Legion of Super-Heroes: One to Live another to Die!

Game Master EileenProphetofIstus

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Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

I been pretty sick; darn sinues kickin; eyes watering; the whole lot for a couple weeks so posting freq hasnt bothered me at all; been feeling bad about not posting myself

Cosmos Master wrote:
First of all I would like to apologize for not being on the ball with posting frequentcy, that's no way to run a play by post game and delays will be discontinued. Thank you everyone for your patience.

male Winathian Co legion founder

[B} Yikes! [\b] mumbles to himself maybe heroes arent supposed to say yikes, but that bugger is one bid monster

into the comm system of the ring Legionaires; we may have a serious situation developing out here...

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Lightning Lad

Sun Boy receives an initiative roll of 24 and wins the initiative roll. He will act first.

The creature has an initiative roll of 11 which ties with you. In order to break the tie, we compare your Speed traits with the highest winning. The monster has a Speed of Excellent/8 and you have a Speed of Good/6 which grants him the win.

Invisible Kid and Superman

Brainiac 5 turns to you and says "The Lightning Rods were given to us by the Medical Center of Daxam (the planet that Mon-el is from and is reputed to having highly advanced technology, especially in the medical field). As everyone recalls, Lightning Lad was the first Legionnaire to die. We went in search of a way to revive him and Mon-el reached out to his fellow Daxams. They gave us the Lightning Rods to restore Lightning Lad's life, which we did, at the expense of Proty (Chameleon Boy's shapechanging pet)."

"When lightning strikes one of the wands, it passes forth the energy force of the person holding it, to that of the dead individual. Essentially, the holder of the wand dies while their life force restores the person originally dead."

"What we have learned since their initial use with Lightning Lad is that its possible for the holder of the rod to survive and still pass a life force to the dead individual. Karate Kid proved that to us recently when in the 21st century the Legion chose to revive the dead Flash. As lightning struck the wand, Karate Kid somehow managed to dodge the bolt before it could pass through his body, yet the effects of the lightning rod still worked. This clearly suggest that the life force is not transferred but rather restored like jumping a battery."

"Proty died because he was not able to avoid the lightning passing through his body."

"I have since studied the rods carefully. The science is so advanced it is even beyond Daxam means. This indicates that the Daxam received the rods elsewhere, of which I believe would be from The Controlers, though this has not been verified. The Daxam's were unwilling to reveal the rods origin, taking claim that they developed it, but as I said, I have my doubts if they really did."

"We have the lightning rods here, as we have been allowed to keep them. It is unknown if they have a limited usage or not."

As to why the Fatal Five wants Superman dead, we can't be certain that is their motive. Im not suggesting it isnt, but we need to examine the situations from its many different facets and be fully prepared for what lies next."

Invisible Kid/Lyle Norg wrote:

Where are the lightning rods kept and how do we get access to them?

Why does Tharok want to eliminate superman?
I hope that everyone will be understanding that i am new at this and it is taking time to get to know how this all works.

Invisible Kid and Superman

Cosmic Boy "Well we first off have to make a decision about what to do about our fellow Legionnaires that are captured by the Fatal Five. We may want to call Lightning Lad back since Tharok's threatened to kill Saturn Girl first if we don't meet his demands.

Mon-el: Exactly Cosmic Boy. I think its safe to assume that regardless of the Fatal Five threats, they intend on killing them anyways. I find it very unlikely they would be released. The Fatal Five are not known for compassion."

Brainiac 5: Quite true Mon-el in fact its already possible that they are dead. I think we should require proof that they are still alive.

Shadow Lass: Alive or not, surely whatever the Fatal Five has in mind is going to horrific. Can we really afford to turn over the lightning rods?"

Dream Girl: Are you suggesting that we turn our backs on our fellow Legionnaires Shadow Lass?"

Shadow Lass: No, I'm not suggesting that at all. I'm suggesting we take the fight to them and rescue them, rather than giving in to their demands.

Cosmic Boy: Superman, Invisible Kid, what are your thoughts on the matter?"

Lightning Lad

As the creature turned towards you, Sun Boy flies over the creature. Hovering overhead he prepares a mighty blast of fire which pours down upon the creature.

Matter-Eater Lad: Matter-Eater Lad here Lightning Lad, Im on my way.

Cosmos Master's Note: I errored early on stated that Cosmic Boy was aboard your space shift. This is incorrect for he is at Headquarters. Please substitute Timber Wolf for him.

Timber Wolf: Matter-Eater Lad come take the helm for me, I better equipped to deal with this so called self-proclaimed bad boy."

Matter-Eater Lad:"Not happening Timber Wolf, I hardly ever get to see action anymore. I may not be on the active duty roster but today I'm going to remind everyone exactly what Matter-Eater Lad can do."

Lightning Lad
My error, I went back and looked at the previous posts of the battle and realized you have 2 actions remaining before initiative comes into play. You can utilize the 2 actions first or simply pass on them and begin with intitiave, you decide. You cannot carry the remaining actions over into the following action sequence. The error resulted from the slow pace of the posting. Again my apologies, feel free to complete your action sequence if you wish.

male Winathian Co legion founder

I would like to do some move actions to lead the creature away from the station and give the other legionaires some combat options.

Lightning Lad
You move away from Medicus One and the Legion spacecraft in an effort to give the other Legionnaires some distance and the element of suprise. Now it time for Initiative. You may keep your eleven or re-roll since it was out of sequence. I re-rolled for the others.

Sun Boy receives a 20. (He is out in space preparing to combat the creature.
Timber Wolf receives a 19. (He is piloting the Legion craft.)
The Creature a 15.
Matter-Eater Lad receives a 7. (He is exiting Medicus One).

JL_Lightning Lad wrote:
I would like to do some move actions to lead the creature away from the station and give the other legionaires some combat options.

"If they have Legionnaires hostage, and we give them the lightning rods, couldn't they use them on the Legionnaires to kill them and bring back someone else?"

male Winathian Co legion founder

I will try the reroll of intitiative then :)

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

male Winathian Co legion founder

I begin charging up for a bigger blast of lightning; saving one action for a defensive dodge.


Brainiac 5 turns to Superman and says "That scenario is quite possible. The Legionnaires would have to be holding the rods, but if they were under some sort of mental control, that could easily be achieved. They have 4 Legionnaires in their possession, which means they still need 2 others to complete the rod sequence. Finding or coercing two others would not be hard for the Fatal Five.

Superman wrote:
"If they have Legionnaires hostage, and we give them the lightning rods, couldn't they use them on the Legionnaires to kill them and bring back someone else?"

Lightning Lad
Sun Boy hurls a large blast of fire down upon the creature. The beast merely turns and looks upward at the young lad. The beasts hands tighten into fists and distracted as he is, it suddenly moves upwards towards Sun Boy coming within just a few feet of him. The creatures instantly lashes out with its oversized tongue and tries to grap Sun Boy, but the Legionnaire is able to duck just in time and avoid being grabbed.

Lightning Lad, your turn.

JL_Lightning Lad wrote:
I begin charging up for a bigger blast of lightning; saving one action for a defensive dodge.

"We have to rescue them. What about a Trojan Horse? Tharok already tricked me with one. Maybe we can too. Can we make face lightning rods?"

Once again, Brainiac 5 turns to the Man of Steel... Creating fake wands, that would be easy to do, but we must not under estimate Tharok's intelligence. Its possible we could develop a wand that packs a lot of punch, but we have less than 24 hours to do it. The amount of time allowable is definately a concern, yet there is no possible way we can given them a working set of rods.

Shadow Lass
We can't just let the Legionnaires die Brainiac 5, these are our friends were talking about.

Cosmic Boy
We realize that Shadow Lass, but anything the Fatal Five has in mind is going to be so evil that we have to come up with an alternative. One that will foil their plot yet save the Legionnaires.

Superman wrote:
"We have to rescue them. What about a Trojan Horse? Tharok already tricked me with one. Maybe we can too. Can we make face lightning rods?"

"I have no doubt that you can outsmart Tharok, Braniac. What can we do to help you with the project? "

Superman & Invisible Kid
"Its going to be a team effort." Brainaic 5 says, looking at everyone in the room.

"We should try and have Dawnstar locate our fellow Legionnaires with her tracking power. If she finds them we might be able to save them before turning over anything to the Fatal Five."

"Since Tharok seems pretty focused on Superman, I think it might be a good idea to have Chameleon Boy take his spot. Superman can pass himself off as someone else. That would destabilize their plans."

Dream Girl
If we locate the Fatal Five, Invisible Kid could silently observe and learn more about their plans, then report back to us."

Brainaic 5
Quite possible Dream Girl, for added power, Shrinking Violet can assist him.

Allright then, I want Invisible Kid, Shrinking Violet and Dawnstar to attempt to locate both the Fatal Five and the Legionnaires. If they are together, we will launch a full scale rescue. If they are separated, we will have to divide our forces. Meanwhile, Brainiac 5 will see what he can do about the wands.

"Superman, I would like you to accompany Violet and the others only disquise yourself as another Legionnaire. That way if your discovered it will throw the Fatal Five off. Do you have a preferance as to whom?"

"I think we need to find out where the Fatal 5 want to meet us and what sort of trap our fellow Legionnaires are in.

Lightning Lad
Lightning Lad, your turn in the intiative sequence. It takes you 1 turn to activate your Lightning Bolt at High Damage Intensity, plus you wanted a greater charge. Each improvment in Damage Intensity costs 2 more actions. This allows you to attain Extreme Damage Intensity and leave you 1 action remaining.

Go Ahead and make your attack roll. You receive a +2 to your attack roll due to the creatures size. Your range is Close which provides a -2 to the attack roll.

male Winathian Co legion founder

so I add 2 and subtract 2?

male Winathian Co legion founder

Lightening Lad blazes like the Sun for an instant and lets loose a mighty blast

1d20 + 9 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 9 + 2 - 2 = 27

"Well, your powers are closest to mine, Mon-el. With some kind of holographic imager, I could easily pretend to be you."

Lightning Lad
The mighty lightning bolt is hurled at the creature at strikes dead center with a critical blow. Your attack though executed perfectly, still seems to be partially absorbed or defelcted from the beast. It is clear to you that the creature has some sort of partial resistance to your lightning attack.

Your attack inflicted a critical hit, scoring 9d12 points of damage, plus +11 for your category. Normally with a critical blow you would score knock back and be able to roll the USD die to potentially increase your damage. Whatever resistance the creature has prevents these options from coming into play.

JL_Lightning Lad wrote:

Lightening Lad blazes like the Sun for an instant and lets loose a mighty blast


Sorry I've been so quiet- its no way for a player to be, things going crazy at work or not. Am I on the scene with the monster that is attacking yet?

Matter-Eater Lad
Yes, Matter-Eater Lad, Lightning Lad is attacking the monster outside Medicus One and your out there with him. In addition, Sun Boy has exited the ship and joined forces with Garth. I'll let you roll initiative, roll d20 and add your speed please.

male Winathian Co legion founder

9d12 + 11 ⇒ (10, 4, 5, 6, 5, 8, 3, 7, 1) + 11 = 60

This creature seems to have some inate resistance to Lightening!

Lightening Lad looks around for some way he could ground the creature to get better conductance, but nothing comes to mind as out here is space is the station; a ship and vacuum; not much to increase a difference of electrical potential; so, he considers the creature; perhaps such a creature could disable a ship or stations power supply or use it dampening feild to such effect; hmm; creatures of this type employed by unlawful rogues could become a real issue if such things can be made or hatched or whatever readily

Lightning Lad
Once again you attack is very powerful, yet still the creature seems to take far less damage than it should. You are weakening the beast, but its a slow process.

Superman & Invisible Kid
"Its going to be a team effort." Brainaic 5 says, looking at everyone in the room.

"We should try and have Dawnstar locate our fellow Legionnaires with her tracking power. If she finds them we might be able to save them before turning over anything to the Fatal Five."

"Since Tharok seems pretty focused on Superman, I think it might be a good idea to have Chameleon Boy take his spot. Superman can pass himself off as someone else. That would destabilize their plans."

Dream Girl
If we locate the Fatal Five, Invisible Kid could silently observe and learn more about their plans, then report back to us."

Brainaic 5
Quite possible Dream Girl, for added power, Shrinking Violet can assist him.

Allright then, I want Invisible Kid, Shrinking Violet and Dawnstar to attempt to locate both the Fatal Five and the Legionnaires. If they are together, we will launch a full scale rescue. If they are separated, we will have to divide our forces. Meanwhile, Brainiac 5 will see what he can do about the wands.

"Superman, I would like you to accompany Violet and the others only disquise yourself as another Legionnaire. That way if your discovered it will throw the Fatal Five off. Do you have a preferance as to whom?"

"I think we need to find out where the Fatal 5 want to meet us and what sort of trap our fellow Legionnaires are in.

Lightning Lad
Initiative Order
Timber Wolf receives a 19. (He is piloting the Legion craft.)
The Creature a 15.
Matter-Eater Lad receives a 7. (He is exiting Medicus One).

The creature once again turns to you and seems to mock your pitiful attack. His attention for his attack is on Sunboy however.

Very true Brainac it needs to be a team effort. Lets not turn over anything to the Fatal five, because we still have options. Please allow Shrinking Voilet, Dawnstar, and myself invisible kid to use our powers/resources to help locate them and bring back any valuable information. We need to continue to keep Superman safe until we have a little more information on the situation at hand. We cant loose superman or any of the legionnaires. When do we start our task?

male Winathian Co legion founder

CM, what attack is the creature using? is it always a tounge lashing hehe

Not being the target of attack; Lightening Lad will reach deep within himself and summon the greatest force of Lightening to unleash against the beast using all of his actions. He concentrates and unleashes the mighty blast.
1d20 + 11 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 11 - 2 = 26

"Well, my powers are closest to yours, Mon-El. Have a spare uniform I could borrow?"


Of coarse I do Superman. We will also need to send you alter your face in order to pull of this masquerade. Id suggest flying to Medicus One and having Dr. Gymll come up with some form of temporary plastic surgery which can be undone. Meanwhile, we will start looking for the Fatal Five and the Legionnaires.

Oh, by the way, Lightning Lad and Matter-Eater Lad are on Medicus One, you might as well invite them along this mission when you get there. I really doubt they are busy with anything at the moment. They had to take Ultra Boy there, he was injured while on assignment.

Superman wrote:
"Well, my powers are closest to yours, Mon-El. Have a spare uniform I could borrow?"

Invisible Kid

You Dawnstar and Shrinking Violet might as well leave now. I would focus on finding the Fatal Five first, preferably without being discovered. Report any findings immediently, then start looking for the missing Legionnaires, ssuming my orders do not change. Its quite possible that by finding the Fatal Five you can learn where the Legionnaires are being held captive.


Mon-el turns to one of the monitors and contacts Shrinking Violet, who is presently located in her chambers.

"Mission of top priority just came up Shrinking Violet. I want you to prepare a Mark X Cruiser for flight. Invisible Kid will meet you on the platform as well as Dawnstar. It seems that the Fatal Five is holding some Legionnaires hostage. Its time to find the Fatal Five. Dawnstar will track them while you and Kid follow with the spacecraft. They can also fill you in on the details of the mission.

Shrinking Violet
Allright Mon-el, give me a few minutes and I'll have the craft ready to go.

Superman nodded with a smile. "Guess a holographic imager won't be enough? Guess I'm going to need directions."

Lightning Lad
The creature once again turns to his closest opponent which is Sun Boy, his giant tongue lashes forward as also does one of his tentacles. The tenatacle whips around the Legionnaire and the beast squeezes, one can see that Sun Boy is in extreme agony and then he falls limp. The creature lets go of Sun Boy and now turns his attention to you.

Lightning Lad
Ill give Matter-Eater Lad a couple of days to respond otherwise we will move on to initiative.

male Winathian Co legion founder

better part of valor, part of being a super; am going to try to get the creature farther away from the station and let others help Sun Boy.

gm; did you see my last attack, was a 26 last round where I put all my actions into an incredible burst of all I got, what was the result?

let see if it will chase me, time for fox and hounds

Lightning Lad

Lets roll for initiative.

Do you wish to fly to Medicus One, its only a few million miles from Earth?

Superman wrote:
Superman nodded with a smile. "Guess a holographic imager won't be enough? Guess I'm going to need directions."

male Winathian Co legion founder


1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

am still curious about the result of my last attack....

"I'll be there as soon as I can." the Man of Steel says, synching his Justice League navigator to the star-cluster they marked for him.

Striding out the compound, he gave a final wave, and pushed off into the sky.

Freed of the atmosphere, he no longer had to worry about the consequences of pushing himself when flying. He willed himself faster, becoming little more than a tiny red blur through the blackness of space.

Lightning Lad

How many actions did you use on that last attack and what was the damage intensity? Normally your at High Damahge Intensity, with every 2 actions you can raise it one step. Thus if you used 2 additional actions it becomes a damage intensity of Severe; if you used an additional 4 actions, the damage intensity is Extreme.

male Winathian Co legion founder

I used all my actions in the attack last round for the biggest blast I could get

What happened to Ultra Boy that he sustained injuries and now is at Medicus 1?

Dawmstar, Shrinking Violet, and myself are ready for take off in the Mark X Cruiser. But wait where are we heading to? Do we have any ideas as where they are? and how will you know if something happens to us and we get captured? Are only hope will be then for Superman to save us all.

Lightning Lad
My apology for the misunderstanding Lightning Lad. With all your might you produce a lightning bolt that lights up with the brillance of a diamond in the night sky. Much to your astonishment, the creature moves with the agility of a panther and your lightning attack is dodged.

You should have 1 action remaining Lightning Lad.

JL_Lightning Lad wrote:
I used all my actions in the attack last round for the biggest blast I could get

Medicus One is not far from Earth at all. In the distance you see it, a well lit beacon the size of a small city resting in space so peacefully or so you thought.

In the distance you see two spacecrafts hovering over the medical facility. The first ship you do not recognize while the second ship is clearly a Legion Mark X cruiser.

Outside of the unknown ship, you can see five individuals in bulky space suits leaving Medicus One and making their way to the craft.

Nearby the Legion craft, you see Matter-Eater Lad hovering near the exit of Medicus One, apparently astonished at what he sees. A large beast like creature is in confrontation with Lightning Lad. Garth hurls his mightiest bolt only for the creature to evade it. The beast stands nearly 15 feet tall, has two arms, two legs, and two tentacles which portrude from its shoulders. Nearby, Sun Boy slowly drifts throughout space, your uncertain if he is alive or dead.

Superman wrote:

"I'll be there as soon as I can." the Man of Steel says, synching his Justice League navigator to the star-cluster they marked for him.

Striding out the compound, he gave a final wave, and pushed off into the sky.

Freed of the atmosphere, he no longer had to worry about the consequences of pushing himself when flying. He willed himself faster, becoming little more than a tiny red blur through the blackness of space.

Invisible Kid
Mon-el turns to you and says, well Lyle, what we have in mind is Dawnstar will use her innate tracking power to locate the Fatal Five and hopefully the missing Legionnaires. While she gets her bearing on them, prepare a space cruiser for yourself and Shrinking Violet.

Ultra Boy along with Lightning Lad, Sun Boy, Matter-Eater Lad and Timber Wolf were sent to destroy a meteor which was on a collison coarse for the plantet Bismari. The were able to destroy it, but it turns out that it was radioactive and Ultra Boy was injured by it, thus they headed to Medicus One so that he could receive medical tratement.

"It can never just be simple, can it... Superman thinks to himself. Speeding up, he threw his shoulder forward into a flight-assisted tackle intending to drive the beast away from the unconscious hero.

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