Oleg is overjoyed by what you have done, and what you have returned to him. You can see him straightening up as if some unseen weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
From now on the bunkhouse is yours to use free of charge, along with Svetlana's wonderful cooking.
Now that he can build up his stock and his coin without being bled dry by the bandits he can begin to expand his store, and increase how much coin he has to pay for what you bring in. This will take a month or two, otherwise he can send your loot on to Restov and you will receive the coin in two weeks.
You have a prospective new party member, and can now begin planning your exploration of the Stolen lands.
What are you doing now?
New map up top - Greenbelt map, you can tell me where you're headed. Be aware that just crossing a hex doesn't uncover it. You need to explore it, which takes more time.

Mykhael Medvyed |

Elena looks at the newcomer with concern.
"Mister Medvyed... you're limping. I am a healer; perhaps I can help."
"Please, my Lady call me Mykhael," he replied with a short bend at the waist. He continued and glanced dow at his leg, "I'm afraid their is no cure for my leg, many have tried but to no avail. It appears this limp is both my curse and my blessing."

Niadroub Kliip |

Niadroub Kliip nods welcomingly at Mykhael, but allows the others to determine if the man should join. If asked, he'll mention that he's not the kind to turn people away who want to help out.
Instead, he'll press Oleg and Svetlana for what they know of the surrounding area. Indicating the wanted posters, he'll point out that they obviously have people coming and going from throughout the Greenbelt, so hopefully they've learned a bit about what's out there.

Colwyn the Toad |

Colwyn follows Niadroub over to the bulletin board and examines the notices posted.
He pays particular attention to the bounty regarding the bandits.
"Looks like we earn our reward once the swordlords judge that bandit activity is satisfactorily decreased," he muses, rubbing the stubble on his chin. "Such a vague measure, I hope they won't use it as a loophole to cheat us of our due. At least they're not asking for hands, ears, or heads, after all."
Colwyn browses the other postings, though with increasing amounts of distaste.
He's heard too many nasty stories of kobold tricks to be eager to test them, and he considers nothing with the word "wyrm" in its name to be good news - the same goes for crazed hermits.
"Tuskgutter, eh?" he muses aloud. Head cheese for breakfast was quite appealing, and Colwyn had a score to settle with the animals of these wilds that had previously mocked his limited talent as a hunter.
Thoughts of food stir Colwyn’s mind. He decides to offer his proper introduction to this Mykhael fellow when everyone set down for their first meal together.
For now, he stores the party’s supplies and spoils in the bunkhouse they will now share. Weapons and bundles of arrows are propped in the corners. The case of herbal liquor is set on a table, should they decide to toast their recent successes. The potions, coins, and other oddments are stowed in the footlockers until they could be properly divided.
Temptation briefly creeps over the man, whispering to take his share. With clenched teeth and fists, he brushes off the allure.
He only takes two bundles of dried food, stuffing them into his backpack to replace what he’d eaten during their travels.
”Hmm, already looking crowded in here,” he thinks aloud, looking at what they had accumulated so far. ”Better talk to Oleg, see what rate he can give us.”


Niadroub While Oleg and Svetlana have been here for a while, they have been busy repairing the trading post and establishing a base of customers. So they know little about the surrounding hexes. Aside from the information that Bokken lives to the east in hex5. And that there are a number of Trappers feuding with each other in Hex4 they can tell you little.
The bandit camp was in Hex16, as you rode in a straight line there and back the Hexes are not marked as cleared.
Now that the bandits have been cleared and the trading post has guards stationed for defense they can return to becoming the center of trade and information for the area.
Colwyn Oleg has little to no cash at the moment, he suggest you give him what you wish to sell. He will use it as stock and keep your share for when you return. At the moment he has little more than the basics in stock. If you want anything else he'll have to order it from Restov.
His cash and stock will grow steadily from now on though, in a month or two you'll be able to sell or buy a lot more.
Richard The Stag lords base, an old keep from the descriptions you got out of the bandits, is in Hex36, over 60 miles away through uncharted lands.
Once you've decided what you're doing, give me which hexes you're going to explore. Or if you're heading for the Stag lords base. And we'll get started.

Richard Harmon |

Richard gives the newcomer and approving look. "How about this Mykhael, as long as the group agrees travel with us for a little while. There will be plenty of opportunity to prove yourself, if you're up to the task we'll discuss something more long term."
Assuming the others agree to Mykhael travelling with us... which isn't a big ask because new PC.
"I'm all for exploring but we have the location of the lair, leave it too long and they might relocate. I'd like to borrow those crates of Oleg's once he's emptied them. With what we know we can get nice and close and the crates will help sell it. If we can get inside their perimeter without raising an alarm it'll make things easier."
"It'll be tough but we've got this Stag Lord off balance whether he knows it or not. I'm inclined to keep the momentum going and put an end to him. There's other smaller groups of bandits around but he's the biggest we've heard of. It'll send a message to the other smaller groups that things are changing around here." He looks determined as he looks at the group. "He'll be tough but the longer we leave it the more people will suffer at the hands of his bandit group."

Mykhael Medvyed |

Mychael quickly agreed to the terms put forth by Richard, "Agreed, you will not be disappointed Sir."
He listens to the the young noble share his plan, "Tis a fair plan Richard, you are right, of course this Stag Lord and his miscreants needs to be with."

Elena Voritzova |

"We have time. This Stag Lord is a long way off, through a lot of unknown territory. He doesn't know about us yet."
"If we go straight for his stronghold, we may bypass other bandits who would have free reign to harass Oleg and Svetlana when we are gone. If there are other bandit groups loyal to the Stag Lord roaming around, they may look for revenge and come here."
"I'd rather patrol and explore the area thoroughly between here and there. That way, if any bandit groups are heading this way, we will have the chance to stop them before they get here."

Colwyn the Toad |

Colwyn eagerly passes along the excess gear the party has accumulated, taking careful note of how much credit they should rightly be owed.
Stepping out of the main lodge where Oleg and Svetlana keep their home and stores, Colwyn sees the party debating their next course of action. Seeing Mykhael standing with them, with resignation Colwyn decides to play nice and introduce himself.
"Well met, friend," he says, offering a hand. "I am Colwyn Orlack. I was assigned to our friends' expedition as a guide. My apologies for delaying my introduction - I needed to see to some book keeping with good man Oleg, there."
Nodding his head while catching up on the proffered plans, Colwyn mulls the options for a moment.
"I'm not sure we need to worry so much about our hosts. Between these new men sent from Restov, led by some petty lordling no less, by the looks of 'im, and the fact that we've gutted these bandits' northern activities like a stuck pig, these parts should be much safer. Well, other than the usual beasts, fey, and damnable trolls that haunt the wilds."
"Anyhow, I agree with Miss Elena, frankly. I'd rather explore the reaches closest to home first, especially as we await the rewards that could help us acquire the better supplies necessary to more properly put down this Stag for good."

Mykhael Medvyed |

Mykhael grasped Colwyn's hand in a firm grasp, "Well met Master Orlack. I feel we will have much need of a good guide in this wilderness." As he talked with the man he can't help but think, He does indeed look like a toad."

Xantria Aldori |

Xan had nodded in greeting to Mykhael when she'd been introduced, though felt that her introduction as a 'renowned' swordswoman might've been a touch excessive.
"I'm with Elena on this - as much as I think this Stag Lord needs to go down quick, I don't like the idea of assaulting a full-on bandit compound without some idea of what we're getting into. There might also be resources or the like around that would help."

Elena Voritzova |

"There also might be some people who are not aligned with the Stag Lord who would be willing to give us more information."
She looks at the posters.
"Maybe we should talk to this Bokken fellow? And what about this Vekkel Benzen? Who is he? And where can we find him?"
Not sure about the hexes but I think I would like to explore the area 1 or 2 hexes away from Oleg's first. Then if there are any rumors to follow we can do that.

Colwyn the Toad |

"Exploring the plains shouldn't be much trouble. I'm going to refill my 'skin from one of the rain barrels and make sure I've got enough food packed in case we don't immediately return. I'll be ready once you've settled on a course."

Richard Harmon |

"We were all chosen specifically and each person brings different experience to bare. My personal inclinations aside it would be foolish for me to ignore the majority. I say we strike out east and start moving in a semi circle around here to the west. Back and forth, I'm sure we'll find something of immediacy to distract us but it should mean we don't overlook anything."

Mykhael Medvyed |

Mykhael wolfed down his meal as he listened to his new companions debate their next course of action. Between mouthfuls he added in agreement, "To the east then." He quickly finished the food and made is gear ready.
Looks like we start with hex 5

Colwyn the Toad |

"Come on, Sandy," Colwyn calls to his horse as he saddles up. "We've got work to do. Um...Oleg my good man, could you hand up my pack for me?"
With a scowl on his face, Oleg begrudgingly helps Colwyn, roughly hefting the backpack up to the mounted scoundrel.
Colwyn then guides his horse, with its pale and patchy-brown coat, out the trading post gates.


I'm very slow at the moment. Bouncing from place to place and I've finally sat down long enough to get something down.
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 89
This area is actually very peaceful, rolling plains, small copses of trees, streams and low rises too small to be called hills cut the land into segments.
Bokken's shack is set in a small copse, close by a deep, wide stream. It's more haphazard than constructed. Bokken is very unsettled by people actually coming to see him. His manner is that of a nervous bird or a
jittery child, and his speech is swift and clipped as if he’s eager to finish every conversation he starts. Yet Bokken is no hater of gold, and his eagerness to sell the potions he makes is well known to many of the travelers in the area—he usually sells directly to Oleg, but he’s willing to sell to you if you ask.
He can craft any potion of a spell of 2nd level or less on the adept spell list, and generally keeps two potions of cure light wounds, two potions of endure elements, and a potion of cure moderate wounds handy.
No encounters in this hex. Where are you moving next, Hex6?

Richard Harmon |

Sure Hex 6

Colwyn the Toad |

After a long day spent exploring the expanse of plains, meeting the strange, odoriferous Bokken, when the party finally settles down to rest, Colwyn wolfs down the remainder of the ration bundle he had snacked on earlier in the day.
He also takes the opportunity to dismount Sandy and give his brewing saddle sore a chance to rest before the party sets out for the next stretch of open land.


Random: 1d100 ⇒ 70
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 79
Random: 1d100 ⇒ 10
The next few days pass peacefully, the land you cross is marked by how empty of civilization it is. You see herds of deer and elk, even wolves in the distance. But no sign of any humanoid life or settlement.
The third day comes and as you reach midday you come to a small water crossing, the area ahead seems to be covered in large webs.
What are you doing?
New map up top.

Richard Harmon |

Richard draws his sword and peers to see if he can spot whatever created the webs.
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 1

Richard Harmon |

Richard draws his sword and peers to see if he can spot what created the webs.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Richard Harmon |

Richard draws his sword and peers to see if he can spot whatever created the webs.
Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Colwyn the Toad |

"Webs?" Colwyn hisses as he dismounts. "Had to be the one thing I hate as much as those damn trolls."
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
He draws his shortbow and readies an arrow, scanning the scene across the water for danger.

Niadroub Kliip |

Niadroub Kliip glances at Colwyn. "Large webs means large speders."
The arcanist casts mage armor.
Know. (nature): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 Does he remember anything useful about large spiders in the region?

Mykhael Medvyed |

Mykhael readied his spear at the sight of the webs and cautioned, "Spiders or something worse."
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
K.Nature: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23 [ooc]trying to remember if anything else uses webs.[/b]

Richard Harmon |

Apologies for the tripple post the site kept hiding it from me to my consternation. So I guess I'm taking the first roll... so a 1, there should be a 5 added to that for a total of +6
@Mykhael Could be an ettercap so knowledge dungeoneering or some kind of outsider? But yeah probably a spider.

Elena Voritzova |

Apologies for the tripple post the site kept hiding it from me to my consternation.
Yeah, I got that the other night. Couldn't figure out what was wrong.
Knowledge Nature: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Some aberrations use webs but I don't have Knowledge (dungeoneering).
"Most webs burn, I think. That would get rid of the spiders' advantage."
"Giant spiders are a menace. They prey on livestock and even people when they can. We should clear them from the area. Or if we leave them, we should put up some kind of warning markers."
If we advance I will cast shield of faith.

Richard Harmon |

"At least we have water on hand to stop the fire getting out of hand. If we go with burning it out here's what I am thinking. Xantria and myself up front to slow it down if needed. If people have ranged weapons at the ready we can combine fire to take it down, Colwyn you're pretty good at hitting their tender parts when they've their back turned, see any spots about where you could stay unseen til it's out in the open? If there's a bunch of us standing ready out in the open I don't see why it would go looking for you."
Richard turns to Elena"Do you think this is worth using that ability that tied up the bandits, keep it further back? Would fire interfere with that? I'm not too familiar with the intricacies of magic. I'm just thinking I'd rather none of us find out the hard way that the spider or spider like thing is poisonous."

Colwyn the Toad |

"I'd be more than happy to sneak off and hide. Whatever made those webs probably has many hands, and I'm not eager to shake any of them. Just the same, I still have this bit of alchemical fire with me," Colwyn says, patting the flask at his hip. "Say the word, good Richard, and we can have a spider bonfire."
Colwyn creeps into the foliage on the party's left, finding a shadowy spot in the lee of a tree overlooking the creek to lie in wait with his bow.
Stealth: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Unfortunately, it seems that the pollen from some wildflowers leaves Colwyn holding back a sneeze as best he can.

Richard Harmon |

Pretty much what I mean for Colwyn to do. None of us should engage into close combat with a poisonous enemy if we can help it.
Richard takes out his bow and arrow readying to shoot at any beast that might jump out. As he looks down the shaft of the arrow he says "I'd say we could save the flask by using some flint and tinder but I'm not keen on anyone getting too close."


All your experience of nature tells you little of what might has left these webs. Knowledge Dungeoneering needed here.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
As Colwyn sneaks forward a section of the ground in the small clearing suddenly flies open, and a large spider springs out to attack him. Leaping the small stream easily it flies at Colwyn.
Readied actions can go now. It used it's action to get over the stream, so the party may attack. Ranged will be counted as taking place before melee.

Elena Voritzova |

"Deadeye's Bowstring! That thing is fast!"
Longbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Elena manages pull her bow around, but fumbles with the arrow and drops it in the mud.

Mykhael Medvyed |

Just a spider, Mykhael thought thankfully. The large man hobbled forward and gestured while he uttered some incomprehensible words.
Cast bless effects EVERYONE gains +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.

Richard Harmon |

Richard looses the arrow at the large creature his eyes going wide... at least they had a plan together. He needed to get in there fast he knew.
Longbow: 1d20 + 6 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 1 = 25
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 5

Colwyn the Toad |

"Bah, bloody hells!" Colwyn fearfully shouts as the monstrosity leaps for him.
He stumbles gracefully backwards, trying to evade the creature's mandibles and legs.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Once he manages to put a few feet between himself and the spider, Colwyn looses a quick arrow.
Shortbow: 1d20 + 4 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 4 + 1 + 1 = 23
Damage: 1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 + 1 = 3
Move Action: move 5 feet with Acrobatics to avoid Attack of Opportunity, Standard Action: shoot arrow with Point Blank Shot

Xantria Aldori |

The last time Xantria had seen an arachnid (or anything that could be called an arachnid) that big was a scorpion-looking thing in Numeria. It hadn't come near the town the caravan had stopped in that day, but seeing it fire on some wildlife made her very disinclined to look into it closer.
Fortunately, this one didn't have laser cannons or the like.
Longbow: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 6


The spider must have been young and inexperienced. It's clumsy and ill timed attack ends with it twitching disturbingly, punctured by three arrows.
It's well hidden lair contains only bones of an unfortunate adventurer, and the remains of his equipment.
Chain shirt MW.
Light crossbow MW.
Potion of Keen senses (CL1).
On to the next hex?

Richard Harmon |

Sure, 10 I think next
Richard sheaths his sword and looks over at Colwyn, "Are you alright? Things escalated very quickly but at least it didn't bite you."
After the group sorts through the loot Richard makes it known he is interested in the masterwork chain shirt but isn't sure if anyone else is interested.

Mykhael Medvyed |

"That went well,"Mykhael said with a grin. He turned to Colwyn with the smile still on his face, "Yes, Master Toad, well done, you jumped away from that creature like your name sake with a powerful hop."
Not interested in the MW Chain Shirt. Ready to move when everyone else is.

Colwyn the Toad |

"I'm rattled, but no worse for wear," Colwyn says to Richard while glowering at Mykhael. "Have at that mail shirt, friend. I'm not keen on putting myself in harm's leaping way again so soon. Besides, seeing how its metal links did little to save that bony former traveler, I'm not convinced of its reliability. Oh, but, I'm sure it will provide you with better protection, though."
Colwyn fishes the gourd flask from the dead adventurer's side, prying it from the smattering of webs joining it to the hipbone. He pulls the stopper and takes a sniff of the potion before recoiling.
"Oof, that's potent, even by Brevic standards. I think I'll hold onto this. I'm not sure any of the rest of you have the stomach for this concoction."

Richard Harmon |

"We've found a lot of strong drink so far. But I would say Colwyn earned that one... I wouldn't agree with his assessment of our stomaches. But that creature could have been a problem even for a well armed Traveller if alone."


Random: 1d100 ⇒ 83
Boars: 1d4 ⇒ 3
The next days travel brings you to the large forest that dominates this area of the stolen lands. After several hours of travel you see a large clearing that contains what you recognize from Svetlana's detailed description as Moon radish bushes.
The plants are heavy with the pale round radishes, and the air holds a peppery scent to it, unfortunately the abundance of the radishes has drawn 3 large Boards, who are greedily gorging on them.
What are you doing now?
New map up top for this. Moon radish rumble.

Colwyn the Toad |

"Mmmm, moon radish soup and roast boar," Colwyn whispers, licking his lips. "And here I was just worrying about our supplies running low. Desna and Erastil smile on us for a change. I say we have a spot of hunting, gather some of those radishes, then return to the trading post for a grand little feast."

Mykhael Medvyed |

Mykhael's stomach rumbles at the suggestion of roast boar. He can already smell it cooking as he readies his long spear, "Sounds good."

Elena Voritzova |

Niadroub Kliip casts mage armor.
"Entengle and peeck them ooff," he says as he loads his crossbow.
"Yes, that could work. Good hunting, everyone."
Elena pulls forth her holy symbol and begins singing softly.
"Bless our hunt, O thorns of the earth,
rise and claim this prey of worth.
Hold them still so our arrows fly true,
the blood of beast will the earth renew."
Casting entangle (DC 14) trying to center it on a little past the boars. 40' radius is really big. Using the green line again to mark the area.