KenderKin's Kingmaker Part 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Freddy Honeycutt

Kingmaker AP
Book 1

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Ellaria sighs, then loads her crossbow and fires at the mites.

Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6, Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 2

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Seeing the mites attack his friends, Eadric slashes at one of them with his longsword...

Attack(masterwork cold iron longsword)(power attack): 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (20) + 6 - 1 = 25
Damage: 1d8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 2 = 10

Please subtract the -2 to hit if this room is cramped...

Attack to confirm critical: 1d20 + 6 - 1 ⇒ (17) + 6 - 1 = 22 Confirmed
Damage: 1d8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 + 2 = 6

...cleaving the little blue menace in half with a vicious hit!

Obi blinks as he looks at the caltrop stuck in his arm. Then he scowls, looks back at the remaining mite, and chants angrily in that strange fire-like language. A mass of multicolored fire virtually slams into the blue fey...

The mite(and anyone close to it, he's to angry to aim) needs to make a DC 14 Will save or be effected by Color Spray.

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

A storm burst rocks a mite and drenches him in water, Eadric steps up and cleaves a mite in twain, Ellaria shoots at the other mite but the bolt goes wide....

The remaining mite (and Eadric!) are hit with a color spray...

Mite will save
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

The mite fails his save and falls unconscious!

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric is caught off guard by Obi's spell...
Will save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
... and crumples to the floor unconscious.

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

Awesome! ;)

Obi suddenly seems very tired, and goes to lean against a cave wall.

Female Human Witch 2

"Good grief no wonder he is so tired wandering around killing stuff must make him tired....."

Imiria points up the way she came....

"Looks like you guys have nearly finished everything up here. Here tie this around sleepy there and I will see about dragging him up to the surface."

Imiria notices the kobold and heals him of his injuries...
They talk for a minute in Draconic....


The gist of the conversation is the kobold has agreed to serve Imiria...

Imiria hands you the end of a silk rope.....
"Just tie this to sir sleepy...and tug three times when you are ready"

Ellaria turns to Imiria and says: "Thanks for your offer, but I think we'll stay here for a bit and explore, after waiting for both of them gestures at Obi and Eadric to feel a bit better. You can have the mite though - just treat him nicely".

Female Human Witch 2

”Mikmek and I will head to Oleg's, does anyone need healing?"

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

I think Mekmek is the kobold.
"Be careful, Imiria. He is cunning and self serving."

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Retcon'ed after realizing I am 3rd level, not second.

Eadric is caught off guard by Obi's spell...
Will save: 1d20 + 6; (3) + 6 = 9
... and cries out in surprise as the dazzling light burns into his retinas. Momentarily blinded and stunned, he drops his sword as he grasps at his eyes before shouting, Obi! Careful where you aim your magic!

About 20 seconds later... Eadric shakes off the effects of Obi's attack and he snatches up his sword. Luckily you didn't do that in a spot that could have proved more fatal... try and be more careful in the future Obi. To show there is no hard feelings he gives Obi a smile and a wink.

At the sound of Imiria's voice, the smile quickly vanishes...

I'm sorry Imiria, but Mikmek is not going with you to Oleg's. We have unfinished business with him that does not involve you. You will not be adding anymore creatures to your menagerie at this time.

"You are still alive, the mite I wanted to leave alone is fine. If I wasn't being careful, it would have been fire that burns instead of blinds." Obi says from the cave wall. "I feel like I'm in chains again, and every avoidable death is another link. I will not be chained by anyone even again!."

Female Human Witch 2

”You are just being bossy, have you considered getting help? This proud warrior was obviously injured and you are just concerned about what he can do for you! I want to show him Oleg as an example of a good person."

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric turns an eye towards Obi, Is he threatening me?! Everyone in this group is going mad...

Turning to face the group Eadric speaks in an exasperated tone, I am concerned that many of you seem to be losing sight of our duty, or at the very least, the will to do what is necessary to achieve our goals and fulfill our responsibilities. We have been sent to the Stolen Lands to explore and make safe this region. Yet when we encounter obviously wicked and dangerous creatures, more often than not, we wish to parlay with them, or leave them be. This seems an extremely dangerous and short sighted strategy. What reason do we have to show mercy upon these mites? What is your long term solution if they be allowed to go free?

And just so my understanding is clear... We can kill things as long there is a montetary gain in it for us? Say a bounty on a Tatzlwyrm. But if I kill the other wyrm to remove an obvious threat to life, I am a blood thirsty killer? We are sell swords now? Assassins who kill for coin? Shall I place a bounty upon these mites that we might fulfill our duty?

At Imiria's comment, Eadric spins and glares at her, I have had just about enough of your insolence. Do not presume to know what my intentions are nor to speak for me. Take him to Oleg to show him what a good person is? Have you lost your mind? We have rescued Mikmek from torture and death and have promised to escort him and his precious statue back to his tribe. Sounds like something nefarious and insidious indeed. You had better spirit Mikmek away from us as soon as possible.

And how is it that you repeatedly and unerringly show up wherever we are, whenever you wish? What is your agenda regarding these boggards, kobolds and mites? I think your presence here deserves an explanation.

Someone please explain to me what the nine hells is going on, because I have no idea...

Ellaria listens to Eadric speak, then comments while everyone is silent after his outburst: "I don't agree with everything he just said, but he sure does have some very strong points, especially regarding you, Imiria. I think its time to answer some questions".

Female Human Witch 2

”This is my home! I travel it as I will, I ran into you earlier and you came back here. I believe the mites are evil and must be driven away or killed, a truce with the kobolds is possible. Not only that the kobolds mine silver and would be peaceful enough mining gold. I mean no harm to anyone."

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

Torod steps between Imiria and Eadric. "I see no cause for accusations, Eadric. Though she has this uncanny ability to show up at the most curious times, almost as if following us, she has only aided us in every encounter."
Then he turns to Imiria "You accuse us of having ulterior motives. You want his aid in mining while we have rescued him and want to help him return a sacred statue to his people. Which sounds more self serving? You constantly overstep your bounds, I urge you to stop. I am yet your advocate and you begin to lose me."
Torod points to Mekmek. "When he is able, the kobold will choose his own path, as all things do. Be careful of the path you choose, Imiria. The Power does not insulate you from consequences of your actions."

Female Human Witch 2

Imiria looks down at the floor and kicks a loose clod of dirt..

"Well maybe I have been following you a bit, but someone has to keep you out of trouble!"

"I think the kobold will serve you though he fears the shaman of the tribe, I think you should be wary o him as well. I will go back to Oleg's and not bother you while you are making a treaty with the kobolds, Mikmek will go with you."

"I will remember your harshness when you come and ask me to teach you draconic or boggards!"

Imiria leaves the tunnels...

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric lets out an audible sigh of relief when Imira leaves.

I still do not understand how a one armed child all of 10 years old manages to traipse about the wilderness without apparent concern for her own safety all the while tracking us like a seasoned ranger... regardless of her apparent "powers". Perhaps Lord Duranos should have sent her in our stead...

Eadric slaps a low hanging root out of his face in frustration before continuing, Are we finished down here? If so let us get topside. I have had enough of crawling around in the dark, dirt and dampness for one day.

Does anyone have a suggestion for dealing with the captured mites?

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

Torod watches as Imiria leaves. "We kill them." Torod says simply as he turns back to the group. "They are malicious and evil and will only bring us trouble."

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Fine. We'll take them topside and hang them from the tree. They will serve as a warning to other mites who might return, and to other evil creatures that prowl this area.

Eadric moves to begin gathering up the surviving mites and lead them to the surface, bound together in a prisoner line.

"Ugh... Not again!" Ellaria gasps as Eadric starts moving the mites up. "They are prisoners... you can't execute them without a fair trial! You're supposed to be a paladin! Where's the justice and honor in executing these captives?"

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

The remaining mites are easily rounded up tied together and taken topside into the daylight, they cover their large eyes from the sun and look confused by the goings on.

The giant tick burrows through the dirt leaving the mites colony once the mites are gone....

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric hauls the mites to the surface and sets them sitting upon the ground before turning to address Ellaria in an even but firm tone, A trial? I saw these mites torturing captured prisoners of war with mine own eyes. They asked if I wished to participate. They have shown the depths of their depravity and their wicked nature. They are undoubtedly evil and it is my duty as a paladin to eradicate all evil that I encounter! On what grounds are these mites to be granted mercy? Because they happened to fall to your disabling magic as opposed to the edge of my blade? These mites are no more deserving a reprieve than those that lie dead in the tunnels below.

Eadric fetches rope from his saddles bags and begins cutting it onto four equal lengths as he talks.

It is also my duty and right as Justicar of this area to pass judgement... and that is exactly what I am doing. We have been tasked, under authority of the charter that we all carry, to make safe these lands. No where in the charter does it state that those that work against good and promote lawlessness are entitled to a trial. It clearly states they be put to the sword or hung. I intend to follow through with my responsibilities.

Tying four rough nooses into the lengths, Eadric throws one end of each rope over a sturdy branch as he continues speaking.

Just out of curiosity, how would you see a trial playing out? Who would act as judge and jury? Who would act as behalf of the mites here? What defense could they possibly put forth? Who other than Imiria, and I am curious to understand how she knows, even speaks their language? Their only defense would be one of denial, countered by testimony from Mikmek, myself and presumably Torod. Eadric pauses to gauge Obi's reaction before continuing, A trial would be a colossal waste of time and effort. Their guilt is obvious. They have been judged and found wanting. And do not think for a minute that I find these matters at all desirable or agreeable. I take no pleasure in the execution of my duties, such as this. But, it has to be done. We have more important matters to attend to, and I shall not waver in my duties and responsibilities such as they are.

I intend to leave these mites as a warning to all... Eadric makes certain to catch Mikmek's eye at this point, ...that strive against good, that prey on the innocent and defenseless and that work to promote lawlessness.

His preparations complete, Eadric turns to face the mites....

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

"As I understand it, we are supposed to be striving for that ideal, Elleria, however, it is just not practical at this time." Torod assists Eadric in carrying out the mites' sentence.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric nods at Torod's comment. Agreed. Perhaps in the future we will have the luxury of making these decisions at a more relaxed pace and in a more formal setting. That just isn't possible given our current circumstances however... or even warranted in this instance, in my opinion, given the obvious and observed evil nature of these mites.

Eadric removes his charter from his pack and prepares to read...

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

"I'm sure that's not required, Eadric. Let's just finish this so we may go speak with the kobolds."
Just to make sure, we cleared out the entire mite warren?

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

I believe so... and the charter reading was really meant to provide for a last chance for Ellaria or Obi to interject if they are so inclined...

Obi looks Eadric straight in the eye until he moves to hang the mites, the he turns away with clenched fists. The air around him seems to shimmer with heat. He does not try to stop Eadric from his deed, and goes to collect the horses instead. Once he returns and the mites are dead, Obi rides over to them and promptly uses his magic to burn through the ropes.

He slides off the horse and closes the eyes of the dead, whispering last rites over them as he does so.

"I do not see how a paladin could wish to disrespect the dead so by leaving them to hang and rot in the wind, no matter how evil they were in life." He says quietly as he gets on his steed again. He does not make eye contact with anyone.

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

The sunlight and warmth of the day is a great reprieve from the cramped and dirty caves of the mites.

Mikmek looks at you expectantly as you mount your horses, cocking his head to the side as he watches the stirrups and reins....

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric watches Obi burns through the ropes, and performs last rites, as he readies his horse for travel. While checking the fit of the saddle, Eadric replies to Obi's admonishment, Disrespectful? It is any less disrespectful to leave them lying upon the ground where the carrion birds have unfettered access? Or where they fell within the tunnels below to be feasted upon by vermin? We have not worried about the proper and respectful treatment of remains for any of those we have slain in out time here in the Stolen Lands. We seem to suffer from inconsistent application of our morals...

Eadric takes to his saddle, grabbing up his reins and spinning his horse in place before adding, I guess I shall continue to follow my moral compass while you do the same.

Eadric squints his eyes as he gazes off in the direction of the kobold lair. Checking the sky in an attempt to determine the remaining daylight, Eadric asks Mikmek how long it while be to his tribe's caves.

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

Updated map

Treasure from the mite lair
assorted coinage totaling 150 gold....

Reminder of mission


Kobolds in the Hills
Source: Information from Oleg’s Trading Post

Task: The Sootscale kobolds dwell in a cave somewhere in the Kamelands. Normally not a problem, they’ve been riled up by something lately.
Find their lair and ensure that the kobolds aren’t going to continue being a threat.

Completion: Either slay the kobolds or forge an alliance of peace with them.

Reward: The swordlords send a reward of 800 gp once the kobold activity is under control.

Mikmek points at edge 3 of the map and proudly states...
"Short walk..."



Beat me to finishing my post! ;)

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

How much xp should we have?

"This. Stops. Now. We can't continue doing this. We're about to go into a den of kobolds. Kobolds aren't known for their gentle demeanor. We don't have to like one another, but we must find some way to get along. We have to stop arguing. No more judging one another. Can we agree to that?"

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Agreed. Our endless arguing is accomplishing nothing but driving a wedge between us. I do genuinely like all of you. We just don't always see eye to eye on everything, but, how many friends do? We are in a difficult position and under a lot of stress, but we need to work together, or we will fail. Or worse. Let us set aside our differences for the time being, that we might hopefully make peaceful contact with Mikmek's tribe. Lord knows we could use some allies out here.

Eadric kicks his horse and starts off in the direction of the kobold caves...

I guess I should have proof read my previous post... gah! Too many errors! :)

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

"Perhaps it would help if we found something we could all agree on. For instance, I think Obi had a good point about showing respect to our defeated foes and to those to whom we dispense justice. That would be the honorable thing, right?"

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

I would not be opposed to burying the dead or building funeral pyres as the situation and practicality demands...

Eadric pulls on the reins, stopping a short distance from the tree. Looking back he continues, If we are to bury the mites, then some other sort of warning should be left. I do not want any mites that might be out and about, returning and repopulating the caverns. We could also attempt to seal up the entrance as well...

Ellaria shakes her head sadly as the mites are hanged. "This is not what we were meant to do here", she says quietly, then moves further along, hiding her face. Some quiet sounds of her crying do reach the ears of the others though.

Regardless of what the others do, Ellaria will sit down on a rock and wait for them to finish their business. Afterwards, she continues to move silently with the others, answering only when spoken to, and then shortly.
My internet connection will be spotty during the next week or so.

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

"Burying everything we have to kill may prove impractical. Even funeral pyres can be fairly time consuming to build. Perhaps we could begin with a few words consigning them to Pharasma to start."

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

Mikmek obviously not following the conversation and confusion at all stares blankly waiting for an opening he puts in.....

"Home near, we go?"

Along the way you find tokens of the minature war that has taken place between the mites and kobolds.

Side note


Edge 2 also leads to an unexplored hex!

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

After performing whatever respectful duties required to satisfy everyone's concerns regarding the mites, Eadric once again mounts up and suggests they get moving.

Not sure that they will arrive at the kobolds caverns before nightfall, Eadric asks Torod to keep watch for a suitable place to camp for the night.

Unless someone objects to the plan, move edge 3. We can explore the hex east of the mite lair after we meet the kobolds.

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

"Tartuk shaman , Tartuk hears commands of statue. Even king must obey commands, only Tartuk hears commands. Tartuk be happy to get back statue. Tartuk had statue when he came to tribe from different tribe."

"Chief Sootscale must do as statue say."

An outcropping of large boulders emerges from the weathered
face of a nearby hillock. A narrow opening in the rock leads
into darkness below. A fallen sign leans against the side of the
cave entrance, and a cage made of branches and sticks sits on
the other side.......

Another Kobold comes out of the tunnel entrance

"Mikmek that you?"

"Yes Nakpik, I have returned the statue to save whole tribes."

The kobold seems excited and begins to lead the way into the tunnels...

Perception DC 15


The fallen sign is weathered and bears a few faded
words: “Oaktop Silver Mine.”

Knowledge local DC 15


Originally used by Taldan explorers, this mine was abandoned long before its potential was played out as the Taldans realized
the mine was far too distant from other settlements to
be viable.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric dismounts and tethers his horse before waiting for the others to indicate how they wish to proceed.

Perception check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

Perception 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30
"That is interesting." Torod says as he enters the tunnels.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

What's that Torod?

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

"This was a silver mine at one time. I was wondering if kobolds could mine. If so, we might want to enlist their aid at the other place."

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Perhaps... but let us not count our chickens yet. Let us make peaceable contact first...

Are the caverns lit? If not, Eadric will ask that someone cast light upon his shield.

Eadric accompanies Torod into the cave.

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

The caverns entrance

An alcove to the west contains a locked iron gate—the
In the area beyond, three rope nooses hang from holes in the ceiling
above rusty iron hooks set in the floor. When pulled down
and looped on the hooks below, these ropes seal shut the
three pit traps that guard the entrance.

The crude stick cage contains a single, sobbing
mite—his eyes squinted tightly shut against the light
during the day.....
Sobbing Mite

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Upon noticing the mite, Eadric furrows his brow. Is this mite a prisoner of war Mikmek? What is to be his fate?

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

"Yes big war, mites invade and make war with Kobolds, steals sacred staute. This one caughts making war comes here to kills kobolds, kobolds kills instead."

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