Gideon Carter |
I'm going to be waking the party up when I get back. I'm not sure where in the timeline of the night that happens since we have a few concurrent scenes happening. Just let me know when to jump back in with everyone else.
Gideon Carter |
Gideon melted out of the dark like he was made of it and gave Szemyan a small wave. "Hey. We have problem. Give me a hand waking everyone up."
A few moments later while everyone else was rubbing their eyes and gathering their wits, Gideon said "I went and checked out the house. Oleg is... well, he's doing real bad. Whatever is going on, it doesn't look like any kind of sickness I've ever heard of. It looks more like something has been, I don't know, feeding on him or poisoning him, or something. Maybe both."
Mama Cas |
As the others had slipped out to their respective watches, Mama began to busy herself with cleaning. She started with wiping down the table with part of her own robes and then moved on to making up the beds. She started to unpack her own alchemy tools and then her mess kit, setting places at the now somewhat more clean table, all the while humming a light tune to herself.
As Isen entered and and inquired on their needs, Mama responded "oh why thank you dear, that would be wonderful. If you could bring any fruits or vegetables, that would make a halfling woman very happy" she said with a smile. As Leo asked about water, Mama agreed "yes, a pitcher of water or two would be most appreciated. Such a smart young man" she remarked, mostly to herself but loud enough for others to hear.
At Gideon's return and the news of Oleg was relayed, Mama's brow furled with thought. "Oh dear, this is much worse than I had expected, much worse indeed. I sensed something from Svetlana but did not anticipate such a dire situation. This means she is either involved, or at the mercy of something more sinister, and this puts us in a very precarious position indeed."
While she spoke, she paid no mind to anyone in particular, but now she turned to address Gideon directly. "Gideon, how did you manage to learn all this? Did you speak with Master Oleg? Does Svetlana or Isen know that you know? You did well my dear. Very well, but now we must decide what we will do with this information..."
Gideon Carter |
"No. I just let myself in. No one saw me, and if they did, well, they wouldn't have known it was me. Like you said, something seemed off earlier and I thought I'd check on him personally to try to get a better feel for what is going on." Gideon said. "Look, that's not all of it either. There was... something above the door. Like a cocoon or hammock or something. It was organic, but didn't look like anything made by any animal I've ever seen."
Szemyan Alexyrov |
"A cocoon? Like for a giant spider maybe?"
Szemyan shakes his head.
"Why would you leave something like that in your house?"
"Still, even so, what do we do about it? Kick in the door and accuse her of being a bandit? Or... a how about a vampire?"
Lemnis Recinsier |
Lemnis pinches the sleep from his eyes.
"Let's not leap to hasty accusations. It's clear that there is a potentially dangerous mystery here. We have not been directly threatened, but it was wise to post a watch.
Gideon, I am glad you were able to bring us this information. It might well save our lives.
Perhaps we should continue watch, getting what rest we can. With the morning we will be gone from here and this Fasen Jennic may have more information.
Additionally, we may find further evidence of such cocoons. If it is some sort of transitory stage of insectile life form, there may be new creatures about the area."
A distracted expression comes over his face. "How interesting. Could we be looking at a profound ecological shift? Some new life form preying upon or perhaps laying eggs in humanoids... His voice trails off, but his lips continue to move as he follows this line of thinking internally.
Andelis Rovena |
Once Isen appears to ask if they want food or water Andelis responds by saying. "Yes. I would like food and water. Also, if you could bring a bucket of water, I would appreciate it" Once the food and water comes, Andelis eats and drinks her fill, and then takes the bucket of water to a corner where she hangs up a blanket to hide behind. With a quick pass of her hands and says
"μαγεία τέχνασμα"
As she finishes her spell, the water glows for a second, and then steam begins to rise from it. With a contented sigh she takes off her clothes, and using a clean rag begins to sponge bath herself. It’s not the best solution, but it is better than nothing she thinks to herself.
After she finished her impromptu bath, she settled down for bed. Her sleep was interrupted as Gideon came in and woke them all up She shuddered at his description of Olaf, and nodded in agreement at Mama Cas’s interpretation of the situation.
”She may be more than meets the eye. There may well be more than a human face behind that mask.” She said grimly.
Szemyan Alexyrov |
"Well, we could bust in the door and rip off her mask, as long as we have a really really good apology prepared in advance, in case we are wrong."
Szemyan thinks to himself.
"But what if there is some pretext to enter the house otherwise? Like, if we thought the house was on fire? Is there any way to make smoke without setting the whole house ablaze?"
Mac tíre |
Leo's knee-jerk reaction upon being awoke was to reach for the dagger under his pillow but, when he heard the sounds of the others awakening he relaxed and sat up instead.
Gideon was only halfway through relaying his information and Leo had already begun slipping the chain shirt on over the cotton undershirt he wore. In his experience, if someone wakes you up in the middle of the night, it's almost never a good thing.
Leo slipped his boots on as Lemnis spoke, shaking his head slowly as the elf suggested going back to bed. Leo stood and buckled the quiver around his waist, ”Someone done told me once 'If’n you keep waitin’ for the stag ta got closer ta yer perch, eventually he's gonna turn 'n’ run.”
He snatched up the bow from beside his bed, ”Right now we got surprise on our side. Tomorrow that may not be th’ case. Shoot, if’n Oleg is as bad off as Softpaw In reference to sneakiness not racial. I'm pretty sure that's still a secret, correct? says, th’ man may not have a tomorrow.”
Gideon Carter |
Yep. Still secret. Gideon doesn't even know what he really is.
Gideon shook his head in frustrated worry. "Might be premature to blame the wife. I mostly just want to get Oleg some help. I'm not a healer. I thought maybe someone with some medical training might be able to tell what's wrong with him."
Karlak the Blooded |
The big tiefling shakes his head suddenly, as if snapping out of a trance once the others start talking. His mind was in it's own world for a moment. The dark growling had gotten a bit louder at the thought of spilling blood, and was not happy to be denied, but Karlak knew opportunities would avail themselves. As for the moment, it seemed like the group was investigating the fort, and the man's...disease? They seemed to think it was a disease.
"Mama said you should burn sick things. Not people, but...clothes n' blankets n' stuff. If there's something making him sick maybe we can burn it? Fire don't hurt me much. Can I help?"
He takes a seat at the edge of one of the beds, it creaking slightly but holding his weight. He bites his lower lip, quizzically trying to think about the problem on hand.
Wish I could be more helpful.
You can't. You're a useless monster, and they'll figure it out soon, like everyone else.
Shut up. I'm not like you anymore.
Until you let go, that is...
Mama Cas |
"Of course you can help. We're all going to help, but we must decide together how to proceed. We are now all in this together. If even one of us decides to aid Mr. Oleg, then we are all accountable. What Gideon has discovered, is now shared."
"So what do we know? We know that Mr. Oleg is sick, and that sickness is not likely aided by Ms. Svetlana's care. We know that some kind of cocoon is growing in the same room as Mr. Oleg and that is most certainly not normal. I think we need to remove Mr. Oleg from the room."
"So how do we do this? Well, we can either enter the room directly or under pretense. However I can think of no scenario that allows us into the room with impunity. I think this means we're going to either have to steal Mr. Oleg away and leave quickly or we're going to have to address Ms. Svetlana directly. Since this is the only shelter in the area that we are aware of it would seem to make more sense for both Mr. Oleg and ourselves to remain here and confront Ms. Svetlana and this Isen directly."
Karlak the Blooded |
Karlak pauses at Cas's words and furrows his brow. "So the safest thing is to remove him, but he won't want to. He'll be angry." He stands up and stretches, flicking his tail and unfurling his wings, clearly of no use flying with the number of scars, tears, and rips that have been abused upon him over the years. "If he's going to be angry at someone, it should be me. I can make him leave, by fear or by force, if you need time to destroy....whatever that cocoon thing is." He looks around at the others circumspectly, as if to question if it was a good idea at all. "I mean, if looking like a demon has one good thing, it's I can scare people pretty well, and if that doesn't work, he weighs...what...twenty plat or so (my PF equivalent of saying someone weighs about two bucks), no? I tossed hay bales that size with one arm for momma." He blinks. "I won't hurt him. I'll just...tell him to get a not very nice way." He looks around for quick reassurance. "Not that I'm a mean guy, just...sometimes people don't listen to a nice me."
I told you you're a monster
Shut up! Shut up! It's to help him!
Sure it is. Just like the dagger would've been.
Mama Cas |
"Hmm. It sounds like, and Gideon, correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like Mr. Oleg may not have the strength or capacity to move on his own. He may require some, or total assistance."
"I think we all confront Ms. Svetlana and Isen together, directly. That, or Leo and Gideon try to get Mr. Oleg out while the rest of us, you too Karlak, speak with Ms. Svetlana and Isen."
Mama began to shake her head. "I don't foresee this ending well, without violence. I pray I am wrong."
Lemnis Recinsier |
"I do not disagree that Oleg's condition is likely worsened by proximity to that coccoon and Svetlana, regardless of her intention is not helping him. There is much we still don't know.
I am not opposed to confrontation, but I am entirely for gathering information. A verbal confrontation may give us what we need without inflicting undue harm.
There is no need to rashly do that which cannot be undone."
Karlak the Blooded |
I have a +10 to intimidate, thank you Intimidating Prowess and a +1 trait, so I can be really f*!$ing scary.
The large tiefling cracks his neck left and right and nods at the elf. "If that's what you want, sir. I won't hurt her. Usually lifting someone two feet from the ground by their collar tends to get them to move along quietly..."
He grins, quite possibly the first real smile you've seen from the tiefling, and there's a little glint in his eye hiding a darkness beneath the surface that the man-child clearly was trying to hold under. Sharp fangs glint in the light of the fire, and it's about then you notice just how razor sharp they are. ...and if she resists, and you throw her a few feet, that's just part of the... NO! You're no fun.
"I will wait until one of you tries to talk her nicely away. If she doesn't move willingly, she will eventually."
I'm growing on you, boy. Every time you let loose I get stronger you know.
Shut up. I'm not like you.
"I hope she listens to you." No you don't.
Karlak the Blooded |
Karlak looks down at his heavy scalemail, and the huge hammer strapped on his back and kind of shrugs, giving a shink, shink sound when he does. "Not me. But if you need someone to keep others' eyes on..."
Mac tíre |
Leo yes Karlak for a few looong seconds before he turned to Gideon, ”I been known ta do some skulkin’ from time ta time.”
+8 stealth, +6 after acp
”Whatcha got in mind, Softpaw?”
Lemnis Recinsier |
"I'll come too. I may see something that helps unravel this mystery
Taking 10 for 13 Stealth. Ready to roll perception or knowledge skills as appropriate.
Mac tíre |
Leo ran his thumb along the string of his bow and checked the tautness, "If'n any of y'all hear us a hollerin', feel free to join in," he grinned at Karlak, "Especially you, Red."
Leo slipped out after the other three.
I'm not gonna be the guy to roll and get a 1. Taking 10 for a 16
Andelis Rovena |
Andelis stands next to Karlak, nervously patting the haft of her crossbow as some of the others sneak off into the night. She smiles weakly at Karlak, who seems more at home with the idea of getting into a fight. "If we get in a fight, who should I target with my crossbow first, Isen or Svetlana?" she asks him.
Karlak the Blooded |
The tiefling smiles back at the wizard. She's being nice to me. She's scared of you. I say she's being nice.
If he were't already a deep shade of crimson, the simple concept of a woman near his age being even slightly friendly to him would have turned Karlak a brighter red, but fortunately for him, that was only barely perceptible if the viewer was really paying attention.
"Well...I'd say I'll try to stop the bigger threat. It would be easier to hit a target that is clear, so I'd say whichever I'm not on."
He slides the haft of his lucerne hammer over to his left hand, leaning the broad head over his left shoulder, and spends a moment wiping his right hand off on the cloth of the bed, "cleaning" it, as it were, before extending it to Andelis. "Um, hi," he stumbles out eventually, "I'm Karlak. I know I met you, but I don't think I met you, met you. You know. Um..." He bites his lower lip in thought, trying to remember. Intro...intero....inner-duck-ins? Oh, wait, I know! "Greetings. We didn't have greetings." The beading sweat on his forehead after that ordeal could easily be confused for dealing with humid air. Probably.
DM Hunger |
You all make your way into the house, and into Oleg's bedroom. He remains as Gideon described - in bed, pale and shaking, with little color in his face.
You also see the strange bloated "hammock" sac hanging from the ceiling in the corner of the room.
If you look, there are clearly visible bruises down the side of his neck. If one of you moves the sheet, you will see the puncture wounds in his chest and the pus scabs that cover them.
Various knowledge checks would tell you that the sac appears to be organic, but none of you have ever heard or read about anything like this.
Everyone who did not sneak into the house needs to make a Perception check. If you make it, read the spoiler below.
Mac tíre |
He tucked the blanket around Oleg, ”Th’ three of us can git 'im. An’ we may need th’ blanket ta keep 'im warm.” Leo slipped his bow over one shoulder and gripped Oleg under his armpits. He grimaced at the slick sweat and stared at the sack-thing, mumbling a small prayer to Erastil.
Lemnis Recinsier |
Lemnis glances around, specifically at the coccoon, hoping to glean a few clues, as he wraps the blanket snugly around Oleg's legs and lifts from that end.
+8 for Dungeoneering, Planes, Religion
+9 for Arcana, History, Engineering, Geography...If any are appropriate.
Szemyan Alexyrov |
He gets ready to lift Oleg. Then he thinks for a moment.
"Wait... they're going to notice Oleg is gone. Why do we care about the blanket?"
Gideon Carter |
Gideon shook his head. "No, they wont." He reached up and grabbed his left shoulder with his right hand and his right shoulder with his left hand, and [i]pulled[/b]. The effect was something like his clothes turning inside out while they were still on his body, like a quick-change artist in a stage magician's show. The transformation took a blink of an eye and when it was over, Gideon was Oleg, right down to the weeping sores on his chest.
He winked.
[ooc]Using Sleeves of Many Garments to copy Oleg's clothing. Taking 10 on Disguise.
Base 18
+10 for pretending to be a human.
+10 because I'm pretending to be a specific person I've seen before.
Disguise total: 38
Karlak the Blooded |
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
It seems that Karlak is a bit too distracted by the young lady conversing with him to notice anything amiss in the night, despite his keen eyesight and ability to see in total darkness. He simply smiles at her, trying to hide his fangs with a close lipped smile, and nervously taps his armor. "Um. I guess we just wait, huh?"
Szemyan Alexyrov |
"No wonder. The resemblance is perfect! It's an illusion, yes?"
I have heard of the disguise self spell, but I didn't think it would be so... convincing. He looks at Gideon with a worried look.
"But if you stay in Oleg's place, aren't you worried that whatever happened to him will now happen to you? And how long do you plan to keep up the charade? Won't the illusion wear off after a while?"
Andelis Rovena |
Andelis smiled at both Karlak and Mama Cas. "Thank you both. I'm afraid I don't know much about fighting." As Karlak makes his greetings, Andelis nods her head and offers her hand for a handshake. "I am pleased to make your official acquaintance Karlak. I am Andelis, Andelis Rovena."
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 7
Andelis continues to rock nervously from side to side, oblivious to the intruders.
Mac tíre |
He liked this plan less and less with each passing second but,it seemed to be the best one they had at the moment.
"Ready when you fellas are."
DM Hunger |
You know it's not natural, magical, or something found in the dark recesses of Golarion.
As Karlak, Andelis, and Mama Cas are speaking, a horrible shriek tears through the air as two creatures leap toward them from the house.
The first vague resembles Svetlana from the nose up, and the neck down. A mass of writing tentacles twist around where her mouth should be. Her back legs are also elongated allowing her to move around on her hands and feet. She lands in front of Karlak and her tentacles lash out!
The second creature is Isen, and he resembles Svetlana except that he only has 2 tentacles, and his mouth remains more or less intact.
He lands in front of Andelis and one of his tentacles whips out and hits her shoulder causing pain to shoot down her arm and into her chest. 2 points of damage and a Fort save please
The people inside the house can hear the shriek. You can get through the house and outside in one round, able to attck next round.
Karlak, Andelis, and Mama Cas can act now. Assume you can take 5' step, use special abilities, etc.
1d20 ⇒ 4
1d20 ⇒ 16
1d20 ⇒ 19
Karlak the Blooded |
Caught off guard by the shrieking sound, Karlak's grip on his lucerne hammer tightens, but before he can look up, he catches "svetlana"'s tentacle to the chest, but it doesn't break through the thick scales of his armor. I assume it missed, since you mentioned it hitting the other player, but not me. As the unearthly tentacle pulls back, Karlak snaps at it with his razor-sharp teeth before the pseudolimb can pull away, and then steps backwards to take a quick sweep at "her" chest with his hammer.
Full Attack - Bite, five-foot-step back, hammer with reach.
Bite Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11damage: 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Hammer: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18damage: 1d12 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18
Someone call the 80s and order me some parachute pants, cause it appears to be Hammer Time
The look in the tiefling's eyes is now obviously shifted. It's like a battle focus, but with an intensity...a fury somewhere deep within...(Not in rage, just flavor texting, like he's losing it and MIGHT bloodrage soon) as if he's looking through his target and not quite at it. His already deep voice has a vicious, and disturbing rattle to it as it almost seems like another person is speaking through his mouth mid-battle...
Mama Cas |
As the threat emerged, Mama's hand instinctively crept into the small pouch tied to her waist. Grasping a tiny slab of butter, she stepped back away from the creatures and chanting the ancient arcane words, she began to draw strange symbols in the air with her hands. A bubbling, oily substance began to creep up from the ground around the altered inhabitants, coating the soil and their feet in a slick shine.
Casting grease, hopefully on both Svetlana and Isen if possible. DC 15 Reflex save or fall prone.