Astraea Guillory |

I'd like to apologize again for not posting as regularly as I should. I'm still trying to adjust to this whole two-jobs-a-day thing, plus blogging and NaNoWriMo. I'll get a real post up tonight, I promise! :D

GM Zed |

I'd like to apologize again for not posting as regularly as I should. I'm still trying to adjust to this whole two-jobs-a-day thing, plus blogging and NaNoWriMo. I'll get a real post up tonight, I promise! :D
....what's that?
....also, no need to be apologising, 2 jobs is a big ask!!! Just as long as you're enjoying the game...

Astraea Guillory |

National Novel Writing Month. I tried it for the first time last year and succeeded in hitting the 50,000 word count. :D
And of course I'm enjoying the game. ;) I do love me some horror, and this stuff is legit creepy.

Drancis Mordaron |

I am also enjoying this game very much! This is very chilling setting without a doubt, and I do have a soft spot in my heart for horror themed games :)
Unfortunately, the problem with playing a new class with a new rules set is you run into situations where the rules do not cover a situation or it is unclear.
GM Zed, I need a ruling here: Can a kinetic blast do non-lethal damage? My first impression is the answer is no...but then I saw this supplemental statement under Telekinetic Blast: Alternatively, you can loosen the strands of aether in order to deal damage to both the object and the target as though you had thrown the object yourself (instead of dealing your normal blast damage). You substitute your Constitution modifier for your Strength modifier if throwing the object would have added your Strength modifier on the damage roll, and you don't take the –4 penalty on the attack roll for throwing an object that wasn't designed to be thrown. In this case, the object's special effects apply (including effects from its materials), and if the object is a weapon, you must be proficient with it and able to wield it with one hand; otherwise, the item deals damage as a one-handed improvised weapon for a creature of your size.
This implies you could use it as an improvised weapon and also choose to inflict non-lethal damage with it by taking the -4 penalty to hit.
If you could let me know one way or another, then I can change Drancis' planned action :)

Astraea Guillory |

But don't you want to sit down and talk about Blinky the Shouty Fish with this guy? Because, like, I could do that all day.
I'm all about some Blinky the Shouty Fish.

GM Zed |

Drancis, I don't have a problem with kinetic blast being able to deal non-lethal damage as an improvised weapon...
...glad the creepy stuff is coming out in the game - there's definitely bad stuff going down in Holver's Ferry... And its not all down to Blinky the Shouty Fish.
Also, I received notification that the first adventure proper in the AP, 'To World's Unknown' is in the final stages of layout so there shouldn't be any 'hiccups' in our game due to delays... The other Legendary Planet PbP on ese boards (apart from my Goblins one), run by GM Rednal has gone into a 'deep-space hibernation' as they are waiting for the first full module... They were running through this but TPK'd at the Temple with the Burning Skeletons!!!

Zoreck the Unclean |

I can understand the TPK!
As written, 5 CR 1/2 creatures makes it a CR 4 encounter. We're an APL 1 party, so that's APL +3... or an Epic encounter!

Rikkan Anardi |

I'm having a blast though. I think this adventure is very good so far. And he DM is doing a really good job with it, too.

Zoreck the Unclean |

This game is a whole lot of fun! I am really enjoying it.
I think I'm finally finding Zoreck's voice as well... he's the guy that's pretty much always exaspperated at everything that's going on around him.
*sigh* "Okay. What now?"

Shieldmaiden Illonna |

Don't know what that map looks like but I'm really, really hoping that bomb didn't hit me with the miss.
Bugbears are a kind of goblin, right? At least technically? My fear is justified.

Rikkan Anardi |

Anyone want to be the party treasurer? I'm not going to lie, I'm in too many games to do it worth a darn. If someone would make a list of everything we find, that would be awesome!

Zoreck the Unclean |

While I don't really see Zoreck being the group treasurer in-character, I'd be happy to be the keeper of the Loot List.
On another note: I'll be traveling for Thanksgiving starting in a few hours. Through Sunday, my posting will be even more sporadic than it has been recently.

Rikkan Anardi |

That'd be awesome, Zorek!
And everyone have a nice holiday while I'm thinking of it!

GM Zed |

Folks, if you want to make any rolls for Spellcraft / Detect Magic, that's cool... Just also post as to whether you are also heading up to the apothecary afterwards so I can put a decent gameplay post in tomorrow (I've a few hours on the train so will be able to move us on a little)...
Also, an early Happy Thanksgiving for those of you who are so inclined!!!

Rikkan Anardi |

I'm all for heading directly to the apothecary after we grab the goodies from the sheriff's office!

Locke Lestrange |

I was going to take the longsword, but I can easily give it up to you, you'd likely use it more. I just liked the idea of Locke using it to avenge the people of Holver's Ferry.

Zoreck the Unclean |

Hi, folks. Just checking in. My holiday weekend was wonderful, but very taxing. I just got home a few hours ago, and I just found out that I'm going to walk into a major issue at the office tomorrow morning. An issue that's both technical and political, and partly stems from a decision I made a few months ago. Needless to say, I don't have time or wherewithal to do a real post tonight, and probably not tomorrow either.
I don't have time to read through the Gameplay thread right now, so I'll just have to say-- Zed: Please continue to bot my character as needed.

Zoreck the Unclean |

Things at work aren't as bad as I thought, and my Director has my back on this.
In other news, I have put together a loot list. Anyone with the link can view. If you want edit access, PM me with your e-mail address and I'll invite you as an editor.

Zoreck the Unclean |

Hi, folks.
We should probably figure out who's carrying what items we've picked up.
Unless I've missed something, the following items are unclaimed...
1 potion of cure light wounds
1 potion of cure moderate wounds
1 elixir of swimming
1 masterwork shortsword
1 masterwork longsword.
(Plus some nonmagical treasure that I think we'll want to sell when we get the chance.)
Zoreck would really like the longsword, but he would cede it to Illonna if she wants it, since she was the one who opened the cabinet that held it.

Rikkan Anardi |

Rikkan should probably drink the CLW potion as one more good hit would put me in the negatives. Is anyone else wounded right now? Whichever of us is the most wounded should drink it, I think.

Drancis Mordaron |

Drancis claimed the potion of CLW earlier, but if Rikkan wants it then he would relinquish it.
Drancis carrying the potion of CMW would be a good idea, since he can use his telekinesis to hand it off to some one should we get separated.
Also he helped himself to the armor, a dagger and a light crossbow with bolts in the office.

Locke Lestrange |

Locke did claim the mw longsword in the hopes of avenging the people of the town with the Sheriff's blade, however mechanically you having it would work better so if you want it I will hand it over.

Zoreck the Unclean |

Sorry, missed that Locke! That makes sense from the story perspective, and Zoreck would certainly get behind that sentiment.

Locke Lestrange |

I feel Locke is going to get used to the sight of his own blood. If he lives.

GM Zed |

...I agree it is quite brutal, hopefully not to the point where it is souring enjoyment, but then first level adventuring can always be a bit swing-y!!! Hence your hero points...
You are a group of six so things shouldn't get too out of hand (the group that TPK'd were three gestalt characters... and down at three characters, once one falls things can go bad pretty quickly!!!)

Shieldmaiden Illonna |

It's not that I'm having a bad time...I'm just really looking forward to that second level.
I still have those two curative potions from the apothecary, everyone should be aware I have them.

Rikkan Anardi |

Rikkan just used one he had, and the one that was being discussed here a few posts ago. I am out of CLW potions now, other than the daily extract one I have.

Drancis Mordaron |

Looks like Drancis and Astraea are on the same wavelength here! :) For the record, Drancis would certainly yield to Astraea here when it comes to administering the potion to Illonna (though he did roll better on his check, he he).

Locke Lestrange |

Finals are upon me. I had one this morning, have one tomorrow and three more in the week to come. Feel free to bot my if my posting become sporadic for a time.

Rikkan Anardi |

What time of the day has it gotten to be, DM? As low on healing resources as we are, I think we need to rest, if it is later in the evening.

GM Zed |

Drancis, Rikkan and Illona – hopefully you folks are okay with doing a little bit of the ‘heavy lifting’ here – Zoreck is really busy in RL (he’s in another game of mine and is struggling to get posts in), Astraea is also rolling with 2 jobs (plus I think they have a big writing project on) so I am happy to cut slack – and, as you have read, Locke is having all the fun of exams….
Despite this little ‘blip’, I’m really pleased with the pace we’ve got… and things could get pretty interesting shortly!!!

Astraea Guillory |

Yeah, sorry, guys. I'm buried right now, but I'm not poofing! Promise!
By the way, I actually tried to throw in a post yesterday that I'm now seeing never went through! Dunno if the boards ate it or if I simply walked away from the keyboard at the wrong time, or what, but... :|