that damnable pathfinder and .... Perhaps Miss Tarvi. She has some desires to be involved with magics.

He said taking a deep breath and steeling his shoulders when they arrived. Its not that he was... slouching in timidly.... well not entirely so. But it was obvious there were other things he wished he was about to be doing.. .

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

Miro of course said those words just as they entered and Tarvi was there.

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

A slight wisp of smoke percolates from a newly installed smoke stack, alongside the stone and brick chimney. Too light to be dinner cooking, much less for space heating. Two handfuls of cats scatter then watches the carriage approach, and when did a goat take up residence? Also the colorful banners catch your eye, a variety of prayer flags and symbolisms of gods/goddesses. Someone has been keeping house here.

M Human Adept 1/Expert 4 Init +1, Per +10 HP 27/27, AC 15/11/15, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +9

Audi chuckles, "Yeah, I lost count. Just how many of those things did he kill? Hey, what's up here? Someone has been busy."


The main room is calm and quiet. No one is in it at the moment

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

Starting to look like a zoo here.

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

He chuckled... there wasnt a doubt in his mind whom the animals probably belonged to.... and that in a way was great news.

Looks like Hippa is on the mend, Im going to my room here and finding some clothes that dont look like I was rolling about in puddles of blood. I believe it was an even dozen... and one cheating wizard.

He mentioned taking a deep breath.

I dont mean to sound demanding or ordering, but I am going to bathe real fast... I dont suppose you all can start rounding up whomever might prove useful for questioning this fellow?

He began walking faster torwards the hall with the rooms. . .

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Hey Miro, a GP says Miss Tarvi catches him before he gets to his bath?

M Human Adept 1/Expert 4 Init +1, Per +10 HP 27/27, AC 15/11/15, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +9

"You might be right...Hippa, you here?!?"

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)


HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

[ooc]Silence reigns. Not here.[\ooc]
A couple of cats wander in and twine about your legs, one almost headbutts Miro over with affectionate enhusiasm. Or maybe they are looking for a handout. Hard to tell.

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

Has to be one big cat.

Miro puts that statue on the table, thinks better of it with all the cats about and secures it in a chest before flopping on a chair.

M Human Adept 1/Expert 4 Init +1, Per +10 HP 27/27, AC 15/11/15, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +9

"I have an idea. That smokestack is new. Let's go see if she's there!"

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

Miro gets Ser Barksalot on the trail of gnome.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Lead on Audi!

Shhhhh, be vewy, vewy quiet! I'm hunting Gnomes! eheheheheh!

M Human Adept 1/Expert 4 Init +1, Per +10 HP 27/27, AC 15/11/15, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +9

Audi leads the way over to the building with the smokestack and knocks, "Hippa?"

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

Puffing out a stray red hair away from her face, Hippa asks Ms.Tarvi ”BeadearandaskWhomeverwhatisso importantthatmypresenceisrequirednowst.”

Ms. Tarvi opens the door an inch, recognizes friendly faces and opens much wider. You guys can see Hippa’s fingers are covered in blackpaste as she is working a mortar and pestle. There are a couple of bubbling liquids in misshapen glassware on the table and a smattering of items that might be identifiable if you dared cross that imaginary line on the floor. No wait…, there actually was an irregular line on the rock floor. Er, Multiple lines. Closer inspection revealed not lines at all but former blast zones, which served the same purpose with ominous unspoken warning.

A noticeable eyetwitch as she turns around and gives a slightly haunted look to Audi, MsTarvi tenses up. ”ItisOkay.” A deep breath and guarded stare, Hippa slows her speech down. Let us discuss this away from the bench, shall we? MsTarvi…

Turn the heat down yet keep simmer, finish the grinding to a coarse, not fine powder and cover. Finish the tindertwigs project.
Hippa looks a bit disheveled and distracted, not the Hippa that you first knew.

”I will accompany you. The fresh air may do me some good. “ She stops at a mirror and starts to rearrange her hair to presentable, stops and washes off the blackpaste with a mild look of disgust. She slings a bandolier of tubes and pouches and fully stocked. Unconsciously confirms a dozen times that her dagger is on her person. Resumes tidying up her hair with black stained hands before grabbing a pair of light work gloves and hooded robe. Her bangles tinging and rattling with charms and fetishes, coordinating with her hair pins with even more variety. ”will I need my spear? No. No I wont’” Yet, her hands seemingly cannot let go. Donning her robe, gloves, a last look at the spear and Tarvi, she accompanies Audi into the WestCrowne daylight.


everyone there make a perception check

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (13) + 11 = 24

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

Perception: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 2 = 19
Suki the familiar adds the "+2"

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27

Exxor soaks in his surroundings.


Tarvi seems to have some kind of rash on her face, covered in makeup.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Exxor would not stare, but is it possible to tell if it is a chemical thing from working with Hippa, poison ivy thing, or something worse - mummy rot etc?

Miss Hippa, glad to see you up and about again. Would there be a place here that I could call my own - a secure place to store some gear and to rest once our current task is done?


You can't tell from only a cursory look, you would have to examine it

M Human Adept 1/Expert 4 Init +1, Per +10 HP 27/27, AC 15/11/15, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +9

"Hippa, it's good to see you. Fresh air sounds like a magnificent idea..." Audi gives Ms. Tarvi a little wave and then heads back outside to see what Hippawants to talk about.
Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

Miro checks Hippa's eyes. I think she has had a relapse.

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

Miro invading Hippa's space snaps her out of the thousand-yard stare, she is not sure if she was glaring or staring. "Apologies, haven't seen you guys in a while." Pausing to recollect what was said, she turns to Exxor first, "Right. The Elven suite is in this building, head towards the main entrance, past the main space and it is third door on the right. No keys or locks as yet but I am sure no one will disturb you. Especially seeing how I am the only real resident here."

Turning to Audi, Hippa steps past and further out into the daylight, blinking as her eyes adapt. Taking deep breath before turning around, "Been a while. Thank you for the time alone to recover. No regrets for the healing without interference. You appear..." She gently plucks at various blood stained spots on Audi, feeling for rips and tears of damaged cloth, "in good health." Giving Miro a once over as well, she sniffs with disdain. "Let me guess. Did Tram earn himself another couple of marks on the chalkboard?

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

How many does pit fighting gain?

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

A quick glance back through the open lab door to see if any sensitive ears caught that exchange, Hippa nods to Miro and Audi. "Lets walk and I can show you what we Torchbearers have done in your absence. We have room to grow and you'll likely want a voice in this."

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

Of course. We have borrowed this fancy statue head which is a dead Pathfinder and we need to talk to it's soul using this candle to din more info about Delvehaven.

M Human Adept 1/Expert 4 Init +1, Per +10 HP 27/27, AC 15/11/15, Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +9

"Sure. Show us around and then let's pick a good spot for a seance. How many marks do you think Tram will manage once we find a way into Delvehaven."

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

Almost as if that question was a summons he wandered into view.

SO doees anyone have any idea where I could find a blasted bath around he..oh Hey Hippa are you feeling well?

He asked still clearly a bit dirty with dried blood, a torn and tattered ripped shirt and his armor in his hands a little twisted and scorched and clearly ruined.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Elven suite, third door on the right, got it. Thank you Miss Hippa! Exxor pauses, cocks his head to the side, opens his mouth as if about to speak. He then shakes his head, and closes his mouth thinking better of whatever he was about to say.
Ok, let me drop some of this stuff off, and a seance it is.

Despite receiving directions, he pauses and casts a sideways grin at Miro, and lingers a moment longer.


Tarvi looks at Tram when she spots him.

where have you been?

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

Miro whistles innocently.

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

For a moment he froze up looking almost like a rat caught in the sudden lights when it was raiding a larder but then he straightend and stiffend up.

We." he began motioning with a hand wave to Audi and the others. Were on that mission to acquire that bust to speak with it about this Delvehaven business. Its good you are here, you have been studying Arcana perhaps you could help.

He began torn between trying to hide the half melted breastplate and trying not to move it to cause it to catch her eye. It occured to him for a woman whom he wasnt even really dating, betrothed, or even married to, he sure cringed when she was angry.

It was a bit messy, that business, but we have the bust, even if it did destroy my breastplate. He added.


How was your breastplate melted?

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

Miro vanishes to find out what Fiosa has been cooking. Deathmatches make a Halfling hungry.

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

Well yes... a mad mage tried to explode us all in a ball of fire, So happens I am not as quick on my feet as I am with my words, and where the others managed to mostly escape unharmed my poor breastplate decided it had enough... My cloak too, but that is of little matter I have others.

perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Just in case I can spot the whatever was bothering miss Tarvi. *nods*if not no worries

HP: 45/45, AC: 11(11)_ T: 11_ FF: 11 Percep +5: Init+4, F: +3_/ R: +2_/ W:+8;+2 language dep/fear/despair) , CMB: +2, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Gnome Adept 7, Mythic 1 (Hierophant)

"Well, we have quite the reunion, a melted breastplate and a seance for a statue with a soul. How typical of you guys, should've remained in a coma." Then the red-headed gnome puts a laser focus on Tram and his current bloody, torn and burnt presentation.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

As Miro tries to slip away, Exxor will grin and whisper to him...

That is one GP you owe me!

He will then slip away himself to find the Elven Suite.

M Halfling Expert8HP65/65Init+4Per+13|AC22T16FF19|F8(9 poison/drugs)R8W10(11fear)

Miro flips a coin to Exxor.


Are you telling me that you were fighting?

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