Kalsgrim Lodovka |
The Boggard King steps off his monstrous mount and drops one kneel in the swamp waters in front of Kalsgrim: "I will swear allegiance to youooarr, invadoooaarrrr, if you hoarld your promise of peace and prooaarsperity. I will rooamain King of the Boggaarrrd and of Hooarktongue and send tribute yoaar way."
Thus the group secures the fleeting loyalties of the Hooktongue Boggards.
"No tribute, Boggard King. But a subject of yours to serve as a guide and herald, to take us safely past your lands. And they must be able to wait for us at your western boundry while we conduct business, so they can guide us back again. We would not want misunderstandings with your minions and more to be hurt. Nor would we wish to take what is rightly yours in our passing. In several moons, one will come in our name, perhaps one of us here, to talk with you about how we can work together."

Other Mastermind |

King Sepoko turns towards the river and croaks angrily at it. Finally, one of the arcanist Boggards breaks the surface and moves up to you. The king croaks with him for a while, then he says: "This is Rhooak. He will accooaarmpany you and follooarw your oarders. He speoaks a little Taldan, but understands it enouargh."
He kneels one last time before jumping on his steed: "See yoar in a few weearks!"
The froghemoth turns and sinks in the river.
You are left with Rhooak who looks at you with questioning bulbous eyes. From the look of it, there is about two hours left before sunrise. You haven't slept all night, and the mosquitoes are back. With a vengeance.

Kriger Eilifsson |

Kriger cracks his neck as the healing energies flow through him. Taking a deep breath, "Thanks, Mal, I needed that."
As the king leaves, Kriger stares at the lone boggard a moment before he instantly slaps at his own neck, trying to kill a bug. "Dang mosquitoes. I hate those things. You kill one only to find a hundred more to take its place."
Hp's 97/104; Man I sure eat a lot of damage. But I'm good now! :)

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
"Rhooak, we will rest here for several hours before we move on. We need to travel west. You are to travel with us to make certain that we do not run into avoidable dangers, and to make sure that any minions of Sepoko know that we pass in his territory with his blessing. So, get some rest yourself until we are ready to move out."
Eating damage is Kriger's job. :)
"Don't ask Rhooak to deal with the bugs; he'd probably use another one of those clouds to do it." Kal let's a little smile show on his face.

Kriger Eilifsson |

You'd think he'd be a lot fatter. ;)
"Don't ask Rhooak to deal with the bugs; he'd probably use another one of those clouds to do it." Kal let's a little smile show on his face.
"Heh. Yeah, you're probably right. Wouldn't surprise me, that's for sure." He grins, slapping Kalsgrim on the shoulder much lighter than usual. "Let's get some rest, fellas," he says to them all. "It's been a long night."

Other Mastermind |

This time, the night is disturbed only by the rising of the sun, though the covered sky makes it more of an hypothesis than a fact. It gets lighter slowly, and a soft rain starts trickling down.
You extend your rest a few hours and break camp.
It takes 10 minutes (10 x makes for almost two hours) to cast Phantom Steed, but now the mounts can Water Walk!.

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
Rhooak turns to Kalsgrim as he prepares for the day: "King Sepoko do not rule over wild beasts, men, and mosquitoes. South is the city of men. I will not go in there, but will bring you to it and wait for you to return."
From his looks, it seems he doesn't think very highly of those men.
"You honor your king with your service, and we could ask no more of you. When we reach where you will wait for us, we will arrange a meeting spot that you can check a couple times a day. I don't know if you'll need to forage or conduct other business, but I certainly don't expect you to stay in one spot for however long our business will take us."
As the day goes on a little, Kalsgrim will ask "Early, when you mentioned the men of the city, you seemed... displeased with them. What can you tell us of them?"

Malaswyn Tyddewi |

We will keep moving, talking to Rhooak as we go.
At a private moment, Kalsgrim will ask Malaswyn "Would you be willing to be our ambassador to these creatures? Rhooak might be a good opportunity to start learning their language."
"It would be my honour. Her redemption is for all and Her servants go where there is need. I just hope they don't belch on me again."
GM, would you be okay with a quick retcon to drop a skill point in linguistics?

Other Mastermind |

Though Rhooak informs you of a ford a few miles north, Servayn's conjured steeds allow you to ride above the waters, a feat that has your Boggard emissary's bulbous eyes grow even wider.
For two days you ride south, through the marshy edges of Hooktongue Lake. A trip such as this would have at least taken four to eight times longer on regular steeds. You regularly pass patches of quicksand, and the remains of unfortunate explorers, not always completely dead.
It strikes you how hard must life be in this area. The land seems yo resist you every chance it gets. Three times you repel flying insects as big as a dog, and you surrender to the smaller kind, who take their tribute in blood throughout the day.
The sun remains absent, but the rain stays light. The sky is like a sheet of steal hanging just above your head.
Finallt, at the end of the second day, you see the beginning of a dirt road, which leads you in no time to the edge of Fort Drelev. From your viewpoint, you can make a town of great size, but some of the buildings seem abandoned, while others stand unfinished.
The fort itself is a massive low tower surrounded by a wall enclosing a courtyard. These stone walls join with the town's wood battlements. Atop of these, you can make several sentries.

Kriger Eilifsson |

"I say we approach as we are. If they give us crap... I say we kill 'em. They actually look kinda evil anyway." Kriger shrugs. Between the bugs and the travel, it's obvious he is road weary and irritated.

Malaswyn Tyddewi |

"I'm not sure we should risk approaching conflict ill-prepared. If we can assess our opponents then perhaps we can prepare spells and strategies so that we're not vomiting our way through marshes when we could be flying over them in the fresh air."
I spend the journey talking with Rhooak, attempting to master his tongue and learn his tribe's ways. For my part, I talk to him of Her lessons: focusing on the practical improvements that organisation and mutual aid could bring to a society surviving in a harsh environment.

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
"So, spend the night outside here to recover spells, then tomorrow head into civilization, posing as mere travelers to scout out the town? Try to find out what is happening in the castle and see if there is a way we can sneak in and free prisoners?"
When he says that, it prompts a thought. "Rhooak, are you or your people aware of secret ways in and out of the town or the castle? Do some of Sepoko's subjects live close here that you can ask if they've seen humans using tunnels around here?"

Other Mastermind |

Malaswyn's conversation with Rhooak is generally good, though there is an obvious gap separating them. Still, it sounds like a good start for people who, a few hours ago, were trying to kill each other.
Rhooak, in sight of the town, says to Kalsgrim: "We rarely get this close to town. We know very little of it. More of the poor fools who venture out..."
With that, he takes his leave: "I'll keep an eye on our meeting place."
The Frielanders now head back to be well away from the town gate to spend the night. Beside somme unnaturally big insects and a great snake who took Kriger for a former lover, with nothing to show for but a severed head, the night is uneventful, by Hooktongue's standards.
There is still that light rain in the morning, and the sun still hides behind low hanging clouds of dull grayness.
What's your plan? Ember with you? Do you ride in on phantom steeds?

Malaswyn Tyddewi |

I'm going to delay picking spells until we have a plan. So, only got my bonus spells right now (no choice about them, really.)
I conduct my usual prayers to Sarenrae but do not make the full run of abeisance: I wait instead for further opportunities to call Her name.

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
"As much as I hate to say it, I think we are stepping into Kriger's territory here." He claps a hand on Kriger's shoulder and says "Kriger, look at this town; if there were to be a brothel here, where would you look for it?"
A quick refresher: Armag, the barbarian leader of the Tiger Lords, defeated Drelev a few months ago. Armag took hostage the daughters of all the officers to ensure loyalty and left Drelev in charge. Kisandra escaped this fate because her father (one of the officers) hid her with a friend, Satinder Morne, in a local brothel. As a result, her father was taken hostage as well. Kisandra recommended we contact Satinder; he would be a useful contact for what was going on in town at the time.

Kriger Eilifsson |

Kriger grins wryly at the paladin's words. "Right next to the seediest, yet most popular, tavern in town. Wherever you find that, you'll find the brothel fairly near. Of course, if this town is run by a dictator, it could very well be smack dab in the middle of town for all to see. It could be his money maker. But regardless, once we get inside, I'll find it for you." He winks.

Other Mastermind |

As Kriger moves up to the gates, he can notice that some of the men on the battlements don't look so much like soldiers, but more like a band of raiders often found in the River Kingdoms. The sport, for the most part, hide armour and crude weapons.
As the gates open though, the ones that step through look like local militia or watch. Two wait for him at the gate:. They seem nervous. The tallest, wearing his the same red uniform you saw at Tzatzlfjord, barks at Kriger, his eyes cruel: "Hi there! I don't remember you... State your business!"
Kriger, please make the social skill rolls appropriate to your strategy.

Kriger Eilifsson |

Just take it in stride. He's nothing but a peon with nothing better to do. "Take it easy, pal. I'm just here to visit the, um, well," he grins mischievously, leaning in, "you know. The 'place'. You know that place where we men like to call 'fun', if you get my drift." He winks, nudging him as he leans back out. "So I hope you'd be willing to take my coin because I got a HOLE burning in my pocket!" He waggles his eyebrows, grinning crazy like.
Diplomacy: 1d20 ⇒ 18

Other Mastermind |

For the future, that would be Bluff, but no worries.
The guard winks back and relaxes: "I catch your meaning... Poor girls! Look at you!" and he slaps you on the back "You're filthy, man! How many weeks have you spent hunting in the bug! Hey but wait... You have no pelts... How are you going to af-"
He stops and looks at you, suddenly pensive, then shifts again: "No matter my good friend, some things can't wait much longer. Sanya is the one you should ask for..."
Kriger then disappears past the gate.
To your right looms the fort, with again a mix of soldiers and raiders on its battlements.
You see a great temple to Erastil, right after the gate. The road meanders through town, and you pass a watch patrol that eyes you suspiciously, but doesn't trouble you further.
Finally, after a turn, you see a tall narrow building named The Velvet Underground, located, as you foresaw, just in front of a great inn named The Iron Steeple.
You locate the brothel,

Malaswyn Tyddewi |

As Kriger disappears into the settlement, I shrug and settle on my haunches, "What now? Wait until we hear screams?"
Then I settle into a low prayer filling up my spell list, but leaving a slot open at each level.

Kriger Eilifsson |

Yeah I meant to put "Diplomacy/Bluff" seeing how they are both the same result, but obviously missed on that.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Kriger takes in the situation as he walks along. What the blast has happened here? Did everyone just get tired of working and leave? Can't wait to find out. As he makes his way through town, he catches sight of his target. There she is; just as I thought. Ah when you got it you got it. He grins wryly. Making his way to the door, he tests to see if the door is locked and if not, he walks in, awaiting someone to greet him first.

Other Mastermind |

Kriger, please use spoilers. Thanks.
As the ranger expected, the entrance leads to a small antechamber, which seems to command access to a salon in the back. There is no sign of a staircase, meaning it's probably in the back.
His senses are attacked on numerous fronts as he is almost overwhelmed by the scent of jasmine, the sight of deep purple velvet and the giant orange plush cushions that beckon him after such a hard journey.
Beside the giant orange plush cushions, and on the same sofa, sits a dwarf as wide and deep as he is tall, his cubic quality contrasting with the roundness of the place. He wears a discreet armour and holds in front of him a very dissuasive club.
He looks you up and down and frowns.
In front of the hallway leading back is an ornate counter of zinc, mahogany and ivory. Behind it stands a small half-elf dressed in a red gown that must have been designed to have no real function in life, but to bring attention to her exquisite features. Her face is heavily painted and she wears her white hair up.
She looks you up and down and smiles.
"Have you desires, we'll meet them!" she guarantees with playful eyes.

Kriger Eilifsson |

The guard winks back and relaxes: "I catch your meaning... Poor girls! Look at you!" and he slaps you on the back "You're filthy, man! How many weeks have you spent hunting in the bug! Hey but wait... You have no pelts... How are you going to af-"
He stops and looks at you, suddenly pensive, then shifts again: "No matter my good friend, some things can't wait much longer. Sanya is the one you should ask for..."
From you.
"The guard at the gate told me that was who I was to ask for." He shrugs. "Maybe he got the name wrong? Could be possible he meant somebody who's name is close to to that."

Kriger Eilifsson |

Kriger waits for it a moment before looking to the dwarf and then back to her. "Well? His name is what?" Becoming impatient, Kriger rolls his eyes in frustration. "Okay, never mind. How about Satinder? Can I speak to him?"

Other Mastermind |

The dwarf shrugs something you can't quite make out, but the name of Satinder lights sparkles in the girl's eyes and she says with a high pitched voice: "Oh well Satinder! You're going for the best, but I'm not sure she'll take you. In any case, it's a silver to access the salon. Satinder will come down to meet you."
As you press a silver piece on the counter, the dwarf gets up and points you to the hallway: "You leave your weapons here with me sir.", then open a hidden closet beside the sofa.

Kriger Eilifsson |

Other Mastermind |

To your left, a wide staircase of dark wood leads upstairs. Standing at its end, you see a tall woman clad in dark blue leather, clinging tightly to her body. She smiles at you from the top of the stairs and makes her way slowly down, her lean figures moving with elaborate precision as she maneuvers down the stairs in very high heeled shoes.
"I am Satinder, she offers in a dark voluptuous voice..." letting hang the last R.

Kriger Eilifsson |

Perception: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (7) + 26 = 33
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Kriger eyes the woman with a raised eyebrow. Blast. Man I need a vacation. "Name's Kriger." He glances around. "We got a room that's a bit more private, right? 'Cause this could get awkward." He grins wryly.

Other Mastermind |

Something gnaws at you as you climb up the stairs, but you can't put a finger on it. There is something more to Satinder, but for now, it's only an impression...
She leads you to a great room lavishly decorated with silver and purple furniture and fancy objects: "What's your poison Kriger? Personally, I'm partial to a good whipping ichor. Something red..." Satinder says as she approaches a set of bottles. "I'm not cheap, I hope you realize that. By the way, who gave you my name?"

Kriger Eilifsson |

Kriger looks at the woman through narrowed eyes as they make their way into the room. He glances around as she speaks, making sure there is none other within. "Money is not an issue, I can guarantee you that, lady. And you can keep your drink - I'm not interested." Finding himself a little uncomfortable due to his lack of weapons, he presses on. "A friend. An ally. You know," he immediately switches, unable to shake the nagging feeling, "something about you makes the hair on the back of my neck rise. And while you are a might good-looking in that dress... that's not why. So, I'll ask: Why do you suppose that is? You're hiding something I just can't tell what." He crosses his arms, a curious look about him before an idea strikes him. "Wait a minute. I got it. I'll make you a deal. I'll give you the name, if you will answer my question. Plus, I got ten gold in it for you if I like your answer; just to make it interesting."

Other Mastermind |

Kriger Eilifsson |

Kriger looks to her curiously before trying to stop her. "Whoaaaa! Hold on now! Where you going? C'mon now, you can be honest with me. I got no weapons, I'm not here to hurt anybody, and all I want is information. I know, it's sad. If I could get my fearless leader Kals to cut me some time off, I sure wouldn't be here for information." He grins with a raised eyebrow. "Alright, if ten gold is not enough, then how much? I can guarantee you this: If you help me, I can help this whole town. Well, me and my friends. Unless, of course, you're not Satinder and you're just here to kill me. If that's the case, then we're gonna have problems." He states as a matter of fact. "'Cause I promise you: If I don't return in a certain amount of time, they will come looking for me. And I don't think you want an entire kingdom coming after you." He stares at her dead in the eye, hoping she understands he's dead serious. "Now, I'm gonna need to know who you are. And if you are not Satinder then I want to speak to her. Him. Whatever. I don't care. And I will still pay you whatever cost you think is fair for this information. But I am going to NEED answers."
Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12