About Drancis MordaronDrancis Moradron
Description:: Height: 5'9" Weight: 175 lbs. Age 19. This tall, lank young man has the look of a wild eyed maniac about him. His green eyes have trouble focusing on one thing for any length of time. His straggly blonde hair sticks up in an unkempt fashion as he rarely takes the time to comb it. He tries to pretend he is a simpleton around those who he does not know but for those (few) who get to know him he is a decent young man. The burden of his strange powers hangs on him like a cross and deep down he is terrified to discover where he got his powers from. Vital Stats:
Skills: 36 Total (24 + 6 int + 6 Race plus 5 BG)
Class Abilities: Basic Telekinesis Element(s) aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0
Telekinetic Blast (Kinetic Blast): Element(s) aether; Type simple blast (Sp); Level —; Burn 0
- You throw a nearby unattended object at a single foe as a ranged attack. The object must weigh no more than 5 pounds per kineticist level you possess. If the attack hits, the target and the thrown object each take the blast's damage. Since the object is enfolded in strands of aether, even if you use this power on a magic weapon or other unusual object, the attack doesn't use any of the magic weapon's bonuses or effects; it simply deals your blast damage.
Pushing Infusion (1st level Infusion) Element(s) aether, air, earth, or water; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1; Associated Blasts air, blizzard, charged water, earth, magma, metal, mud, sandstorm, steam, telekinetic, water
The momentum of your kinetic blast knocks foes back. Attempt a bull rush combat maneuver check against each target damaged by your infused blast, using your Constitution modifier instead of your Strength modifier to determine your bonus. This infusion can push a foe back by a maximum of 5 feet. You can increase the burn cost of this infusion to increase the maximum distance pushed by 5 feet per additional point of burn accepted. You can't use this infusion with a form infusion such as cloud that causes your kinetic blast to lack a clear direction to push. Force Ward (Elemental Defense) Element(s) aether; Type defense (Su); Level —; Burn 0 You constantly surround yourself with a ward of force. You gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your kineticist level. You always lose these temporary hit points first, even before other temporary hit points. If an attack deals less damage than you still have as temporary hit points from force ward, it still reduces those temporary hit points but otherwise counts as a miss for the purpose of abilities that trigger on a hit or a miss. These temporary hit points regenerate at a rate of 1 per minute. By accepting 1 point of burn as a standard action, you can increase the maximum number of temporary hit points provided by your force ward by half your kineticist level until the next time your burn is removed. If you use this ability multiple times, the increases stack. For every 2 points of burn you accept in this way, your force ward's rate of regeneration increases by 1 hit point per minute. Whenever you accept burn while using an aether wild talent, you siphon some of the energy from the aether flowing through you and your force ward recovers a number of temporary hit points equal to your character level, up to its current maximum. You can dismiss or restore your force ward as an immediate action, but doing so doesn't change the number of temporary hit points available, and the temporary hit points don't recover while this ability is inactive. Telekinetic Finesse (Wild Talent) Element(s) aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 0 You can perform any sort of fine manipulation you choose within close range, including attempting Sleight of Hand and Disable Device checks. Elemental Overflow (Ex) At 3rd level, a kineticist’s body surges with energy from her chosen element whenever she accepts burn, causing her to glow with a nimbus of fire, weep water from her pores, or experience some other thematic effect. In addition, she receives a bonus on her attack rolls with kinetic blasts equal to the total number of points of burn she currently has, to a maximum bonus of +1 for every 3 kineticist levels she possesses. She also receives a bonus on damage rolls with her kinetic blast equal to double the bonus on attack rolls. The kineticist can suppress the visual effects of elemental overflow by concentrating for 1 full round, but doing so suppresses all of this ability’s other benefits, as well. The next time the kineticist uses any wild talent, the visual effects and benefits return instantly. Starting at 6th level, whenever she has at least 3 points of burn, the kineticist gains a +2 size bonus to two physical ability scores of her choice. She also gains a chance to ignore the effects of a critical hit or sneak attack equal to 5% × her current number of points of burn. Foe Throw (3rd level Infusion) Element(s) aether; Type form infusion; Level 3; Burn 2
Your telekinetic blast can throw a Large or smaller creature instead of an unattended object; you can increase the burn cost by 1 to affect a creature of a larger size. If the creature you attempt to throw succeeds at a Fortitude save, it negates the blast entirely. Otherwise, if your blast hits, both the thrown creature and the target take the full amount of damage from your telekinetic blast, and the thrown creature falls prone in the last unoccupied space along its path. If your blast misses, the thrown creature can choose to occupy any space within 30 feet of the target, it doesn't fall prone, and it takes half the normal amount of damage from your blast. The movement doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. Telekinetic Maneuvers (Utility Wild talent) Element(s) aether; Type utility (Sp); Level 4; Burn 0
You can perform combat maneuvers as Telekinesis, but you use your Constitution modifier to determine your Combat Maneuver Bonus. If you possess the telekinetic finesse wild talent, add dirty trick and steal combat maneuvers to the list of combat maneuvers you can perform; when performing these maneuvers, determine your Combat Maneuver Bonus using your Dexterity modifier instead of your Constitution modifier. Bowling Infusion (5th level Infusion) Element(s) aether or earth; Type substance infusion; Level 2; Burn 2
You bowl your foes over with the sheer mass of your kinetic blast.
Infusion Specialization (Ex) At 5th level, whenever a kineticist uses one or more infusions with a blast, she reduces the combined burn cost of the infusions by 1. This can’t reduce the total cost of the infusions used below 0. Metakinesis (Su) At 5th level, a kineticist gains the ability to alter her kinetic blasts as if with metamagic feats by accepting burn. By accepting 1 point of burn, she can empower her kinetic blast (as if using Empower Spell). Internal Buffer (Su) At 6th level, a kineticist’s study of her body and the elemental forces that course through it allow her to form an internal buffer to store extra energy. The buffer starts empty and doesn’t replenish each day, but the kineticist can accept 1 point of burn to add 1 point to the buffer as a full-round action, to a maximum of 1 point total. Once the kineticist adds points to her buffer, they remain indefinitely until she spends them. When she would otherwise accept burn, a kineticist can spend 1 point from her buffer to avoid accepting 1 point of burn. She cannot spend more than 1 point from her buffer in this way for a single wild talent. Points spent from the internal buffer don’t activate elemental overflow or add to its effects. Similarly, this buffer can be used to exceed the limit on the number of points of burn the kineticist can accept in a single turn. Kinetic Healer (Utility Wild Talent)] Element(s) aether or water; Type utility (Sp); Level 1; Burn 1; see text
With a touch, you can heal a willing living creature of an amount of damage equal to your kinetic blast’s damage. Instead of paying the burn cost yourself, you can cause the recipient to take 1 point of burn. If you do so, the recipient takes 1 point of nonlethal damage per Hit Die he possesses, as usual for burn; This damage can’t be healed by any means until the recipient takes a full night’s rest. Mythic Path (Trickster): Each time you traverse an interplanetary gate, you automatically adapt and acclimate to a new world. Benefit: When passing through an interplanetary gate, you experience an instantaneous and permanent physical transformation to facilitate survival on a new world. This includes environmental compatibility with the local atmosphere (as determined by the planetary atmosphere at the time of the gate’s crafting, but not the ability to survive in a hard vacuum). You also acclimate to local diseases, such that you still prove susceptible to disease, but retain no special vulnerability to alien pathogens on other worlds. You also learn the rudiments of the local Common language, speaking, reading, and writing a passable dialect (though this may not become evident until interacting with a given world’s native inhabitants). When you pass through a gate to another planet, these benefits are lost or exchanged for acclimation to the new world. Equipment & Possessions:
Explorers Outfit 8 lbs Cloak of the Dusk Walker *MW Chain Shirt 25 lbs. ACP -1 Brace with 5 knives (dagger) 5 lbs. Dagger 1 lb. MW Shortspear 3 lbs. Lt Crossbow w/ case of 20 bolts 6 lbs Potion of Lesser Restoration (x2). Potion of Cure Light Wounds Ring of Feather Fall Vial of Surge Wand of Cure Light Wounds (44 charges) Wand of Create Water (50 charges) Healer's Kit (x2) Antitoxin (x2) Antiplague (x2) 25 gp Background:
It was strange, no doubt about it. Everytime he laid his head down to sleep at night and just before closing his eyes he could not help but spend what seems like hours thinking about his strange...Sight? He really did not know what else to call it. It had started only a few years ago when growing up in Riddleport with his parents.When he would look at something out of the corner of his eyes he would see an odd...shadow...or was it a bubble....he could never be certain as it changed from moment to moment. at first he thought his eyesight was failing him, then he believed he was developing magical sorcerous powers. After being tested by the Cyphermages of Riddleport they determined he had no magical capabilities whatsoever. Oddly enough as he grew into adulthood, he soon discovered not only could he see this 'bubble' he could actually control it with his mind. He soon discovered he could wrap the bubble around almost anything and lift it up, spin it around and even hurl it at a deadly speed! While he had heard of mages who could do something similar none of them could do what he did. Maybe that is why they chased him out of Riddleport. Or perhaps they persuaded his parents he was cursed by some unknown demon. Easy enough to do when no one else showed these abilities, right. Now his promising career as an architect is over and now only the uncertain path of an adventurer lay before him...