Talia Khavortorov |

Depending on how much time we have, Talia will hit the others with CLW spells, in the following order.
"Stay here," Talia says, her voice but a whisper. "If it didn't attack us while we were engaged with the skeletons, it wants us to come to it."
Stepping up to Dregan, then Magna, and the Gavriil, the playwright touches each with the cure wand, while she casts worried glances into the darkness, hoping that she's right and she's bought everyone a little time...
cure Dregan: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
cure Magna: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
cure Gavriil: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
44 charges on the wand left...

Naralesh |

Once Talia has healed everyone up, Naralesh will do this:
Despite his efforts, Naralesh can't help but shake the feeling that something dire lies before Magna. "If we must go, we shant go blindly into the dark," he says, sounding braver than he feels. With another murmured incantation, he recalls the light from his earlier spell to the tip of another arrow, and sends it sailing into the dark towards the origin of the voice.
We still have Talia's light over here, but Naralesh will send his out ahead to try to illuminate whatever is the source of the fearsome voice.

Dregan Hirscherz |

"I agree, let i' come t' us. I left me bow near tha entrance rarfer van any of us goin' out in'er tha darkness alone maybe we could move in what direcshun?" Then maybe continue outside. he finishes in his own head.

Magnitofera Skeller |

"A pit is not dangerous until a child fall into one. We can not leave this pit of evil endure. We must cleanse it. Torag will help us grow strong to the task."
Magna thanks Talia again.
"And with our teamwork too. Be careful, and don't despair. Good will always triumph!"
She moves into the northern room, carefully, taking a total defense action (AC 21).

Naralesh |

Naralesh grits his teeth and follows Magna. My instincts tell me to get as far from that voice as I can, but... Magna's right. Whatever dark force lies beyond, it's our duty to purge it to make these lands safe.

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia follows Magna, her whip at the ready, wand in the other hand.
Can't use the buckler, so AC 14

Old Guy GM |

"GOOOOD...GOOOD...YESSS...COME...TO YOUR...DOOMS, MORTAL FOOLS!" The voice rasps as you move through the hall. Upon entering the circular room, two braziers leap into life, casting a deep-hued light from their purple flames. At the same time, motes of light begin to swirl about the place, revealing it to be a large circular hall with a walled pit in the center.
At the opposite side of the room from you stands a man...or what was once a man. Clad as a barbarian king of old, he looks upon you with eyes lit by a pale flame from far within his sunken sockets. He carries a huge gleaming axe, and a shield of steel. The haft of the axe bears the likeness of a roaring dragon, while the shield bears the same image.
The giant figure lurches towards you, axe held high...
ROUND ONE: Nara; Heremak: Everyone else. Map posted, check your hp and stats are up to date; ready go!

Naralesh |

Oh goodness, he's large. Magna... now might be a wonderful time to smite evil.
Naralesh steps forward. "Come forth! Inimitas valorum existanti! Celestum equius existanti!" The elf cries out, casting his outstretched hand toward the towering skeletal giant. A whinny echoes through the chamber as a chestnut-brown pony with a gleaming golden mane appears beside the creature, kicking out with both its rear hooves as it bucks forcefully into the creature's knees.
Naralesh moves to the square diagonally adjacent above and to the right of Magna, and puts the celestial pony 25 feet due east, right in front of the creature.
Hoof with Smite Evil: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (17) - 3 = 14 Bludgeoning: 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Hoof with Smite Evil: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (15) - 3 = 12 Bludgeoning: 1d3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Hopefully those have a chance against his flat-footed AC...
Naralesh staggers to the side, gasping as he struggles to catch his breath. The magical exertion has proved too much, and he clutches his bow with a shaking hand.
Fort Save: 1d20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 - 2 = 1
Naralesh is fatigued.
Celestial Pony (13/13 hp)

Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna sees the large axe aiming at her head, and ducks to avoid the cutting edge.
She sights relieved when she confirms her head is still there.
"Torag, see us in our testing!"
She takes a 5' step forward, and attacks the undead.
She activates her Weal's Champion ability: Once per day as swift action, a holy tactician can call on the powers of good to aid her against evil. Against evil targets, the holy tactician gains her Charisma bonus (if any) on her attack rolls against evil creatures, and if she hits, she adds 1/2 her paladin level on her weapon damage rolls as well. These bonuses last for 1 round. In addition, for 1 round after the holy tactician successfully strikes an evil creature, all non-evil allies within 30 feet of her gain a competence bonus on attack rolls equal to 1/2 her Charisma bonus against that creature as well as a +1 competence bonus on damage rolls.. To gain this benefit, the holy tactician's allies must be able to see or hear her, and she must be conscious. This ability replaces smite evil.
Attack Roll Greataxe (+3 Weal's Champion): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Damage Roll Greataxe (+1 Weal's Champion): 1d12 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Round 1/2. If she connects all of her allies gain a +1 to attack and damage.

Gavriil |

Gavriil flicked the dust and debris off his sword with a flourish before turning to the others and flashing a smile. "Well, that was interesting!"
Will Save w/ Charmed life: 1d20 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 1 + 2 = 23
As the voice from the cairn rolls through the halls Gavriil turns towards it and yells back, "We'll be with you in a minute!" He tuns to Talia just as she hits him with the healing effects of the wand. As the warmth spread through him and pulled the flesh on his forearm back together, a shiver runs through him. He flashes a grin at Talia and says, "Thanks, beautiful," before falling in behind Magna to advance.
As they entered the chamber to see the skeletal barbarian, Gavriil let out a long whistle, "This isn't going to be easy..." And before he could say more, the fight had begun. The barbaian swung his axe, narrowly missing Magna, while Magna countered with her own attack and Naralesh summoned a horse to help them.
Gavriil himself moved around Magna and places himself next to the skeletal champion and swung his rapier to strike out at the king.
Gavriil Moves diagonally up one to the right, over one to the right and then diagonally down to the right one to the space next to the Heremek and the well(?) and attacks, I'm pretty sure that provokes 1 AoO
Attack: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 7 + 1 = 27
Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 1 = 7
Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 7 + 1 = 24
Crit Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 1 = 6
Subtract one from each if Magna's hit didn't land. And if it didn't... well we're screwed.

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia's jaw drops as she rounds the bend to the see the giant skeleton standing before the group, yet more fear creeping up the woman's spine. Don't stand slackjawed, girl!
Springing to action as Magna steps forward and Gavriil skirts around the side, Talia's whip arm rears back and she sends the scorpion whip flying side-arm, wrapping it around Heremak's sword blade. Yanking with all her might, the playwright briefly closes her eyes hopes - no, wishes - for the sound of a clattering blade hitting the cairn's floor...
disarm: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 23 if Magna's attack hit.
AC is 14 this turn.

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan smiles as Magna blow rings true followed by Gavriil's [ooc I also choose to believe they hit[/ooc]. He seems a little buoyed counter acting a little of his fear. Stepping up he swings his axe.
5 ft step down and left so that next turn he might be able to flank with Gavriil
Attack: 1d20 + 5 - 2 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 5 - 2 + 1 = 9 shaken and inspired by Magna
Damage: 1d8 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 1 = 8 inspired by Magna

Old Guy GM |

Magna's blow strikes true, but again feels as if she is chopping wood with her axe - not all of her damage is getting through.
As Gavriil steps up, Heremak takes a backhand swipe with his axe, striking a solid blow to the swashbuckler's shoulder, nearly driving him to the floor! Att roll 19, for a parry Gav; -13 hp if you miss Gavriil manages a return strike that is mostly absorbed by the king's skeletal frame.
Talia's wishes are answered - her deft action is rewarded when a loud clang is heard as Heremak's axe hits the floor behind him! Marked in red.
Dregan's attack misses, but puts him an excellent position for next round.

Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna keeps pounding at the large skeleton...
"Get his axe! Don't let him pick it up!"
Attack Roll Greataxe (+3 Weal's Champion): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Damage Roll Greataxe (+1 Weal's Champion): 1d12 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Round 2/2. If she connects all of her allies gain a +1 to attack and damage.
After trying to hit the skeleton she risks it and moves around the skeleton, trying to reach the axe.
She provokes an AoO is the enemy can take it, but she should get between the skeleton and his axe...

Naralesh |

Naralesh is at -1 AC for being fatigued.
As the axe goes flying, Naralesh watches as it clatters to the floor of the chamber. The axe! Without it, we have a chance! Hardly thinking, he darts forward, circling behind Dregan as he makes a valiant rush for the blade. Leaping upon the massive weapon, he forces the last of the magical energy he has into a launching himself through space. For a moment it seems like he has vanished, but he reappears with a loud POP! a moment later, a few feet farther from the giant skeleton's reach, still clinging to the oversized handle.
Moving behind Dregan to get to the axe, then using his shift school power to teleport another five feet away from the monster!
Acrobatics to avoid AoOs moving through the skeleton's threatened area: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Ouch. Let's hope he doesn't have Combat Reflexes...
As the wizard darts forward, Princess Celestia the celestial pony rushes toward the unliving titan, barreling headlong into its legs in an attempt to knock it to the floor.
Charging Trip: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24 This will provoke AoOs if the skeleton still has any this round.

Old Guy GM |

The axe is a normal-sized battleaxe, in surprisingly fine condition.
The pony bravely charges in, crashing into Heremak's knees and knocking him to the ground! He's got a blue circle = prone.
Magna's axe chops into the king, splintering his ribs. As she moves to get around him, the giant skeleton lashes out with a foot and kicks her in the leg. 4 hp dmg , Magna.
Magna went (and hit), everyone else...

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia blinks and suddenly Naralesh is gone, popped out of existence. With another pop, the elf reappears, and Talia sighs with relief. Not sure what happened there, but he's got the axe!
Stepping to the side to get a clear view of the fight, the playwright slides her wand into her bandolier and reaches for her belt pouch, drawing forth another pat of butter. A quick incantation and gesture later, and a pool of viscous liquid forms under Hermanek. This is going surprisingly... well?
5' step to the north, Move action: Stow wand, Standard action: cast Grease, AC 14 this round, 1/3 1st level spells left today.

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan watches in disbelief as the giant skeleton is disarmed and tripped. Wow these guys are really good.
Stepping around the creature, so that it could not pay attention to both himself and Gavriil, Dregan swings. It is a well armed shot but it slides off the creatures arm only taking a chip of bone with it.
Attack: 1d20 + 5 + 1 - 2 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 5 + 1 - 2 + 2 + 4 = 28 Magna's inspiration, Shaken, Flanking, Prone target
Damage: 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 1 = 7 Magna's inspiration

Gavriil |

Sorry, busy day.
Gavriil saw the axe descending on him and brought his own sword up in an attempt to knock it aside...
Parry and Riposte: 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 7 + 1 + 1 = 10
And his sword went way wide, leaving his shoulder exposed to Heremak's devastating slash. The blow tore down through his armor, slicing deeply into Gavriil's shoulder, causing him to cry out in pain.
He snarled through the pain and sent his rapier stabbing in at the dead barbarian king again.
Attack: 1d20 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 7 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 27
Damage: 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 4 + 1 = 8

Naralesh |

Celestia rears up and brings her gleaming hooves down on the skeleton again and again! The first hoof misses, but the second lands a crushing blow to the monster's ribcage.
+2 for flanking, +1 for magna.
Hoof: 1d20 - 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) - 3 + 2 + 1 = 13 Bludgeoning: 1d3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 1 = 5
Hoof: 1d20 - 3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (17) - 3 + 2 + 1 = 17 Bludgeoning: 1d3 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 1 = 4 Just barely hits due to prone! Yes!
Despite his exhaustion, Naralesh knows that the undead champion must fall. Throwing caution to the wind, he rushes forward, drawing his longsword and bringing the blade down - once again using his teleportation technique to avoid the skeleton's reach.
Moving into flanking with Gav, using shift to leave the first of his threatened squares just in case he has an AoO ready.
-1 for fatigued, +1 for Magna, +2 for flanking.
Attack: 1d20 + 1 - 1 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 1 - 1 + 1 + 2 = 15 Damage: 1d8 - 1 + 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 + 1 = 1

Naralesh |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Pony Power! Yay!! (More like combat maneuver power... that trip and that disarm did wonders. Nice work everyone!)
As the celestial pony bursts into a cascade of rainbow light and fades from existence, there is a momentary silence, broken by the elf's words. "It... it is slain!" He glances about at his companions, sheathing his sword with a weary hand. "Gavriil, you're hurt! Talia, your new wand, quickly!"
Or Magna can use lay on hands - I'm sure Gavriil will enjoy the attention... :P
He smiles as his companions set about healing the wounded warrior. That was... invigorating! he thinks, moving over to lean on a wall for support. By rights that magic should have knocked me out cold. I nearly lost control of the spell, and it took its toll - but I haven't felt this alive in decades! Not since... He shook his head, clearing it that line of thought, and looked over at his new allies once again. These young ones have such energy. I think it's rubbing off on me. Picking up on his happiness, Nora yips excitedly, prompting a tired but sincere smile from the usually taciturn elf.

Talia Khavortorov |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

MVP Celestia!
Talia drops to one knee as the barbarian king collapses into himself. Breathing heavily, the noblewoman closes her eyes for a second to steady her shaking body. When I ran south from Restov, never did I think I'd being do battle with ancient evils like this...
Snapped from her thoughts by Naralesh's request, Talia rises and makes her way to Gavriil, drawing her wand once again.
clw: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
clw: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
42 charges left.
Once Gavriil's wound is staunched, Talia can't help but smirk a bit. "You're braver than you're mobile, I'm afraid. I'll wager ten gold on myself when we duel." Sighing, the smirk dissapears as a darker thought enters Talia's head. "Seriously though, six inches to the side, and that gash is through your head. Fall back if you're hurt, Magna or I can heal you."
Stowing her wand and her scorpion whip, Talia turns to the others. "Now, let's get out of this damnable tomb. It feels like we've been exploring for weeks."
Of course, we have to loot the dead, first. OGGM, what do we find? Anything but the axe?
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Naralesh |

"I second that. I could definitely use a rest." Naralesh brushes off his traveling clothes and retrieves his bow. "I learned magic as a hobby, where casting a spell could be drawn out and prolonged to ensure it's done properly. Trying to command those energies in battle is turning out to be quite different - especially spells of summoning." He smiles to himself after a few moments. "I do seem to be getting the hang of it, though, don't I?"

Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna kneels in front of the skeleton remains, and starts to pray to Torag.
"Oh great blacksmith, we thank you for granting us strength in mind, heart and hand to cleanse this lands from the ancient evils that contaminate it. With your help we will smith them and turn them into all they can be, as we strive to become all that we can."
She stands, and turns towards the others, adn bows to them.
"I thank you all for your help and faith. I wouldn't be able to perform my duty if not by your help, power and grace."
She stands, and smile sweetly at them.
"Let's make sure the place is safe."
She starts looking around, for enemies, traps or treasure.
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 18
She receives a +2 bonus on Perception skill checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, regardless of whether or not they are actively looking.

Old Guy GM |

Another thing to always have on hand: A Detect Magic cantrip...
The only items of note in the pile dust are the axe, and a strange ring. The axe itself is untouched by the years, a greataxe as wielded by the nomads in the area. The ring is from intertwined jade and iron, and seems to have a wave-like depiction.

Gavriil |

Gavriil starred for a moment at the crumbling dust that was Heremak just a moment before. That is, before the pain adrenaline wore off, forcing him to slink down to sit on the stone floor from the pain in his shoulder. He looked at the wound through the split where his armor used to be. The wound was deep, down to the bone, and bleeding pretty badly.
He stared blankly up at Talia as she cast healing spells into his shoulder. There was a warm pleasant feeling that spread through his shoulder as the wisps of healing magic stitched the flesh back together and mended the bone. Once she was done healing him and telling him how he could have died, Gavriil rotated his shoulder, testing it, and said with a bit of a scowl, "You know, a simple,'Thanks for distracting the hulking barbarian undead!' would have sufficed." He stood toe-to-toe with the beast with Magna so the others could do what they did best and this was his reward?
He stood up and walked towards Magna, saying, "I think that's the first time anyone's ever said that I had grace, darling. You're very welcome."
He turned to Naralesh, "Yea, you seem to be getting it. I'd be really impressed if you could summon up a brothel, though."

Talia Khavortorov |

Naralesh has got a detect magic cantrip. Talia - not so much.
Talia smiles, unperturbed by Gavriil's apparent agitation. "I'd say you did a fine job, then." Turning and clapping Naralesh on the back, she continues. "I'd say you've got the hang of it. Without your summons - and your... place hopping, we'd have been in great distress, I'm sure."
"And Magna," Talia continues, turning to the shieldmaiden, "Thank you. We could not make these lands safe without yourself to provide the teeth to our bite."
A glint of green captures Talia's eye, and reaching down, the playwright plies the ring from the remains of Hermenek. Sighing, she turns it in the torchlight, examining it closer, but it brings no new insight. Pretty...
Holding it up to the others, Talia says, "Anyone got any idea what the significance of this ring could be? Jade and iron, molded into a wave?"
Missing bardic knowledge right now!

Naralesh |

Naralesh comes over and places a hand on Gavriil's newly healed shoulder. "I for one think you demonstrated incredible skill and bravery, Gavriil. I feel safe having you among my companions." He gives the man a sincere smile before moving over to assist Talia and Magna in their search of the chamber, chuckling amusedly at the swordsman's brothel comment a few moments later.
Speaking of detect magic...
Naralesh looks over the items found in the chamber. "Let me see what you've found there," he says, waving a hand over the objects and murmuring a simple incantation. His eyes glow a soft blue as he peers into the gentle overlay of ambient magical energy flowing through and around the chamber, taking note of any strong concentrations which would indicate a magical aura.
If they're magical, Naralesh will attempt to identify them.
Spellcraft on the Axe: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Spellcraft on the Ring: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25

Naralesh |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Naralesh smiles at Talia. "In Elvish, it is eanwë - or 'ley riding.' It uses much the same sort of magic as conjuration and summoning, but rather than taking a creature from elsewhere and projecting it here, I can project myself along nearby leylines to move through space. I can even pass through solid objects, if I can see my destination." He stops there, not wanting to bore the woman if she seems uninterested in the arcane minutiae.

Old Guy GM |

The axe is certainly magical, but what exactly, escapes Naralesh at this time. The ring is delicately carved, and is clearly customized for someone of importance...a king perhaps? It's magic allows one to have an easier time swimming in difficult circumstances.
A Ring of Swimming, Improved useful for explorers, neh?
Welcome to level 3! Post your improvements in Discussion, please.

Naralesh |

Level three! HOORAY! Congrats everyone - this is the highest I've ever gotten in a Play-by-Post. And that's some nice loot.
"There is magic in both of these relics. The ring's enchantment is one of transmutation... it seems to imbue the wearer with skill at some task. Let us see..." The elf appears almost in a trance, gently waving his hand over the ring as though sifting through sand. "It should allow anyone wearing it to brave turbulent waters better than the most expert of swimmers. I've sen a ring similar to this in the past - but this one is stronger."
He similarly examines the axe, and sighs. "This... the blade is enchanted as well, but I am less familiar with magical armaments. The enchantment's purpose eludes me." He turns to the others. "It does seem a mighty weapon, whatever its magical power may be."

Magnitofera Skeller |

Magna detects Evil on the Axe, and if clear she will grab it and swing it around.
"Yes, it seems a mighty weapon. Do you care if I put it to good use?"

Talia Khavortorov |

Talia nods, eyeing the axe. "It is a fit weapon for a fitting warrior. As for the ring - it should go to one of us who can use it to its full effect. Someone strong, not heavily armored, athletic. Dregan? Gavriil?"
Ready to move onto the next whenever everyone else is.

Dregan Hirscherz |

Dregan only seem to recover from the fight once he is outside again. He offers a quick and silent prayer to Erastil before answering "Perhaps it should go to the one of us least able to swim. It can always be leant to the best swimmer if one of us needed to do something dangerous."

Talia Khavortorov |

Damn hotel internet connection... Talia's profile is updated. I'll get the map updated when I get home this weekend. Are the last two hexes (A1 and B1) grassland?
Talia enjoys the day, riding through the Greenbelt. The sun is shining, the wind rustles the tall grass of the prairie, and the weather isn't too cold. Even the wolves howling at night aren't so eerie to the noblewoman anymore - at least compared to the rumblings of an ancient evil in a long-forgotten cairn. Removing her parchment from her pack, the playwright jots down a few notes. The words don't come easily this evening, but that's OK. It is a lovely night in the Greenbelt.