Kingmaker ph'nglui shugnahh ot Cthulhu

Game Master Hunger

Kingmaker AP with a twist. Gone are the capricious fey, taking their place are the Gods of ancient madness. Welcome now to the altar of Nylarthotep, Yog-Sothoth, and all their brethren. Nilgh'ri vulgtmah Cthulhu, ya lw'nafh llll Cthulhu!

Current Characters

Artemis Entreri

(93 posts)
Grand Lodge Gwahir777
(44 posts)
Umbral Dragon
The Vagrant Erudite

Male The rare Cynic Dragon
(2,144 posts)
Andelis Rovena

Female Human (Chelaxian) Level 1 Wizard

played by Gwahir777 (29 posts)
DM Hunger

played by Hunger (155 posts)
Gideon Carter

played by Doomed Hero (53 posts)
Karlak the Blooded

Bloodrager (Primalist) | HP: 11/13 | AC: 17, T: 11 I, FF: 16 | Fort: 4, Reflex: 1, Will: 1 | CMB: +5, CMD: 16 | Init: +1 | Perception: +4

played by The Vagrant Erudite (36 posts)
Spell Sovereign
Lemnis Recinsier

Male Elf Wizard 1 |HP 6/6 | Versatile Evocation 6/6|Init +3| AC 13/13/10 (17/13/14 with Mage Armor)| F+0, R+3, W+2| Perception +4 (Lowlight vision)

played by Entymal (52 posts)
Jakardros Sovark
Mac tíre

Half-Elf Ranger (Wild Shadow) 1
HP 11 | AC 18 T 14 FF 14 | CMD 16 | FORT +3 REF +6 WILL +2(+4 vs enchantments; Immune to Sleep) Init +4 Low-Light Vision Perc. +8

played by Chapel36 (47 posts)
Jadrenka the Mother
Mama Cas


played by Nickadeamous (90 posts)

Thrush familiar to Lemnis |HP 3/3| AC 17/16/14 |Perception +5

played by Entymal (10 posts)
The Illegitimate
Szemyan Alexyrov

Samsaran Magus 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 16 : TAC 13 : FAC 13 : CMD 13 | Fort +3 : Ref +3 : Will +1 | Perc +3 (+4 opposed) Init. +3 | Move 30'

played by Peet (46 posts)