Kingmaker [PbP] (Inactive)

Game Master Jeff Przybylo

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Female Dwarf Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4 | HP 29/39 | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 CMD 17 (21 vs Trip and Bullrush) | F +8 R +4 W +7 | Init +0 | Perc +0 (Darkvision) | Status: Lookout

Magna peeks into the darkness, using her darkvision.

HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

"here is a fisher down 'ere, might be a warm place t' camp awer i' might be full ov kobolds or something." Dregan says and starts to look for tracks of small creatures around the gap.

LN Female (Brevic) Human Skald 6 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 20 (22 w/shield) ( 13 Tch, 20 Ff) | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F:+8 R:+5 W:+7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9; SM: 13 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 Spell Kenning: 1/1 | Performance 15/15 | Active conditions:

Talia waits a few moments for Magna's darkvision to do acclimate to the darkness, And if Magna sees no threat and then casts light onto the tip of her whip, dangling it down into the fissure, so that the rest can see as well.

Provided that Magna sees no danger, Talia should be able to get the whip 15 down, so light to 35', then dim light up to 55' down.

HP 48/48 | AC 16 (Touch 11, FF 14) CMD 13 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +5 | Init +5 Percep +4 SM +2 | Shift (15 ft, 8/8)

Busy with something at the moment, will most more soon. Casting mage armor.

Naralesh slides his armored coat off and casts a quick spell of protection as he dismounts.

The fissure descends at downward slope -so it isn't a vertical crack in the earth- for as far Magna's dwarven senses can see. Once Talia drops her light into the crack, there is a gleam of something metallic reflecting her light...

Female Dwarf Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4 | HP 29/39 | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 CMD 17 (21 vs Trip and Bullrush) | F +8 R +4 W +7 | Init +0 | Perc +0 (Darkvision) | Status: Lookout

Magna's eyes grow wider.
She starts looking for a way down, to investigate the gleam.
"Maybe Torag will bless us with an Ore mine! That would be a very good omen!"

LN Female (Brevic) Human Skald 6 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 20 (22 w/shield) ( 13 Tch, 20 Ff) | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F:+8 R:+5 W:+7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9; SM: 13 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 Spell Kenning: 1/1 | Performance 15/15 | Active conditions:

Talia's eyes light up at she catches something reflecting in the light. Buried treasure unearthed by a tremor or time? The playwright lays her whip down and shimmies into the fissure, following the light to the gleam, hand on her longsword if needed.

Assuming if it slopes we can get to the source of the gleaming. If needed:

acrobatics check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

HP 48/48 | AC 16 (Touch 11, FF 14) CMD 13 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +5 | Init +5 Percep +4 SM +2 | Shift (15 ft, 8/8)

Naralesh descends the fissue, following behind Talia, and inspects whatever is found down there. If Magna is right, that would be of great interest to Restov. We could get even more support for Oleg's and the security of the surrounding area.

Taking ten on an appraise check gives Naralesh an 18.

Male Human Swashbuckler 5/ Shadowdancer 1[Hp: 41/46; AC: 23 Tch: 18 Flt: 17; Fort: +1 Ref: +9 Will: +2; Panche 4/5]

Gavriil's eyes light up at the sparkle of metal and Magna's claim that it could be ore. He grins at the dwarf and says, "Gold, maybe? Gods let it be gold so we can give up trekking through this wilderness!"

He heads down the fissure behind the others, leaning this way and that to get a better view around them.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Female Dwarf Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4 | HP 29/39 | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 CMD 17 (21 vs Trip and Bullrush) | F +8 R +4 W +7 | Init +0 | Perc +0 (Darkvision) | Status: Lookout

Magna doesn't argue with Gavriil.
"That would be nice, too!", she thinks, smiling.

The fissure descends about seventy feet before ending in a crack too narrow to allow passage. At the end, a foot-wide streak of gold cuts a tear through the wall of the fissure, and it winds its way down through the narrow gap.

Gold, indeed.

Female Dwarf Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4 | HP 29/39 | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 CMD 17 (21 vs Trip and Bullrush) | F +8 R +4 W +7 | Init +0 | Perc +0 (Darkvision) | Status: Lookout

"Holy Torag!"
Magna caress the gold vein as someone would caress a puppy. She has a wide smile and a gleam in her eyes you had never seen before.
"Surely our Father is watching us, and he has bless our mission!"
She doesn't seem like going anywhere soon.

LN Female (Brevic) Human Skald 6 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 20 (22 w/shield) ( 13 Tch, 20 Ff) | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F:+8 R:+5 W:+7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9; SM: 13 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 Spell Kenning: 1/1 | Performance 15/15 | Active conditions:

Talia smiles. "Well, I suppose, unless anyone brought a pick ax, we should make camp here and head out in the morning? I'll start getting the supplies, so Magna can have a little alone time with Torag's seed."


HP 48/48 | AC 16 (Touch 11, FF 14) CMD 13 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +5 | Init +5 Percep +4 SM +2 | Shift (15 ft, 8/8)

Naralesh marvels at the sight. "Incredible... I know little of the process of mining, but surely this is of great value. This is a wonderful boon." He looks around the fissure. "This does seem a secure place for a camp." Bending down, he retrieves a small pebble and imbues it with his spell of light to further brighten the chamber.

Male Human Swashbuckler 5/ Shadowdancer 1[Hp: 41/46; AC: 23 Tch: 18 Flt: 17; Fort: +1 Ref: +9 Will: +2; Panche 4/5]

Gavriil's eye grow even wider at the sight of the gold and confirmation from Magna. We actually struck gold! he thinks as his mind races to think of all the things he could buy with it. He could move his mom and that snot nosed brat of a little brother of his into a nicer house in a nicer neighborhood. Heck! He might even be able to buy a fancy mansion like the nobles lived in! He'd be able to quit this lousy rob mucking through the woods fighting bandits and the weather! He would be beholden to no man ever again!

And then it hit him...

The Swordlords.

No doubt they would claim the gold as their own since their little group was in their employ. All this hard work and those bastards were just going to swoop in and claim it all. No help for the little guy.

Not if he had anything to say about it.

He made camp with the others and once everyone was settled, Gavriil busted out his lute and strummed it a bit for the others. After a while of sitting around the campfire like old friends he said, "No doubt the Swordlords will be pleased to hear of this..."

LN Female (Brevic) Human Skald 6 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 20 (22 w/shield) ( 13 Tch, 20 Ff) | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F:+8 R:+5 W:+7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9; SM: 13 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 Spell Kenning: 1/1 | Performance 15/15 | Active conditions:

Talia had spent the evening thinking about the gold. Surely, Magna was going to want to claim it for Torag. Dregan and Naralesh? They were simple men, probably not much interested in the subject. Gavriil, the noblewoman was sure, would want a cut of the contents of the hill - probably enough to swim in some whores, but he certainly wasn't a big picture guy. No, it was Magna that was going to be the biggest obstacle to Talia securing the gold for House Khavortorov.

When Gavriil starts strumming his lute, Talia improvises a song, a little piece about the land that they had seen so far, rolling plains of grass, old wood forest, and sideways storms. Not too bad for something made up on the spot.

sing: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15

She's about to add a bit about fissures of gold when Gavriil breaks off and nonchalantly, a little too nonchalantly perhaps, mentions the Swordlords.

You snake! Talia smirks and then coughs to cover up her smile. Impressive misdirection, Scoundrel of the Greenbelt.

"You're right, Gavriil. The Swordlords will certainly be pleased. If there's a sufficient amount of gold here they could possibly fund their independence from the north. If they were capable of working together, that is..."

Female Dwarf Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4 | HP 29/39 | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 CMD 17 (21 vs Trip and Bullrush) | F +8 R +4 W +7 | Init +0 | Perc +0 (Darkvision) | Status: Lookout

Magna's eyes seem unfocused, her mind wandering.
"I can imagine it now... a nice Dwarven town... right here! The biggest gold mine in the Stolen Lands. Over there the forge, the holy place for Torag. We only need to create some nice roads out of here..."

HP 48/48 | AC 16 (Touch 11, FF 14) CMD 13 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +5 | Init +5 Percep +4 SM +2 | Shift (15 ft, 8/8)

Naralesh glances up from the pile of notes and books surrounding him as he studies in silence, looking between the others. Between furrowed brows, he quietly observes as Gavriil and Talia both address the group like horse salesmen making a pitch. They both want something out of this, he thinks. At least Magna isn't attempting to be subtle about it. He remains quiet for the moment.

LN Female (Brevic) Human Skald 6 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 20 (22 w/shield) ( 13 Tch, 20 Ff) | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F:+8 R:+5 W:+7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9; SM: 13 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 Spell Kenning: 1/1 | Performance 15/15 | Active conditions:

Do dwarves get gold fever worse than others? I'd imagine so...

"Ahh, yes, Magna. This does seem like just the place that dwarves would love to live. However, I must preach prudence for the time being. We are only five people. I know the Swordlords better than most, and Gavriil is correct - if they are made aware of this bounty, they will want it."

"I think we need to keep this potential, ahem - gold mine - to ourselves for now. There's nothing in the charter that says we have to divulge everything that we find - simply that we explore the land and deal with unlawful behavior. Once we complete our charter, we can look into how best to monetize this gold. I'd also like to volunteer the possibility of my house being able to help. I'm sure they'd provide guards to help us keep our mine in our hands - for a fair percentage of the profits, of course."

Talia pauses and looks around the fire, taking in the reactions of each companions. "As for the actual operation of the mine, my house has no experience in such matters - I'd trust that Magna has those connections."

System is down. Back again on Monday.

Female Dwarf Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4 | HP 29/39 | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 CMD 17 (21 vs Trip and Bullrush) | F +8 R +4 W +7 | Init +0 | Perc +0 (Darkvision) | Status: Lookout

"The Swordlords will want to know about this mine, and the charter demand us to inform them of something as important as this. We are not privateers. We are agents of the Swordlords of Restov. I wouldn't dare to plan an "independent" dwarven kingdom, or to extract the gold without the correct permissions and levies from the rightful owners of this land."
Don't you love paladins?

Male Human Swashbuckler 5/ Shadowdancer 1[Hp: 41/46; AC: 23 Tch: 18 Flt: 17; Fort: +1 Ref: +9 Will: +2; Panche 4/5]

It's a good thing we have a moral compass, or I think we'd be jumping off the rails of this campaign at this point, but Gavriil's not giving up without a fight! :)

Gavriil eye's Talia suspiciously. She picked it up fast, maybe too fast. If we do this, no doubt she'll be cutting for the biggest piece of the pie, he thinks while Talia's honeyed words tempt them while bringing in the thought of using her family to help them acquire it.

There it is! HER family! No doubt that extra cash flow would go right back into her pocket! She'd take her cut, plus her family's. And she calls me the Scoundrel of the Greenbelt! HA!

Gavriil opens his mouth to protest Talia's plan, but was cut short by Magna's words. He turns to the dwarf and says, "Magnaaaa.... don't be so hasty! After all, these are the Stolen Lands! No one owns them, not even the Swordlords! They are just stealing them again. And we are not paid to put coin in their laps! The charter only states we have the right to travel and explore, and that we should stop the bandits. It says nothing of reporting this mine."

He scoots closer to her and points at the fire, "Look there. I see a fire, but you? You see Torag's forge, right? And think how you could spread Torag's teachings with a share of that gold! You could start your own church! Teach ignorant people like me all about the holy fires of that forge!"

He turns to Naralesh, "You could build an even better farm! Maybe put money into learning your magics even more, maybe a small little house all for Nora!

Then he turns on the ranger, "And you! You wouldn't have to babysit dandies like me from the city through the woods anymore! You could live comfortably with your family for a long time."

Finally, he turns to Talia, "And I don't think I need to tell you what you can do with the gold. I can see the schemes already running behind your pretty little eyes."

He gives them all a look over once again and says, "Let the Swordlords have their maps and steal back most their land. Let us have just this little bit. Call it a... bonus."

Female Dwarf Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4 | HP 29/39 | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 CMD 17 (21 vs Trip and Bullrush) | F +8 R +4 W +7 | Init +0 | Perc +0 (Darkvision) | Status: Lookout

Magna stands, insulted.
"You can not start a good thing with a bad action. We are bound, by word and law, to let our employers know of this mine! Maybe these are the stolen lands, but we didn't came here to become the new bandits and brigands of the land, but to get rid of them, and allow order to settle here, maybe for the first time. And we will do it with honor and faith!"

HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

"Magna's right. I'm not smart but even I what explorin' includes repaortin' what we found. I wish i' was different, as soon as word get out about dis place'll be swarmin' wiv people lookin' t' strike i' rich. And those sorts are little be'er van bandits from what I 'ere. It would be be'er if we 'adn't found dis place but now what we 'ave we 'ave t' report it." Dregan says as if stating the obvious.

Male Human Swashbuckler 5/ Shadowdancer 1[Hp: 41/46; AC: 23 Tch: 18 Flt: 17; Fort: +1 Ref: +9 Will: +2; Panche 4/5]

Gavriil tosses his hands in the air. "I'm not saying we're going to be bandits, Magna! We're not stealing what no one owns! And we've tried the honorable route! You know what that got us? Huh? It got two people killed, Talia, Oleg, and Svetlana captured, and Naralesh very nearly dead! We can't fight these lands with civilized rules!"

He turns to Dregan, "And even if those sort aren't bandits, they will attract even more bandits to the area! If no one knows about it, then none of that can happen."

He looks back and forth between the two before tossing his hands in the air in defeat again and storms out of the fissure to sit with himself for a while.

Female Dwarf Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4 | HP 29/39 | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 CMD 17 (21 vs Trip and Bullrush) | F +8 R +4 W +7 | Init +0 | Perc +0 (Darkvision) | Status: Lookout

Magna goes to Gavriil. She sits next to him, and takes his hand. She smiles at him.
"Please don't be mad. Even when in the wilderness, even when you are in evil's den, you have to be true to yourself. Even there, and specially there, you need to maintain your convictions. Is in the fire of the forge when your true value shows. And you try very hard to show the people you don't care, but we, your friends, know what you are really made of, and trust you and love you for it."
She looks into his eyes.
"You will give the gold, but you will gain something much more valuable."

LN Female (Brevic) Human Skald 6 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 20 (22 w/shield) ( 13 Tch, 20 Ff) | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F:+8 R:+5 W:+7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9; SM: 13 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 Spell Kenning: 1/1 | Performance 15/15 | Active conditions:

Talia waits until everyone comes back inside the fissure. In the meantime, she steeps some tea and thinks over her argument. "The charter says nothing about disclosing everything. This cannot be argued. We are in no obligation to do so. And, while you all have been outside, I've been thinking things over, and I think we shouldn't, despite what you believe the intent of the charter is."

Look, I know the Swordlords well. They agitate for war, for separation from Issia. There is nothing good to come from bringing this gold to their attention. If there is enough of it here, they will use the gold to buy weapons, build up their armies, and go to war. Rostland will be plunged into conflict. Sons and husbands will die, children will be orphaned, women's honor will be taken from them. Farms will be burned, cities sieged."

"I suggest that we don't let anyone know of this gold until we can manage the results of the disclosure. There is no contractual obligation for us to disclose anything. And, I'd argue that given the risks of doing so, we have the moral responsibility to do make sure that what we do does not lead to death or suffering. Until we can be sure that the disclosure of this mine will benefit our people, it must remain a secret. A secret we all take to our graves, if need be."

Talia sighs, her brow creased with worry. "If you all insist that we disclose this find, I will do my part, but not without a strenuous objection written into any disclosure. I will not have my name attached to a civil war, and the death, misfortune, rape and pillage associated with it."

Every word that leaves Talia's mouth is the truth. That she believes that the war will come regardless, and that her house will play a vital role in the independence of Rostland, the noble leaves out of her speech. More lives will be saved, less property destroyed, if Talia can control as much of the situation as possible. The playwright is sure of it.

HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Dregan looks less and less sure as Talia speaks "Do you really think so? This gold could cause a war? I know we should tell , what ever you say, it's what we agreed to but if its going to cause lots of people to die..."

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HP 48/48 | AC 16 (Touch 11, FF 14) CMD 13 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +5 | Init +5 Percep +4 SM +2 | Shift (15 ft, 8/8)

If this were Game of Thrones, this would be setting the stage for the next episode where Magna meets a terrible end during struggle with Kobolds because Talia betrays her for the sake of her House...

Naralesh frowns as the other explorers lay out their cases. "Talia. I recognize that you want your family to have influence over what is done with this resource, but what do you truly think will happen if House Khavortorov marches armed men into the Greenbelt, laying claim to land and gold? That will provoke the Swordlords, if nothing else will."

He thinks for a while before continuing. "This find will not remain a secret, even if we wished for it to be so. I have little doubt Talia would be remiss in her duties to her family to send them word of such a boon, secretly if need be," he adds, looking to the noblewoman as he speaks. "And I doubt any among us could talk Magna from her course to dutifully report all that is found within these lands. Further, what have any of us to gain by silence? To extract this gold takes money and manpower, of which we have little."

He looks around to each of his companions. "Strange it is that this wondrous find has provoked such concern. We fear war and death from a simple vein of gold, but that is the nature of things. All of us know the powers that be will kill for this wealth, if it proves valuable enough. I do not want that for these lands." His face is stern as he concludes his speech. "We must among ourselves find a course of action that does not lead these lands to senseless bloodshed."

LN Female (Brevic) Human Skald 6 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 20 (22 w/shield) ( 13 Tch, 20 Ff) | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F:+8 R:+5 W:+7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9; SM: 13 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 Spell Kenning: 1/1 | Performance 15/15 | Active conditions:

Haha, yeah, things don't end well for the righteous on that show. Thankfully, Talia is no Lannister :)

Talia nods, her expression grave. "I do, Dregan. Our best course of action is prudence."

When Naralesh speaks, Talia blushes, agitation showing clearly on her face. "It does us no good to tip our hand before we're prepared for the consequences, regardless of what we think or know will happen. Why try anything at all then?"

"And, my House would not be marching armies into the Greenbelt, Naralesh. They'd be providing us with security so that a proper mine and home for Magna's people can be set up. An operation allowed to grow and prosper without the interference of bandits, prospectors, rival businessmen, or anyone else. That my House would expect a portion of the profits is only natural, and it should be quite transparent to everyone here - a investment in an enterprise and nothing more."

Turning the full force of her green eyes on Naralesh, the noble continues. "Of course I am interested in furthering the aims of my House - I would not expect this to be a secret. But that you think I would betray the trust of those in this cavern? I have fought and explored next to you, been kidnapped and nearly killed. Frankly, I'm shocked, and hurt. What is decided is what will be honored, even if that means keeping a secret from my family. A person's word has no value if they can't abide by agreements."

"I say we vote. Disclosure or secret. I for one vote to keep this find to ourselves until we can take advantage of it."

Female Dwarf Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4 | HP 29/39 | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 CMD 17 (21 vs Trip and Bullrush) | F +8 R +4 W +7 | Init +0 | Perc +0 (Darkvision) | Status: Lookout

Magna shakes her head.
"I am sorry, but I cannot participate in a vote I am not willing to accept. We were given the task of explore this lands, and report our findings. And I am going to do just that. I will also try my best to prevent this gold to be used on nefarious or harmful purposes. But my word is sacred, and no vote will stop me from keep it. Sorry."
And yes, in Game of Thrones, it would be time for Magna to get stabbed repeatedly in the belly while everyone say to her "For the Greenbelt!" :S

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HP 48/48 | AC 16 (Touch 11, FF 14) CMD 13 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +5 | Init +5 Percep +4 SM +2 | Shift (15 ft, 8/8)

"You take my words too harshly, Talia, though I feel the fault is mine in the phrasing. I did not intend to accuse you. After all, none of us have sworn any oaths of secrecy as of yet."

Naralesh thinks carefully before continuing. "I do not wholly feel that House Khavortorov's intervention would be negative in this account, but I fear what the Swordlords would see. Any house making a move on these lands could spark a firestorm." He rubs his chin. "Their assistance could aid in this matter, however. Perhaps a trade agreement could be struck, with the blessings both of Restov and your house. Financing the creation of a proper mine here would entitle the Khavortorovs to a beneficial trade contract without the tension from private guards laying claim to contested lands, and any settlement of this region established by the Swordlords would grow rich from the profits of the mine." The elf's tone shows he holds no malice towards Talia, and is considering all parties' desires.

LN Female (Brevic) Human Skald 6 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 20 (22 w/shield) ( 13 Tch, 20 Ff) | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F:+8 R:+5 W:+7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9; SM: 13 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 Spell Kenning: 1/1 | Performance 15/15 | Active conditions:

Reversing Magna and Naralesh's replies for better narrative effect.

Talia stands quiet for a minute, turning Naralesh's proposal over in her mind. "Acceptable."

And then Magna opens her mouth, blabbering about honor or some nonesense, and the playwright feels the beginning sharp pain of a tension headache coming on. All Talia can do is roll her eyes, deep into the back of her head. Dwarves.

Hehe, alright, Talia gives up. Go ahead and plunge Brevoy into Civil War, Magna ;)

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Female Dwarf Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4 | HP 29/39 | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 CMD 17 (21 vs Trip and Bullrush) | F +8 R +4 W +7 | Init +0 | Perc +0 (Darkvision) | Status: Lookout

With pleasure! After the humans wipe themselves out, the dwarven clans can take over! MuahJaJaJa!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LN Female (Brevic) Human Skald 6 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 20 (22 w/shield) ( 13 Tch, 20 Ff) | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F:+8 R:+5 W:+7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9; SM: 13 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 Spell Kenning: 1/1 | Performance 15/15 | Active conditions:

Oh gods, this whole time, Magna's been an ANTI-Paladin! We've all been had!

Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

If it were that easy to just march into the Greenbelt, find things like this mine, and exploit it, the Swordlords wouldn't need you all.

And btw, I'm back.

11 Gozran 4707

The next morning dawns bright and sunny. Still, there are unanswered questions about the mine fissure in which you spent the night.

What is the plan from here? Back to Oleg's to report? Continue exploration as planned?

LN Female (Brevic) Human Skald 6 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 20 (22 w/shield) ( 13 Tch, 20 Ff) | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F:+8 R:+5 W:+7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9; SM: 13 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 Spell Kenning: 1/1 | Performance 15/15 | Active conditions:

I'd vote for continuing on as planned - kobolds trump gold, imo.

Female Dwarf Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4 | HP 29/39 | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 CMD 17 (21 vs Trip and Bullrush) | F +8 R +4 W +7 | Init +0 | Perc +0 (Darkvision) | Status: Lookout

Time to get the Kobolds out of the Greenbelt.

HP 48/48 | AC 16 (Touch 11, FF 14) CMD 13 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +5 | Init +5 Percep +4 SM +2 | Shift (15 ft, 8/8)

Kobolds next. There's not really any urgency associated with the mine - just tension about how we respond to its discovery!

HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

Dregan goes to sleep still worrying about the consequences of their discovery. He wakes early and starts cooking breakfast in the hope he can eat before Magna force them to do team building exercises.

Female Dwarf Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4 | HP 29/39 | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 CMD 17 (21 vs Trip and Bullrush) | F +8 R +4 W +7 | Init +0 | Perc +0 (Darkvision) | Status: Lookout

Magna wakes up with a great idea for an exercise about how to read each other's actions to react quickly to a new threat, and looks visibly disappointed when Dregan has the breakfast on the way.
She goes to him and starts helping him.

HP 48/48 | AC 16 (Touch 11, FF 14) CMD 13 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +5 | Init +5 Percep +4 SM +2 | Shift (15 ft, 8/8)

Naralesh, as always, is early to rise, and happily joins Dregan in the pre-training meal, glad to get some food in before the day's work begins.

Male Human Swashbuckler 5/ Shadowdancer 1[Hp: 41/46; AC: 23 Tch: 18 Flt: 17; Fort: +1 Ref: +9 Will: +2; Panche 4/5]

Sorry, guys, I've been busy.

Gavriil pretty much ignores all that Magna says to him. He just can't get past her naive attitude towards people. Eventually he relents and goes in with the others to listen to all their arguments. He's about to cast his vote in with keeping things quiet, but Magna speaks up and quashes that idea as well.

So he sets his stuff up as far away from the others as he can inside the fissure and broods by himself before falling asleep.


The next morning he wakes up last and sees that the others are preparing breakfast already. He sits quietly with the others and eats his meal in unusual silence.

11 Gozran 4707

The hills of the Kamelands continue, rolling along on a bright day. An old lightning-struck oak tree stands atop a low hill—the only tree in a 2-mile radius, in fact. Approached from the north, the tree looks eerily like a claw reaching for the clouds. In a hollow amid the tree’s roots on the north side, a section of earth there has been disturbed.

Female Dwarf Paladin (Holy Tactician) 4 | HP 29/39 | AC 16 T 10 FF 16 CMD 17 (21 vs Trip and Bullrush) | F +8 R +4 W +7 | Init +0 | Perc +0 (Darkvision) | Status: Lookout

Magna dismounts and tries to silently (or as silently as she is able) examine the place where the ground was disturbed.
Perception Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 14
Stealth Roll: 1d20 - 4 ⇒ (10) - 4 = 6

LN Female (Brevic) Human Skald 6 | HP: 44/44 | AC: 20 (22 w/shield) ( 13 Tch, 20 Ff) | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F:+8 R:+5 W:+7 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9; SM: 13 | Speed 30 ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 4/4 Spell Kenning: 1/1 | Performance 15/15 | Active conditions:

Talia stops and watches Magna clank her way around the tree, smiling a bit. Despite their recent disagreements, the noblewoman couldn't help but admire the dwarf's earnest approach to everything. What could be lurking in this tree, Talia couldn't imagine. Why, the tree is clearly dead and barren, its branches blackened from a lightning strike, its bare branches reaching into the sky like a giant claw. Like a claw... claw. Claw!

Talia's mind turns over that word, sure that she's thought of - or seen - a claw-shaped tree before. The knowledge comes to her like, well a bolt of lightning. Snapping her fingers, she digs into her pack, producing the treasure map she found on the bandit in the spider hole.

"Treasure map! Treasure map!" She waves the map above her head before dismounting to circle the tree. "Anyone have a shovel?"

HP: 28/43; AC: 18/14/14; Saves: F +6, R +8, W +3; Init: +4 (+2 in the forest); Per: +11 (+2 more if in forests);

"Where? What do think tha treasure'll be? Of course I've got one, been buryin' dead wiv it, haven't I." Dregan dismounts and goes to the pack horse and fetches the shovel and digs where Talia directs.

HP 48/48 | AC 16 (Touch 11, FF 14) CMD 13 | Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +5 | Init +5 Percep +4 SM +2 | Shift (15 ft, 8/8)

Naralesh can't help but smile seeing Talia's reaction to recognizing the tree from the treasure map. Her excitement is like a child who's just received a gift on the Solstice, he thinks. He glances about at the wide-open fields, deciding there is no need for his usual protective magic now. We would see any ambush several minutes before it could reach us, he reasons.

Male Human Swashbuckler 5/ Shadowdancer 1[Hp: 41/46; AC: 23 Tch: 18 Flt: 17; Fort: +1 Ref: +9 Will: +2; Panche 4/5]

Gavriil continues to ride out the day in bitterness. That is until Talia starts shouting about treasure. He had completely forgotten about the treasure map until then! With a smile plastered across his face again, he starts looking with the others, "Come on! It's got to be here somewhere!"

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

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