DM Jelani |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm gonna go ahead and just throw out there, any plan that involves capturing and using other creatures to combat the dragon is going to be very complicated, have a lot of moving parts, and likely be more trouble than it's worth. Due firstly to the fact that this terrain is vast and harsh. The ecosystem is so varied that just finding what you want is going to be difficult unless it's like a bird or rodent or small snake or something that's all over the place. Bigger, more powerful creatures are typically rare, especially predators. Take male brown bears for example. There might be three of them in a forest hex with plentiful food where there are no other large predators (they've got a range of 30+/- a few sq miles). That hex would take 2 days for a group moving at 30 feet to explore, which is what it would take to find a specific creature in that hex. Unless the encounter dice were very kind, you'd more likely find it's poop or tracks and then have to hunt it down.
Any creature you find is not going to willingly go with you, so it's going to be a combat encounter where everyone is taking -4 to hit to do nonlethal. Then you have to drag it back wherever you're going, get it to do what you want, etc.
The best thing you have going for you right now is surprise. Loremtantibus doesn't know you exist yet (as far as you know). That allows you to set up an ambush. How do you ambush a dragon? Not sure, that's the hard part. But you could at least get him to show up somewhere with a little creative thinking. Or you could capture/kill some of his children and possibly find out from them where their father's lair is. There's a risk that they might not know, but they're certainly going to know more than the hobgoblins. Telemakos' plan will also yield info, but it risks giving away the Aspis presence on the island. If Loremtantibus is smart enough to recognize Ras as an eidolon, he'll at least know there's a summoner about.
Edit: As Penance pointed out in his last gameplay post.

Devram Coates |

Jelani, do we have enough information for an updated exploration map? I'm hoping we were able to track where the hobgoblins' territory was in comparison with where we were, and we can roughly map out the dragon's territory. I think exploring a few hexes out might give us a better idea of what we can expect to encounter.

Yamakawa Shinjuko |

On the subject of plans for finding the dragon. Maybe we can leverage a bit of deception?
The hobgoblins offer monthly tribute. Maybe we can illusion up and pose as a different faction on the island. Kill off most of the tribute collectors and leave enough alive to run back to Lortab the Dragon to go "Waaaah, the kobolds/great whites/orcs stole your treasure, please don't eat us!"
With any luck, that'll provoke the dragon into making an appearance to lay down the law on whichever poor tribe we passed the buck to.

DM Jelani |

Disguising yourselves is certainly smart. In my RL Way of the Wicked game our whole party has hats of disguise, and we've been able to pull off some extremely tricky stuff on people. They are only 900 GP to craft.
You could all get one, and then disguise yourselves as troglodytes or something random like that, and then go kill a few dragonkin and explore some of his territory. Then if any escaped/saw you it wouldn't fall back on the hobgoblins, and you wouldn't be revealing the presence of outsiders on the island.

Telemakos Ogeo Krostumolis |

Well, hats of disguise are THE item in any interaction-based game.
It feels wonky crafting seven of them, but the wonkiness is compesnated by the amazing possibilities it opens up.
I do think that Arasmes could lure out at least some minion, and said minions can be captured or studied.
I also like Shinjuko's suggestion: if we fight this thing let's do it without vegetation, let's do it on the fire mountain or somewhere similar where he doesn't have every single square meter of terrain working for him.
Also, as an Italian who learned English in 3 years and is currently learning Spanish: no, it ain't that easy going from Italian to Spanish. You understand the other fine, but speaking it without sounding like a three year old... that's another matter.

Devram Coates |

Yeah, it'd be better if there were multiple levels of language proficiency. Maybe just Basic, Conversational, Fluent. Better from a simulation standpoint, but way more complex to keep track of. It brings up the question, how many skill points are you willing to invest just to be able to talk? Makes you really consider the Tower of Babel story. If humans all spoke the same language, would we be more peaceful and be able to achieve grater things? Meh, probably not. But fun to think about.
Hats of Disguise would definitely be fun. Hell, we could start all out wars on this island with them. Watch what happens when a group of orcs breaks the peace by murdering the hobgoblin chief.

Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas |

<-Only guy with a hat of disguise. xD
Hats of disguise are not as all powerful as they seem. A smart enemy will not be fooled or fall pray to them. After all it's only appearance nothing else. Manners, speech, and abilities are all things that can expose us as something else. Hell even something as simple as smell could give us away, none of us smells like an orc so appearing as one will not fool someone familiar with them. Much less something with overdrive senses like a dragon. So I would stick to the dragon kin and try not to let them get away.
On a sidenote, will Emerion get exp if he is not with the scouting party. Cause it looks like he will be busy crafting for a good while.

Yamakawa Shinjuko |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The disguise ploy is only a distraction. It doesn't need to hold up to the dragon's scrutiny, as it's not intended for the dragon directly. In a nutshell, we just want its minions to run back home and let their master know that <Random Island Race #4> need to be reminded of who is really lord of the island. Dragon comes out spitting acid clouds and thumping his chest, then we make with the stabbing and spell-slinging.
It also bears emphasizing: we shouldn't be going dragon hunting right now (probably shouldn't be doing things that will rile him up at all, honestly). In-game, we know next to nothing about the island. Meta-game, we know the dragon's CR is high enough to punk us down like a bunch of scruffy nerf herders. It's kinda like a major Plot quest in a game. We know we'll have to get to it eventually, but there's probably a ton of sidequests we can occupy ourselves with in the meantime to better prepare ourselves. Scouting and (H)exploring are the best options for the immediate (imo).
I think sending Arasmes in daily to harass the dragon's neck of the woods isn't a bad idea, but I think it's a bad idea to enact immediately. Best case scenario, we figure out where the dragon lives and... then what? Worst case scenario, it figures out the hobgoblins have some new friends and decides to melt their mountain.

Penance, Servant of Abadar |

The disguise ploy is only a distraction. It doesn't need to hold up to the dragon's scrutiny, as it's not intended for the dragon directly. In a nutshell, we just want its minions to run back home and let their master know that <Random Island Race #4> need to be reminded of who is really lord of the island. Dragon comes out spitting acid clouds and thumping his chest, then we make with the stabbing and spell-slinging.
It also bears emphasizing: we shouldn't be going dragon hunting right now (probably shouldn't be doing things that will rile him up at all, honestly). In-game, we know next to nothing about the island. Meta-game, we know the dragon's CR is high enough to punk us down like a bunch of scruffy nerf herders. It's kinda like a major Plot quest in a game. We know we'll have to get to it eventually, but there's probably a ton of sidequests we can occupy ourselves with in the meantime to better prepare ourselves. Scouting and (H)exploring are the best options for the immediate (imo).
I think sending Arasmes in daily to harass the dragon's neck of the woods isn't a bad idea, but I think it's a bad idea to enact immediately. Best case scenario, we figure out where the dragon lives and... then what? Worst case scenario, it figures out the hobgoblins have some new friends and decides to melt their mountain.
+ 1, I think Shin and I are on the same page here.
Also, I don't think I've seen anyone else mention it so far, but down the road, when we're ready to actually confront the dragon, scrolls or castings of Resist Energy could prove invaluable to deal with the dragon's acid.

DM Jelani |

Also, keep in mind this is not a normal dragon.
Normal dragons can't kill people with horrible nightmares from any distance. Once he learns who you are, sleeping is going to become a potentially deadly exercise.
And yes, hats of disgusie are not perfect, however someone with a good bluff skill can make them go very far.
We used them to get a captain at this border fort convicted of sexual assualt by impersonating him and having him feel up one of our party members in public. We also merc'd a guy, impersonated him, then sold his inn to ourselves for money which we then handed to ourselves (disguised as him). Then he was suddenly "rich" and left town immediately to "retire" so there were no suspicions (well except his girlfriend, who we also killed).
Then again, that game's about being evil and taking over a continent. Wait a minute...this game's about being evil (if you want) and taking over a continent :P

Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas |

<-Wizard with no access to spells beyond what he learns by himself.
I only get two spells per level up and whatever bonus my specialization grants me. I can't even make request until our next ship comes in. Resist Energy is a lower level spell at this point, not going to get it over higher level magic. Sorry.
I have made some attack scrolls and escape scroll in the form of rope trick, one way you can hide without worry of detection. Draw back is you have to wait for the enemy to leave.
I can make summoning traps by the way. Could be useful depending on the summoned creature.

Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas |

Emerion can lend his hat of disguise but it's going to take him a day to make one. Sense their are 7 of us and not counting Emerion cause he will be crafting. We need five more for a scouting party, which means five days of downtime for everyone else.
Emerion has some jobs to those without their own plans during the downtime should we go that route. ;)

Iliante |

I'm traveling today out of the country and returning Monday. My Internet will be intermittent at best. Bot me as necessary.

Telemakos Ogeo Krostumolis |

Count me on board with Shinjuko's timeline.
Let's take advantage of this month, let's go be sociopaths and kill something in this jungle while we explore. You never know: new allies, new tricks, new discovers... perhaps some place with advantageous terrain.

Penance, Servant of Abadar |

I agree that Giants may be a bit of a tough task for us right now. We don't want a war with the orcs, as they are at peace with the hobs, but it might be worth at least talking to them if we can do so? Making contact?
That basically leaves kobolds and lizardfolk; the lizard folk are just further from our Big Objective of the dragon, so I say the hexes with kobolds first. Though we likely shouldn't underestimate them, even though 'just kobolds': if they're managing to hold their own bit of jungle, however small, with orcs on one side of them and hobs on the other, and haven't been totally enslaved yet, that indicates they're doing something right.
Should probably ask the Khaan why he hasn't just taken over the kobold lands, I suppose.
Tentative exploration plan unless someone has a suggestion they like better: start at the dividing line between kobold/Iron Fist territory (K1, if I'm reading the map right), and make ingress into kobold territory unless we learn there's a reason to leave them alone.
Move along the edge of the roughly-known area, possibly making peaceful contact with the orcs, making our way back to giant-and-then-dragon lands, staying on the periphery of 'safe' territory (Iron Fist territory, anyway, if not safe from wildlife, etc). Scout, learn what's useful, etc.
Jelani, I thought I remembered a group of hags as a force on the island as well-- are they with the lizardfolk, or a totally separate group not shown on the map for now?

Telemakos Ogeo Krostumolis |

I'm kind of thinking up a plan for the dragon, in the long term. Provoke the wrath of the dragon towards the hobgoblin via NO TRIBUTE FOR YOU. Spread the rumor (true or false) that the hobs will barricade in the volcano to be protected from the dragon and his minions. Dragon bursts through volcano to find a trap laid by us and a very angry and powerful wild card in the homeowner.
Could he fall for that?
I agree, we go with kobolds first, and a meet & greet with the orcs.

Penance, Servant of Abadar |

I'd think we'd need the Khaan to be onboard with that plan-- otherwise the dragon shows up, sees the slaves and everyone else out in the fields, and just lays waste to them without bothering to bust into the volcano, no?
And if we do need the Khaan to agree, then, well, I think that'll be a hell of a hard sell. Maybe not impossible, but I don't think he's gonna be thrilled at any idea that requires "the dragon comes to your home" as a part of it.
Meh, sorry, I feel like I just naysay plans all the time. If we can harness the elemental to our ends, that'd be awesome, no lie.
On another note:
As a heads-up, I'm going to be at Kubla Con from the 23rd through the 26th, and I doubt I'll have much time to tag while there. I'll try and catch up on the boards each night and make sure I'm not missing anything super important, but please feel free to GMPC Penance if you're waiting on me during that time.

DM Jelani |

The Khaan would need to be onboard for sure, but there's no harm in asking him. He might not be as reluctant as you think, considering the dragon shows up at Fire Mountain to take whatever slaves it wants and melt crops whenever it feels like it. Worst case he might say "No" or "You need to change this aspect".

Telemakos Ogeo Krostumolis |

Ok, while I finish pissing off the elemental, what are our exploration plans?
1) do we explore one hex at the time near the border, then go back to camp, or do we make a path through several hexes? If so, how long?
2) who's going? Emerion, will you be crafting? I am assuming every other Agent comes. Mercenaries? Do they need an Aspis Agent to stay back or are they happy to stay with the goblins with Hageback? I don't think we should bring any of them.
3) do we want the lizards? Riding lizards in kobold territory could be awesome or dangerous.

Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas |

Emerion will be crafting. Price I pay for being a team player. ;)
The question is what will he be crafting as we never settled on anything, at least not for everyone. Also I would ask someone take notes for Emerion sense he will not be going. He has information to compile and search for any use at all in his many ideas for now and later. xP

Yamakawa Shinjuko |

Agree with Devram. Explore hobgoblin lands, then move on to the others. We've been told the general boundaries of the Khaan's lands, but we don't know exactly what's in them. Probably best to be thorough with each hex we visit as well, barring unforeseen developments.

Penance, Servant of Abadar |

M2 is fine by me.
I don't know what Nim is crafting. We spent a lot of time discussing this already, and the consensus from everyone seemed to be 'here are some nice things I might like someday but I have nothing super-pressing right this instant'. So craft whatever you feel like. I have no objections to the Hat of Disguise.

Corridan Valkeri |

Agreed on the exploration bit.
As for the magic items thing, I am slightly confused. What is Emerion crafting? An item for each of us (the one that we chose a few posts before, e.g. cloak of resistance +1 for Corridan) or an item plus a hat of disguise for each of us?

dien RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |

My honest opinion? Just come explore hexes with us.
I'm fully aware you built Nimlaidas to be a crafter and you want to take advantage of that, and I'm not saying I don't want cool magic items, but... I can't think of anything more boring (for you) than sitting around rolling Craft checks while the rest of the party is out exploring. It's not like we can't benefit from having you in the group, too.
It's your choice, of course. From an RP standpoint, having an actual agent back at the mountain to oversee our men is probably a good thing.

Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas |

Sorry work is killing.....no really I think they are trying to kill me. O.O
Anyways I am fine crafting whatever and staying behind. If I minded I would not have made a crafter. Also while we discussed a lot I was not given a for sure (if you did I may have missed it). So was just checking what everyone wanted.
All that being said, we have a dragon of no small power to deal with in a limited time frame. So being prepared to take on such a beast is the motivation. Emerion would love to study everything but with no true base, priorities are clear.
P.S. Emerion has a good spellcraft, I doubt anything low level magic item wise will need a roll. xP

DM Jelani |

I'm going to give about 48 more hours for the in-character conversation and the crafting to be worked out and then on Sunday afternoon my time when I have some free time I will work on a hexploration update post. If the crafting's not 100% worked out by then that's fine. We'll move on anyway since it's going to be happening in the background simultaneously with the exploration.

Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas |

Crafting List
Shinjuko- Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Corridan- Cloak of Resistance +1
Penance- Armor +1
Devram- Weapon +1
Iliante- Weapon +1
All- Hat of Disguise
This is what was asked last go around. Let me know if you changed your request. Sense everyone went out I can't enchant any weapons or armor so I guess Emerion will be making a Cloak of Resistance +1 first.

Devram Coates |

Level 6 - Devram
Class: Aldori Swordlord Prestige Class!
BAB: +1
Saves: +1 Ref
HPs: 6-2 = 4
Class features:
Deft Strike: Add Dex mod to damage instead of Str with Dueling sword
Aldori Dueling Mastery: Gain Aldori Dueling Mastery as a bonus feat
Aldori Dueling Mastery: +2 bonus to Initiative if ADS is in hand. +2 Shield AC if ADS is held in 1 hand. +1 Shield AC if it is held in 2 hands. Counts as a piercing weapon.
Skills: Ride, Stealth, Perception, Sense Motive

Telemakos Ogeo Krostumolis |

Sixth level, always a good one, regardless of the class.
+1 BaB
+6 HP
+1 to all saves
+1 2nd lvl spell slot
maker's call
+1 2nd lvl spell known (tbd, either slow or invisibility)
+ 3 skills ranks: ride, knowledge (planes), linguistics (Goblin, Draconic)
+1 BaB
+7 HP
+1 feat (see questions)
+1 evolution point (see questions)
+ 5 skill ranks: 2x fly, perception, stealth, swim
In light of the just now finished DR debacle, I have this question:
If I give Arasmes the Basic Magic Evolution, does he qualify for the Arcane Strike feat?