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Please take the time to fill in the information below as well as place your tokens on your default exploration activity on the Tactical Map slides linked above.
Player Name:
Character Name:
Character Level:
Perception Modifier:
PFS / SFS ID Number:
Day Job Roll:
Society Mod:
Nature Mod:

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Player Name: Mitch
Character Name: Delorn Malix, Esq.
Character Level: 4
Perception Modifier: +7
PFS / SFS ID Number: 142569-2001
Faction: Grand Archive
Day Job Roll: Lore (Legal): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Society Mod: +8
Nature Mod: +1
Exploration: Repeat shield

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Player Name: Enchanter Tim
Character Name: Raznik
Character Level: 5
Perception Modifier: 11
PFS / SFS ID Number: 1142-2001
Faction: Horizon Hunters
Day Job Roll: Scouting Lore: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Society Mod: +0
Nature Mod: +9
Exploration: Avoid Notice
Raznik had an owl animal companion that he simply calls Bitey.

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Player Name: Palandri
Character Name: Jayma
Character Level: 3
Perception Modifier: trained +6
PFS / SFS ID Number: 2380483-2003
Faction: Horizon Hunters
Day Job Roll: Performance (Earn Income): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 (trained)
Society Mod: trained +8
Nature Mod: untrained +1
Jayma has a white ermine familiar named Twyl who might post separately from time to time.
Standard disclaimer:
I'm currently living in Spain and as such, may have strange posting times compared to the rest of you. If other PbP adventures I've played in are anything to go by, most of you are likely to be posting from North America somewhere. I am some 9 hours ahead of Pacific time and 6 hours ahead of Eastern time, so I go to bed sometime in your mid-afternoon and get up sometime in the very early morning.

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Player Name: Sedoriku
Character Name: Ionic Saltbeard
Character Level: 3
Perception Modifier: +9
PFS / SFS ID Number: 108507-2002
Faction: Horizon Hunters
Day Job Roll: Lore (Sailing): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Society Mod: +6
Nature Mod: +7
I need to update Ionic's profile but I'll try and finish it up today.
Also not to worry too much about the Spain time difference. I'm in Japan and most of the bulk of posting happens when I'm asleep or my early morning.

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Looks like we are just missing Bigrin. I'll soot them a PM.

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Don't forget about me!
Player Name: EbonFist
Character Name: Zabu "Daggertooth" Creed
Character Level: 3
Perception Modifier: +8 [E]
PFS / SFS ID Number: 143948-2002
Faction: Horizon Hunters
Day Job Roll: Legal Lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
Society Mod: +0 [U]
Nature Mod: +6 [T]

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Hello there. Sorry for the quietude. I was helping to HQ Cayden's Ascension this weekend and that took most of my digital time.
Player Name: bigrin42
Character Name: Muzzo Sharptooth
Character Level: 3
Perception Modifier: +6
PFS / SFS ID Number: 52459-2002
Faction: Radiant Oath
Day Job Roll: water terrain lore: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 5 = 21
Society Mod: +0
Nature Mod: -1

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This should be entertaining:
2 Goblins
2 Gnomes
2 Barbarians (both animal instinct, I'm guessing)
2 Rangers
2 Sorcerers

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All good Muzzo, I forgot you had that going on this weekend. HQ duty can definitely take all of your attention.
Indeed this is definitely going to be an interesting party. I like it.

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Have we slotted boons yet? How does that work in the new Pathfinder Society (2nd edition)? Is it still 1 Faction, 1 Advanced, 3 Generic, and all Slotless? Does the Home Region boon exist anymore? is a General boon the same as a Generic boon?
If anyone has a link to where this is all spelled out now, that would be great. I couldn't find it in the new guide.

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Will pause a moment while you take in these changes as it can be a lot.
Have we slotted boons yet? How does that work in the new Pathfinder Society (2nd edition)? Is it still 1 Faction, 1 Advanced, 3 Generic, and all Slotless? Does the Home Region boon exist anymore? is a General boon the same as a Generic boon?
If anyone has a link to where this is all spelled out now, that would be great. I couldn't find it in the new guide.
Yup, you can go ahead and have your boons figured out. You all begin with 1 hero point unless you have glyphs to pass around.
@Jayma- The boon system has changed significantly and is no longer what you have above. The majority of the Fame purchased boons have been retired along with most faction boons.
The new PFS Guide can be found right Here!
Most boons now are either found on chronicles or are now purchased in teh AcP program.
Unless a boon states otherwise, you can only apply one of any given boon to a character. Boons purchased on the AcP Org Play page mention reputations with your faction. Since Fame is no longer a thing or relevant you are not able to purchase boons with Fame. Therefore there is now a reputation with each faction that you would need to meet to purchase those boons.
The rest of the boons that were purchased with Fame have now been retired.
Another thing that changed along with that is the School items. If you were anything except Field Commissioned you choose either Sword, Spell, Scrolls or generalist and stick with that. There is no longer 3 points to split up among them.
Then you use the table on the link below to get your item. The default being the healing potion.
For example with you being level 3. Let's say you are scrolls. You have have a choice of 1 item from this list.
crying angel pendant (CRB 566),
feather token (bird/chest/or holly bush) (CRB 570),
mesmerizing opal (CRB 568),
cat’s eye elixir (CRB 547)
If you did not want any of those items you could instead take the default item of 2x minor healing potion (CRB 563).

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I'm still a bit confused by boons. Is there any change to how boons found on chronicle sheets work? Are those going away too in favor of only AcP boons? And is there a new limit or rule around general or slotless boons?
For instance, Raznik has Big Game Hunter (General) and Traveler on the Spirit Road (General) boons from his previous chronicles. Do those still work? If so, how many can I slot both?
I don't see any rebuild boons or come back from the dead boons. I guess PFS2e is playing for keeps.
For his school item, Raznik will take Barkskin potion. I would have liked to take the Dragon Turtle scale but he's not an expert in Athletics. The more I look at the list, the more I like the Generalist items better than any others.

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I've read the new PFS Guide and understand the way the new schools and bonus consumable stuff works. I was only having trouble figuring out how boon slots work now.
It looks like you only get to slot one Advanced, Ally, or Promotional boon, but I find no mention of a limit on regular chronicle boons.
Can I take it that there is no limit now to the number of different chronicle boons you can apply to a PC, and that there is no difference anymore between General, Generic, Slotless, or Untyped types of such boons?
Jayma has the following applicable boons from the chronicles of previous adventures:
Sand Slide [Quest #1A] General
Traveler of the Spirit Road [Scenario #1-06] General
Cryptid Scholar [Scenario #1-02] Untyped
Narsen’s Web [Scenario #1-18] General

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I believe that is how this works. You can also 'buy' all of the boons on the AcP page for scenarios as well. I think it runs a check to see if the character has credit for the scenario when you do but I wouldn't know, but all of the boons available from season 1 and sanctioned adventure paths are listed as far as I know. If I have been reading things correctly, season two on won't be listing them on the chronicle sheets and instead only provide them there but I haven't finished a season two game yet.

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I've read the new PFS Guide and understand the way the new schools and bonus consumable stuff works. I was only having trouble figuring out how boon slots work now.
It looks like you only get to slot one Advanced, Ally, or Promotional boon, but I find no mention of a limit on regular chronicle boons.
Can I take it that there is no limit now to the number of different chronicle boons you can apply to a PC, and that there is no difference anymore between General, Generic, Slotless, or Untyped types of such boons?
That is how it was explained to me by several GMs. You can have as many season 1 chronicle boons as you earned. The stated limitations on Advanced, Ally, and Promotional boons applies, as do any specific conditions placed by AcP boons.

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I'll take the potions.
Boons (which I'll probably forget I've slotted, anyway) -
Narsen's Web
Cryptid Scholar
Valais's Assurance
Team Player
Devil's Keep

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You have it correct. Chronicle boons have not gone away. They are still active on the chronicles, though do check the retired links above as some wording may have changed for any of your boons.
As for the rebuild boons and come back from teh dead boons, those are both on the AcP page for purchase with AcP.

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Holy Crits you guys! That is awesome :)

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*golf clap for Ionic*
Reading back, that does read like a golf commentary. I wonder if elves or some society has a combat based equivalent to golf now.
"There's the slice. Oh it's a bit shallow, though it seems to have hit a vein. And the animal goes down. Four slices, she's broken par. A good showing."

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@Jayma- Don't forget your persistent damage and flat check at the end of your turn.
Sorry about that. I've updated my post accordingly.

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@Delorn- For your bloodline magic effect to go off you would have either had to use one of your bloodline focus spells or one the the granted spells from your bloodline. Unfortunately harm isn't one of the granted spells.
Sorry about that. First time using the spell, forgot how Blood Magic worked.

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All good! Figure I would say something before getting too far in. We are all learning :)

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All good. Happy Holidays everyone!

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Correct, I would assume Delorn is doing a lot of the translations for you. With understanding and the pantomiming you can understand each other, though it will take a lot longer.
Yes, as I noted on Wednesday 9:59p

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I forgot to mention it during the Sea Devil fight, but Jayma has the Empathetic Plea feat that triggers when she is attacked by a creature that she hasn't yet acted hostile toward.
Jayma makes a Diplomacy roll against the attacker's Will DC and on a success, the attacker's strikes that turn all take a –4 circumstance penalty to damage (she's an expert in Diplomacy). On a crit the creature pulls its attack, wasting its action, and can't use hostile actions against her until the beginning of its next turn.
She can't use this reaction against the green hound, but if any of the other hounds decide to attack her, then she'll definitely use it.

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Will keep it in mind Jayma, tanks for the heads up.

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Isn't there some sort of HP, AC and roll bonus a lower level character playing up should get?
And if there is, is Muzzo getting it?

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Isn't there some sort of HP, AC and roll bonus a lower level character playing up should get?
And if there is, is Muzzo getting it?
The game was recruited as a Tier 3-6 And Muzzo signed up as a Level 3. He probably just has to update his profile page is all.
We have on the sign up sheet:
Muzzo (Level 3) - 2
Zabu (Level 3) - 2
Raznik (Level 5) - 4
Delorn (Level 4) - 3
Jayma (Level 3) - 2
Ionic (Level 3) - 2
Total Challenge Points are 15 which is still low tier. You only get the player level bump if playing in high tier.

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If your speed is 25, Leap will only get you across a 5 foot gap. You have to have a speed of 30 to make a 10 foot gap.
I re-read Leap and you're right. I was counting the landing square as part of the gap. Dang it!
We can still have Twyl carry the rope across and tie it to a tree though, but it looks like Jayma is going for a short swim.
Sounds good, just give me your roll. Acrobatics to cross and Athletics to leap. It is indeed 5 feet gap at the points you are crossing. All must end up rolling to cross but if you are successful with the rope then it will certainly lower the DC.
What Jayma was trying to avoid is an almost certain failure of either Athletics or Acrobatics. Thus the roll-free leap of 5 feet. If the gap is indeed only 5 feet, then Jayma should be able to jump it without having to roll. Since it appears that a roll of some sort will be required, I assume that the gap is in fact slightly wider than 5 feet.

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Now that we're getting close to the observatory and Paravaax's lair, I think it might be a good time to review our marching order and exploration modes. There is a sheet in the Tactical Map that is supposed to indicate both the exploration modes of each PC and the marching order. It appears to be missing information for Zabu and Muzzo.
Looking at profiles and gameplay, I see the following current exploration modes:
Jayma: Avoid Notice (+6)
Ionic: Scout (+9)
Delorn: Repeat a Spell (Shield)
Raznik: Avoid Notice (+13)
Zabu: ?
Muzzo: ?
Ionic is the scout, and is thus at the front of the marching order. Delorn and Jayma should be in the middle of the pack. Raznik is currently in front of them in the order. It would be nice for at least one of Zabu and/or Muzzo to be behind the spellcasters in case of a rear attack.
As for exploration modes, we are missing Detect Magic and Search. I am switching Jayma from Avoid Notice to Detect Magic so we have that covered. Whoever has the best Perception (Raznik at +11?) should probably be up-front and Searching.

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Technically, exploration activities have no effect on marching order, but it is hard to think of Raznik being right near the others if he's using Avoid Notice. Maybe he's just hiding behind Ionic the whole time. :)
If you want Raznik to do Search, I'm ok with that. He doesn't gain a ton of advantage from being stealthy, it just seems to be what he does. As an aside, I wish the Scout activity has some skill associated with it. As written, Delorn could be just as an effective scout as Ionic.

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Technically, exploration activities have no effect on marching order, but it is hard to think of Raznik being right near the others if he's using Avoid Notice. Maybe he's just hiding behind Ionic the whole time. :)
If you want Raznik to do Search, I'm ok with that. He doesn't gain a ton of advantage from being stealthy, it just seems to be what he does. As an aside, I wish the Scout activity has some skill associated with it. As written, Delorn could be just as an effective scout as Ionic.
I was just offering possible suggestions. Everyone should do what they feel works best for them. It's just that in the past, a combination of Scout, Search and Detect Magic modes has provided good results.
You are quite correct. It doesn't matter who does what or where they are in the marching order when they do it.

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Oh, gods, I'm so sorry guys!
I mentally went on vacation for a few days, trying not to worry or stress about anything, but next thing I know I hadn't posted for near a week and that always stresses me/causes me to dread coming back, which means I procrastinate it and tend to lack the self-discipline to sit down and handle it. I haven't looked at the gameplay thread, and if needed can drop from the game. However, work is starting up tomorrow and it provides a good structure and down time to handle posting, and I need to try building structure to my days when I don't have work (as alllll my routines went by the wayside during this break, which is not good.)
Again, I'm sorry. Hope everyone had a better winter holidays.

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All good Ionic, it was the Holiday season. Welcome back!

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Muzzo's traveling activities can best be described as "localized chaos". He's all over the place, looking at pretty flowers, growling at trees, sniffing the air. Think of a combination of a 5 year old and a dog going on a walk together.
With a +6 modifier, seek is likely his default activity.

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Zabu can seek. He's got a +8 and scent and low light vision and illusion sense so he's got a pretty decent chance of spotting problems.
And he can be at the back of the marching order, if necessary.

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All good, I leave that for a reference. If you don't place yourself on there then I will place you as appropriately as possible based on your class design and what you are roleplaying for your exploration activity.

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We didn't stay the night in the village after fighting the metal dogs by any chance? I don't see where it says we did, so I'm assuming we didn't.
Does casting Final Sacrifice count as a hostile action as far as the Invisibility spell is concerned? I'm guessing it does. If so, then Jayma is no longer invisible. Totally worth it.
Jayma is now out of Level 2 spell slots and only has 3 Level 1 slots left... and her cantrips of course. She brought a few scrolls with her, but they're mainly support spells (not all though). Just letting you know that she doesn't pack the same punch as she would if she were at full strength.

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You did not stay the night in the village. I would think that would be a hostile action :) If not to the mephits then certainly to the unseen servant.

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@Jayma- Just thought of this but in the future when doing that combo you will likely have to provide a DC 11 Flat check to target your unseen servant as you are trying to target a spell on an invisible creature you can't see.
Ah, good point; I hadn't thought about that. That's an additional 50% chance of failure. Ouch!
I wonder if Jayma can work around that by ordering the unseen servant do something to make its location sufficiently known to her just before she blows it up. Say, pick up an object or kick some dust or carry something small and innocuous in its "hand" when it goes into the room. I suspect not.
Oh well, there is always Animate Dead, though having a zombie stomp into a room tends to remove the element of surprise, which is half the fun.

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Not so much as you are still trying to target something invisible so would still be the DC 11 flat check. Just something to keep in mind.
It is still great for roleplay purposes. Make it up like a big show that fails sometimes! Though later levels you will be able to see invisibility with a spell so that could also work in conjunction.