Lucendar's Savage Tide....All aboard!
Game Master
Map of Eleder
HP 28/28, AC 20/14/16, F +5 R +5 W +7, Init +6, Per +9
Male Human Bard/Rogue (Seasinger/Pirate) L4 | AC 19(T14FF15) | HP 29/29 | Saves: F2R8W3 | Init: +5 | Perc: +4 | Bard Perf: 7/7 | Status:
Still lingering like a bad fart
HP: 45/45 (49/49 raging), AC 16/16/15; F +6, R+2, W+4 Init. +1; Perception +10
I'm going to have to withdraw from this one. It's been a great run, but I've sort of lost the character. I'll still lurk and read about the game, but I'm going to have to bow out.
It was a great time!
I didn't get to know you well, Ialda, but I wish you well.
Do we recruit another or just go after some tree hugging long ears?
In thinking it might be time to deactivate this one again
Sad, but you are probably right.
Sorry guys, but Ialda's departure kind of killed my motivation. My apologies and I wish you all well.
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