Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas |

Mostly leveled up just need to do spells and spellbook, DM sent you a PM.
Will post shortly. ;)
Edit- I take it we level up after we sleep in game. I would like to make another roll for hag info sense I just leveled. :3

Devram Coates |

Finished leveling. Here are the highlights:
+1 BAB
+5 HP
+1 Will Save
+1 Reflex Save
+1 Int
New language: Tien (Figured with two Tien-speakers, it might come in handy, and it's reasonable to have been learned on the ship)
Handle Animal and Survival both get a rank to help us in the wilderness.
Defensive Parry: +1 AC vs. melee attacks after making a full attack with dueling sword

Penance, Servant of Abadar |

Penance Level 4 Summary:
+1 BAB
+8 HP
Level 4 attribute: +1 Int, to acknowledge a broadening of skills through contact with his colleagues and the ship
+1 Fort
+1 Will
All dem retroactive and new skill points in Prof: Soldier, Craft: Carpentry, Heal, Swim, Climb, Survival, Perception
Gained Channel 2d6, 2/day
Gained another daily use of Smite
(Learning Lesser Restoration until he gets his STR back up to where it should be, but for the rest of the ship voyage he might go with Bed of Iron or Keep Watch so he can avoid this 'running out unarmored into a fight' thing... :P )
I'll get his sheet updated later tonight.

Telemakos Ogeo Krostumolis |

+1 BAB
+1 Will
+6 hp
+3 skill points (1 linguistics, 2 knowledge [nature], which just does not make sense for him to lack) now up to NINE languages spoken. Still need Celestial and Draconic for my taste.
+2 bonus skill points (Handle Animal and Profession)
2 new 2nd level spells: Haste, to make smile all my sword-happy shipmates, and Create Pit (I wanted Web but it is not on the Summoner's spell list, surprisingly. Create pit works almost as well and it's probably more fun.)
Arasmes gets nothing. No stat increase, and the 2 ep I'll probably save for wingless flight next level. Wingless flight is very expensive compared to regular flight, for very little improvement, but I need it for the "genie" aspect of Arasmes.
Having trouble with +1 stat increse. My only odd-numbered score is Strength, and it makes no sense to bump it up. I'll think about it.

Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas |

Well I wanted to know about the hag eyes and coven stuff concerning hags. Normally hags are solitary unless they form a coven in which case their are three of them. So we killed two, one could still be out there and very mad about losing her "sisters". So wondering if Nim would know all that so he could warn the others and ship to stay on the look out for another sea hag. Also wanted to know about the hag eyes sense they are used to spy and are gems, don't want anyone carrying a bug for an enemy thinking it is loot. So he would identify them and destroy them. Or at least keep them long enough to use against the remaining hag as destroying them damages the hag, so should she attack it becomes a weapon against her.

Corridan Valkeri |

Monk 1/Ninja 2 -> Monk 2/Ninja 2
Saves: +1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex, +1 Will
Hit Points: +6 (+5 monk, +1 CON)
Base Attack: +1
Feats: +1 monk bonus feat - Deflect Arrows
Skills: +8 skill ranks +1 Craft +1 Profession - Acrobatics, Bluff, Craft (Clothing), Diplomacy, Disable Device, Perception, Profession (Tailor), Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Class Features: Monk - Evasion, Flurry of Blows +0/+0
Attribute Increase: +1 Wisdom
Also... Eewww... Naked hags...

Iliante |

Gunslinger 1
+1 Hero Point, right?
+1 Dex
+11 HP (d10+1 Con)
+1 BAB
+2 Fort
+2 Ref
+6 skill ranks (1 each in craft & profession)
(2) Acrobatics*
(1) Craft (ships)
(1) Perception
(1) Profession (sailor)
(1) Sleight of Hand +9
Special: Deeds, grit, gunsmith
Amateur Gunslinging becomes Extra Grit
Incomplete rifle (as musket) upgrade to rifle with 1,500 gp - 9 lb.

Corridan Valkeri |

Due to work kicking my posterior these days, I may not be able to post as regularly as I want to during the next few days. In case I seem to take a bit to put up a post, it will most likely be due to either being on call at the hospital or being too tired from a 24-hour shift. I will try my best, but if I seem to take a bit longer than usual, please bear with me.

Telemakos Ogeo Krostumolis |

Telemakos - You can't save up evolution points but you can change your evolutions at each level.
WOW. I totally missed that. I'm trying to think of what evolution he won't miss once I remove those for Flight. It will be so weird to justify in game.
I guess he'll get a Climb Speed for sure... then... maybe Skilled in Acrobatics?
Telemakos Ogeo Krostumolis |

I just think of it like Pokemon. One form doesn't necessarily have much to do with the previous one. Just the general shape (bipedal) has to stay the same.
I always thought of the term "eidolon" mostly as an out-of-game term. There's no "eidolon specie". You can have a devil eidolon, a genie eidolon, a planar dragon/wolf/eagle/squirrel eidolon... they're never just "an eidolon" for me, they're an Eidolon version of an existing outsider, just like the Druid has an Animal Companion version of an existing animal.
Of course, the class is pretty blatantly inspired by Pokemon, so I think the mechanics are meant to work as Jelani says.

Khanjar Tarruk |

How do you want to work it with me bringing back my character? Do you want me to start at Level 3 or Level 2? Anything you want my character to "do" or "say" I wouldn't mind a bit of prompting for the first post.
Second of all, thank you for your patience. I have updated the two campaigns I am DMing with long posts. I want to warn you that I have one more long break ahead of me again in a few months. This will be due to same reason as before. This is a new situation that will be ongoing, but thankfully after this next break I can transfer back to land and I shouldn't have this issue in the future.

Khanjar Tarruk |

Morning Guys, two things:
#1 Kingdom building. Right now the general consensus is to bring along 20bp worth of supplies. I think that mechanically that is a solid bet. This early into the game I think that just putting down a city is a poor idea. Once we make it to the landing site, we could use our BP in the following way. By spending 1 BP we claim the hex. I would recommend that we then spend 12 BP to build a watch tower. This would be good for several reasons, #1 it would give us a base of sorts that is defensible for the future. It can also be converted into a building during the creation of a new settlement, so it serves a dual purpose. Based on what we see about the map, we could then take over the two hexes to the north (2BP total) and establish a Sawmill (3BP each). This would give us a decent economic base and a starting area while still providing additional flexibility. The grand total would come to 21BP. Thoughts?
#2 I am going to Hawaii with my wife tomorrow and will be back on the 14th, I'll have access to the boards, but I doubt I will be posting much.

Telemakos Ogeo Krostumolis |

Morning Guys, two things:
#1 Kingdom building. Right now the general consensus is to bring along 20bp worth of supplies. I think that mechanically that is a solid bet. This early into the game I think that just putting down a city is a poor idea. Once we make it to the landing site, we could use our BP in the following way. By spending 1 BP we claim the hex. I would recommend that we then spend 12 BP to build a watch tower. This would be good for several reasons, #1 it would give us a base of sorts that is defensible for the future. It can also be converted into a building during the creation of a new settlement, so it serves a dual purpose. Based on what we see about the map, we could then take over the two hexes to the north (2BP total) and establish a Sawmill (3BP each). This would give us a decent economic base and a starting area while still providing additional flexibility. The grand total would come to 21BP. Thoughts?
#2 I am going to Hawaii with my wife tomorrow and will be back on the 14th, I'll have access to the boards, but I doubt I will be posting much.
mmm... I don't know. I don't think you can establish a Sawmill on Marshes Hexes.
Also, unless I'm reading the rules wrong some BP would be spent for the upkeep of what we have, like feeding mercenaries and such.We could build a Fishery on a Marsh or coastline Hex near the Hill though. It costs 4 BP and would probably suffice to keep the mercenaries fed while we explore further.
I'd love to build the Watchtower immediately (and Telemakos would love it even more) but seems awfully expensive with half supplies.

Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas |

I would rather we have the ability to maintain our people over defenses for the moment. Once we have stable food and water for everyone then we can focus on defense and building things up. From my small experience in kingmaker, that is the way to go.
Anyways the first thing you attack in a siege is food supplies. We should have some sort of food storage as well as production sense not stocking up runs the risk of being without at some point.
Anyways Emerion can craft traps for defenses until we get more permanent stuff up.

Devram Coates |

We could also short on mercenaries a bit more for cargo. If we get into a fight it'll likely be us doing the main fighting. We just need the mercs to guard the settlement while we're gone exploring. If there's minimal settlement then maybe we dont need as much protection.
-Posted with Wayfinder

DM Jelani |

I need to double check the rules tonight when I get home from work, but I'm pretty sure to claim a hex you have to explore it and clear it first. So lets handle this one step at a time. I everyone is cool with the 20 BP scenario lets move forward with that.
The mercenaries will only take 1 BP a month, same for the crew. I probably won't even charge you for the slaves, since the mercenaries aren't at a full unit of 100. Again, I need to reread mass combat rules and double check since I don't have them memorized yet.
I'm thinking for the skilled slaves there will be two carpenters, a mason, a smith, a hunter/tanner/furrier and a scribe/secretary/quartermaster type dude. Especially since none of you have stepped up to be the record keeper guy.

Penance, Servant of Abadar |

I do the record-keeping for my Kingmaker game and I soooort of don't want to add another thing to keep track of in my ten PBP games (heh), but if nobody else wants to do it I can toss up a Google docs. Something group-editable so people can catch my inevitable errors, preferably...

Khanjar Tarruk |

Jel, I'm afraid I got missed on the map and Init roll. I know I'm not being very interactive and all what with being on vacation, but I want you to know I'm still here.

Iliante |

If you missed my announcement in Crusty's game, I'm on vacation and unplugged for a week returning next Sunday. Please DMPC me.

Khanjar Tarruk |

What XP track are we using?
-Posted with Wayfinder

Iliante |

For anyone interested, I'm going to run a module.