JL_Lightning Lad |
With that action, I will back up and begin leading the creature away from the station.
Lightning Lad
My apology for the misunderstanding Lightning Lad. With all your might you produce a lightning bolt that lights up with the brillance of a diamond in the night sky. Much to your astonishment, the creature moves with the agility of a panther and your lightning attack is dodged.You should have 1 action remaining Lightning Lad.
JL_Lightning Lad wrote:I used all my actions in the attack last round for the biggest blast I could get
Cosmos Master |
Lightning Lad
Since the battle has been slow, I went through the posts to recap the fight for us. So far, you have successfully attacked the creature twice with powerful lightning bolts, much to your regret they have had very little effect, inflicting very minor damage to the creature. You would estimate that the creature is taking approx. 2% damage when you attack, just to give you a more accurate idea of the effectiveness of your bolts, so you pretty much just scratched him.
So far the creature has lashed out at Sun Boy with his tongue and missed the first time. He then ensnared him with a tentacle and crushed him severely, enough to render him dead or unconscious. He then let go of him and turned his attention to you. you used your remaining action to lead him away from Medicus One.
Now that we are at initiative again lets continue. Once again, I erroringly asked you to roll inititiave out of sequence, so you may keep your 12 or re-roll, its up to you Lightning Lad.
Cosmos Master |
Since you are achieving surpris you act first before the others. You indicated you wanted to hit the creature with a shoulder block, which is fine. First determine which direction you want to strike him from...from the side, above, behind, below, etc. Hint, striking from below is the most advantageous (you are in space).
Make your attack roll... roll d20 and add your Shoulder Shove AOE modifier to the attack roll. If you have any questions just ask.
JL_Lightning Lad |
Keeping it is fine as I already have some range thought we dont yet know the creatures speed; I am going to pursue my tactic of leading the creature away so Sun Boy can get aide/recover and give those on the station a few moments to prepare a defense of some sort and hopefully someone will aid me since my powers are ineffective. In the back of my mind I am thinking to manuever to the ship to use the ships weapons on it; so will work toward that end.
Lightning Lad
Since the battle has been slow, I went through the posts to recap the fight for us. So far, you have successfully attacked the creature twice with powerful lightning bolts, much to your regret they have had very little effect, inflicting very minor damage to the creature. You would estimate that the creature is taking approx. 2% damage when you attack, just to give you a more accurate idea of the effectiveness of your bolts, so you pretty much just scratched him.
So far the creature has lashed out at Sun Boy with his tongue and missed the first time. He then ensnared him with a tentacle and crushed him severely, enough to render him dead or unconscious. He then let go of him and turned his attention to you. you used your remaining action to lead him away from Medicus One.
Now that we are at initiative again lets continue. Once again, I erroringly asked you to roll inititiave out of sequence, so you may keep your 12 or re-roll, its up to you Lightning Lad.
Cosmos Master |
Invisible Kid
As Dawnstar prepares to locate the Fatal Five in order for you and Shrinking Violet to do what you do best...investigate unseen, you and Violet prepare the Mark X Cruiser for takeoff. You won't be charting in any particular coarse since you will be following Dawnstar. As long as you keep the ships controls focused on her location you should be just fine.
Dawnstar has three powers, she doesn't need to breath in airless space, her tracking ability and her wings grant her the ability to fly (which includesw flying in airless conditions) as well. The speeds she can achieve greatly exceeds that of your flight rings and your space cruiser. She will undoubtedly be light years ahead of you and you will merely follow, hopefully without interruption.
As you and Shrinking Violet board the Legion craft, Dawnstar turns to you and says...
"I have a fix on ..... keep up with me the best you can."
With that, her beautiful eagle like wings open and spread as she lifts off the ground at the most astonishing of speeds. In a nano moment she escapes your naked eye.
Cosmos Master's Note
The Legion has a few Legionnaires that make up what is known as the Espionage Squad, these individuals have powers that are specifically used for undercover type of work. Invisible Kid is the leader of the Espionage Squad, under him are...Phantom Girl, Chameleon Boy and Shrinking Violet. Chameleon Boy and Phantom Girl are not currently with you however, though they are part of the team.
Cosmos Master |
Lightning Lad
You asked if his only attack thus far has been his tongue, the answer is "No", he also grabbed Sun Boy with a tentacle and squeezed him to the point of unconsciousness or death. You are unaware of any other attacks he might have available to him. You recognize that for such a big guy he is very agile.
CM, what attack is the creature using? is it always a tounge lashing hehe
Cosmos Master |
Lightning Lad
That sounds like a fine plan. During the current Action Sequence, Matter-Eater Lad will rush to Sun Boy's aid and attempt to get him on board the Legion craft. Cosmic Boy and Timber Wolf are also on board and will be preparing actions as well with initiative being rolled.
Keeping it is fine as I already have some range thought we dont yet know the creatures speed; I am going to pursue my tactic of leading the creature away so Sun Boy can get aide/recover and give those on the station a few moments to prepare a defense of some sort and hopefully someone will aid me since my powers are ineffective. In the back of my mind I am thinking to manuever to the ship to use the ships weapons on it; so will work toward that end.
Cosmos Master wrote:Lightning Lad
Cosmos Master |
A roll of a 14 plus your Shoulder Shove Modifier of +23 equals a total of 37 to hit. Not being aware of you, the creature is forced to defend using his Luck trait, a total of a 9 is achieved on his defense roll.
Superman hurls his body directly into the creature; the Man of Steels shoulder collides straight into the back of the beast; inflicting a critical hit for extreme damage.
A critical hit enables the character to roll the USD (Universal System Die) to elevate damage even further. Since you do no have this die available to you, please roll a d6 to replace it. A result of 1-4 indicates no additional damage is scored while a roll of 5-6 means that
you achieved an additional d12 of damage. Please keep re-rolling this die until you fail by achieving a result of 1-4. For every consecutive 5-6 that you roll, add another d12 to the total damage.
Your base damage equals 9d12 plus adding in your Strength trait of Infinite/19 to the total, along with the USD result.
In addition, the critical blow may inflict Knock Back if you wish. Essentially such a powerful blow sends the opponent reeling. You decide if you want Knock Back to occur. Because you are in a non-gravity location the distance for Knock Back is increased significantly.
Cosmos Master |
Lightning Lad
You are in space, a few hundred miles above Medicus One. It is a no gravity condition. The only object in the area is Medicus One. The nearest planet is Earth and that is about 2 million miles away. There are two spaceships in the vicinity, the Legion Craft and the one that the Organleggers arrived in (the individuals that attacked Medicus One and presumably left this creature here). The Legion craft is about 2,000 feet away while the other craft is about 4,000 feet away. You can see Organleggers exiting Medicus One and returning to their space craft.
Ah, if they are using the ship for that, I wont go there; is there a planetoid or somehting I could play ring around the rosie or some such to distract and keep this monster busy or are we out here in the great nothing?
Cosmos Master |
Your shoulder smashes into the 15 foot beast and sends it hurling through space. Because of the lack of gravity, your super strength and the fact that you scored a critical hit, the distance achieved is extremely high; you knock him back 36,000 feet or about 6.8 miles away. Your Telescopic Vision shows that he fell unconscious and is just floating in space, you can tell he is alive.
Cosmos Master's Note: There are two types of damage, lethal and non-lethal. You choose which you would like to utilize. In this case it will be non-lethal.
That was one heck of a hit. Good Job.
[dice=initial damage]9d12+3d12+19 Holy ouch. Can I do my best not to kill him? Yes please on the knock back.
3d12 added to initial damage above
Cosmos Master |
Lightning Lad
The amount of distance you can fly is based on your Concentration Trait of Good/6. Flying is measured in miles. A challenge score of 15 must be made, adding your Concentration trait to the d20 total.
If you succeed this die roll, you move 15.3 miles. If you fail the challenge score of 15 you fly only 11.5 miles. Either way it is fast enough to reach the opponent's ship in a single action. You arrive wherever you like on the ship (above, below, front, back, side. etc.)
hehe I will fly toward the Organ leggers ship at max speed, if I can't hurt the beast; maybe I can disable their ship and use it for a shield between the beast and myself and if I keep the ship between us; maybe the beast will damage their ship or something.
Cosmos Master |
Yes you do, the Legionnaires speak to one another in space using Telepathic ear plugs. They are small units that translate your thoughts into speech and picked up by the individual(s) you intend. Essentially the device allows you to talk to others in space who also have a telepathic ear plug. These devices are standard issue just like flight rings.
Superman watched the creature sail away into the blackness and then in a flash he was near Sun Boy, waving Matter-Eater Lad over and assessing injuries.
Do we have any way of speaking in space?
JL_Lightning Lad |
hmm, my last post seems to be missing...
I fly to the rear of the ship with a double intent; perhaps I can get manuever and get the beast to be damaged by the engines; also; I want to disable the ship's engines so they dont get away. I want to blast the ship in such a way the engines flair or expel fuel toward the creature perhaps solving two issues at once.
Lightning Lad
The amount of distance you can fly is based on your Concentration Trait of Good/6. Flying is measured in miles. A challenge score of 15 must be made, adding your Concentration trait to the d20 total.If you succeed this die roll, you move 15.3 miles. If you fail the challenge score of 15 you fly only 11.5 miles. Either way it is fast enough to reach the opponent's ship in a single action. You arrive wherever you like on the ship (above, below, front, back, side. etc.)
JL_Lightning Lad wrote:hehe I will fly toward the Organ leggers ship at max speed, if I can't hurt the beast; maybe I can disable their ship and use it for a shield between the beast and myself and if I keep the ship between us; maybe the beast will damage their ship or something.
Cosmos Master |
Yes Superman I'm just fine, though it looks like Sun Boy has been better. Ill take him to Medicus One if you want to help Lightning Lad clean up this mess. Those aliens are loading stolen goods from Medicus One on to their spaceship.
"Are you alright?" Superman said to Matter-Eater Lad.
Cosmos Master |
Lightning Lad
With the creature out of action due to Superman, you turn your attention to the alien spaceship. You arrive near the rear of the spacecraft and if you wish, may attempt to deactivate it by short circuting their engines or rupturing thei fuel tank.
hmm, my last post seems to be missing...
I fly to the rear of the ship with a double intent; perhaps I can get manuever and get the beast to be damaged by the engines; also; I want to disable the ship's engines so they dont get away. I want to blast the ship in such a way the engines flair or expel fuel toward the creature perhaps solving two issues at once.
Cosmos Master wrote:Lightning Lad
The amount of distance you can fly is based on your Concentration Trait of Good/6. Flying is measured in miles. A challenge score of 15 must be made, adding your Concentration trait to the d20 total.If you succeed this die roll, you move 15.3 miles. If you fail the challenge score of 15 you fly only 11.5 miles. Either way it is fast enough to reach the opponent's ship in a single action. You arrive wherever you like on the ship (above, below, front, back, side. etc.)
JL_Lightning Lad wrote:hehe I will fly toward the Organ leggers ship at max speed, if I can't hurt the beast; maybe I can disable their ship and use it for a shield between the beast and myself and if I keep the ship between us; maybe the beast will damage their ship or something.
Cosmos Master |
Lightning Lad
Normally one would make a roll against the Spacecraft Engineering AOE but you are not trained in that field and its complicated enough that you cannot attempt it untrained. In replace of that, make a Military Air & Space Transport AOE roll instead. Your d20 die roll bonus is +8. The Challenge Score will be higher than it would be with the Spacecraft Engineering AOE, but still quite do able.
Superman is here...where did he come from
using his knowledge of spacecraft; Lightening Lad attempts to short out their engines; what do I roll
JL_Lightning Lad |
Lightening Lad flies to the pirate ship; circles to the back and scrutinizes the ship before attempting to cripple the engines with a heroic continuous blast of lightening to force a shutdown, stay tuned true believers; here comes the roll
Military Air and Space Transport knowledge
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Cosmos Master |
Lightning Lad
You successfully identify where you should strike in order to cripple the engines without rupturing the fuel tank. The attack is easy to perform so go ahead and make an attack roll. The ship will receieve a Defense roll in order to determine if it withstood the attack.
Lightening Lad flies to the pirate ship; circles to the back and scrutinizes the ship before attempting to cripple the engines with a heroic continuous blast of lightening to force a shutdown, stay tuned true believers; here comes the roll
Military Air and Space Transport knowledge
Cosmos Master |
Lightning Lad
You carefully aim your lightning bolt at the hull of the ship and tear a hole large enough to see the energy cells (much like a super-large battery which is fuled by energy crystals). The attack was tried at an additional +3 due to size, plus and added +4 to taking additional time to aim, increases your attack roll to a 24. This scores a Critical Blow.
No damage need be rolled because the metal hull cannot withstand an lightning bolt of your category. Your category exceeds the Toughness of the ships hull. A second attack will be required to destroy the energy cells.
Takes a little time for careful aim
plus any size and distance modifier; will try to be at most favorable distance.
Cosmos Master |
Lightning Lad opens up the hull of the craft with a carefully aimed bolt. The damage exposes the energy cells which look like giant batteries. The energy cells are fueled by energy crystals. Your attack upon the energy cells begins with a roll of 14, adding in your category of Super/18, minus -2 for range, and +3 for size differance, you achieve a grand total of +19. Your heat vision of Super/18 far exceeds the toughness of the energy cells and you cripple the ship, stopping it before it can flee.
Posting from phone, unable to access sheet but didn't want to slow things down. Please add whatever is appropriate. I swear this is going to stop being an issue some day ;)
JL_Lightning Lad |
"yes, we certainly can, we must move them before they can exit and once again assault the base, I am curious if they are calling for reinforcements or whom they are reporting to at this moment. If Brainiac were here, I would leave it to him (LL ponders who would be best on the team to check their computer and communication history), Legionaires, check in please, what is the station status? We have crippled the enemy ship"
Cosmos Master |
Yes your Super Hearing very well could allow you to pick up any sounds coming from inside the pressurized craft. Please make an Super Hearing power roll, your category is Ultra 15, so add +15 to the d20 roll.
Superman places his ear to the ships hull. Normally hearing in the vacuum of space was impossible, but the ship was still pressurized and sounds inside created vibrations. His super-hearing might just pick up anyone speaking inside...
Trying to hear inside the ship. :)
Cosmos Master |
Lightning Lad
None of the Legionnaires present are particularly good with computers so your best chance is to investigate the captured crafts records.
Cosmic Boy
Everything is fine on board (the Legion ship) Lightning Lad. There were a couple of raiders that were captured on Medicus One and they are being held by security. I reccommend that Superman takes their craft to Medicus One and hold them there until the Science Police show up. Matter-Eater Lad took Sun Boy down to Medicus One as well. Hopefully he will be allright and we can learn something about that creature you just fought.
Any idea why Superman showed up just now? That was the last thing I was expecting.
"yes, we certainly can, we must move them before they can exit and once again assault the base, I am curious if they are calling for reinforcements or whom they are reporting to at this moment. If Brainiac were here, I would leave it to him (LL ponders who would be best on the team to check their computer and communication history), Legionaires, check in please, what is the station status? We have crippled the enemy ship"
Superman |
"To be honest, I think I was tricked into coming to your time, but now that I'm here I'm trying to help. Saturn Girl's been kidnapped by the Fatal Five, and that's just the beginning. I'll fill you in once we're done here. Hold on. I'm trying to hear their transmissions."
We'll do the explanations off camera once this scene's done. I assume you've been following the plot. :)
Cosmos Master |
As you concentrate on listening to the contents of the craft you hear four voices inside. The following language takes place in Interlac, the common language of this area of the Universe. You understand the language well enough without having to make a Interlac Language check.
Voice #1. Integree, the ship it has no power.
Voive #2. What do you mean we have no power?
Voice #1. The engines they have none.
Voice #2. The cursed Legionnaires have disabled are engines.
Voice #3: Integree, what shall we do, surrender?
Voice #1. Contact our Lord, I must speak with him personally.
Voice #4: Yes sir Integree, hailing frequency now.
Voice #4: Integree, I'm not receiving a reply.
Voice #5: Damn, we have been double crossed by friends. There is little hope for us now.
Cosmos Master |
Lightning Lad
Lightning Lad, it's Cosmic Boy here (on board the Legion craft via telepathic earplugs).
The disabled craft just sent out a signal towards the Dissari space section but the signal ended when it entered the Asteroid Belt of Seppitis. Some sort of cosmic interferance, the signal just ended. We also got a communications from Legion Headquarters, it seems Dawnstar and a couple other Legionnaires are trying to track down the Fatal Five as well as the missing Legionnaires. We are suppose to head back to HQ.
Whats the word Lead Man?
JL_Lightning Lad |
<To Supes and legionaires>If the Galactic Police are not her yet or to arrive soon; we will need to tow this tug back to HQ, where one of us can go through it thouroughly, we can tranfer the prisoners to custody from there as well. Superman, can you scan the ship for explosives, it is not common that villians are so motivated or loyal to such a degree to self terminate, but we should take precautions. Cosmic Boy, if you could gather the others and meet us here, we can lock on this ship to tow and embark. Does anyone have anything to add?