Kingmaker. The shadows behind the throne.

Game Master DBH

An odd group gathers together. Their purpose to reclaim the Stolen lands. But what secrets do they carry with them into this dangerous land?


Party loot

KIngdom tracking sheet

Greenbelt map

Terrain costs and improvements

Greenbelt RRR

Notices 4

The Slough;

Stolen lands Overview

Handout One;


Fort Drelev



Drelev keep 4th floor


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Male Human Paladin (Mind Sword) 11 | 33/103 HP | AC 25 T 12 FF 25 | Fort +13 Ref +7 Will +12 | Initiative +0 | Perception +6, Sense Motive +15 | Mind Arsenal 7/7 | Smite Evil 4/4 | Summon Mount 2/2 | Recruits

"What's our best way to quietly approach this? Otherwise one screaming lady will roust the entire castle."

human cleric 5, feysworn 6 | HP 68/68 (0 thp) | AC 21 ; FF 19; TAC 14 | F +7; R +6; W +11 | Init +2 | Perception +19 | adamantine dagger +13 (1d4+1 19-20); +1 hvy xbow +10 (1d10+1) | Channel Energy 3d6 (dc 14) 0/5; Sudden Shift 7/7; Adoration (dc 16) 7/7; Summon Fey 1/1 Poly any obj 1/1| Active Effects:

Zelera nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, the Lady is the priority. I can take a short time to prepare a few more of my prayers that might help," she looked at Niadroub, "if we are willing to do without much in the way of magical support of course. What better way to restrict a bard than to take away their voice?"

AKA I can prepare silence, put it on one of us, and just down the bardic spells and sounds of the fight.

Per +17, Init +4, F/R/W +8/+18/+9, AC 20/22 (T 15, FF 15), HP 72/72, CMB +12, CMD 25 Maps: Thornholme Republic of the Kamelands

"Well, you do have at least one man who's quite good at quietly catching a fool unawares," Colwyn says as he helps Numesti reclaim and don his gear.

"Our real concern should be the inferior baron, Drelev. We don't know where he's lurking, so we need to keep alert. For all we know, we could blunder into one of those rooms just to find him schtupping one of those two women."

All the same, Colwyn votes for intercepting and neutralizing Lady Quintessa Maray first.

"When we do find Drelev, we don't want her around to provide back up."

Are you sure you want to do that?

Ok. Use the Drelev keep 4th floor map up top. Tell me what you are doing?

Male Human Arcanist 11 ~ AC 20* (t 15, ff 15*) *-4 if no mage armor | F+6, R+8, W+11 | Init +9, Per +9 | A.R. pts 12/13 | HP 81/81

The party goes up the stairs and heads to M40 to confront Lady Quintessa, assuming they don't encounter any guards along the way. Numesti and Waffles will wait outside of M37 to make sure Baroness Drelev stays confined to her room.

Are you sure you want to do that?

OK. Tell me who is doing what and give me some rolls please. A high level Bard can make a lot of noise after all. :)

Vibenia Scaeva : Female Human Ranger 11 |92/92 HP | AC 21 T 17 FF 16 | Fort +10 Ref +13 Will +7 | Initiative +5 (+9/+7) | Perception +13 (+17/+15) Sense Motive +9 (+15/+13/+11)

With a nod, Vibenia checks her crosbow before slipping forward like a living shadow, practically imperceptible from the moment her companions blink, moving to Lady Quintessa's room.

Stealth (urban): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37
Perception (urban terrain): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (18) + 15 = 33 (38 if human)

Male Human Arcanist 11 ~ AC 20* (t 15, ff 15*) *-4 if no mage armor | F+6, R+8, W+11 | Init +9, Per +9 | A.R. pts 12/13 | HP 81/81

Seeing Vibenia all but disappear up the steps in front of them, Niadroub Kliip hooks his thumb at the ranger while looking at Colwyn. His eyebrows shoot up in a silent question.

Per +17, Init +4, F/R/W +8/+18/+9, AC 20/22 (T 15, FF 15), HP 72/72, CMB +12, CMD 25 Maps: Thornholme Republic of the Kamelands

By way of response, Colwyn follows behind Vibenia as quietly as possible. He slides his rapier from its sheathe in preparation for a close quarters encounter.

Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (12) + 17 = 29
Fast Stealth: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (18) + 18 = 36

As per Niadroub's plan, moving to M40

Are you sure you want to do that?

Ok, I've updated the Drelev keep 4th floor map. Judging from the faint sounds of snoring coming from M41 the Baroness is asleep. There are no sounds coming from M40.

What are you doing now?

human cleric 5, feysworn 6 | HP 68/68 (0 thp) | AC 21 ; FF 19; TAC 14 | F +7; R +6; W +11 | Init +2 | Perception +19 | adamantine dagger +13 (1d4+1 19-20); +1 hvy xbow +10 (1d10+1) | Channel Energy 3d6 (dc 14) 0/5; Sudden Shift 7/7; Adoration (dc 16) 7/7; Summon Fey 1/1 Poly any obj 1/1| Active Effects:

Stealth: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Zelera followed as quietly as she could and it seemed that the Lantern King smiled upon the mischief she was about to be involved in as her steps were as silent as she could possibly be! When they were about to enter the room she held a hand up and indicated she was ready to cast the spell to stop sound around them.

Vibenia Scaeva : Female Human Ranger 11 |92/92 HP | AC 21 T 17 FF 16 | Fort +10 Ref +13 Will +7 | Initiative +5 (+9/+7) | Perception +13 (+17/+15) Sense Motive +9 (+15/+13/+11)

"Care to check the door for any sing of a trap before we move in, My Lord" Vibenia whispers as they prepare to enter the room. "Or shall I just kick it in once the silence is up?"

Are you sure you want to do that?

perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (15) + 15 = 30

Botting Colwyn

"Not trapped or locked. Cast the Silence as quietly as possible and lets go" Whispers Colwyn

What are you doing now?

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human cleric 5, feysworn 6 | HP 68/68 (0 thp) | AC 21 ; FF 19; TAC 14 | F +7; R +6; W +11 | Init +2 | Perception +19 | adamantine dagger +13 (1d4+1 19-20); +1 hvy xbow +10 (1d10+1) | Channel Energy 3d6 (dc 14) 0/5; Sudden Shift 7/7; Adoration (dc 16) 7/7; Summon Fey 1/1 Poly any obj 1/1| Active Effects:

With the command given Zelera spoke the prayer, "King of jests, Laughing Liar, cover our mischief in Silen-," as the last work was said it was cut of by a sudden, unnatural, silence as she drew her dagger.

Silence has been cast on the first person going through the door, I believe that's you Vibenia? We have 10 rounds.

Vibenia Scaeva : Female Human Ranger 11 |92/92 HP | AC 21 T 17 FF 16 | Fort +10 Ref +13 Will +7 | Initiative +5 (+9/+7) | Perception +13 (+17/+15) Sense Motive +9 (+15/+13/+11)

As all sound suddenly ceases, Vibenia nods, as much an acknowledgment to herself as her companions. While the spell would give them the best chance, both of taking the woman out without alerting others, and in negating the bard, it would also leave the ranger without her own magic. She would have to depend purely on her skill and weapons if it came to a fight.

Taking a deep breath, she puhes in the door to the room, entering immediately to make space for her companions to follow, weapon up and trained on the first identifiable target in the room.

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