Grelfexriplik Delvegribble |

Consolidating some relevant info here,
INT or WIS Viceroy
CON or STR Warden
CHA or STR General (Which we'll call Commander)
INT or WIS Treasurer
CHA or WIS High Priest
CHA or INT Grand Diplomat
I also just now realized that I missed that every 5 ranks in the relevant skill below improves your overall mod:
Ambassador: Diplomacy
Consort: Knowledge (nobility)
Councilor: Knowledge (local)
General: Profession (soldier)
Grand Diplomat: Diplomacy
Heir: Knowledge (nobility)
High Priest: Knowledge (religion)
Magister: Knowledge (arcana)
Marshal: Survival
Royal Enforcer: Intimidate
Ruler: Knowledge (nobility)
Spymaster: Sense Motive
Treasurer: Profession (merchant)
Viceroy: Knowledge (geography)
Warden: Knowledge (engineering)
I'd imagined Grel to be a good Treasurer. With a 19 INT he's theoretically a good Diplomat (but he'd do terribly) or Viceroy (which he might actually do well, though he wouldn't suggest it because it sounds like too much time away from his experiments). If we're moving on to consider roles outside the ones highlighted in the recruitment thread, Magister (INT or CHA + Know(Arcana)) is also a good choice for him, though I suspect it'd fit Telemakos equally well.

Telemakos Ogeo Krostumolis |

You guys should totally put Telemakos up for being a puppet Viceroy, making no decision unless you tell him to and setting him up as the fall guy if things go wrong.

Corridan Valkeri |

Since we are talking roles, Corridan would be most interested in that of the Spymaster (DEX or INT, Sense Motive), which I believe suits him both as far as crunch is concerned, as well as fluff and character concept. Of course, I suppose this became quite obvious by my previous posts... :-)
And I do admit that the idea of Telemakos as a puppet Viceroy, especially considering his personality, does make for an interesting and fun idea. Heh heh heh...

Iliante |

The skill ranks are less of an issue at our level. We have a couple of levels to invest in the role that we target.

dien RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16 |

...that's odd, I could swear I had given Penance Profession: Carpentry, ha. But no, there it is on his sheet. *derp* I must have changed my mind at some three in the morning state. I mean, it fits his backstory too, since he worked as a temple guard, but apparently I cannot trust my own memory! Very reassuring.
Anyway, his survival isn't that great (just a +1), but I have no objections to whatever role the party wants Mr. Chip on His Shoulder to be in. :P

DM Jelani |

Sadly, your +1 survival is the highest in the party for a wilderness exploration game (at least initially).
I just picked those six roles as they seemed the best fit for PCs and I planned originally on taking six people. All the roles that have vacancy penalties should be filled, but there are more of them than there are PCs.

Iliante |

Sadly, your +1 survival is the highest in the party for a wilderness exploration game (at least initially).
Hey, now. Iliante has +4 Survival. Thank you very much.

Iliante |

Ah true, I forgot about that. But Iliante's charisma is very low. That's why I went with Penance over him for the leadership suggestion. Also, you're not Aspis.
Absolutely no argument there. Just commenting about Survival.

Telemakos Ogeo Krostumolis |

Jelani, I read a couple of threads and most say that the following question has no official answer but is a GM call.
Does Augment Summoning works with the Summoner Spell-like ability?

Grelfexriplik Delvegribble |

Hey Jelani, before declaring my gear done, I had a firearms question which was buried in the middle of an earlier post. I'll repost it here:
The thing I haven't completed is finishing up gear. Part of that is a Guns question. As I understand it, ammo for advanced firearms will be 1.5GP/shot at first, and will go up to 15GP/shot (minus any shared crafting we do, so presumably 7.5GP/shot) once we get to the island. Is that right? Is there a cheaper way to fire an advanced firearm (short of, say, casting Abundant Ammunition)? My hope is that Grel's bombing most of the time, but will use either a gun or a longbow (with or without alchemical allocation) sometimes too. Trying to decide whether it's worth the cost to have his backup be a firearm.

Iliante |

That's correct, and no there's not a cheaper way without using some kind of magical assistance.
Hmm. Maybe we can work out friend prices?

Grelfexriplik Delvegribble |

Well Iliante, it seems that any cartridge we don't buy now will cost us at least 7.5GP (the crafting price for advanced ammo in a common guns world, if I'm correct). I don't think there's any lower "friend price" possible (unless this island happens to be a Guns Everywhere locale, which I wouldn't put past Jelani).

DM Jelani |

Alright, Grel has let me know via PM that he's going to back out before we get started, he's not feeling the Colonization thing as much as he thought he would.
We still haven't heard from Khanjar, and I'm in other games with him where he hasn't posted so I'm assuming something bad happened to him IRL. He's not normally like this, but rules are rules. So his ten days are nearly up.
I'm going to ask a couple more of the players from recruitment to join us. Hopefully I won't have to actually recruit a totally new person. In the meantime, the RP drags on. I wouldn't normally hold up the game for new players to join, but if not it won't make sense game wise for them to join once you're on the island, since that's impossible except at the new moon. If I don't hear anything soon, we might be running on a smaller crew.
Sorry for the delay everyone!

DM Jelani |

Good Afternoon my friends,
I am writing you today with some rather unfortunate news. As some of you know I am in the military. Recently a system administrator found that despite me visiting Pazio on my “personal-use” time, due to what was considered “excessive bandwidth” on a “gaming site” I was given a direct order not to access the site from a unit computer. This unfortunately limits my options. I love pbp’s and I love the groups and adventures I interact with. In a way it is a form of escapism for me. However, a direct order is something I can’t scoff at. If I violate it, I would be endangering my advancement (hence a larger paycheck for me and my family). As such I need to take a leave of absence from the pbp forums until I can gain access to a personal computer. This will take some time. Due to the sensitive nature of what I do, I am not at liberty to say when I will post again, but I assure you all I am coming back and I would request that you remain patient with me in the interim. For some campaigns I have spent months and months playing with you all and I have no intention of quitting, but at this present time, I can’t interact with this website. That said, while I would be deeply sad should you wish to remove me from the campaigns, or leave the ones that I run, I would understand. This is a hard thing to swallow, but it cannot be avoided or circumvented.
I will return as strong as ever, perhaps more so because of a need to catch up. For what it’s worth I am sorry; this is out of my hands. I’ll check back when I can, as soon as I can and pop my head in so you all know I have not simply left.
So, I'm not going to kick him. But he won't be joining us initially. I've played with the guy a lot and I like him, so whenever he does come back I'll find a way to work him into the story when it's convenient.

Iliante |

Just have him manage the slaves as an NPC. We need NPCs in the kingdom anyway. Then, when he returns the PC light on his head will illuminate.

Telemakos Ogeo Krostumolis |

Sorry to see Grel gone and Khanjar delayed... but at least Telemakos does not have to bunk with either.
Jelani, a question: most summoned creatures get the Celestial/Fiendish/Enthropic/Resolute template applied to them. These templates come with DR 5/opposite alignement and Smite Opposite alignment special qualities.
How do they work in your alignemnt-less campaign?

Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas |

Didn't want to step on any toes or go into to much detail. But Emerion has high mods in both Knowledge (planes) and Knowledge (local) so he should know what Yamakawa is in detail. Or rather he not?
P.S. Now Mr. Corridan we all have our reasons, aw excuse me plain simple Corridan was it not. ;)

Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas |

I got ninja'ed but that's what I get for stopping halfway in my post to shower. Well I think it does not need to be edited more then a little.
P.S. I just find it a little funny that the tailor and trapper could be bunk mates. xP

Corridan Valkeri |

Actually, there is an ulterior motive behind Corridan's suggestion that he shares a cabin with Telemakos. The gnome seems to him the least attentive and most absent-minded among them -no offense, Telemakos- and considering Corridan's true skillset and various concealed weapons, he believes that bunking with the gnome would be the least risky choice as far as keeping certain things about himself secret is concerned, for now at least.

DM Jelani |

Way to play down that 13 charisma Nim (x_x)'
Before I just looked at your sheet I assumed I was going to see an 8 or 6 with the way he acts. Why so confrontational? He's definitely not coming off as three steps more suave than the average guy. Is is because his servants are a particularly touchy subject with him?
Edit:To be clear, I'm not saying don't do it. Just curious.

Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas |

Yeah saying he has a harem and captured slaves rather then servants was not going over well with him. There was a reason I picked those ethnic groups after all. As their master any compliant against them falls on him as well so Penance's reaction was provoking.
Emerion just got here and is greeted by a loud moody half orc that is insulting him, in a roundabout method by his view. Make sense or should I adjust his RP a bit?

Penance, Servant of Abadar |

For the record, Penance was not actually intending to be specifically insulting to Emerion and/or his servants. A man comes aboard a ship with two beautiful women, and at least part of the way along has created a specific disguise in which they are draped over his person like courtesans... if nothing else, it's acknowledgment of the front that Emerion was projecting before he chose to drop his disguise. Secondly, in a culture like Katapesh's, as our GM has reminded us, slavery is not seen as inherently evil, so for Penance to comment on a perceived master/slave relationship is not an insult, but can certainly be chosen to be received as such if you want to go that way. On the whole, though, Penance was intending to make a gruff, off-the-cuff observational comment, such as he has made to everyone else in the party.
I recognize that the fact that I did not INTEND it to be as insulting as Emerion has taken it is outside of my control. :P That's the nature of RP (and human interaction in general): what one person thinks is a mildly snarky comment can come off far stronger than meant. Which is fine.
However, directly calling someone brutish, slow-minded, an 'it' (and therefore, sub-human/not a 'person'), with an additional invocation of orc heritage, seems like a fantastic way to escalate ambiguous insult to unquestionable insult.
I've got to run around for part of the day so I can't toss up a worthy reply of Penance right now, but I'll get one up later. Once I figure out how to avoid some PVP. ;)

Emerion "Nim" Nimlaidas |

Well hopefully Penance get's the reason why Emerion is insulted and gets that he is not as slimy as the average guy would be in his position. Not that I deny he is a snake, just a certain kind of snake. Still he could just insult him back missing the reason. Who knows, may need to adjust him a bit depending on how things go. x)
Regardless Emerion won't make a physical move so no worries from me on that end. Not his way to get into a fight over an insult.

Penance, Servant of Abadar |

Penance has never thought Emerion is particularly 'slimy'. Slave-ownership, and pleasure-slave-ownership, is a common fact of life in his universe-- not one he personally really likes, but it's something he accepts as being completely 'normal' to the populace at large.
Hence it not being intended as a particular insult when he said it, merely an incorrect observation.
And if Emerion is definitely not a racist/bigot, then he probably would have done better to leave out the words 'orc kin' from his insult to Penance. Calling someone a 'brute' shows how you feel about their intelligence. Calling a half-orc a 'brutish orc kin' brings race into it, just as surely as calling someone a 'thieving [insert ethnicity here]' would read as racist in modern parlance.

Telemakos Ogeo Krostumolis |

Telemakos could chit-chat about clothes and fine lifestyle for the whole lenght of the trip. Get him into some action if you want him to be speechless...