Kingmaker: A Tale of Doom and Destiny

Game Master pinvendor

Exploration Rules:
Brevan Charter for the Greenbelt wrote:
Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

The expanse of the Stolen Lands has not, in Brevoy’s recent memory, been accurately mapped, and part of the task set before the PCs is to rectify this gap. As they explore the region, they and their companions are expected to keep track of what they find in order to keep Brevoy informed of strong and weak points of defense and to determine possible sites for roads, towns, and other fortifications.

Each hex on the map of the Stolen Lands is 12 miles across (between opposite corners) and covers just under 150 square miles of area. These hexes are provided not only as a way to help define the land (and eventually aid in defining the territory of the kingdom the PCs are destined to rule), but also as an aid in tracking travel through the Stolen Lands.

In this Adventure Path, though, characters will also be taking time to fully explore hexes on the map—doing so takes much longer than
simply walking through a hex. To determine how long it takes the PCs to travel through a hex or to fully explore it, determine the group’s speed (which is set by the slowest member of the group) and consult the tables above. For traveling, the amount of time it takes to cross one hex is listed. For exploring, the amount of time listed is to fully investigate the hex. Until the PCs spend money to create trails and roads, all of the Stolen Lands are considered to be trackless. In some hexes, more than one terrain is present in a hex. In such cases, calculate that hex’s effect on travel as if it were a hex of the dominant terrain type.

Exploring the Stolen Lands:

Traveling (Time to cross 1 hex)
Party Speed. . . .Plains. . . . All Other Terrains

  • 15 feet. . . . .11 hours. . 16 hours
  • 20 feet. . . . .8 hours. . . 12 hours
  • 30 feet. . . . .5 hours. . . 8 hours
  • 40 feet. . . . .4 hours. . . 6 hours
  • 50 feet. . . . .3 hours. . . 5 hours

    Exploring (Time to fully explore 1 hex)
    Party Speed. . . Plains. . . Forest or Hill. . Mountain or Swamp

  • 15 feet. . . . 3 days. . . 4 days . . . . . . 5 days
  • 20 feet. . . . 2 days. . . 3 days . . . . . . 4 days
  • 30 feet. . . . 1 day . . . 2 days . . . . . . 3 days
  • 40 feet. . . . 1 day . . . 1 day . . . . . . . 2 days
  • 50 feet. . . . 1 day . . . 1 day . . . . . . . 1 day

  • Quests!:
    You have unlocked the Quest feature! I will place a new spoiler in the header for you to keep track of quests. Please be aware that some quests may be expected to range over a long span of time in this campaign while others will be more time sensitive and require quick action. Any time you wish me to add a clue to a quest, please call it out and I will place it inside the header. See example below.

    Quest: Deliver a fair amount of fangberries to Bokken.

  • Clue: Fangberry thicket 50 miles or so to the southwest of Bokken's hut.

    Quest: Locate Bokken's "crazy" brother.

  • Clue: Man turned bandit may have encountered someone fitting this description. Rumored to be part of Kressle's gang.
  • Clue: Last rumor places Bokken's brother somewhere to the south.

    Quest: Special (Ali) Locate a dragon gizzard and a golem keystone.

    Quest: Wanted: Bandits! The bandits in the Greenbelt need to be shown that their actions will not be tolerated!
    Reward: The Swordlords of Restov are offering 400 gold once proof that bandit activity in the region has been driven down.

  • Clue: Capture or defeat several to help cull the threat of banditry in the area around Oleg's Trading Post.

    Quest: Find the lair of the Sootscale Kobolds and ensure that they aren’t going to continue being a threat any way necessary.
    Reward: The Swordlords of Restov will provide a reward of 800 gp once the kobold activity is under control.

  • Clue: The Sootscale Kobold Clan dwells in a cave somewhere in the Kamelands.

    Quest: Wanted: Tatzlwyrm Head!
    Reward: 600 gp for a relatively undamaged tatzlwyrm head.

  • Clue: Grub claims to have seen one in the forest to the southeast.

    Quest: Wanted: Slay the legendary Tuskgutter!
    Reward: My prized masterwork longbow and the last of my enchanted arrows for hunting to whoever can finally kill Tuskgutter. If you can bring me the monster's head, I promise I'll even share the head cheese I plan to make out of this trophy.

  • Clue: (?) Every Greenbelt hunter has a story about Tuskgutter, each wilder than the last! Look at me! I lost my leg to the accursed Hog from Hell. Whoever manages to kill the ill-tempered beast will get a nice reward from me old, retired Vekkel Benzen.

    Quest: Oleg’s been under a lot of stress lately, and Svetlana would love to cook him his favorite meal (moon radish soup) to help him relax. Unfortunately, moon radishes are relatively rare. Bring Svetlana a basket of moon radishes.
    Reward: Svetlana is ready to pay a 250 gp reward to anyone who can bring her enough moon radishes to make soup.

  • Clue: A whitish radish which locals say glows during the lunar equinox. This is just a myth.
  • Clue: A patch grows somewhere between 15-20 miles south of the trading post.

    Quest: Although his wife claims it’s not a big loss compared to what the bandits could have taken, Oleg knows the theft of her wedding ring has distressed her. She’s forbidden him from risking life and limb to recover it, but if anyone else can find the ring and return it to him, he’ll be very grateful.
    Reward: Oleg promises 1,000 gp in trading post credit if his wife’s ring can be recovered.

  • Clue: A plain brass wedding ring set with a single pearl.
  • Clue: The bandits were the last to have it, but they might have lost or sold it already.

    Quest: Capture Falgrim Sneeg, alive if possible.
    Reward: Kesten can arrange a reward of four masterwork weapons of the capturer’s choice if Falgrim is delivered alive. If he’s delivered dead, Kesten can only promise two weapons.

  • Clue: Falgrim fled into the Greenbelt to become a bandit.
  • Clue: Falgrim is described as an older Varisian with graying hair and an very unruly beard. He is a former mercenary, and those who fought with him say he possesses an unnerving calm in the face of violence.

    As you can see, definitive clues and uncertain clues shall be listed as black and light blue respectively. Once you're certain of a clue, tell me, and I will update the color.

  • Roll20
    RC Totals & Misc.

  • Currently not in combat

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    Ephemeral GameMaster

    Hello, everyone. If you were directed to this thread by me, it is because you have been asked and invited to be here. For all others, feel free to PM with any comments, but otherwise do not post here as this is a closed game and unlikely to have an open recruitment.

    Here are the original character creation and various house rules I had worked up for the first iteration of my Kingmaker. I'm thinking of adjusting the starting wealth...but I may choose to roleplay this out a bit. I would like everyone to look this over and give me any feedback, ask any questions, and offer any suggestions. Oh, and the "fatigue" system mentioned is still missing the consequences section of having fatigue, so don't worry, I am aware of that.


    Character Creation:
    Ability Scores: 6 x 4d6 drop lowest for stats, place in abilities as you prefer. Must be rolled in front of me on chat or [diced]'d in discussion thread post.
    Alternate: 25 pt buy if you would prefer more control.

    Traits: Two, one from KM list in Player's Guide if possible. But as the story moves away from Brevoy rapidly, pitch your non-KM trait to me and sell it, and I will probably allow it. See other AP PGs for inspiration as needed or choose a generic.

    Free Feat: Yup, correct.

    HP: 1st level max, roll the rest of the time.

    Starting wealth: Average for class.

    Roleplay Credit Reward Table:
    The Roleplay Credits may be redeemed for the following rewards where the number equals how many that reward costs:
      1 = Twist of Fate: re-roll one die roll, you must accept the second result
      1 = Deadly: automatically confirm a critical hit
      1 = Precision: add +2 to an attack roll
      1 = Burst of Strength: add your base Str modifier (or Dex if finesse) as extra damage to a roll
      2 = Guts: give yourself temp hit points equal to your Con modifier when brought to 0 HPs (minimum 1)
      2 = Meant to be: once per battle encounter, auto-hit one weapon attack for base weapon + character damage (plus any bonuses currently active on your character); this damage is non critical and cannot be increased by use of RCs
      2 = Inner store: restore 1 point or use of any class ability, spell, SLA, or SNA
      4 = Catch a Breath: Remove half of your Fatigue Points
      4 = Deja Vu: You may re-roll one die roll; you may choose which result you keep
      7 = Second Wind: Remove all your Fatigue Points
      7 = It just came to me: Gain a Skill Rank in a class skill; the ranks in this skill cannot be raised above your total Hit Die
      10 = Self-Improvement: Gain a Skill Rank in a non-class skill; the ranks in this skill cannot be raised above your total Hit Die
      10 = Weakpoint: For one hit against a target, ignore Damage Reduction due to elemental type, material type, or alignment type; if a magic weapon is required, you cannot use this reward unless you are wielding a magic weapon
      12 = More Humanoid Than Humanoid: Gain a feat for which you qualify
      12 = Heroic Stand: If you are brought to negative HPs and are dying, you may use this reward to automatically stabilize and gain one third of your HP in temporary HPs
      20 = God-touched: Increase one ability score by 1

    Arcane Magic:
    Spells per day are to be considered the spells the character has prepared ahead of time by getting ingredients ready, memorizing the proper hand motions and vocalizations, and set aside personal power to ignite these spells without strain. Once spells per day are expended or if a character would like to cast a spell they have not prepared in advance, they may do so by acquiring 'Spell Fatigue'.

    • A character will acquire Spell Fatigue Points equivalent to the level of the spell being cast. This signifies the strain on personal store of magical ability and ultimately the physical being of the caster. Spontaneous Spellcasters reduce the SFP acquired by 1 for a minimum of 1 SFP.

    • For half the SFP rounded up, a character may cast a spell directly from their spellbook (or equivalent) as if reading from a scroll however both hands must be free of other items for any spells requiring somatic components since one hand will perform the necessary movements and the other the spellbook (or equivalent). Witches must place one hand on their familiar to cast in this way. Spells requiring no somatic components do not have this restriction. Magi casting from their spellbook will acquire full SFP if they continue to hold their sword to signify the strain of manipulating their sword hand for the somatic components.

    • A character may remove one SFP every hour, or all of it if well-rested. Other means of rejuvenation can also remove SFP at the discretion of the GM.

    Spell-like and Supernatural Abilities:
    From now on, assume that any use per day of an SLA or SNA beyond the first requires acquirement of SFP at twice the number of use per day:
    1st use = 0 SFP
    2nd use = 4 SFP
    3rd use = 6 SFP
    4th use = 8 SFP...and so on

    Each 'use per day' increase obtained through leveling or by spending Roleplay Credits, will eliminate the SFP cost for that number of use per day. This means that if a character has an SLA or SNA they can use 3 times per day, they would ignore the SFP gained from the 1st through 3rd uses per day, but if they chose to acquire SFP in order to use it a fourth time, they would gain 8 SFP.

    If a character has more than one SLA or SNA, they may use each up to the maximum number per day allowed even if these maximum levels are different without accruing SFP. They will begin accruing SFP as normal at the number of use for which that particular SLA or SNA reached its daily limit.

    Female Helmet Cat

    Dotting for future review.

    Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

    Yay, time to be reworked slightly :D

    Ali is an urchin whom now resides on the streets of ...., but whom comes from the River Kingdoms and could act as a guide.

    Ephemeral GameMaster

    How do you all feel about the creation? Do people still like the random rolls, or would you prefer a strict point buy?

    I don't mind rolling, provided a minimum of a 15. Or you could have everyone roll & we pick whose set we want? Or would that be too same-y?

    And one thing I thought could be fun, would be eventually a potentiality of Mythic :whistle:

    Ephemeral GameMaster

    I'm not opposed to that, but I was not planning to introduce it directly if that makes sense. More of a if you guys stumble upon some of the random things I have included gaining a Mythic level may be possible.

    Of course...gaining Mythic powers attracts Mythic monsters...Be careful what you wish for. ;-)

    Regarding Mythic, I do still want to try out that Rappan Athuk or Slumbering Tsar run with Mythic since FFG doesn't believe in fairness. But let's do some KM for a while and then we can talk more about that.

    Ephemeral GameMaster

    As far as the statistics suggestion...let me think about it. In a way that just seems like setting a point buy based on someone's rolls since you would all then have access to the same numbers. I kind of feel that offering the random rolls is a way for you all to generate higher than normal statistics, but if you want to default to point buy the 25 is there. I don't expect everyone to automatically take the rolls if they do roll. Opting for the 25 point buy is always available if the dice just hate you.

    Gah, I really keep meaning to get Slumbering Tsar or some of their other stuff & they have Daily Deals that FGG keep sending me - however on the exchange rate & me liking real books hinders spending money ;)

    But yeah, if we stumble on it organically then that's a good way of introduction. As far as mechanical roles, I was thinking of doing healing & maybe multi-classing out.

    Spirit of Pinvendor wrote:
    As far as the statistics suggestion...let me think about it. In a way that just seems like setting a point buy based on someone's rolls since you would all then have access to the same numbers. I kind of feel that offering the random rolls is a way for you all to generate higher than normal statistics, but if you want to default to point buy the 25 is there. I don't expect everyone to automatically take the rolls if they do roll. Opting for the 25 point buy is always available if the dice just hate you.

    Yeah, I do like the idea of rolling & then deciding whether to take a 25 point buy if wanted. I like rolling since then you can do away with any feeling of 'dump-stat's, not that I'd do such a thing >_>


    I'm a bit iffy with rolling... funny how my opinion about that has changed over the years. However, since the standard roll procedure is being used, I don't think it'll be such a big deal. So, lemme see here...

    4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 6, 2, 5) - 2 = 13
    4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 3, 4, 6) - 2 = 13
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 5, 3, 1) - 1 = 9
    4d6 - 4 ⇒ (4, 5, 4, 4) - 4 = 13
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 6, 4, 3) - 1 = 13
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 2, 5, 1) - 1 = 12

    Aha, yeah, I was afraid of that. 13 point buy. Though the spread isn't that bad, to be honest.

    Edit: Maffed wrong.

    Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

    Let's see what my stats are.... ;)

    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 6) - 1 = 11
    4d6 - 2 ⇒ (4, 6, 2, 2) - 2 = 12
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 4, 5, 1) - 1 = 14
    4d6 - 3 ⇒ (4, 6, 6, 3) - 3 = 16
    4d6 - 4 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 4) - 4 = 15
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 2) - 1 = 12

    Yay, awesome stats. I'll probably stay a healer/Oracle for 3-6 levels :P

    Then possibly try a Sorcerer, maybe...or something like that.
    Playing an arcane caster does seem like a good way of trying out the Fatigue rules, which themselves seem really nice.

    Ephemeral GameMaster

    How do people feel about third party work? I happen to own some of the more respected works such as Ultimate Psionics and Deep Magic. I generally like Kobold Press, Rite Publishing, and Rogue Genius material, and may be amenable to using their stuff. HeroLab supports a lot of those companies bigger works as well.

    I've been wanting to make use of Deep Magic for a while, but I don't want to include stuff from it if you guys feel iffy. I was thinking of using it more along the lines of lost magic or newly discovered magic. Not something to which everyone already has access. I figure a wilderness full of ruins and hermits and reclusive wizards who might be out there to experiment or locate a long lost spellbook would explain acquiring some of these if you guys are interested.

    I tend to shy away from third party work, though not for any particular reason, I guess. Unless it's an encompassing rules addition, I'm unlikely to use any of it myself, though I'm perfectly fine with another party member or yourself using it somehow.

    Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

    Yeah, I do like a bit of 3PP. Not that I use it much, in fact I really should open my copy of Deep I might use that :P

    Ephemeral GameMaster

    We'll have to go over what you're interested in. Some parts of Deep Magic will be only discoverable during gameplay and not at character creation. But the book is ginormous, so I imagine we can find stuff for ya.

    Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

    Cool, looking at the Oracle of Life as standard...there's only so many revelations before it seems to peter out, hence me looking at Sorcerer (plus infinite spells is cool)

    Ephemeral GameMaster

    Infinite? Lol, until you pass out and have to make a Fort save or simply die as your life essence is given to power your last spell cast.

    The fatigue rules will definitely have real consequences, not the least of which will be having to make rolls to stay conscious if you want to keep burning through your own life force.

    Ooh, does that mean arcane casters get death curses? ;)

    Female Helmet Cat

    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 2, 5) - 1 = 9
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 1, 4, 6) - 1 = 14
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 4) - 1 = 8
    4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 6) - 2 = 13
    4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 4, 5, 5) - 2 = 14
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 1, 6, 4) - 1 = 12

    >_> Whoops, seems I'm the only one who can roll over 15. <_<

    Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

    Ali had never been this far into the woods, driven out by mothers capricious moods. Her stories of long-abandoned Brevoy had traversed the gamut from romantic remembrances of youth - full of gaiety and opulence - from there slipped into the inevitable recriminations and tears. Knowing what as to come, Ali had slipped out into the woods knowing it'd be hours before the mood lightened.

    The dense woods, a knotted tangle of undergrowth and ancient trees letting spearing strands of sunlight through there bowers, had been Ali's playground since a babe - but never had they travelled this deep or far. In fact it was dawning that they may be starting to get lost, unfamiliar smells and trees especially after the previous nights' spring rain.

    A voice asked, holding no note of malevolence, breaks through the rising panic. "Who're you?" From behind a tree steps a gangly figure with a single fluid motion, as a marionette from the stage wings.

    Always one to be polite, the youngster of a handful of winters replies. "Ali Harper, we've a hut the otherside of Tappers Gulley."

    "So you play the harp?" the child-like voice asks

    "Nope, but my father is teaching me the fiddle. He says I'm quite acceptable, though he isn't my real father." Ali blurts out. Eyebrows creasing slightly at need to quantify this statement, for Ali wasn't too bothered by the fact - but it seemed to be drawn out.

    "Any relation to Utrecht the Harp?" the honeysuckle breathe was slightly too acidic as the person asks. "They were quite the player..."

    "My Great-Grandfather," comes the proud interjection about the famous musician, whose own son hadn't been focussed or talented enough to follow in their footsteps. "I would've liked to hear him bash out a melody. What's your name?"

    The quixiotic shape, no taller than little Ali replies: "You may call me Birch? Do you want to play?"

    "Don't be silly..." Ali laughs; "I haven't a fiddle."

    "How about a game of hide & seek then...."

    Ephemeral GameMaster

    Encounter with a fey? Hopefully Ali came out okay...and isn't a swapped changeling. Mwahahaha!

    Well that was a little thought to help potentially enable a Fey Foundling feat (or maybe something else), but I was thinking that also expands the familial history.

    Definitely interested, but will be back when I have a little more time to make a character.

    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 2, 3, 1) - 1 = 9
    4d6 - 2 ⇒ (4, 5, 2, 4) - 2 = 13
    4d6 - 2 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 5) - 2 = 14
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 1, 3, 4) - 1 = 11
    4d6 - 3 ⇒ (5, 3, 4, 6) - 3 = 15
    4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 5, 2, 2) - 2 = 9

    Ouch, I do hope we roll better in actual gameplay...

    With scores like these, we could be a really good D-team.

    Human Oracle of Life | HP 11/13 | AC 14, T 12, FF 12 | Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5 | CMD 13 | Init +2 | Perception +1 | RC 17

    Hah, I'm the A-team baby.

    So hopefully my friemd (Kim) is posting her rolls here, but the sites slow. She's gonna make an elf ranger with my/our help :D

    Hello, I am a friend of DSXMachina and he invited me to play with you guys. I will be posting my character rolls next. Looking forward to playing with you guys!

    Hello Kimdral.


    4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 1) = 16
    4d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 5, 6) = 15
    4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 3, 3) = 12
    4d6 ⇒ (4, 3, 6, 1) = 14
    4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 5, 2) = 15
    4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 5, 6) = 19

    Nice to meet you!

    And nice rolls, you've got there. :)

    So what rolls. With 4d6 keep 3.

    5,4,6,1 = 15
    2,2,5,6 = 13
    1,5,3,3 = 11
    4,3,6,1 = 13
    4,4,5,2 = 13
    4,4,5,6 = 15

    So you wanted to be an elven ranger (female I presume). So what dex to str bias do you want and what # Cha, a 13 Cha I'd guess?

    Str 15
    Dex 15 (+2)
    Con 13 (-2)
    Int 13 (+2)
    Wis 11
    Cha 13

    That sound like a reasonable stat line? Or extra Int/Cha rather than Strength.
    HP 10
    So in terms of skills you get 8 6+Int
    I'd recommend:
    Handle Animal, Stealth, Survival, Swim, Perform (:P), Perception, and 2 of either:
    Know (Nature), Ride, Handle Animal or Craft (Carpentry)

    And do you want to be a bowman or a up close stabby lass?

    Is there anyway to be a little bit of both, stabby stabby and Bow? For my two Skills, I would like Know (nature) and Handle Animal.

    So with some jigging:
    Str 15
    Dex 17
    Con 11
    Int 13
    Wis 13
    Cha 13

    Skills: (FCB included)
    -Handle Animal/1
    -Know (Nature)/1

    Traits: tbc

    Bonus:Power Attack
    Level1: Weapon Focus (curved Blade)

    Elven Curved Blade 80gp
    Short Bow 30gp
    Studded leather 25gp

    Her mothers hawking glove, a thick honey-leather glove tough as the aeons have proven, with a fine silkery stitching that describes an intricate pattern upon the back of the gauntlet. She was once told a tale that the spirits of the elves that die take to the air and flie amongst the clouds...maybe...just maybe... this could bring them back. (fluff for a potential Animal Companion)

    Ephemeral GameMaster

    Welcome Kindral! Glad you could join us. Looks like with DSX's help you are the second furthest along. Hopefully everyone else will have something to show soon as well. :D

    All right, character's all finished! Still need to work on a backstory, though. Probably something about how life was ruff in the kennel or something.

    Bast, The Attack Hound!:

    Male dog animal companion
    N Small animal
    Init +3; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +6

    AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (armor +2, Dex +3, natural +2, size +1)
    hp 19 (3d8+6)
    Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2

    Speed 30 ft.
    Melee bite +4 (1d4+3)
    Special Attacks power attack -1/+3

    Str 15, Dex 17, Con 15, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6;
    Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 17
    Feats Light Armor Proficiency, Power Attack
    Skills Perception +6, Survival +5
    SQ link
    Gear leather barding (20 gp)
    Tricks Attack

    Link (Ex) Can be handled as a free action or pushed as a move action. Master gains +4 bonus to Handle Animal checks made in regards to this animal companion.

    Ephemeral GameMaster

    @Mahorfeus: So you are planning to only play the dog?

    Random rolls that equal something like a 37 or 39 point build. Might use them...I'm undecided.

    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 2, 3, 1) - 1 = 10
    4d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 6, 2, 2) - 2 = 13
    4d6 - 5 ⇒ (6, 6, 5, 6) - 5 = 18
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 2) - 1 = 5
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 1, 6, 5) - 1 = 17
    4d6 - 3 ⇒ (6, 6, 4, 3) - 3 = 16

    Nah. Character is a work in progress. As usual the crunch is coming along nicely, but the backstory is bugging me a bit.

    I have this habit of starting off with a family background first, when it should be more focused on the character. Kind of irking me a bit this time around. But then, nothing substantially dramatic comes to mind.

    Ephemeral GameMaster

    Hey everyone, because Meowselsworth asked for it, deadline for creation is Sunday. Also, you guys can try posting a second set of rolls if you want before opting to the 25 point buy if you desire.

    As always, I am here for any questions and concerns.

    Alright. Let's do this nerds.

    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 1, 6, 6) - 1 = 16
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 1, 1, 5) - 1 = 7
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 1, 5) - 1 = 8
    4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 4, 2, 2) - 2 = 8
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 2) - 1 = 12
    4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 3, 4, 4) - 3 = 11

    The dice gods do not favor me this day!

    Str=8 (-1)
    Dex=7 (-2)
    Con=8 (-1)
    Int=12 (1)
    Wis=11 (0)
    Cha=16 (3)

    Will work on this more later.

    Ephemeral GameMaster

    Lol, I see that. You have a second chance if you want to try again, but otherwise the 25 point buy and the ability to increase your stuff with RCs is still around, too.

    I'm sure you of all people, ODV, see the RC system makes the advancement of your PC a little more like good ole flexible WFRP...

    The rigidity of 3.P advancement has always irked me. Considering how awful the group I am playing with in Kingmaker does in combat shows me that 3.P can be super brutal unless you're min/maxing...and that is not the kind of crap I want to encourage. So I'd rather give benefits that allow well-thought out RP characters survive.

    Ephemeral GameMaster

    If you're really sticking with those stats, I would say rerolling one '1' in each category that had a '1' in the final score might be fair. Three '1's in a single roll is brutal...

    4d6 - 4 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 4) - 4 = 17
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 3) - 1 = 6
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 5, 6, 1) - 1 = 17
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 1, 2, 3) - 1 = 11
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 3) - 1 = 8
    4d6 - 3 ⇒ (4, 4, 3, 3) - 3 = 11

    Well that definitely better, but I think I'll still go for the point buy, that 6 is just gonna hurt too much.

    Female Helmet Cat

    Second roll!

    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 1, 4, 4) - 1 = 11
    4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 5, 4, 5) - 3 = 14
    4d6 - 3 ⇒ (4, 4, 5, 3) - 3 = 13
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 2, 3, 1) - 1 = 11
    4d6 - 2 ⇒ (3, 5, 2, 6) - 2 = 14
    4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 3, 6, 6) - 3 = 15

    Here, I'll give a second grouping of rolls and stick with it no matter what. ONLY ONE MULLIGAN. PRAISE BE TO CHAOS. ORDER IS A SHAM ON THE UNIVERSE. POINT BUYS ARE FOR THE WEAK

    4d6 - 2 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 4) - 2 = 14
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 1, 3, 5) - 1 = 11
    4d6 - 2 ⇒ (5, 2, 5, 6) - 2 = 16
    4d6 - 1 ⇒ (5, 5, 1, 5) - 1 = 15
    4d6 - 3 ⇒ (3, 3, 5, 4) - 3 = 12
    4d6 - 3 ⇒ (6, 6, 6, 3) - 3 = 18

    Damn. Loads better. See what happens when you surrender yourself to fate? You become a superman. an uber mensch. A mythic man. A wonder(ous) woman. A man hardened by the fireside of uncontrollability. A noun of adjective noun.

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