Jelani's Colonization:Aspis Rising (Inactive)

Game Master Brian Minhinnick

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AC 18, T 13, FF 16; Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +8; Init +2; Perc +6; low-light vision
AC 18, T 12, FF 16; Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5; Init +2; Perc +7; darkvision 60 feet

One thing a GM suggested in another campaign:

since it may happen that our PC will get DMPCed during combat, should we make a TACTICS paragraph in our profile, much like those in the Paizo Adventures, for the GM to follow if possible?

Nah, I'll only DMPC you if I abosultely have to. You'll probably be on your way out from inactivity if I'm DMPCing you. I hate doing that.

Male Aasimar Void Elementalist 9
HP 62/62 l AC 15/13/12 l Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9 l Init +4 l Perception +2


Emerion plans on using two of his cask (Ale and Common Wine) to spread a little goodwill among the sailors and mercs not on duty during dinner. If the captain and officers sit with the agents for dinner he will bring a bottle (Wolfberry Wine) for that.

Just wondering if their is some way to know what the Captain and others aboard favor drinkwise. So he could change his selection as needed.

Nim - Ask?

I'm on day seven of a ten day work week, so I'm more busy than usual at the moment. Everyone seems to be settled in now though, so I'll continue working on the next scene when I get home today. Hopefully I can get it posted this evening.

Male Half-Elf Tailor; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10, CMD 18; HP 10/10; Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3; Initiative +6; Perception +5 (darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision), Sense Motive +6

I will be away from a computer for the next couple of days or three. Please DMPC Corridan as needed.

Male Half-Elf Tailor; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10, CMD 18; HP 10/10; Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3; Initiative +6; Perception +5 (darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision), Sense Motive +6

I am back. I should be able to post in a few hours.

51/51 HP | AC 18; touch 17; flat-footed 11 | F: +7; R: +5; W: +6 | Init: +4 | Perception: +11

I don't have a bunking partner. I can probably whip up some sort of sparring match with Devram if needed however.

Pending his permission and approval if course.

*whoops. Meant Devram.

Well, you, special lady can talk to whoever you choose ;)

Male Aasimar Void Elementalist 9
HP 62/62 l AC 15/13/12 l Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9 l Init +4 l Perception +2

Is there a preferred combat format?

I noticed some people have similar set ups.

I don't know what you mean by that, but I do have a preferred form of posting. If you and Shinjuko could add your essential stats to the gender line under your name that would be great.

I described how I do combat in the first few posts of the discussion thread, please go back and read it if you are unclear.

Male Aasimar Void Elementalist 9
HP 62/62 l AC 15/13/12 l Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9 l Init +4 l Perception +2

My stats are already under my name, in a spoiler. Do you need me to add something else besides what's already there?

No, I just need me to notice that (>_<)


Male Half-Elf Tailor; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10, CMD 18; HP 10/10; Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3; Initiative +6; Perception +5 (darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision), Sense Motive +6

On call at the hospital. Will post tomorrow.

51/51 HP | AC 18; touch 17; flat-footed 11 | F: +7; R: +5; W: +6 | Init: +4 | Perception: +11

Got a job interview today, but updates will be forthcoming over the course of late-tonight and early-tomorrow.

Male Half-Elf Tailor; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10, CMD 18; HP 10/10; Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +3; Initiative +6; Perception +5 (darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision), Sense Motive +6

A question: Is there a chance for Corridan to throw shuriken (with or without flurry of blows, though the former is only possible if he is already in range, as it is a full-round action) at the dragon but keep the fact that they came from him hidden, e.g. with a Sleight of Hand or Stealth check?

Male Aasimar Void Elementalist 9
HP 62/62 l AC 15/13/12 l Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9 l Init +4 l Perception +2

My reasoning is everyone in front of me is to focused on the dragon to pay attention to Nim. Those on my sides have a chance to notice my spellcasting, those behind would notice flying magical stars coming from me.

So would like an official response on this too. :-)

No. If you attack, it is immediately apparent to anyone with line of sight to you.

The only way to do that would be sniping, which means that you need to be hidden (requiring cover or concealment) first, and then make the attack and roll another stealth check at -20 (if I'm remembering right). The person you attacked gets a perception check to notice versus the second stealth check.

Edit:That doesn't work for spells though, which require you to speak in a strong voice.

Male Undine Gunfighter | HP 82/82 | Insanity 8 | Revolver 6/6 | Grit 3/3
AC 20/16/14 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +5 | Init. +7 | Perception +14 (+1 vs suprises), 60-ft. Darkvision, 30-ft Water Sense | CM +5/20

I'm at a conference until next Friday with minimal internet access. Posts will be few and far between until then.

Please DMPC to advance the combat.


Male Human Bloodrager (Aberrant) 1 [HP 13/13 | AC 18/13/15 | F+5 R+3 W+0 | Init +3 Percep +4 SM +5]

I'll be away from home from tomorrow through the end of next week. Posting will be sporadic but I promise to get a few in. Please run me as appropriate.

Male Undine Gunfighter | HP 82/82 | Insanity 8 | Revolver 6/6 | Grit 3/3
AC 20/16/14 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +5 | Init. +7 | Perception +14 (+1 vs suprises), 60-ft. Darkvision, 30-ft Water Sense | CM +5/20


I'm confused. Iliante stowed his crossbow and didn't fire in round 3, because you said it was dead from Penance's hit here. If it was not dead, Iliante could have shot again with Precise Shot to avoid deaths of sailors and mercs. Please clarify.


Male Aasimar Void Elementalist 9
HP 62/62 l AC 15/13/12 l Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9 l Init +4 l Perception +2

I have dragonslayer's handbook and it says dragon blood can be used for healing so not just pulling that out of nowhere. Just wanted to clarify. x3

The DM was referring to the sailor in reply to Penance's question if he was dead. At least that's the way I read it.

I meant the mercenary that Penance had asked me about in his post previous to the one you linked. It's cool though, the dragon didn't kill/hurt anyone that Iliante's round three action could have prevented. It was dead before it got to act in round 4.

Next time I respond to something OOC I'll try to be more specific to prevent confusion, sorry! (>_>)*

I'm gonna give a little bit for post combat RP/cleanup etc. Then I'll move us on to the next scene.

Male Undine Gunfighter | HP 82/82 | Insanity 8 | Revolver 6/6 | Grit 3/3
AC 20/16/14 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +5 | Init. +7 | Perception +14 (+1 vs suprises), 60-ft. Darkvision, 30-ft Water Sense | CM +5/20

Oh. Thanks.

As for whether the crew can skin a rabbit, they can all take 10 on survival untrained and gut a rabbit (or fish) sure.

But rescuing stuff from a little dragon that's been all shot and chopped to shit is going to be higher than a DC 10.

Male Aasimar Void Elementalist 9
HP 62/62 l AC 15/13/12 l Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9 l Init +4 l Perception +2

Anyone got any opinions of what the scale should be?

I was thinking local or broad sense we don't know how far and landscape features would be helpful in finding the location.

Would Knowledge (Nature) help locate the place?

No, but if you give me a range then I can tell you what the spell reveals.

Male Aasimar Void Elementalist 9
HP 62/62 l AC 15/13/12 l Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9 l Init +4 l Perception +2

Aw well I think I will go with local, I figure a tiny dot on a massive map is of as much help as a map of a house that could be anywhere.

I will get the proper spells to scout the place sooner or later anyways. ;)

Male Aasimar Void Elementalist 9
HP 62/62 l AC 15/13/12 l Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9 l Init +4 l Perception +2
DM Jelani wrote:
How are you going to get to the bottom of the ocean? Iliante could go, but the rest of you would need a way to breathe water.

Depends how deep it is. Even without spells you could hold your breath or use air bladders (water skins or bottles) or even air crystals if there are any onboard.

You're six days from shore in the middle of the ocean, I'm not sure average ocean depth, but it's probably like a half mile or more. I'll look up some figures later and let you know, got my real life game today.

Male Aasimar Void Elementalist 9
HP 62/62 l AC 15/13/12 l Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9 l Init +4 l Perception +2

I was waiting on the depth before responding and addressing the concerns. If it is too deep then there is no point to attempting it even with air bladders and such. Personally I don't think the brine dragon would have gone to deep sense the lower you go the stronger and more numerous the monsters. But it's not my world I just live in it. :)

The ocean is 12,254 feet deep here (not that you have any way of knowing that). The map also indicates that it's a quarter mile distant from where the ship currently is in horizontal distance as well.

Male Undine Gunfighter | HP 82/82 | Insanity 8 | Revolver 6/6 | Grit 3/3
AC 20/16/14 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +5 | Init. +7 | Perception +14 (+1 vs suprises), 60-ft. Darkvision, 30-ft Water Sense | CM +5/20

Sorry for the unexcused absence. Went away for the long weekend and return to my character going insane.

Since he wasn't insane before, it was a safe assumption that he's not going spelunking by himself in a dragon's lair. He could find mama...


He's not totally insane yet, just took a point of damage towards eventual insanity. :P

Now that Penance has shouted, you two sleeping people can roll perception again.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

If anybody wants to kill some time.... *coff-unsubtle-pimping-coff* ...I'm rather chuffed with myself for taking second place in the Pathfinder Chronicler Fiction Contest for the year, so pardon a bit of squeeful bragging from this corner. If anyone's bored, my stories (Zero Hour and The Dragon's Attention) are available online, as well as all the other entries!

(Sorry to anyone who's in multiple games with me, you're about to get spammed across the board by my excitement!)

Nice dude, I didn't even know that existed. I'll have To check them out a little later.

Male Hobgoblin Male Hobgoblin Fighter (Lore Warden) 3, Monk (Maneuver Master) 1 AC 20/14/16 / HP 34/34 / F +6 R +7 W +3 / Init. +4 / Perc. +7)

Friends! I have cell reception back. Expect full updates later in the week. So happy I'm almost back onto the boards!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16


Just read your stories Dien, I enjoyed them.

AC 18, T 13, FF 16; Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +8; Init +2; Perc +6; low-light vision
AC 18, T 12, FF 16; Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5; Init +2; Perc +7; darkvision 60 feet

Kagehiro, a curiosity: are you using real Japanese translitteration or just Japanese-sounding words? If the former, automatic translator or are you a fluent speaker?

51/51 HP | AC 18; touch 17; flat-footed 11 | F: +7; R: +5; W: +6 | Init: +4 | Perception: +11

Google Translate. My Japanese is nonexistent.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Thanks, Jelani! I'm flattered you took the time.

Male Aasimar Void Elementalist 9
HP 62/62 l AC 15/13/12 l Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9 l Init +4 l Perception +2

I like the dragon's attention more then zero hour. But then again I am not overly found of undead in general so that may have colored my judgment. xP

Male Human Bloodrager (Aberrant) 1 [HP 13/13 | AC 18/13/15 | F+5 R+3 W+0 | Init +3 Percep +4 SM +5]

Back from my travels, and Devram has rolled pathetically in this combat.

Think we're just waiting on Shinjuko to finish out this round, and (likely) the combat.

Male Human Bloodrager (Aberrant) 1 [HP 13/13 | AC 18/13/15 | F+5 R+3 W+0 | Init +3 Percep +4 SM +5]

Well Devram will be taking another level in Aldori Swordlord Fighter. Maybe this level, he'll actually be able to hit something.

Male Aasimar Void Elementalist 9
HP 62/62 l AC 15/13/12 l Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9 l Init +4 l Perception +2

I will level Emerion later today. So my admittedly sad knowledge roll got nothing? Just want to make sure before I post.

M Half-Orc Paladin 9 | HP 59/69 | AC 20(23)/T11(14)/FF19(22) | F+10/R+7/W+10 | CMD 27 (30) | Per +7 | Init +1

Surprising no one, I'm certain, Penance will carry on with paladin. ;)

Just as a refresher since this is our first in-game level up:

HP: half-plus-one-plus Con mod is acceptable? (For Penance: d10 = 5 + 1, +1 for CON, = 7 new HP)

Skill points: Are we getting the 2 bonus skill points to keep putting into our preferred Craft/Profession, or was that a one-time bonus during character creation?

....oh hey, Penance could learn Lesser Restoration now. That's extraordinarily useful when you're down 6 STR. :P

Belatedly: thanks for the feedback on the story, Nim!

HP - Yes.

Skill points - Every level

Nim - That would have barely enough to identify them I suppose. To be honest I kind of missed it before >_>* Not that it would have mattered much. If I'm remembering correctly someone else got the horrific appearance called out, which is what you would have learned.

51/51 HP | AC 18; touch 17; flat-footed 11 | F: +7; R: +5; W: +6 | Init: +4 | Perception: +11

Leveling Up Shenanigans:

  • +8 hp (5 [d8] + 2 [Con] + 1 [Favored])
  • +1 Int -- bringing it to 18; assigned additional skills; further +1 Dodge Bonus to AC due to Canny Defense
  • +1 BAB
  • +1 Fort; +1 Will
  • +9 Skill Points
  • Class Ability: Perfect Strike (Kensai; replaces Spell Recall of Magus)
  • Gained 2 new spells: cat's grace and scorching ray
  • Gained 1 casting of 2nd level spells.

    Most of it is already in the profile. Still need to update the Ciphers/Spellbook with new spells, but otherwise am squared away.

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