gyrfalcon |

Jelani: Surname consistently changed to Delvegribble. Good catch.
I think the crunch is in good shape too, but please do double check me. One thing I left undone: whether or not he carries a firearm. Here are my thoughts and questions. Jelani or anyone else who's played with firearms (ahem, in game) feel free to chime in:
- I expect that his bombs will be his primary ranged attack. (His primary melee attack will be RUN AWAY!!)
- As a Grenadier, he also has the option (when bombs run low or for a particular utility) to infuse an "alchemical liquid or powder" (alchemist's fire, acid, sneezing powder, etc) into a piece of ammunition. An advantage of putting this into a firearm seems to be that I'll get to hit vs. touch (for short/med ranges). The disadvantage seems to be that metal cartridges are really expensive!
- In "Guns Everywhere" rules (i.e. now, during character creation) it seems we can buy them for 1.5 GP / shot, yes? And later we'll revert to 15 GP / shot (minus any discount for crafting, assuming we share crafts with one another, but still quite pricey)
Do I have that right? Is there another (firearm) option other than a pistol or other advanced firearm with 1 metal cartridge / shot that you think would be worth me considering?

DM Crustypeanut |

As far as roles go for the campaign, I think that Kahnjar would fit best as a general. Slave legions? Oh yes...
Also, Crusty is running a game, where strength can be used in place of CHA for intimidate. How do you feel about this house rule?
Kagehiro is doing that, not me. :P

Garroth Seren |

He had arrived at the appointed destination well in advance of the set time, checking the lay of the immediate area, taking care to note the exits of the building he was about to enter "Aint no reason to ignore good habits just cause you're meetin' some bigwig with a bronze disk in your pocket. The creed aint "Profit above all" for nothin'."
Crossing the street, his eyes and thoughts wander to the pesh den again, just as it had when he had first arrived. Even though he had been fortunate enough to not build a habit, memories of past merriment in similar places made the thought tempting "Some other time, got business to attend to."
Locking eyes with the obvious guard at the top of the stairs, Garroth retrieved the bronze disk from his belt pouch, taking care to move his hand slowly. He didn't expect it to matter much, but a little professional courtesy to a fellow mercenary should be observed. Nodding a "good day" as he was allowed to pass, Garroth entered the the room, confirming he had arrived first as planned. Taking a seat, he studied the woman at the head of the table, saying nothing. After appraising her for a moment, he started snacking on the assorted offerings on the table, patiently waiting for the others to arrive.
As each of his potential associates arrived in turn, he looked them all over, trying to discern which of them would be his charge. He wasn't at all surprised to see a few of them dressed in simple robes. "Spellcasters, practically my whole clientele."
As the Gold Agent relayed the information, Garroth listened silently, continuing to observe the others assembled around him, all the while continuing to snack on the buffet. Watching how they acted often told him whether they were to be trusted. "Body doesnt lie, mouth does."
When the Agent finished her speech, Garroth remained quiet. He was more interested in hearing what everyone else had to say than ask questions of his own. Odds were his questions would be asked by someone else soon enough.
Due to time constraints my Personality and equipment selection need a bit of fleshing out still, but hopefully that's not grounds for disqualification.

DM Jelani |

Completed Submissions
Penance, Servant of Abadar - Male Half-Orc Paladin of Abadar 3 (Carpentry/Soldier)
Talos the Exalted - Male Aasimar Cleric of Zon-Kuthon 3 (Alchemy/Herbalist)
Namon'Nazzarr - Male Human? Transmuter (Sin Magic Specialist) (???/Officer)
Yamakawa Shinjuko - Female Yuki Kōdai Magus (Bladebound, Kensai) 3 (Calligraphy/Soldier)
Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas - Male Aasimar Void Elementalist 3 (Traps/Trapper)
Reznik Wyvernstone - Male Human Fighter 1/Inquisitor of Abadar 2 (Weapons/Smith)
Devram Coates - Half-Elf Fighter (Aldori Swordlord) 2/Monk (Master of Many Styles) 1 (Carpentry/Architect)
Aerin Starsong - Fetchling Bard (Dawnflower Dervish) 3 (???/Banker)
Telemakos - Gnome Summoner 3 (Animal Breeder)
Iliante - Undine Fighter (Trench Fighter) 3 (Gunsmith/Sailor)
Corridan Valkeri - Human Monk 1/Ninja 2 (Clothier)
Khankar Tarruk - Hobgoblin Fighter (Lore Warden) 2/Monk (Maneuver Master) 1 (Leatherworker/Slaver)
Grelfexriplik Delvegribble - Tiefling Gnome Alchemist (Grenadier) 3 (alchemy/engineer)
Garroth Seren - Half Orc Monk (Maneuver Master) 2/Fighter (Mobile Fighter) 1 (Bodyguard)

DM Jelani |

In the end I decided to go with seven characters:
Please check in over in the discussion thread. Thank you everyone for applying, I hope your characters can find homes in another game someday.