Keleshite Wizard

Niadroub Kliip's page

1,308 posts. Alias of Andostre.

Full Name

Niadroub Kiip


Human Arcanist 12 ~ AC 20* (t 15, ff 15*) *-4 if no mage armor | F+7, R+9, W+12 | Init +9, Per +16


| A.R. pts 13/15 | HP 88/88












Common, Boggard, Draconic, Elven, Orc


Farmer, Soldier, Teacher, Booze-guy

Strength 10
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 24
Wisdom 14
Charisma 11

About Niadroub Kliip

Favored Class: Arcanist
Initiative 9 = 3 (Dex) + 1 (Trait) + 4 (Feat) + 1 (magic item)

AC 16 = 10 + 3 (magic items) + 3 (Dex), touch 15, flat-footed 11 -- +4 with mage armor
HP 88 = 12d6 + 12 (Con) + 12 (Feat) + 12 (fcb)

Fort 7 = 4 (Arc12) + 1 (Con) + 2 (magic item)
Ref 9 = 4 (Arc12) + 3 (Dex) + 2 (magic item)
Will 12 = 8 (Arc12) + 2 (Wis) + 2 (magic item)

CMD 31 = 10 + 6 (BAB) + 12 (Arc12) + 3 (Dex)
Concentration 24 = 12 (Arc12) + 7 (Int) + 1 (Trait) + 4 (Feat)

Speed 30
BAB 6/1
CMB 6 = 6 (BAB)

Mace, heavy: +6 1d8 (x2)
Crossbow, heavy (mw): +8 1d10 (19-20/x2)
- Melee: +6 1d4 (19-20/x2)
- Ranged: +7 1d4 (19-20/x2)

Spell slots per day: 1st: 4+1*****, 2nd: 4+1, 3rd: 4+1*, 4th: 4+1, 5th: 4+1**, 6th: 2
Spells prepared per day: 0: 9, 1st: 5, 2nd: 5, 3rd: 4, 4th: 3, 5th: 2, 6th: 1
* asterisks indicate spells of that level cast this day
Spells known (prepared spells in bold)
0 (DC=17): all (Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Mage Hand, Message, Read Magic, Spark)
1 (DC=18): Adhesive Spittle, Ant Haul, Cause Fear, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Expeditious Excavation, Grease, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Mudball, Obscuring Mist, Ray of Enfeeblement, Reduce Person, Silent Image, Stunning Barrier, Unseen Servant, Vanish
2 (DC=19): Create Pit, Detect Thoughts, Flaming Sphere, Glitterdust, Resist Energy, Scorching Ray, Whispering Wind
3 (DC=20): Aqueous Orb, Battering Blast, Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Fly, Haste
4 (DC=21): Dimension Door, Enervation, Hold Monster, Icy Prison, Stone Shape
5 (DC=22): Hungry Pit, Overland Flight, Teleport
6 (DC=23): Mass Suggestion, Sirocco

Arcane Reservoir
- Max Points: 15 = 3 + Arc12
- Recover Points: (3 + 1/2 Arcanist level) per day
- Can expend 1 point as a free action when casting arcanist spell to choose to increase the caster level by 2 or increase the spell's DC by 2.

Arcanist Exploits
- Dimensional Slide
- Quick Study
- Potent Magic
- Metamagic Knowledge
- Familiar
- Metamagic Knowledge

Consume Spells

CG Tiny dragon (faerie dragon)
Init +3; Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +8

AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 size, +5 natural)
hp 40 (half of master's)
Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +5
Immune paralysis, sleep; SR 13

Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect), swim 30 ft.
Melee bite +4 (1d3-1)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks breath weapon (5-ft. cone, euphoria, Fort DC 12 negates, usable every 1d4 rounds)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +6)

3/day greater invisibility (self only)

Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +6)

1st (6/day) grease (DC 14), silent image (DC 14), sleep (DC 14)
0 (at will) dancing lights, flare (DC 13), ghost sound (DC 13), mage hand, open/close

Str 9, Dex 17, Con 13, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +3; CMB +4; CMD 14 (18 vs. trip)
Feats Acrobatic, Dodge
Skills Acrobatics +8 (+0 when jumping), Bluff +9, Diplomacy +9, Fly +23, Perception +8, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +17, Swim +13, Use Magic Device +9
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Sylvan; telepathy 100 ft.
Abilities: Breath Weapon, Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch Spells, Speak With Master

Special Abilities
Breath Weapon (Su): 5-foot cone, euphoria for 1d6 rounds, DC 12 Fort negates. Creatures affected by euphoria are staggered, sickened, and immune to fear effects for the duration. A faerie dragon can use this breath weapon once every 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Spells: A faerie dragon casts spells as a 3rd-level sorcerer.

Spell Resistance 16

Arcane Temper, Pioneer (Survival)

Fly 11 = 5 + 3 (Dex) + 3
Knowledge (arcana) 22 = 12 + 7 (Int) + 3
Knowledge (dungeoneering) 15 = 5 + 7 (Int) +3
Knowledge (local) 12 = 2 + 7 (Int) +3
Knowledge (nature) 22 = 12 + 7 (Int) + 3
Knowledge (planes) 20 = 10 + 7 (Int) + 3
Knowledge (religion) 18 = 8 + 7 (Int) + 3
Linguistics 12 = 2 + 7 (Int) + 3
Perception 16 = 12 + 2 (Wis) + 2 (familiar)
Ride 7 = 2 + 3 (Dex)
Sense Motive 10 = 6 + 2 (Wis) + 2 (familiar)
Spellcraft 22 = 12 + 7 (Int) + 3
Survival 3 = 0 + 2 (Wis) + 1 (trait)
Use Magic Device 12 = 8 + 1 (Cha) + 3

Craft (alchemy) 17 = 7 + 7 (Int) + 3
Craft (traps) 11 = 1 + 7 (Int) + 3
Knowledge (engineering) 21 = 11 + 7 (Int) + 3
Knowledge (geography) 16 = 6 + 7 (Int) + 3
Profession (farming) 6 = 1 + 2 (Wis) + 3

Skill notes:
adventuring skill points per level 8 = 2 (Arc) + 7 (Int) + 1 (race)
background skill points per level: 2

Improved Initiative, Toughness, Combat Casting, Defensive Combat Training, Toppling Spell, Spell Penetration, [Alertness], Improved Familiar, Piercing Spell

Weapons and armor: heavy mace, heavy crossbow (mw), dagger, flaming +1 crossbow bolts (x5), bracers of armor +1
General: horse, soldier's uniform, waterproof bag (holds spellbook), belt pouch, spell component pouch, waterskin, flask (x5), ink, parchment (x5), silk rope (50 ft.), signal whistle, charcoal stick (x2), bedroll, tent (small), compass, lantern (hooded), Tartuk's journal, Miniature shovel (special spell component)
Magic items: Handy Haversack, Alchemists fire (x2), cure light wounds potion (x2), cure moderate wounds potion (x3), cure serious wounds potion, tanglefoot bag, wand of burning hands (CL 2nd, 1 charges), potion of vanish, potion of protection from arrows, potion of barkskin x 2, wand of magic missile (CL 3rd, 4 charges), wand of lightning bolt (CL 5th, 16 charges), cloak of resistance +1, Scroll of Summon Nature's Ally II, Scroll of Break Enchantment, Dust of Dryness x 3, Ring of Protection +2, Headband of Vast Intelligence +4 (Arcana and Nature), Portable hole, Scroll of Remove Paralysis, Scroll of Cure Serious Wounds
Found spellboks:
Spellbook - 2nd: detect thoughts, invisibility, minor image
Vordekai's spellbook
Naga's spellbook
Lorentus' spellbook
Wealth: gp 43,025; sp 47; cp 10

Niadroub Kliip ("KNEE-ah-droob kleep") was born on a small, rural farm located in a backwater area of the River Kingdoms (even by River Kingdoms standards) to very poor farmers. He grew up learning how to till the earth, trap for meat, and brew some moonshine. During adolescence, Niadroub Kliip developed a talent for harnessing arcane energy, but nobody on the farm knew anything about arcane studies (and to be honest, the whole thing made them a little nervous). So, Niadroub Kliip's parents did the only thing they knew to do to get him the teaching he'd need to maybe rise above his station in life: they tied him up while he slept, tossed him into the back of their turnip cart, and rode three days to the nearest town, whereby they volunteered him for military service. Gods bless 'em.

The petty tyrant mustering an army at the time he was forcibly volunteered is inconsequential; he's been dead for weeks, now. In the military, Niadroub Kliip's training was subpar. He learned the basics of wizardry, but he never had a regular teacher for very long, and his training was always directed towards the craft of war, not the broader, more universal training that a proper mage receives. Due to his limited training, Niadroub Kliip relied heavily on his innate talent to learn his spellcraft, but he developed habits and logical shortcuts that might fluster a more traditional practitioner.

Before he was really ready, Niadroub Kliip was assigned to a regiment that was immediately force-marched for two days to lay siege to one of the region's many city-states. Niadroub Kliip hated the army, what with everyone telling him what to do and to shave his beard and to maybe stop being such a backwater hick all the time. Niadroub Kliip just wants to take the time to figure out his magic, but he didn't want leave the army because he didn't have any money nor the knowledge to do anything other than be a frontier farmer. His rarity as a spellcasting soldier, combined with his thick backwater accent, let Niadroub Kliip enjoy an unofficial prestige among the rank and file. Unfortunately, this caused him to develop a touch of arrogance to go along with his poor attitude.

Niadroub Kliip deserted the army when he assessed that it would never be able to successfully take the city it was surrounding. Grabbing a horse and everything it could carry, he slipped away and headed east, looking for a way to earn some money on his own terms not being forced to fight for someone else. He learned that his former army was wiped out less than a week after he left, the warlord betrayed by a supposed ally with a slightly bigger army.

Description: 5' 9"; 155 lbs; sun-darkened skin; unkempt, thick black hair and beard; military-issue pants and boots, but he always cuts the sleeves off of whatever tunic he's given, exposing his wiry arms.

Levelling Notes:

Future feats: Combat Casting, Defensive Combat Training

Future 1st spells to consider: Sleep,
True Strike,