KenderKin's Kingmaker Part 1 (Inactive)

Game Master Freddy Honeycutt

Kingmaker AP
Book 1

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Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean
KenderKin wrote:
Each PC should have 3 hero points..


But did the mite survive the 10 damage? :)

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

No the mite does not survive 10 damage!

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

That leaves the mite at T3 and the sleeping mites at S3 and T4.

Mites are up! :)

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

T3 mite attacks Eadric
1d20 ⇒ 3

and nearly pokes one of his sleeping buddies!

You are up!

Ellaria loads another bolt and fires it at the mite, hoping for better luck this time.

Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20, Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 7

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

Move the flaming sphere into the square with the mite. He needs to make that save (dc 15)

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

Mite save
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16

The mite dodges the shpere and runs right into a crossbow bolt through the head!

Out of turn based combat now!

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric moves quickly to strip the sleeping mites of their weapons, gathering up the rest of weapons from the fallen mites as well, before pitching the lot into a corner away from the mites. He then moves to cut the wounded kobold free from its restraints while remarking, Perhaps we should tie up those two before they awaken.

After cutting the kobold free Eadric tries to determine the extent of its injuries while seeing if it speaks common.

Glancing over his shoulder towards the others, Eadric inquires, Should we clear and secure the rest of the lair before we get too involved here?

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

The kobold falls to his knees and speaks to you in a chirping common...

"I am Mikmek the last surviving warrior of a doomed attack
on the mite cavern. Thank you, thank you, I promise you many treasures if you help me finish my quest to rescue the most holy statue from these nasty blue mites."

He looks at the mites angrily

Sense motive
DC 0 ;)


Given the opportunity he would kill the remaining kobolds outright, but hey they have been at war!

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

How is the group for healing?
Torod sees the kobold's hatred for the mites and he has to ignore the feelings that stir within him as he is reminded of the words of the will'o'wisp.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Sorry, really busy today... I'll try and post more later tonight. I am at 34 of 36 HP.

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

The kobold looks at Torod...
"What be healing is food yes?" He chirps in common..

perception DC 0
The kobold is still wounded....

Ellaria approaches the kobold. "Tell us more about this statue you were looking for".

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

"White like stone statute of crouching reptilian devil."

"Is very important to find, yes."

Ellaria nods and hands over to the kobold some of her ration, while asking: "What is your name?", and after the kobold answers and starts eating, she continues: "Why is this statue so important? Is it magical?"

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

"Me Mikmek, statue holy important for kobolds."

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

"This could be a chance for us to use diplomacy. It would be a learning experience for Eadric, who knows only one way to deal with folk." Torod jokes.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric questions the kobold while keeping an eye on the tunnels, You attacked the mites to recover this statue? How did the mites get it from you in the first place? And why, why did they want it? What is the significance of it to them? If we help you recover it what wil you do with it? Where is your tribe located?

Turning to the others he adds, Should we clear the rest of the lair before we look for this statue?

Hearing Torod's jibe, Eadric switches to elven to communicate without the kobold understanding, Wasn't the statue back in the other room on the table? Along with the burlap sack of coins?

Eadric is the only party member with ranks in diplomacy after all... :)

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

"Mites been attacking kobolds steal things, kobolds try to get back, then mites steal mores...."

"Kobold shaman bringed statue to sootscale kobolds, very holy very good kobolds at peace, then mite come kills kobolds and steals statue been at war with mites every since."

Ellaria moves closer to the group and whispers: "Well, if we are getting involved in this, I guess we should take the kobold's side and help him. After all, siding with the mites isn't really an option anymore".

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric continues to whisper in elven as he responds to Ellaria, I'm not sure that we should be on either 'side'. We don't have nearly enough information to be forming alliances at this point. It seems fairly obvious that the mites are wicked nasty creatures, but we would be foolish to assume that the kobolds are innocent merely on the word of one warrior. Regardless, we should endevour to learn more of this tribe of kobolds. If they should represent a threat to the safety and stability of the area, then they will need to be dealt with... after we ensure that this lair no longer poses a threat to anyone.

Turning to Mikmek, Eadric switches to common before addressing the scaly warrior, If we help you recover this statue, will you allow us to accompany you back to your tribe so that we might discuss matters of importance with your leaders?

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

"Yes yes great party and celebration great time to have talks."

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

"Looks like we've found another ally. Let's finish these mites before we go celebrate."

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric motions at Mikmek, Are you well enough to assist us in routing the remainder of the mites and help in the search for your precious statue? Once we have finished in both these tasks we will accompany you to your tribe.

Eadric switches to elven and responds to Torod's comment. That could prove to be a tad optimistic, but I hope that you are right. We could use some allies familiar with the area... I just hope that by taking out the mites, removing a major competitor of the kobolds, that we haven't caused ourselves more problems by providing relief to a potential adversary.

In common, Eadric adds, Well, what say everyone? Should we take care of the tick now? Or continue in this direction, and see what else lies ahead?

"Mikmek, can you ride this tick? Do you want to?"

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric arches an eyebrow at Ellaria's question of Mikmek, but remains silent. This aught to be entertaining if he tries...

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

Mikmek makes a face...then has a sudden inspiration....
"We could eat it!"

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

No thanks. You can have my share...

Let's get on with it... the smell down here is beginning to wear on me. Let's clear out the rest of the lair, find this statue and get topside.

Eadric moves towards the room's other exit, deciding to leave the tick for the moment.

Is Obi still with us? No post in over a week.

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

Not sure where Obi has gotten to..........
Checked a post that said Davi the eccentric was taking a break from pbp, checked that an he has an impressive list of aliases but I did not see Obi on there..

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

His main account has posted since the 18th... hope everything is alright...

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

"Ah yes. A little broadsword diplomacy."

Let's hope he returns soon.

KenderKin wrote:

Not sure where Obi has gotten to..........

Checked a post that said Davi the eccentric was taking a break from pbp, checked that an he has an impressive list of aliases but I did not see Obi on there..

That might be because I an an alias of Dragonborn3, not Davi. I'm still here, just having some trouble keeping track of everything RL and otherwise at the moment.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

I knew you weren't Davi. ;)

No worries, was just a little concerned as you are usually a pretty prolific poster. :) By all means, take care of RL... we'll soldier on! ;)

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric may becoming a little sensitive here about his blood thirsty reputation but... is Torod's comment and tone one of agreement or one of chiding? :)

Here is a sense motive check if required. ;) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Hmmmm, maybe the answer won't be forthcoming, unless it is obvious. ;)

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

Not chiding. It's not Torod that has had a problem with killing intelligent creatures of an evil bent. He only has issue with killing the defenseless animals like the one at the river. Torod's willing to kill the mites then go kill all the kobolds too.

Ellaria moves closer to the tick and examines it a bit more closely, then follows Eadric deeper into the dungeon.

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

Going back to the war room the Giant tick is there, but seems unwilling to attack and sits quietly in the corner....

Rows of wooden pegs line the earthen walls, some hung with
tiny, filthy cloaks. In the center of the room stands a rickety
table held together with twine, covered with a filthy redchecked
tablecloth and heaped with mounds of dirt and twigs
and gravel, apparently arranged to form some sort of map.
Sitting at the edge of the map, weighing down a scrap of paper,
is a bloodstained ivory statuette of what looks like a crouching
reptilian devil. A bulging burlap sack sits under the table.

Mikmek squeals with delight and scoops up the statue ignoring everything else.

"Mighty Mikmek save tribe!"

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

Is there another way out?

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

I had intended for us to head the opposite way from the tick... but whatever... and yes I believe there are areas left unexplored...

Ellaria slowly moves forward, examines the map and checks the sack for anything interesting.

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA
Ellaria wrote:
Ellaria slowly moves forward, examines the map and checks the sack for anything interesting.

The paper weighed down by the statuette is an accounting of the status of the war, as defined by key pieces of stolen treasure. Written in charcoal in Undercommon, the paper consists of two columns, one labeled “Us” and one labeled “Them.” The “Us” column lists only two

things: “kobold statue” and “lots of spears and coins.” The “Them” column lists “magic dust,” “lots of coins” and “shiny human ring.”
The burlap sack contains 12 Small spears, 193 cp, 120 sp, and 32 gp.

DC 14 Knowledge local/geography


The mites have created a relatively accurate map of the hexes that contain their lair and the Sootscale tribe—the sycamore tree is represented by a tangle of branches, the Sootscale cave by a pile of bloodstained rocks.
Bonus you can easily find the entrance to the kobolds caves....

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

Since everyone wants to go to the final room and leave the area....

You grab up the treasure and head back over the ravine into the torture chamber and through a narrow passage into another room....

Three crude, wooden workbenches occupy the center of this
room, their tops strewn with various tiny tools, metal and
wooden hardware, and blocks of wood.

A pair of mites, scurry about the room engaged in a strange competition
using a new device they’ve built. Using a miniature catapult rigged out of bones and branches, the two take turns firing caltrops at one another’s open mouth.

Knowledge Geography: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

"This seems like a map of the area", Ellaria says while examining the map. "Looks like there is more loot in the kobold caves, which are here <points at the map>. Maybe we could ask our new friend here or barter with them - these seem to be their spears as well".

At the new room:
Ellaria smiles at the mites' game. "I hope we don't have to kill them", she says to the rest of the group.

Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

Eadric is interested in the mention of the ring. That could be Svetlana's missing wedding ring. We will have to make sure to recover it when we visit the kobolds. I think a trade of the ring for the statue sounds reasonable, don't you think Mikmek?

Eadric scoops up the coins, (Torod can you add to the party treasure list?) while examining the table top diorama with Ellaria. In elven That should make it easier to locate the kobolds lair, if Mikmek should prove unwilling.

Switching back to common Eadric inquires of Mikmek, Do you wish to take the spears back to your tribe? Otherwise I'll pitch them in the chasm.

As the Wardens reach the new room, Eadric stays his sword arm at Ellaria's comment. What do you propose Ellaria?

PS Nobody really searched the mite leader, or anyone else for that matter, for loot did they? I am also assuming that the two sleeping mites have been tied up...

"We could just leave them be..." Obi ventures softly.

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

The mites are shooting caltrops into each others mouth and then swallowing them...

Obi and Ellaria realize the caltrops are not cold iron and therfore not damaging the mites at all......

Willing to assume that the bodies and other victims were "looted" by the party, will give a talley at the end! ;)

Ellaria thinks, then adds: "I can try to cast a spell and have them fall asleep. Although I tend to agree that leaving them would be just as good an option, and probably even better".

M somewhat akin to a kender Y / MA

The mites load their caltrop tossers and then turn them towards you and fire them at you.....

Attack 1 Obi
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Attack 2 Ellaria
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

The caltrop hits Obi and sticks in a fleshy part of his arm causing 1 point of damage.....


Male Human Paladin 3 of Cayden Cailean

It is obvious to whoever looks that Eadric isn't really keen on letting obviously evil creatures remain where they can continue to thrive and cause problems. Of course, he isn't too keen to have them move off to trouble someone else either... no matter how "cute" they happen to appear at the moment.


Edit: Ninja'd! That solves Eadric's problem! :)

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Half Elf Hunter/Rogue 5/1| HP 61/61| AC 18 (20) T 12 FF 16 (18)| Fo +6 Re +8 Wi +4| Init +3| Percep +16| Spells: Lvl 2: 2/3; Lvl 1: 5/5

Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Target one with a stormburst. I'll get closer to them if necessary.
Stormburst: to hit 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 R Touch
Stormburst: damage 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 + -2 pen to hit for 1 rd

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